The Remnant Online

Testimony and Prayer => Prayer => Topic started by: Laurie Mosher on July 15, 2000, 01:15:00 PM

Post by: Laurie Mosher on July 15, 2000, 01:15:00 PM
   I am aware that all prayer requests are urgent, I would like to address this  thread for " VERY OR EXTREMELY URGENT REQUESTS".

David Battler (davidincalgary), a fellow Canadian emailed me the following request this morning and I quote:

I have a friend whose wife just dumped him and the kids. The Grandmother took the kids today to a place in alberta (Canada) called Pine Lake to give the kids a break.  We are just receiving  news reports of a wild tornado that touched down in the area. There wee 6-700 trailers in this area; and as the news reports put it: 'Very few of them are standing.' Right now we can't get through to the Grandma. We know that there were deaths, but we don't know how many or who, and it is being reported that there are ' hundreds injured'.

I can't begin to imagine the grief that this guy is going through; but he and his children and Grandma needs our prayers....

 I will keep you posted on developments.

Please share this request with your prayer church warriors.

 "The joy of the Lord will be your strength." (Neh.8:10).

 Your brother in Christ

 David T. Battler. "

YES David, we most assuredly will keep all involved in this tragedy in our prayers..

 Having driven through the middle of a Tornado when I lived in California, it IS a VERY TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE (from one who knows). Let us pray.

 Dear Heavenly Father,
 We pause right now to ask Your special blessing upon this family consisting of father , children and Grandma. O God You know the heartache that the young father is going through, and You hold the keys to understanding the purpose for such tragedies. Father God, may they see that it is Satan who is causing the disasters. We know that Your Holy Spirit is being withdrawn, for in Your word it has been prophesied that such will happen just before Jesus comes again.

 Father, I ask, that the family will have the peace of knowing that You are with them, and that "all things work together for good, to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose!

  Father, I pray, that Your will be done, in Jesus' name and for His sake, AMEN and AMEN.

 Keep "the" faith!
Bro. Laurie

Post by: Richard Myers on July 15, 2000, 09:47:00 PM
Amen, Brother Laurie.  I was thinking of Brother David as I realized how close the Tornado was to Calgary. Itis a small world and we suffer with our brothers and sisters as they suffer. May God protect the young children and may this sad experience draw their mother and father close to our Saviour.  All things will work together for good to those who love the Lord.  Last report I heard there were nine killed and one was a two year old. May God comfort the parents and all of those who have lost members of their family.

In His love and grace,   Richard

Post by: Gerry Buck on July 17, 2000, 05:52:00 AM
It is sad when these things happen to people, but especially to young ones.

We thank you that you care for us, and that you allow us to serve as care givers here on this world, but, some times we don't know what to do or what needs to be done.

Thank you for the provision of prayer, for the ability to bring our petitions to you, and to receive the strength to do as is needed.

Father we lift up these children of yours, asking that you would be with them all, guiding them in this hour.
Protect them, and, according to your will, bring them together safely.

So much pain and destruction, but it is a sign of the nearness of your return.
Help us to be ready and to guide others to you thatthey may be ready also,
In Jesus precious name we ask it all,

Abstain from ALL  appearence of evil. 1Thess.5:22
Gerry B.

Post by: Filipe Reis on July 25, 2000, 04:24:00 PM
Dear friends!
I believe I've told you about this project wich is taking place in my church, Canelas, of putting people in small groups during the week, in some members house's. This has been proving to be just great!
In my group, there were three non adventists. One of them is Mr. Martins, the father of Sofia Carvalho, the house's owner's wife. We were told about Mr. Martins' son, Jorge, who is a drug addicted. He is very bad, and no treatment is worthing for him. Then, we prayed a lot for him, 'cause there no doubt that at the point Jorge reached, there's no human who can help him no more. Only the Son of God can do something!
Please, join us! He is in a dead end! His only light is Jesus, but Jorge doesn't still know what He can do for him.
And, if you don't mind, pray for the other two visitors we had: Mr. Manuel and his son Cesar. They were very happy at these meetings, nad asked us to continue. They also ask to pray for Mr. Manuel's wife who never joined us.
Thank you very much. The attention you've been paying me, fills my heart with joy! Filipe Reis, Portugal.
Post by: Laurie Mosher on July 26, 2000, 02:56:00 AM
  Dear Heavenly Father,
 We come to You through the Person of Your Son Jesus asking for intervention in the life of "Jorge", who is drug dependent. Father God, please, we ask that You will step into his life, and turn him around, that he can be freed from this bondage of Satan. Father God, You are the Great Physician, and You ONLY are able to deliver any/all of us from Satan's snares. O God, we ask that each and all of us might realize our true and great need of knowing You and Your plan in each of our lives. Thank You Father for hearing and answering prayer,and this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son, and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, AMEN and AMEN!
 Keep "the" faith!
Bro. Laurie
Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 04, 2000, 04:06:00 AM
 I just received this email and will pass it along for you to intercede also. Thanks. Laurie

Dear Brother Laurie
Firstly thanks for filling in. We have an urgent prayer request from one of our church ladies, Heather. Her father is in hospital in intensive care. Had an operation that has apparently gone wrong with his bowel. it was leaking after the first one last week and was operated on again last Monday and has been in the ICU since. His name is Jim Clyde and is in his mid seventies. Please could you put it on the prayer requests. If you read in the testimonies section I have told about Heather and how she had not been to church for over 15 years and rang up on Sabbath morning and asked could she come along and has been for the last three years. Jim's wife Hazel would also like our prayers at this time.
Heather has a big task as she looks after her three young grand kids who at times are not the easiest kids to manage, with a young 12 year old of her own. Her husband is a truck driver so most of the time she does it by herself. She really does need our prayers.
Rudi another church member thanks everyone for their prayers as he is now able to drive.
God bless

  Dear Heavenly Father!
 We approach Your throne of grace, asking that You- the Great Physician- will intervene in Heather's father, Jim Clyde. Father God, Heather has jsut started returning to worship with Your people, and we all ralize, that Satan is endeavoring to instill discouragment and distrust in You. Father, may You overrule and displace the evil one. O God our fortress, in You do we trust. Increase our faith, that we can stand stronger in Your power and might.

 Thank You for helping Rudi and we give You all the praise.
May Your will be done, and may we be strengthened also, in Jesus Name and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

Keep "the" faith!
 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 10, 2000, 03:05:00 AM
   Sister Clara Crooks sent me the following email. Please remember this man and his family in your daily prayers:

> "Cam Mission (Bruce Bauers)" <>,
> >
> > Subject: Fw: Prayer needed for missionary David> > I received this email from a good friend of mine who is working as a
volunteer teacher for the church in the Ivory Coast, North Africa.
> She has been told about the following missionary in Thailand who is very ill
and needs our prayers.  Please take the time to read this and pray for David Allen.
Thanks,  Derrylea
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
  Please take some time to pray and email this to  other Christians. It's important to pray for our dear Brothers and Sisters around theworld. Ezekiel David Allen is a young missionary on the  Chiang Mai, Thailand
mission team. He is critically ill with an unknown parasite and apparently  WILL DIE WITHIN TWO MONTHS unless there is an intervention by the  Lord.Please help create a global blanket of prayer for David,
Michelle and  their 4 month old daughter, Brianna.
  From: David Allen
My condition is serious now. The body is beginning  to  break down because I have no more fat or nutrient reserves. My diet consists mostly of vegetable broth, Gatorade
and  saltine crackers. I tried homemade bread a few weeks ago and ended up in the
emergency room. I am in constant  pain  and have taken pain killers regularly. The severe diarrhoea has continued for 7 weeks and I have> been in the  emergency  room 5 times.
in the last 3 days there have been  sharp pains in my kidneys, so they are running tests to see if  my kidneys are infected.
So far, 8 doctors have not been able to diagnose the parasites.  One lab in Dallas thought they had a positive diagnosis (a rare  parasite  called cryptosporidium), but the Public  Health Centre of Disease Control in Houston said it was an  incorrect diagnosis. They have found 2 foreign agents, but no one has ever seen them before  or can identify
them. One is a parasite and  the other looks more like an amoeba. One of the effects of the parasites is  to prevent my GI tract from absorbing nutrition.  The CDC in Atlanta is 3-6 months behind, so they  cannot help in time.  My doctors are trying everyone else. They are in contact  with one of the top infectious disease doctors in Thailand,
and  several of the experts here in the states. I believe that the pictures of the parasites are to  be passed around  until someone can identity them. I am not doing well.  I feel like  I am in a very dark
valley right  now. I have been praying for so long for help with no response, that I  have become discouraged in prayer. This is a  first for me in my life. Michelle and my parents are  being a tremendous support for me,  but they are having a hard time seeing me suffer so  much. My prayers  now are very
elemental "Father, save  me!"  But  the pain continues each day and I continue to lose weight. Please pray  not only for my body, but for my spirit.
I have not known fear like  this before.  I don't want to be fearful, and I don't need to be fearful because  I am  confident in my salvation. I think my fear is related more to  the  thought of not being with my wife
and the new baby. This was  the  happiest time of my life before I> became sick.
 David Allen

 We are encouraging everyone we know to lift up David  and his family before  the Lord of Lords. Please forward this message to  those you think  will join  us in this global chain of prayer.  Thanks,
 Southern Africa Regional Office
PO Box A-614, Avondale

"Thanks God for granting me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and,  the wisdom to know the difference."

Well folks, there it is.

  Dear Father in Heaven,
 Father , we bring this young misionary and his family before Your throne of grace, asking that You will intervene and save this young man's life as he continues to minister for You. Father You are the Great Physician, and have All Power. Please Father, take away David's pain and give him the reassurance that You are able to save "even to the uttermost".
 All of us know that the devil is the one who causes these afflictions, but we also know that You have defeated the devil, and please  help David and His family. Most of all Father, may Your will be done./ In Jesus name and for His sake, Amen and Amen!

Keep "the" faith!
 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Richard Myers on August 10, 2000, 10:00:00 AM
My heart goes out to our brother and his family.  May God turn his great trial in a victory. Is he a Seventh-day Adventist? Can we get an email address for him?


Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 11, 2000, 02:09:00 PM
  Dear Brothers and Sisters. Here is ANOTHER request from Sr. Clara Crooks:

Edy Holm. Tomorrow at 2 PM California time he will be going to UCLA Hospital for a test with the Usher's Syndrom Doctors to find out
how much sight he has lost so far during this year. (He has RP: Retinitis Pigmentosa).It's always sad to see his mother finding out that he lost more sight every year. And she is already sick antecipating tomorrow's results.

Also, they will take a blood test to see if he could be elegible for an implant of a chip in his brain to  be able to see better - but the problem is that he has to see enough before considering such an operation.
Oh, I am so said  of seeing my dear dear nephew all his life suffering...He
is also completely deaf. You might be wondering if I could be exagerating, but with
Edy..I hardly ever found the common mistakes that I did and that his sister and many teens did during a life time...He is so special, so neat..I wish you could meet him some day.
Ok, I will go now, just wanted to present this request to you, and to ask you to please take it to the Lord in prayer.
Sorry to always ask you so many prayer requests..

Thank you so very much
Your sister in Christ

 Dear Heavenly Father,
we present to You this young man with so many problems. Father, we are so tired of hearing about all the problems that Satan causes. And again we ask that You would intervene and bid the devil and his demons depart from our loved ones, that they can be restored to health again.
 Father, we long for the day, when there will be no more sickness or death, a time when our loved ones will be restored to wholeness again. Father please be with Eddy Holm that he will be able to be eligible for further tests and improvements. May Your will be done, and may Jesus come soon!! In His Name and for His sake, Amen, and Amen!
Keep "the" faith!
 Bro. Laurie

[This message has been edited by Laurie Mosher (edited 08-11-2000).]

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 12, 2000, 04:35:00 AM
Heather thanks you for your prayers, her father is out of ICU but still in hospital
Post by: JuJu on August 12, 2000, 07:16:00 PM
I have a unspoken, urgent request for my family.  Please lift us up to the Father's throne.  Thank you so much.
Post by: Richard Myers on August 12, 2000, 08:23:00 PM
Heavenly Father, JuJu has faith in the power of prayer. We ask you to hear our prayers for this family. We come in the name of Jesus and ask not because we are worthy, but because He is. We seek the salvation of this family and ask that you would order things that would reveal your care and concern for their family.  We pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 13, 2000, 07:14:00 AM
   Amen Br. Richard and JuJu.

 I have just received the following "Praise Report" in answer to prayer, and also another request from Sister Clara.

 Dear brother Laurie,

Thank you for your kind words of hope and strength!  Edy has his sight checked and praise God that his sight didn;t get worst during this last year. He has done the blood tests and we are awaiting for the results.
I don't know about Mr. David's health condition yet. I do not know him, but I've asked a missionary couple who first had sent me the e-mail about Mr. David to tell me how he is doing. I will let you know.
Thank you once more

Dear brother Laurie,
If I am not burden you with too many prayer requests, I would like to ask you to please pray for my parents as they are crossing the ocean today and tomorrow to come stay with us in US. Their health, special my mother's is in very poor condition. Her heart is very enlarged, she suffers from ashma and many other problems which makes it very hard for her to walk and to breath! She has been such an example of faith and all through the years we have seen God at work in her heart!
Thank you once more
With gratitude

Dear heavenly Father!
 I thank You that You hear my prayers. Father, we bring before Your throne of Grace, Sister Clara's parents as they prepare for theis sea voyage. Father, I personally know what an affliction Asthma is , and I just ask that Clara's mother can be free from this lung condition. May they travel safely as Your angels go before them, and may they arrive soon with their loved ones waiting. Thank You father for hearing our prayers. In Jesus Name and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

Keep "the" faith!
 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 19, 2000, 01:50:00 PM
I called into see Jim Clyde (Hearher's father) on the Adventist appeal. He came out of hospital last Tuesday, feeling much better but still needs our prayers as he was on a ventillator when I was there. He thanked me for all the prayers that were prayed on his behalf and is very happy to be home.
Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 19, 2000, 06:14:00 PM
   Amen! Praise the Lord for hearing prayer!

Keep "the" faith!
 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 21, 2000, 12:38:00 PM
I have a prayer request that has become urgent, we need rain. We are on tank water and our tank is down to about six inches of drinking water. It has never run dry. We have turned off the hot water service to conserve what we have left. Not only us but Heather is also very low. (all the town is low) She takes her washing into town and uses the local laundrymat to save on her small supply. Our dam is low but will hokld out for another six months. We use that for everthing bar drinking. The main dam that suplies the town is less than 40% full, it will become very critical for them in six months.

Father in heaven we now pray for the refreshing rains that are most needed in our area and as a result of the rain may the people here realize the all of these gifts are from you.
We ask this request through the precious blood of Jesus our Saviour.


Post by: Liane H on August 21, 2000, 01:00:00 PM
I wish for all of you to pray for me in one thing.  I talk to God, I study His word, but I have always been a hard thing for me to just get right down and pray for others and myself.  

Part I think has been because at church I do not hear the prayers, so I get turned off or I just pray my own.  When I am in a group I have the same problem. So I just don't pray.  I do not have a problem with asking others to pray for me or others, I just have this problem.  

Please pray for me to have the courage to learn how to pray on a daily basis.  To participate in the prayer group on the forum. I find it hard to find the words sometimes.

Dear Lord:

Please help me to have the courage to learn how to speak to you in prayer.  To accept that I do not need to hear what others say and be content to talk to you.  I don't just want it to be anymore me talking away on the to work, for reading the Bible, I want to learn to speak to you with my own words for myself and others.

Thank you God for all the blessings I have received from knowing you. God I am ashamed that I have let this part of my relationship not grow. Take this humble effort of mine and accept these words from my heart.


Post by: Richard Myers on August 22, 2000, 07:55:00 AM
Brother Clive, having been to your part of the world, I can understand the seriousness of the situation.  Let me share with those that are not familiar, that many homes collect rain  water from off their roofs. When there is no rain, there is no water.

In my part of the world we get our rain in the winter which is coming soon. Do you not get your rain in the summer which is coming soon?

Dear heavenly Father, you are so good to us, the children of men. Thank you for providing all of our needs. We bring the situation in Queensland, Australia to your attention and ask you to bless them with the needed rainfall that they may have their crops and water to drink and clean. We understand there are some that will abuse your blessings, but we know that you continue to bless them as well as your faithful servants. Please cause the rain to fall upon this dry and thirsty land that your people may continue to be a light in this dark part of the world.

We also ask you pour out your Spirit upon our Brother and his family and his church that they may be your witnesses. We want to hasten the soon coming of Jesus. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Richard Myers on August 22, 2000, 08:03:00 AM
Sister Liane, your prayers are beautiful. I remember the difficulty that Ellen White spoke of when she first began to pray publicly. Jesus is the One who gives us the words to speak as we learn to look to Him. The more we see our need of Him and turn to Him for whatever we need, the more He will give.  

You are seeking Him and in turn He is leading you. Do not grow weary, do not trust in feelings, just keep moving forward seeking Christ. Ask for the Holy Spirit before you pray and you can claim the promise that He will be given.  

In His His love and grace,    Richard

ps....Brother Laurie is very busy and I am helping him out. He will adding his prayers also. Lord we add our prayer for Brother Laurie and ask you to encourage him today as he encourages us so often with his prayers, amen.

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 22, 2000, 10:08:00 AM
Brother Richard our rain should come in the summer, it did last year. To date this year we have had 13 inches to the same time last year we had 32 inches. We have big dams to the NW of us that supply Brisbane and they have enough water there to last them 10 years without rain. We only have our own supply and are not able to tap into there water at all.

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 22, 2000, 10:13:00 AM
There is a hymn in our church hymnal, # 505, which says "We need the prayers of those we love." It has beautiful words.

Father we do indeed need the prayers of those we love and now we pray that you will be with Sister Liane and Brother Laurie, bless them, we want to encourage both of them.


Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 22, 2000, 06:51:00 PM
  Thank You Brothers and Sisters for your prayers and support. Our family is in transition (My wife's parents who have been living with us are returning to live in British Columbia-a mere 4000 miles west). Bev (wife) is returning with them for about 1-2 months to set up housekeeping and help in future helpers. So it has been quite interesting in this household for the past 3 weeks!!!! Quite frankly I'm weary. That's the reason I haven't been so active. I appreciate SO MUCH Richard and Clive's support for me, and when things slow down (next week), I hope we're back to normal.

Keep "the" faith!
 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Joan Rügemer on August 23, 2000, 03:06:00 AM

    Rain. For you Clive, and your family it's an existance question. I was struck with the seriousness of such a situation. I read the prayer topic, rejoiced in the love and concerns of the brethern, and logged off the forum. I was just so moved by your request for rain. Water. I had to pray about it first and meditate. It is such a matter of course in my everyday life. We are so watered soaked with high water ground levels and rivers and enough damms and rain and reserviors.

I lived in Arizona 10 years. I know how I wished to get away back then what with not trusting the sources of water there. All was much to dependant on the Colorado river and Hoover dam. All was so hot and everywhere was air-conditioning and electricity dependant on water works. I sensed an enviromental very shakey living existance.

Your living in an autonomous area of your own is very appealing at first glance. The getting ready for last turn of the year Dec31 to Jan 1 had a blessing for us here at home in disguised. We have now because of the separate bottles of gas for cooking and heating, and enough batteries for the special hunting aku flash lights, well set for utilities failures. We always have distilled bottles of water now in the storage shed ready for need. Because I had enough dry goods for three months stored I was able to have enough monthy household money left over the first three months of the year to then afford a special something which I have been putting off getting for years.

I still have awe and amazement thinking over the fact that the same Jesus I worship is the same Jesus you worship and his loving me is not a iota less of His loving you. In his loving you the bare facts of your personal life is of importance to Him as intense as it is in your mind when you ponder about it. Making practical decisions in the course of life, grow in intensity the more we hold increased number of responsibilities.

I use to think that what I can't do myself I'll talk to God about. He'll fix it. After all He's there to show his loving care for me, right ? Then I grew into awareness of how the puny spontaneous selfish workings of people hinder the netwoking of God's bigger plan which covers a larger amount of time space to reach many individual goal in personal lives of those who commited their lives to Him. I saw then that my daily will and plans must be in harmony with His purposes and plans for my area of life. So daily morning and evening praying to him about the smallest items is a very important habit. And regarding others, wellll, ....I saw then I wanted not to be an annoyance to His bigger scope of plans for a person by putting a patch of temporary  alleviatation of pain, discomfort, fear. I could do that through pragmatic suggestions of doing this or that. I could do so by using personal influence with others to get them to do something practical in way of help for the ones I am worrying about. I could even myself supply the missing material or financial goods needed. But then it dawned on me if even doing 'good' I may well be misguided and hindering the broader scope of plan for the character building of faith in Him that God has wanted for that individual. It's all such a tricky business this 'doing good' part of the walk in the kingdom.

You're a man of sound judgement and know when the time is ripe to move to a better living quarter for the sake of food and water  (me turning to look out the picture window at the lush scucculent green of the lawn and healthy darker green huge fir and leafy trees and wishing you were all capable of moving next door to me in the cottage up for sale :)  )

I know that praying together binds together. And if we're to keep that famous often used quote of 'press together brethern' from Sr. Ellen alive and active among us here on forum then I too should start taking part in praying with and for you all. So here I come......


Post by: Joan Rügemer on August 23, 2000, 03:08:00 AM
Our father in heaven, I approach you in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.

You, our almighty Father of creation, have made a covenant with Clive, your son in Jesus Christ. He is now walking in faith in this covenant of standing before you in righteousness according to the being, purpose and act of our Lord Jesus. Your kingdom is in his heart. I am now kneeling in my heart in your presence, believing in your complete control of all nature, presenting before you with heartfelt compassion for his need of rain for living needs at his place there in Queensland. Please, I ask you in belief, let the rains come to meet his and his neighbours needs for their households. Please, let the animals have relief from thirst that are also living wild around about.
Thank you Jesus, ....amen.

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 25, 2000, 12:31:00 PM
Received two letters yesterday in the mail, one from Jim and Hazel Clyde, thanking us for our prayers and the visit last Sabbath afternoon. But a more urgent one that I would like to bring to your attention. It was from the local school, Aratula State Primary School. The teacher shared with us that one of the Teacher Aids has just be diagnosed with cancer and asked us to rember her in our prayers. Her name is Shirlene Worth. I guess about 45 years of age with grown up kids. They gave no details about the type of cancer but I know from time to time she has been sick and has been in hospital when it has been bad but now found out it is cancer.

Our Father in heaven at this time we bring to our friend Shirlene and ask that your healing hand will restore her back to full health, that that through this experience your truth will be made known to Shirlene and her family. We pray for her family, husband and children. Asking that tour Will, will be done. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


Post by: Richard Myers on August 26, 2000, 06:40:00 AM
Heavenly Father, I would like to add to our brother's prayer.  You have entrusted to your people a knowledge of health that provides a way to reach the hearts of those you are seeking to save. I pray that you would provide a way for our brother to minister to this family by bringing to them a knowledge of your health prinicples and why it may be that this illness has come upon their family.

We thank you that you love us and have given us such great light in regards to our health. It is so sad to see so many suffering in the world because of an ignorance of your health principles, especially with cancer and especially the innocent children that do not choose to follow their own way.  We pray that you will use this situation in this family's life to bring them into a close relationship with you through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, amen.

Post by: Elder John Thurber on August 27, 2000, 08:26:00 AM
From John and Patsy Thurber -

Our son in law Gary Juhasz is in his early forties, and his teens were filled with drug addiction. He has been clean for many years, and after that time he met our daughter and they married. He has no religious background, but a fine young man today. Without any symptoms at his last check up he was told that he had Hepatitis C.  Most likely from needles through his teen years. Our daughter also had a difficult time through her teens, and they met at AA they have had a good marriage, yet our daughter has had a lot of guilt since her teen years. He has been given five years to live, and my daughter is fragile and we are wanting God to intervene for our kids. I believe in the prayers of God's people and ask you to put them on your prayer list for His will to be done. Thank all of you for your love and prayers. John and Patsy

Post by: Joan Rügemer on August 27, 2000, 11:35:00 AM
I always expect to get shocked coming into this sector of Remnant. I am hardly ever disappointed.

Now my friend John has packed out and shared. I feel awful that the news is so awful. A chronic illness which may shorten the life of a loved one brings all sorts of change in living life. I checked out these sites and can recommend them for a starter.......

It is important that the ray of hope not be cut off for your daughter's husband. Having him sign up with a Hepatitis C email group and chat group is important for the group therapy does help so he won't grubble alone with this. As for now there is no cure for Hep. C. But the liver transplant techniques are getting better. By the time he might need one desparately, either Jesus is already come or the transplant will be a chinch for success. Medical science is making jumps and bounds with new help for otherwise hopeless cases. That 5 year letter of doom can be stretched to 15 if possible through what you learn about on those websites above.
His doctor has probably put him on interferon alfa-2b already. Has he had a second test from another laboratry to confirm the first test result. Maybe it was done on Monday and the lab gal made a mistake ? (grasping as straw now blowing up and away  :(  
Because HCV is transmitted in blood, others may be infected through sharing razors, needles, toothbrushes, or nail files. Has your son-in-law been tattooed ? Through tattooing, body piercing, or acupuncture done by an infected person, one can get the chronic disease also. Just one exposure may be enough to transmit the infection. Before the new ruling to test all donors for Hepatitis C came out in 1989, many have been infected by receiving blood donations. You didn't say about the blood test of your daughter. This too needs to get done to see if he has infected her. If she has been released from her AA problem then guilt needn't ride her back anymore at all when she has talked to Jesus and accepted forgiveness. Do talk to her about this.

My love to you. May the Lord keep the two of them in the spiritual blessing that is over your family because of your head being Jesus and you are the head of your wife and the children become a special blessing as shown in the bible.


Post by: Joan Rügemer on August 27, 2000, 11:37:00 AM
May the Lord God our Creator be praised ! You who have changed us and given us the promised Holy Spirit are the source of our upward look of wonder and amazement. We smile and say, yes! We believe in you and your restoring power, your healing power, your saving power. My heart is bowed and my hands lifted up with loud voice of supplication for John's child and her husband. I see the stories in my mind of those coming to you in Galilee for healing. All who you touched while on earth was healed of their disease. I ask you in the love of the heart you have for your children, by faith I ask, that the chronic illness will not separate that man from your Grace for salvation but increase his faith in you. I pray for the salvation of his soul to be steady in your hands. I pray for the salvation of both of them to be steady and that they will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord's atonement for them. May the stream of faith in Jesus be the source of his wholeness. When the time of healing is to take place may you Jesus be the one who heals him with your touch. I believe in you.
The Lord be praise. I pray to the father God in the name of Jesus Christ. amen
Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 28, 2000, 06:22:00 PM
Yes Brother John and Sister Patsy, I will add YOUR dear ones to my prayer list, and thank
                   you for the opportunity of allowing us to be Intercessor Prayer Warriors.

                   Dear Heavenly Father,
                   You invite us to come into Your presence and have given us the Bible promise that You
                   will hear us, and answer according to Your will. Father, I come to You, right now, in the
                   Person of Your Son Jesus Christ who is interceding on our behalf as we ask this in Your
                   name. Father God, You have seen and heard the prayers and pleas of these Your children
                   who have been Co-Laborers for You in their ministry, And Father, I would ask that You
                   would step in right now and rebuke the evil one for allowing this sickness. Yes, we know
                   that sometimes we bring diseases upon ourselves, but we also realize that when Jesus
                   was on earth, He healed ALL types of diseases. And He has promised that all who will call
                   upon His Name will be heard. Thank You Father for these precious Bible promises, and
                   please increase our faith, so that Jesus will be glorified, and Your people edified. And
                   Father, may Jesus come soon, so that we all can be freed from the curse of sin. We will
                   be in heaven with You, and all Your family throughout the ages. There will be no more
                   death, sickness or tears. Keep us faithful, I pray in the Precious and Most Wonderful
                   nasme of all names, JESUS. AMEN and Amen!
                   Keep "the" faith!

Post by: Richard Myers on August 28, 2000, 08:18:00 PM
Heavenly Father, our brother and sister have a burden on their hearts and have shared it with us as you are well aware. We thank you for encouraging them to share their burden with us. You have told us there is power in prayer and we can say, amen. You are faithful. We come to you in the name of Jesus asking you to use this situation to your honor and glory. We don't know any of the details, but you know them all. Please work in this family to draw them closer to you. If there be anything that is causing any distance from you in their lives, we ask you to reveal your great love that they may draw very close to you in their time of need. We ask that you give our Brother John and Sister Patsy wisdom to minister to their daughter and her husband as they experience this trial. We know all things work together for good to those who love you. You will turn this great trial to great good as all look to you. We rejoice in knowing that you have answered our prayers, even before we prayed. If healing our brother will bring honor and glory to you and will work to our brother's salvation, we ask you to heal him. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Elder John Thurber on August 29, 2000, 05:50:00 AM
My eyes are moist this morning as I read you outpouring of love in behalf of our children Praise the Lord for your friendship and your most encourageing prayers. God is still incharge and He hears the prayers of the righteous.

Sherry our daughter in her first year of college home for the summer rode with son Gary to the Academy for a conference with the dean for he was to be the head monitor for the dorm. this was one week before school to start. I can't tell the whole story it would be to long. On the way home he was getting sleepy and ask Sherry to drive. She got sleepy to and hit a steel post head on. The docktor gave us no chance of his living. His back was broken and bleeding internally. Praise the Lord He healed him. But sherry has never gotten over it. She feels responsible for all the pain and suffering to her brother. He has some restrictions in walking but has been doing well in the ministry.
She is so fradual, she could end up in a mental breakdown. Her husband has been very good to her and nows how to care for her. So you see they both need healing.

We both must be alert to how we can do as God would have us do concerning their salvation so please pray for us too.

Thank you Lord for our dear friends in the Lord most of whom we have not met in person, but share a common bond in the fellowship of the blessed hope.

They are your children they gave their hearts to you a long time ago. You gave your life for us that we may have life and have it more abundently. They have witnessed Your healing power through prayer for Your will, and I want to thank you Dear Father for their prayers for our children. May the prayers lifted to you bring salvation to our children If you choose to heal them now it would be wonderful, but less important then their salvation.  We know that when we pray for healing it is going to happen either now or at the ressurection of Your children. So we pray first of all for a willing heart to recieve you as their Saviour. Amen

We love you for your friendship and prayers. John and Patsy.  

Post by: Joan Rügemer on August 29, 2000, 08:27:00 AM


...that's all of us around you  :)
When you start melting away because of the radiator warmth of the Love we have for you than just say "Hey, you guy !! Cool it."

  ;D  ;D  :P Joan  :P  ;D  ;D

Post by: charlene on August 29, 2000, 11:05:00 AM
Brother John,
This is my heartfelt assurance that Bob and I will be praying for you and Patsy and all those family members that are certainly touched by this crisis in your family. May the Treatments be guided by a higher authority than mere man and may a victory in Christ be the outcome of the Spiritual and physical needs of your children.  God Bless, in Him is all your strength.


Post by: Daryl Fawcett on August 29, 2000, 06:46:00 PM
Brother Laurie,

I want you to know that my prayers are being sent in your direction during this time.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace

Daryl  :)

Post by: Joan Rügemer on August 29, 2000, 11:25:00 PM
   :o What's the matter with Laurie that we need to petition for him, Daryl ? Did I miss something ?


Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 31, 2000, 04:44:00 PM
  Thank You Daryl. And Joan, just a minor detail.I'm "batching" for a stretch!
 Keep "the" faith
Laurie   :)
Post by: Daryl Fawcett on August 31, 2000, 06:29:00 PM
Let's just pray that the stretch won't be too long.   :)

In His Love, Mercy & Grace

Daryl  :)

Post by: Suzanne on August 31, 2000, 08:53:00 PM
John and Patsy:

Our prayers continue to ascend to the throne of grace in you and your family's behalf. May the Lord answer according to His abundant love and mercy.

Regarding hepatitis C, this info comes from the August, 2000 Prevention magazine.

The Liver Protector.  Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum), an herb, is useful for people with liver disease, those who have abused alcohol or drugs or take liver-damaging prescriptions, those working with toxic chemicals, and those with chronic and acute hepatitis.

How much to take: Dried seed, 1 teaspoon of seeds boiled into a tea; tincture 1:5, 1 teaspoon; fluid extract 1:1, 10 drops; tableted standardized extract, 70- to 210-mg extract standardized to 70 to 80 percent silymarin.

How often: Three times a day

How long: As long as the liver is subject to toxic chemicals, take milk thistle to prevent damage from occurring. It is safe for long term use. Use long term if you have chronic liver disease.

Warning: In excessively large doses, it may cause loose stools when you begin taking it.

Drug interactions: None known

How to buy: Choose products made strictly from the seed of Silybum marianum. The standardized extracts have gained popularity, but the nonstandardized products have worked just as well. Avoid products made from other parts of the plant. When chronic liver disease or chronic exposure to toxins is the problem, milk thistle is the first choice. In a world filled with toxic liver-damaging pollutants, milk thistle is a powerful herbal ally.  --end of article.

John and Patsy, from the info I have been able to gather, this herb is the most powerful and potent liver protector available. Indeed, a friend with cirrhosis of the liver was able to get a clean bill of health simply by using milk thistle. I understand that the medical profession does not have anything that comes anywhere close to yielding the benefits that this herb offers.

Hope this helps some.
Sr. Suzanne  

Post by: Joan Rügemer on September 01, 2000, 01:18:00 AM

How helpful. I'm so glad you knew that and shared. That's real loving concern.


Post by: Joan Rügemer on September 01, 2000, 01:28:00 AM

..'batching for a stretch'.'Batching for a stretch......hmmmm, new talk for me. Sounds like real inside Canadian gibber. I just loooove new expressions.

So I'll leave you two in agreement with your secret understanding and turn to other duties for today, the preparation day, which looks like a lot for me to get done before sundown.
ßßßßß ..these are what we call 'sharp S's'.
Like in the words Spaß(fun),faß(barrel).
We could write the same word as Spass and it is acceptable in print as well.


Post by: Richard Myers on October 19, 2000, 07:43:00 AM
There is an urgent need for the saints to pray for a brother today. It is our privilege to pray for God to strengthen him in his time of trial. That God will be with him and work through him is a prayer that we all can pray. Thank you for taking a moment from around the world to share in our prayer.

Heavenly Father there are multitudes in this world that need special prayer today, but our one brother is upon my heart and I ask that you send an extra measure of your Holy Spirit to work through him in this one day. You know the situation and you know his needs. We leave the circustances to you, but ask for strength for our brother to be your witness today. We pray in the precious name of Jesus who delights to hear our prayers that will bring honor and glory to your name, amen.

Post by: Laurie Mosher on November 17, 2000, 05:30:00 PM
I have just received this very urgent Prayer Request. Because of ICQ problems, Ihave been unable to access TRO until this evening, but am now posting this request.

My dear friends,
I have not been a member of the remnant very long and a member of the remnant online even less, but I've been watching your conversations very closely and find you all very comforting. So I feel at ease to make a special prayer request from you and I hope it's not an imposition.

I've been an Adventist seven years led by the spirit to the Sabbath truth, no one taught me. I fell away from the church after three very trying years. I met a beautiful young woman named ******* who turned my world inside out. After being with her for three years we decided to get married and we
did so after going through net 98 together.
I wanted so much to be the one to bring her to the truth, and after she had confessed believing in the Sabbath and knowing the state of the dead and baptism ect. We got married. We have had some very trying times, and we ended up leaving ****** for ******* to make a new start. We got here in Jan. and
she left me in July.

I believe with all my heart God does not want me to give up on my wife! She is the most special woman I have ever met, in or out of the church she has a gift of making people feel comfortable and loved.During her phone calls she has asked for prayer and claimed to love Jesus.
I need my wife back and she needs me. She's out there in this big city with no family . When Jesus said these kind of demons only respond to fasting and prayer and the spirit
of prophecy says the apostles couldn't cast out the demon because they where too tied up in their own problems that is where I'm at. I've claimed her in faith and she called me, I begged God for her deliverance and she showed me hope, now I'm going for the big one.

I need serious people of God to give me one night of fasting and prayer for a person you may never meet in this lifetime. She needs to be freed from her alcohol problem and we need to be reconciled. She needs to come home and be safe by my side and I need to be a good witness to her. Please will some body give my wife some thought? If you could only meet her, and if you do this maybe you will in heaven. Her name is ******* and I am her humbled husband James  God bless you all and I'll keep you in touch with the outcome.      
Thank you.


Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You in the Person of Your Son Jesus Christ. Dear father, You have answered my prayers so many times, and I continue to Praise and Thank You.  Father, I present to you tonight this special request from Brother James for his dear wife, who has strayed his home. Father , you know the deep concern James has for his wife. Father , I just ask that YOU will answer MY prayer this evening...right now  may Your Holy spirit speak to her heart, and convict her to return home with her husband.

There are so many hurting people in this world, Father, and we ALL so desperately need Your reassurance and loving care in our  lives. Father, we not only ASK, but we Believe and CLAIM Your Promises to us, realizing that if "we ask anything in Your Name, YOU will hear us."

Thank YOU Father for Your precious Bible promises. This I ask in The Name of Jesus and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

Keep "the" faith,BUT pass it around!

Bro. Laurie

[This message has been edited by Richard Myers (edited 11-17-2000).]

Post by: Liane H on November 17, 2000, 06:17:00 PM
Dear Lord God:

Today I come to you asking that you hear my petition in behalf of James and his wife Lord help them through this very difficult time in their lives.  We all know how the world can tug at us and cause us to take turns that are not in our best interest. I ask that you reach into her heart and show her that You are the only way and that James loves her and wishes that she would come back and start a new life in a relationship with You that will give them all they would need to make them happy.

Many of us have been down these same roads and know the pitfalls well.  We pray that she will remember your words Lord and when they have opened her heart that she will pick up that phone and call her husband and tell him that she wants to come home.

But we know Lord that you do not force your will on anyone, they must make this choice of their own mind and heart. So I ask Lord that whatever is to be, that your will is done.

Also, dear God, my thoughts and prayer are still with me regarding Tammy Jo. Please help this family and I pray that this little girl is healed and made well.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord I thank you. Amen


[This message has been edited by Laurie Mosher (edited 11-18-2000).]

[This message has been edited by liane (edited 11-18-2000).]

Post by: Wendy on November 17, 2000, 06:18:00 PM
Lord, we put this family in your hands.
Post by: Richard Myers on November 17, 2000, 07:31:00 PM
Heavenly Father, our Brother James has come to you with a humbled heart asking for your Spirit to minister to his wife. We join with him in asking for this family to found abiding in Jesus. It is not by might nor by power that hearts are won, but by the power of your Holy Spirit. Send an extra measure to Brother Jame's wife and reveal Jesus to her that she might find that peace that passes all understanding.

We know there is an enemy that Brother James and his wife have to battle against, but we know that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Give them both an assurance of your love and your power.

Thank you that our brother has come to share his burden with his family. Bless his faith in the power of prayer. Hear our prayers for his wife, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on November 18, 2000, 03:32:00 AM
Loving Father,

I approach your throne of grace and mercy on behalf of our dear brother James. You know all of the details regarding the pain in his heart. I am thankful that he has seen fit to ask for prayer in this difficulty.

Lord, his wife needs you. Continue to strive with her and help her to be convicted that that the alcohol cannot satisfy her depression. Only you can be the well of water for which she is searching. Give James the wisdom to deal with her when she calls and help them both to understand that the way of the cross leads home.

I beg Father that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide James and his wife into all truth.

I ask this petition in the name of Jesus.


Post by: James Tierney on November 25, 2000, 07:23:00 PM
Dear Friends,
My wife called me last sabbath night after my birthday had ended. She had been drinking but the conversation went well. She said she would call back again. I am very thankful for your prayers and continue to supplicate you for interventive prayer. Our God is righteous and faithful and I know he hears us. Josephine is so sad in her life. I lift her up to the Almighty in hope of redemption and reconcilliation for her and I. I beg for the power of alcohol and the lure of the night life to be broken in the very near future for her.   God bless you all,James.
Post by: Laurie Mosher on November 26, 2000, 07:40:00 AM
Thank You Brother james!
 we are glad that Josephine is still in communication with you. I believe GREATLY in the power of Intercessory Prayer. Perhaps some of us would be able to FAST and PRAY for both of you, if you could tell us when, and if OK.
Remember the prayer of a righteous man (one who has Christ's righteousness) availeth much. James 5:16. Think what a lot of righteous people COULD accomplish! I'll be waiting for your response!

Meanwhile Josephine AND YOU are still in MY prayers DAILY!

[This message has been edited by Laurie Mosher (edited 11-26-2000).]

Post by: James Tierney on November 28, 2000, 03:14:00 PM
 I would be honored if you would join me in fasting for my wife. It thrills me that a perfect stranger ( in Christ ) would even consider such a thing. I will be fasting from sundown to sundown on Sabbath for the salvation of my wife and the reconcilliation of our mariage. Thank you very, very much. If there is anything you need in prayer just let me know and I'll ask for the storehouse to be opened for you.
                                              God bless you. love, brother James.
Post by: Richard Myers on November 28, 2000, 05:54:00 PM
We continue to pray for your situation, Brother James. There is power in prayer. As you continue to draw close to Jesus, He will give you wisdom and strength.  :)

In His love and grace,    Richard

Post by: Clive Nevell on December 04, 2000, 10:40:00 AM
I have been asked by a family at church if we could pray for their son and his wife.
(Rod and Kate)
They have started divorce proceedings this week and would like us to pray for them.
Rod has constant fatigue and pain syndrome which puts a lot of stress on the marriage. Kate is suffering from post-natal depression.
The parents are faithful church members who are not well themslves.
They need our prayers right now. With two young kids it is very hard for all concerned.
Post by: Laurie Mosher on December 04, 2000, 04:45:00 PM
   Let us remember Rod and Kate.
 Dear Heavenly Father,
We present to you this family who are experiencing marital difficulties. Father, You  are the One who instituted marriage as a holy and wholesome relationship. Father God, in this world we live in, we see many of our frinds and church family experiencing stress and discouragment- yes, sickness, and we ask that You, the Great Physician, heal not only our physical needs, but paricularly our Spiritual ones also. Father, as we interceed on behalf of the parents, may Rod and Kate experience Your love and special care for them at this time. May they hold on to Your hands, and not give up their vows to each other. Father, please intervene on their behalf and restore their relationship anew. Thank You Father for hearing this prayer, and
may all Your people everywhere tonite say Amen. This I ask in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, OUR Saviour and Redeemer, and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

Keep "the" faith,BUT pass it around!

 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Laurie Mosher on December 04, 2000, 04:48:00 PM
 Brother James, I just wanted to let you know that there were members in TRO who also participated in the fast for you and your wifes (Jo) reconciliation.
 You are in our prayers DAILY, and we still hold you both before our God's intervention.
Keep walking in the steps of the Master!

Keep "the" faith,BUT pass it around!

 Bro. Laurie

Post by: WendyForsyth on January 01, 2001, 11:18:00 PM
My heart is too heavy to write much. My husband has just informed me that he is leaving me. Trial after trial has hit me over the last few months and this is the topper. I am too heartbroken for words and all I can do is reach out to Jesus. Please, urgent prayer is needed. Pray that the Lord's will be done in this. I don't know what His will is for sure in this, but I can't imagine He wants my family broken up. Satan is the only one who wants families broken up. Please pray that I will rest in the Lord.


Post by: theo on January 02, 2001, 08:57:00 AM

I will pray for you. May Gods will be done.


Post by: Laurie Mosher on January 02, 2001, 03:09:00 PM
Dear  Sister Wendy!
 My words can't express my sorrow for you in this your time of need! I am sad! :(
 I pray that Our Heavenly Father will answer, and give YOU the peace and assurance you require.

 Dear Heavenly Father. I come to YOU in the Person of Your Son Jesus Christ. I come boldly to Your throne of mercy and grace, because You have invited me to do so (Heb.4:16). Father God, our dear Sister Wendy is suffering the threat of a broken marriage, and a husband who is seeking to destroy the marriage relationship vows that he promised to her.
 O Father, what can I say? What can I do? except claim Your Promises that You will never leave or forsake her. Father, please give her assurance of Your continual care and support in spite of the problems she is facing. Your Holy word has given us hope that You will go with us through whatever trial and sorrow.
 Father God, again I ask that Your will be done, and that Wendy's husband will have a change in heart. May Your Holy Spirit convict him in a way that he will respond to Your pleadings. This I ask in Jesus name and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

 Courage Sister Wendy! I have added your name to my family prayer log also.

Post by: Liane H on January 02, 2001, 04:11:00 PM
Dear WendyF:

This news saddens me and my heart goes out to you, I can only imagine what you must be feeling at this time.  The enemy of Christ is always at work.

Dear Lord:

We know that the perfect situations is for a family to stay together and I pray that her husband will stop in his tracks and have second thoughts and through you, Lord, will listen to your voice and let there be healing and communication so that this family may stay together.

Wendy, draw yourself to Him and whatever happens, He will be there for you and so will we in whatever way that you think that we can be of help.


Post by: WendyForsyth on January 02, 2001, 06:21:00 PM
Thank you all for your heartfelt prayers. Throughout this day the Lord has been speaking to me in many ways through many people. All of it says "Be still and know that I am God". "I have my hands in all things, and I have plans for you and your family". Also, I have come to realize that most likely my husband has issues that he needs to deal with that can't be dealt with in the family situation. I am now praying that the Lord will use this time apart to speak to my husband and make him teachable. I pray that all things will work together for good. God knows what He is doing better than any of us, and He will bring me through this one way or another. For certain stronger, not broken.

Thank you all again,
Praise the Lord!


Post by: Richard Myers on January 02, 2001, 09:57:00 PM
Sister Wendy,  we are praying for your family. We know is it God's will for marriage to be permanent, God hates divorce. Stay close to Jesus and He will use you to minister to your husband. All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. The angels and Jesus are with you, even at your right hand.

You have a family around the world that believe as you do. Jesus is coming soon and is speaking to your husband. He has a million ways to answer our prayers that we know nothing of. Faith, my dear sister, faith.

I went through a divorce when my children were five years old. I would not trust my eyes, but continued to claim the promises of God. God did not fail me, but rather kept me close to Him.  Live each day one at a time.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to continue to hear our prayers for this family. Please sustain our Sister Wendy as she looks to you for wisdom and strength. We know that you will do that which you would not have done if we had not prayed. Thank you that our dear sister would share her trial with us, her family. Bless her, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: WendyForsyth on January 08, 2001, 11:48:00 AM
Thank you Richard. I feel that I am only sustained by Christ. Without Him I would surely fall. Collapse from within. My husband and I are talking and meeting together and things look very hopeful. I truly believe that these issues in the past must be dealt with and are a part of God's purification process. My phone line has been out so I haven't been able to get online. But I want you all to know how much it means to me that I am in your thoughts, and even if I can't converse with you, there is a sense of a whole family that I can't see. I should be back online tonight or tomorrow.

God bless,

Post by: Laurie Mosher on January 08, 2001, 02:35:00 PM
Sister Wendy!
You are STILL in MY prayers Too!
God will give YOU the required strength, as long as you keep trusting in Him. My thoughts are with YOU!
Post by: Laurie Mosher on January 08, 2001, 02:40:00 PM
Dear TRO family,
 Ireceived the following email and am posting it! From sister clara Crooks!

A prayer request about my sister Dina. . She was so happy for having her daughter attending La Sierra University. but for the first time ever she had a bad grade in Anatomy. Because of this she lost her scholarship from Sweden.
The girl will not be able to finish her Psychology degree anymore. They came all the way from Sweden because her mother was perceiving bad influences there for her children, and it seems that now Satan is doing all what he can to discourage them from having the girl attending an adventist institution.
So if this is not going to put a burden on you, please pray for this problem. Thank you so much.

Happy Sabbath

 Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to YOU in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Father I come asking for HELP in solving this problem. Father , we know that " all things work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose." (Rom.8:28). Father , I just ask, that Your will will be done, and that the seemingly impossible solutions will be found so that Clara's niece will be able to pursue her studies at LSU. father, I ask this in Jesus Name and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

Keep "the" faith,BUT pass it around!

 Bro. Laurie

Post by: Laurie Mosher on January 08, 2001, 02:49:00 PM
Dear TRO Family!
 I have just received a request from Charlene (former Moderator of TRO). her husband Bob had emergency surgery yesterday , and  he needs special prayer.

 Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, who is representing me before Your  throne of mercy and grace.
Father I present to You Bob , Charlene's husband, and ask that You will intervene and restore him to health .  Give Charlene the strength and support also. Father we look forward to the time when there will be no more pain or sickness, and we just ask that Jesus will come soon, and take us home.
 Thank You Father for hearing my prayer, in Jesus Name and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

Keep "the" faith,BUT pass it around!

 Bro. Laurie

[This message has been edited by Laurie Mosher (edited 01-10-2001).]

Post by: Laurie Mosher on January 11, 2001, 02:38:00 AM
Charlene AND Bob, You BOTH are still in OUR (Bev & I) prayers!


Post by: charlene on January 11, 2001, 05:24:00 AM
thanks Laurie for your prayers.....Bob seems to be doing better now and may come out of ICU by tomorrow.  I appreciate your concern and thanks to Bev and your prayers.God is good.   Love to you both,


Post by: Richard Myers on January 11, 2001, 06:59:00 AM
Sister Charlene, we are also praying for Bob.  God is good and He will do the very best for you and Bob. As we draw close to Him, He will work with us. We are so blessed to have such a great knowledge in the area of health. We pray that God will keep both you and Brother Bob in good health.  Please give our love to Him and let him know that we are praying for his speedy recovery.

In His love and grace,   Richard

Post by: Wendy on January 11, 2001, 01:14:00 PM
I don't get over here as much as I should so it might be a bit belated but I'd like WendyF to know I'll be praying for her and I'll be praying for you Charlene and Bob.   :)

Maranatha! :)

[This message has been edited by Wendy (edited 01-11-2001).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on January 11, 2001, 11:05:00 PM
Thank you so much Wendy. It doesn't matter late or early, your prayers are treasured.


Post by: WendyForsyth on January 11, 2001, 11:15:00 PM
Brother Laurie,

I think I figured out what "batching" is. I hope all is well. Maybe you can relate to my experience more than I realized? You are in my prayers and thoughts as well. Thank you so much for your intercession.

God bless,

Post by: avkumpel on January 14, 2001, 03:42:00 PM
Don't know whether or not to classify this prayer request as urgent but I guess this is where it will be posted...

My name is Alipio Vaz Kumpel, Jr. and I am a 24-year-old student at Southern Adventist University where I am currently completing my senior year.  I will be graduating this May, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, pre-medicine.  
Just this past December 14th, 2000, I was notified of my acceptance into the Loma Linda University School of Medicine as a member of the freshman entering class of 2001.  Needless to say, I was ecstatic.  Since accepting God’s calling for my life 4 years ago to become a medical missionary I have sought whole-heartedly to dedicate myself toward that end.  God has blessed tremendously.  I cannot begin to describe the changes that God has brought about in my life, bringing me from my rebellious younger years to where I am now.  As a young man living in southern California seeking pleasures and fulfillment in the world I could have never envisioned much more than mediocrity and an unfulfilling life.  After managing to graduate from high school in 1994, I began working as a janitor and for the next three years this is where I remained. During this time I came to know Jesus Christ and, in early 1997, I caught on to the vision of God’s plans for my life.  I could not believe that someone as seemingly untalented as I could one day serve others by tending to both their spiritual and physical needs.  Going forward solely on faith, I enrolled at Southern Adventist University in August, 1997 and embarked on this journey I now find myself on.  I cannot wait until that day when I will be able to serve those around me by tending practically and tangibly to their needs.  

I have a tremendous desire to bring the good news of the Gospel to foreign lands.  My heart senses a strong calling for preaching and evangelism and I would love to be able to this while serving abroad as a medical missionary.  

God has also blessed me with a tremendous young lady I have met here at Southern who has the same desires to be a medical missionary.  She too is graduating this year and has applied to Loma Linda University's School of Medicine.

My dilema and prayer request is this.  The only way I see myself able to attend Loma Linda is through the Deferred Mission Appointee program, whereby loans taken out to cover medical school expenses are paid by the church once 6 years are served abroad in an SDA health care facility.  The General Conference pays ½ of the loan amount while the local Division pays the other ½.  In contacting the General Conference Representative at Loma Linda University just this past week, I have been notified that I am ineligible for the program because of the $17,500 in loans that I have received to pay my undergraduate education.  I have been told, “Be assured that our committee will not be prepared to receive your acceptance into the DMA program as long as you have a large undergraduate debt.”

I feel it is not God’s will that I attend medical school apart from the DMA program.  I sense this is a condition for me to study medicine.  I cannot see myself having to stay in the United States for 7-10 years after residency to pay off my medical school expenses.  My calling to the mission field is too great, too urgent.  I would rather sacrifice my medical education and be able to minister to others soon rather than to get a medical school education apart from the DMA program and have to stay in America working for years in a Hospital to pay off my loans.

Seeing that my family is quite poor, they are unable to help in any substantial way. Only God's intervention could help me now. I trully know that God has led me so far and will continue to do so.  I know He will open the doors for me and that I will somehow be able to get my medical education and serve Him in the mission field.

I just ask that you keep me in your prayers.  That God would somehow provide away to handle my loans or whatever it may be.  Thank you so much for all your support!

In His service,

Post by: avkumpel on January 14, 2001, 04:00:00 PM
Just wanted to ask for your prayers for my dear girlfriend Nicole.  She and I are seniors at Southern Adventist University where we'll be graduating in May with our Bachelor's degrees in Biology, pre-med. We both desire to become medical missionaries for the Lord and to serve abroad together.  We both have applied to Loma Linda University School of Medicine and I have received word that I have been accepted.  While this is good news, I cannot rejoice fully until I am assured that Nicole makes it in as well.  If anyone deserves to be there it is her.  She has worked so hard and is so smart and well-rounded.  I trully see her as gifted of God.  I really sense that God has brought our two lives together because we have such highly specific and peculiar similarities and desires.  I sense God wants Nicole in med-school with me.  With His help, we will make it.  Please pray that the Admissions Committee at the medical school in Loma Linda will accept Nicole. I can trully say that she has all the gifts to make a wonderful, God-fearing missionary physician.  God is in control...

Thank you so much for all your support and prayers,

Post by: Liane H on January 14, 2001, 05:44:00 PM
Dear Junior:

From my post to you in the "First Post" forum I knew that Junior was going to be your sign name.

Thank you for sharing your situation with us. Again I find myself being the first to write. My prayers are with you as well as for Nicole. Please accept my humble effort, as praying openly like this is not one of my gifts, but private prayer is>

Dear Lord:

These two young people want to serve you in the mission medical field. I pray that you open the windows of hearts and minds so that they both with be able to be together as they grow in knowledge and learning for the gaining of souls for salvation.  Please be with them and provide whatever help these two would need to be together and to fulfill their schooling requirements.

The laborers are few Lord, and the harvest is great. These are two precious souls that have a burning desire to serve you and I ask in your name that their requests be answered.

Lord your will be done. In Jesus I pray.

When you to get to Loma Linda, I am only 50 miles from where you will be, so don't be shy about sending an e-mail and saying hi when you get to Southern California.



Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on January 14, 2001, 07:45:00 PM
Dear Alipio,

You have begun a journey where prayer is an essential ingredient in your success. Don't be in too much of a rush to get to the mission field as your preparation is going to require many years. Be prepared to spend the time and energy to get thoroughly prepared. It is a big sacrifice, but it is worth it in the end.

It is unfortunate that many get stuck after residency with huge loans, but you have begun to seek the appropriate remedies. Long term planning is very essential here.  

I trust that you can find another source to help relieve you of your undergraduate debt.
Here is where effort and prayer will help. Seek the advice of your local church in this matter as they are some of the people who you will need as a circle of support throughout your career. Never underestimate the value of your local church.

My prayers are with you and your friend. We here at TRO will stand behind you as you ready yourself to engage the medical missionary work. You have a long road ahead,as you will also need to qualify yourself through residency training.

God will see you through at every aspect of your career. I am very happy to see you putting the right pieces together.

Many physicians upon graduating from residency end up practicing medicine within a 75 mile radius of where they finished their residencies. So, it will take some extra courage to move to the mission field.
However, A SDA medical missionary still has an easier time that those of other religions.  

I join with liane in prayer.


Post by: Richard Myers on January 14, 2001, 08:16:00 PM
Brother Alipio, good to see you in the Prayer forum.  Since God is the one who put the burden on your heart to be a medical missionary He will work out the difficulties as you follow Him!  :)

Prayer is the key to knowing what to do each day.  Wait upon the Lord and He will lead you. You have fellow servants here at TRO that will encourage and support you as you continue to seek God's will. We are praying for you and Nicole. My prayer has been for many years, "Lord send workers into your vineyard, for the harvest field is white."

You are an answer to my prayers.  :) The combining of medical work with the third angel's message will prove to be what God said it would be. Don't be discouraged. With God as our leader, we cannot fail!  :) As we "press together" God will add to our numbers. Take some time to read through the Testimonies forum and you will be blessed.  :)

In His love and grace,     Richard

Post by: Sherri Hamann on March 10, 2001, 09:43:00 AM
Hello.  I'm posting today to ask you to pray for both of my children who have been sick for several days now.

My youngest, Katie, is 8.  She came to us through adoption, and has a birth family that has lots of allergies, so we've been dealing with those.  Just recently the 'attacks' have been fierce.  For two days she has been covered from scalp to toes with red (blood red) points and rash.  We've consulted with allergist, and will see him first thing Monday a.m.  In the meantime, he perscribed a strong dose of hydroxzine hcl, 25MG.  I gave her only one dose yesterday at 1 p.m.  She has been almost constantly asleep for almost 48 hours though...I keep waking her up to give her water and check her breathing.  She doesn't complain of anything now, just goes right back to sleep.  

Son, Jeff, is 15 and has been feeling poorly for about 3 weeks, but just within last 4 days began coughing and running a fever.  Yesterday he asked me to look at a mole on his back (one we've been watching, for it's big, flat, and we have melenoma on both sides of our family).  The mole has changed it's shape--spreading out at two points, and is very painful to the touch.  

So, our hearts are heavy here.  We know, realistically, both of these situations will most likely be fine...but being parents, well, you do understand.

My husband had his turn at speaking/preaching at our small church today, and his sermon topic was the priesthood of all believers, specifically taking about our role as ministers to one another daily.  

With our children sick, we both are taking to heart how precious each moment is with loved ones, and how just in one instant, all of that can change.  We pray each of us uses every moment to God's glory, and that when any tradgedy would strike, we are safely in Christ's able, strong hands.

Thank you,


Post by: Liane H on March 10, 2001, 01:42:00 PM
Dear Father:

I have just read the post from Sherri. Please be with this family in their time of need. Let us pray for a quick recovery of their children. They are such precious souls and so innocent. Bring this family comfort and the knowledge that you are there for them, no matter what happens, it is according to your will.

Parents have the awesome responsibility that you have passed onto them in the care of these young ones. They really belong to you Lord and are a gift to us all. These are caring and loving parents and my heart goes out to them.

We trust you Lord to take care of them and grateful that they came to us requesting prayers on their behalf. Please have your holy angels watching over them and keep them.

In Jesus Name, Amen


Post by: Wendy on March 10, 2001, 04:21:00 PM
Dear Jesus, please be with Sherri's children, give their mother wisdom to know what to do and put your healing hand over them.

WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on March 10, 2001, 04:56:00 PM
Dear Father,

You understand in unmistakable detail the situations that Sister Sherri has described. You know the anxieties and the burdens on her heart. We pray for peace in the midst of a storm.

Guide the family in their decisions, and guide the doctors who are taking care of the children.

We pray that in this difficult period, you will give them the strength to face the illness and the faith to trust in you as the Great Physician who can bring healing to their souls.

We ask these mercies in your Holy name.


Post by: Sherri Hamann on March 12, 2001, 04:44:00 AM
Brothers and sisters, my husband and I thank you for your prayers, and for the care you have shown us through your words and prayers!  God manifests Himself to us as each of us draw close to Him, and become one with Him.

An update regarding our daughter is in order.  Two Adventist friends, both of which are nurses, urged us to take Katie to the hospital, because strep and scarlet fever has been popping up in the local schools.  I spoke with the allergist, and he urged me to immediately go to e.r., because a simple allergy wouldn't be hanging on all make a long story short, we were at hospital for several hours.

During the blood testing my sweet little daughter prayed with me for the doctor's and the lab workers, that their hand's would be guided by our Heavenly Father...I saw the Holy Spirit touch those adults in the room!  No, this wasn't a 'christian' hospital!  Aren't children precious and so Right on, the way they respond to things!!

So, some blood and urine tests suggest there MAY be an underlying kidney problem, but, with Katie being so sick, it all could be due to vomitting and such.  So, we'll see allergist today to contine with that route, and repeat blood tests Thursday or Friday.  

When we arrived home early this morning from hospital, we had an urgent message on our machine that my husband's father had suffered a sever stroke, and all of the family was being called to the hospital, so at 2 a.m. my dear husband set off for Minnesota--which is having another bad snow storm.

Please, may I ask again for your prayers?  Doug's tired and the road conditions are bad, but, more important, his heart is so heavy.  Please pray that God will open the door so that Doug can speak to his Dad about the Lord...for his family doesn't know the Truth, and have been very negative about any thing we have tried to share over the last eight years of being Adventist Christians.  We know the Lord can speak to his family just through the love and actions of Doug.

I'm leaning on you all right now!  I'm so thankful the Lord has walked a head of me and brought me to this place, where I need to be right now, as my family faces these circumstances.

God bless you all!


Post by: Richard Myers on March 12, 2001, 05:17:00 AM
Dear Sister Sherri,  know that we continue to pray for you and your family. As you saw the Lord turn the trial to opportunity at the hospital, so He will always. We just do not see it at the time, always. The book of Job will be a blessing for your family, today. God is in absolute control. He allows it all to happen for our benefit and His honor. "We glory in our tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."   :)

We suffer with your family and we rejoice with you as you share your testimony of His power. Bless your little Katie and her love of Jesus. He smiles as He listens to her prayers and opens the hearts of those who heard.

Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for hearing our prayers and giving this evidence at the hospital. We continue to pray for Katie. Please give this family and the doctors wisdom to find the underlying cause of her difficulties. We also continue to pray for the situation with  Jeff. We pray that you will use his illness to also bring him closer to you and to bring honor and glory to your holy name. We most especially ask that you keep our Brother Doug safe as he travels through the storms and that you will strengthen him in this great time of trial. Put your words in his mouth and open the hearts of his family, especially his father. We pray for his father's soul. If it may be this attack has come for just such a purpose, we pray that the opportunity to reach him will be successful. Send your Holy Spirit to water the seed that has been planted in the past and give our Brother Doug the love and wisdom to help his father see Jesus. Lastly, almighty God, we ask you to continue to strengthen our dear sister. She has the patience of Job and similar trials. Her love for you is seen and her faith in prayer is expressed. Bless her faith and renew her strength that she might receive the promise that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Clive Nevell on March 27, 2001, 10:50:00 AM
At prayer meeting last at Harrisville we were asked to pray for three of our members.

Graham Stark has an ulcer on his foot and now it has been confirmed that the infection has gone into the bone in his heel. He will be seeing a specialist this Friday.

Rudi Braun will be having an ooperation on his eyes next Tuesday so that his sight can be restored to what it was.

Hugo Hallam is continuing with his cancer treatment and is feeling much better although still very weak.

Father in heaven we ask now that you will be with these dear folk as they face these trials from the evil one, bless them and their families and may they and us look to you at all times and see that you are still in control, we pray this through the blood of Jesus who has given us the victory, Amen


Post by: WendyForsyth on April 30, 2001, 01:07:00 AM
Please dear Family! I have an emergency... I know that Satan is raging... I am begging for your urgent, immediate! prayers for me and my family.

Thank you so much brothers and sisters,

[This message has been edited by Richard Myers (edited 04-30-2001).]

Post by: Richard Myers on April 30, 2001, 08:39:00 AM
Dear Sister Wendy, we are praying for you and your family!  We love you and so does God. He is in control of all that happens. Nothing can happen that He does not allow to happen and it will all work for the good of those who love Him.  :)

Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit and the holy angels to help this dear family for your name's sake we pray, in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Wendy on April 30, 2001, 06:55:00 PM
Dear Jesus, please be with Wendy in this time of crisis and guide her and her husband through these troubled waters.


WendyL ~ Maranatha! :)

[This message has been edited by Wendy (edited 04-30-2001).]

Post by: Clive Nevell on May 02, 2001, 11:53:00 AM
My wife received a phone call last night asking for urgent prayers for herself and also her family.
Sister Flow received the news that she is to go into hospital this coming Friday to have a lump in her breast looked at and if necessary next Wednesday will have an operation. She is a loyal Adventist and is faithful in doing the Lord's work. Flow knows about this prayer forum and would like us to pray for her at this time.

Our Father in heaven our thoughts are with your servant Flow, may she be restored to full health and strength to be a shining light for you at this time, bless her family and friends as they comfort her. Bless Wendy and her family as well. We know that some day sickness and sorrow will be done away with when Jesus returns to take us home, in Jesus name we pray, Amen


Post by: Wendy on May 02, 2001, 07:02:00 PM
The devil's been busy lately. Dear Jesus, please be with Flow as she goes into this test, we pray that it's not cancer but if it is help her to know what to do.

WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: DavidTBattler on May 05, 2001, 02:15:00 PM
I just heard at our church today that Pastor Doug Batchelor lost his son a day or two ago in a tragic accident.  This is an e mail I sent to him; and I am asking that we all unite in prayer with the enclosed texts as our guide.  We have a brother who has a loton his shoulders now...let us pray every day for him to be especially touched by God at this time:

Dear Brother Doug                                                                 Sabbath, May 5th, 2001

I heard about the tragedy with your son from someone at church today.   I have two sons of my own; and I can’t imagine the pain that you must feel.

I wanted to encourage you in the Lord; and wish you His strength, and healing at this time.

I am praying that your ministry for God and His people will be strengthened through this, and every trial that you face.

When I have been faced with the loss of someone dear to me; I have found the following to be very encouraging; and I pray that you too, will find some of this same encouragement:

“Often, your mind may be clouded because of pain.  Then, do not try to think.  You know that Jesus loves you.  He understands your weakness.   You may do His will, simply by resting in His arms.”  (MH 251).

Eph.3:14  For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15  Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
16  That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
17  That Christ may dwell in your heart by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
18  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
20  Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus.”

Brother Doug; I am praying that your testimony will stand beside that of the apostle when he wrote:

2 Tim.4:17  Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
18  And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

It is strange how all the miles between us cannot prevent me from feeling a brother’s tears; and how much more able is God to feel each heart-ache, and note each tear.  He will carry you Doug.  He is faithful..

Your Brother In Christ

David T Battler
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"...We believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be saved..."  (Acts 15:11).

Your brother in Christ

David T. Battler

Post by: Wendy on May 05, 2001, 03:14:00 PM

Dear Jesus, please be with the Batchelor family as they go through this terrible time. Hold them and give them strength and peace.


WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: Richard Myers on May 06, 2001, 06:27:00 PM
There can be nothing more painful than losing one's child at such an early age.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to comfort this family in their loss. Pastor Bachelor has understood a little more of the pain that you felt as you watched your Son suffer and die on the cross. Continue to bless him with these spiritual insights that he might be drawn ever closer to you. We also, pray for Micah's mother. We pray this sad experience will draw her closer to you. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Fasheena May on May 08, 2001, 02:07:00 PM
Please could people pray for our outreach programme. When I was standing at the door, and people said where they got the advertisment from-Some said the "Letter Box"!  And please pray that the Holy Spirit will move the people that haven't yet come!


Post by: Wendy on May 08, 2001, 06:09:00 PM
Amen Fasheena  :)

It's always nice to know your efforts have produced results.

Dear Jesus, please be with the church members as they hold this program. Use them as your vessels to spread the truth. Also pour out your Holy Spirit on those who might know of this program and inspire them to come.


WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: Clive Nevell on May 10, 2001, 03:01:00 AM
Report on Sister Flow.
We went to see her today, she needs our prayers. At present she is in Ipswich Hospital. She had a minor operation yesterday to see how far the suspected cancer had spread. The Dr. was not happy with the results as he went into the lymph glands under the arm and removed a lump from her breast. Until the results come back from pathology we will not know how serious things are. Her husband Ray, is very distressed. He finds it hard not to break dowm when talking about Flow. We prayed with Ray at the house and later with Flow and Ray at the hospital. Flow and my wife are like sisters, both coming from PNG they have so much in common and were always in touch. Ray was most appreciative that Theresa went and visited her this morning.

Father in heaven be with Sister Flow and her family at this time, we praise your name that Flow is in no pain and at this time be with Ray and their son Paul, bring them both closer to you and may they all find the desire to follow you. Sister Flow is a shining light in their house, the light needs to shine so your love can be seen.
In Jesus name, Amen.


Post by: Richard Myers on May 10, 2001, 06:26:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we pray for Brother Clive, his wife, and Fasheena as they labour for you. As their church continues with the outreach, we pray you will bless their efforts. We ask that you continue to work with Sister Flow and her family. We pray this great trial will bring this family into your kingdom. Let them learn of your love and your power, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: DavidTBattler on May 11, 2001, 04:39:00 PM
Today; I am giving a neighbour the God Cares set and some SOP books.  They are a young, Pentecostal couple, with two children; but the Lord has told me to move ahead on this one!

Pray that the Spirit will attend the reading of His Word, as contained in these precious volumes.

"Know the grace of God in Truth."  (Col.1:6).

Your brother in Christ

David T. Battler

Post by: Wendy on May 11, 2001, 07:06:00 PM
Dear Jesus, we know that you have sheep in many folds but they all know the voice of the Shepherd. Put your blessings with these books, inspire them to read them and hear Your Voice.


WendyL ~ Maranatha!  :)

[This message has been edited by Wendy (edited 05-11-2001).]

Post by: Richard Myers on May 12, 2001, 07:48:00 AM
Post by: Filipe Reis on May 23, 2001, 11:52:00 AM
Dear friends!
It's nice to be back here again, after such long time.
I'm here to ask you for something special, and I know you'll al attend me. Here in Portugal, we have a very good friend, Miguel Guedes, who's having the moment of his life. He's about to make some decisions that will have efect in the rest if his life.
Please, remember him in your prays with God. Ask Him to protect our friend and to help him choose the way.
If you'd like to write Miguel his e-mail is: I'm sure he'll delighted to read from you.
Thank you very much. We'll be happy to thank you again in heaven.
Filipe Reis, Portugal
Post by: Richard Myers on May 24, 2001, 09:23:00 AM
Hello, Brothe Filipe!  :)  Good to have you back with us. We will pray for your friend. Important decisions need to be made with God's help and blessing.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to send your Holy Spirit to Brother Miguel and impress Him with your love and your wisdom. Give him strength to follow the leading of your Holy Spirit that he and others involved shall be blessed and your name honored, we ask in Jesus precious name, amen.

Thanks, Brother Filipe for sharing with us the burden on your heart. Our prayers remain for your ministry and your church! Let us know how the church is doing.

In His love and grace,     Richard

Post by: D.B. Thomas on June 06, 2001, 12:37:00 AM
Someone told me today that her 18 year old nephew is in dire need of a liver transplant.  This young man has has severe and recurrent bouts with colitis, and it has damaged his liver badly.

This is a very urgent situation; and the boy is in hospital awaiting the possibility of transplant.  

The lady who told me this is not a Christian; but I asked her for his name so that I could "pray for him."

Let us unite in prayer for this unfortunate young man, and his family; that Jesus would come alive in their hearts over all this, and that "Ted" would get the liver he so desperately needs; but he also needs a healing for the colitis, or it will cause his death too.

Father in heaven

I thankyou for the measure of health and strength you have given to me; forgive us as a people for not making the best use of our health when there are such unfortunate cases before us who are dying, and in such pain.

Your Word says that what is impossible with [the doctors] is possible with God.  
(Luke 18:27).  Please intervene in this young man's health, that he and his family members may come to know Jesus.

Thankyou for hearing our prayer


"For surely, I shall command, and will sift the house of Israel; YET NOT THE SMALLEST GRAIN SHALL FALL TO THE GROUND!"  (Amos 9:9).

D.B. Thomas

Post by: Richard Myers on June 06, 2001, 10:27:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we know that you know this young man and know jus what needs to be done that he might be drawn to you. I pray that you will do so in a way that you would not have done if we had not prayed. There are many involved in this family and they have great concern. Please use this time to bring them to Jesus, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Wendy on June 06, 2001, 04:29:00 PM
Dear Jesus, I add my prayer that you will step into this young man's life and lead him to what he needs in his hour of extremity.


WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: Joan on June 06, 2001, 11:32:00 PM

Our Father in Heaven, in the presence of Jesus your son and His authority, we are praying now for Ted. I am asking please that he learn of the saving grace of our Lord before he dies. May the christians connected to him in friendship or relationship or even of the strangers working around him in the medical staff reveal the good news of the gospel to his need for repenting and accepting the Blood of Christ to cleanse him from his sins.

For your glory sake I pray, amen.

Post by: D.B. Thomas on June 08, 2001, 08:33:00 PM
Praise the Lord for all His wonderful works...

As I write this post...this young man is on his way to the hospital of a neighboring city for a liver transplant.

"For surely, I shall command, and will sift the house of Israel; YET NOT THE SMALLEST GRAIN SHALL FALL TO THE GROUND!"  (Amos 9:9).

D.B. Thomas

Post by: Richard Myers on June 08, 2001, 09:44:00 PM
May God grant him an extra measure of His Holy Spirit that he might learn to love Him. Thanks for sharing, Brother DB. Happy Sabbath.


Post by: Joan on June 08, 2001, 11:57:00 PM

Please, Br.DThomas, keep us inform as to the progress of this young man and the outcomes.


Post by: D.B. Thomas on June 11, 2001, 08:40:00 PM

I was working at the house of this boy's aunt on Sunday; and something told me to come out of the basement into the kitchen.  So when I got to the kitchen; I decided I needed a drink of water, and as I was getting this, the phone rang, and the answering machine, beside the sink took the message.

The caller said: "I'm just calling to let you know that *****has had a very successful transplant; and he is feeling...well, pretty darned good for someone who has just had such a big operation."

I found out today this young fellow was in surgery for almost 24 hours.  When they opened him up, there was another complication that needed to be dealt with; but the good news is that they discovered the colitis was caused by the liver problem.  He now has a good liver, and he is feeling so well, that doctors anticipate a much shorter than usual stay in hospital!

Praise the Lord!

Thankyou for your prayers!

"For surely, I shall command, and will sift the house of Israel; YET NOT THE SMALLEST GRAIN SHALL FALL TO THE GROUND!"  (Amos 9:9).

D.B. Thomas

Post by: Joan on June 12, 2001, 01:33:00 AM

I am happy with you, DThomas  :) :)

Thanks to the Lord, our healing God, that He has given the wisdom to medical men of our times so that such transplants operations are available which can give more years to a otherwise doomed person.

What caused the liver shut-down ? If alchohol consume did it then are you in the possition to accompany this guy with right council ? Or was there another source causing the need for a new liver ?


Post by: Richard Myers on June 12, 2001, 01:19:00 PM
Yes, thank you, Brother DB for sharing the good news!  :)


Post by: D.B. Thomas on June 12, 2001, 03:54:00 PM
Hi Joan

It was another source; and I will be unlikely to meet him.  He had a congenital thing that did this damage to the liver.

"For surely, I shall command, and will sift the house of Israel; YET NOT THE SMALLEST GRAIN SHALL FALL TO THE GROUND!"  (Amos 9:9).

D.B. Thomas

Post by: Richard Myers on June 21, 2001, 05:35:00 PM
Brothers and sisters, we have been praying for the church at Kortrijk, Belgium. I ask you to join with me today in prayer.

Heavenly Father, you understand the situation in your church better than any of us. You know what has happened today in Brussels, Belgium. We are thankful that we can leave these matters in your hands after we have done all that we can do. We pray for our brothers and sisters in the Kortrijk church, that you will draw especially close to them in their hour of need. There are needy souls that love you and your church. There are many children that are involved. We seek your strong arm to safely guide this church in the ways of righteousness and peace. We ask you especially to be with the elders of this church and our brother Johan. Give them an extra measure of your Spirit and grace and wisdom, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on June 22, 2001, 07:43:00 PM
Heavenly Father,

I join with Brother Richard in presenting the Belgium problem before you. Many of our brothers and sisters are hurting. Some are  feeling betrayed, ostracized and unloved by fellow christians.

We reach out to you on their behalf asking that the Healing Balm of Gilead will be felt by them this Sabbath, and that out of this great difficulty, many blessings will follow.

We pray also for our leaders there that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit in all of their actions.


Post by: Antoinette S on June 26, 2001, 11:57:00 AM
I'm in my early 30's and have been married for a little over 3 years.  My marriage is coming apart, slowly.  I have prayed many, many times about it, putting myself and husband before the Lord, but to no avail.  I do not know what to do.  I once suggested counselling to my husband, which we did go to, but only to one session.  My husband then refused to attend any more sessions after we cancelled 2 of them because of him not being able to go.  Am afraid to ask him again about going to counselling, because I don't want to hear him say "no".  I want my marriage, but I just don't know what to do anymore.  Communication has broken down, and we don't go out to social events together any more.  I feel rather embarrassed about our marriage.  I hide it from my friends that all is not well.  I feel like a failure.  I sometimes want to just throw in the towel and call it quits.  But I can't deal with the embarrassement of telling church members and friends.  I sometimes feel very bitter and angry towards my husband.  

Please pray for us.  I am at my wits end. I often feel sad, and lonely at home.  I'm sure it is no different for my husband also. I just want to be happy with my husband, to be able to communicate and do all the good things that married couples do.  I have a yearning for a child, but with the situation the way it is, that would not be wise.  Please remember us in your prayers, we need the Lord to intercede.  Thank you so much.  God Bless you all.

Post by: Richard Myers on June 26, 2001, 12:47:00 PM
Dearest Sister Antoinette,  we feel your pain and will pray for healing in your marriage. It is God's will for your marriage to succeed. There is a testimony of God's power in the Family Circle forum. Please read through the posts there and you will be encouraged. Here is the page that has the "Marriage, a Holy Institution" topic.

Or, just go to the Family Circle forum and click on that topic.  There is a post by a Christian sister that was in a similar situation and she shares what God is doing.  :)

Jesus has just the answer for you and as you look to Him for wisdom and strength, He will hear your prayers.

Heavenly Father, we come to you  knowing it is your will for our sister's marriage to be blessed. Our dear sister needs a revelation of your love and care for her. Please send your Holy Spirit and heavenly angels to her side to draw her close to you. Fill her with your love and make her a witness that her husband might see Jesus in her. Help Sister Antoinette to look beyond what she sees with her human eyes to see the things that are unseen, that are eternal.  We also pray for her husband, that you will draw him close to you and in so doing closer to his wife. Honor our sister's request for prayer for her marriage. Bless this family that they may be a witness of what you desire a marriage to be, we ask in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: M.A. Crawford on June 27, 2001, 06:43:00 AM
I am always saddened to hear of marriages that have failed or are on the verge of failing because it is an institution that was given to mankind by God Himself back in the Garden of Eden to be a blessing unto both husband and wife. Because it comes from God, the institution is therefore Holy.

Sis. Antoinette S., you do not mention in your post dated 06-26-2001 at 11:57 AM whether you and your husband are both members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. If you both are, it should makes it easier to accept counsel that is Bible-based. There is a topic in the Bread of Life forum entitled Holy Matrimony that I believe will help you. I suggest that you prayerfully read what is contained therein and ask the Lord to give you what you stand in need of as you seek to ascertain the direction in which you should go. We can't EVER GO WRONG when we permit the Lord to lead and guide us as we encounter the difficulties of this life.

I shall pray for you and your husband that God's Will be done in your lives.


Post by: Antoinette S on June 27, 2001, 09:34:00 AM
Thank you all so far for your response to my need. My husband and I are both SDA's, but this has not made it any easier. I am not blaming him for this.  It is the both of us. I just need that help which can only come from above.  

Continue to pray for us.

[This message has been edited by Antoinette S (edited 06-27-2001).]

Post by: Liane H on June 27, 2001, 06:28:00 PM
Dear Sister Antoinette:

Thank you for having the faith to reach out and share your sad situation with us. That was a very brave step you have made.

Having never been married I have watched good and bad marriages. The one blessing you have at this time is that you have no children, for they often do suffer the most.

The others have given you good advise and prayers. You will be added to my prayers as well.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 01, 2001, 02:53:00 AM
This is a silent request. God knows our need. Please pray for God's will to be our will, and His will be done.

In Submission to Him,

Post by: Richard Myers on August 01, 2001, 06:38:00 AM
Heavenly Father we come to you in the precious name of Jesus asking for your help in our dear Sister Wendy's life. We know not the need, but you do. We do know that in these last days it is becoming very difficult to rear our children in a Godly way. Our sister has many responsibilities as a mother and she loves you and wants to know your will and do your will. We know that your promises are sure and you hear our prayers when we are fully surrendered to you, and you will answer them in the very best way possible. Please draw close to this family and lead them in a way that will bring the whole family into your kingdom at last, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: WendyForsyth on August 01, 2001, 09:09:00 PM
Post by: Clive Nevell on August 02, 2001, 10:33:00 AM
Father in heaven we uphold to you Sister Wendy and pray that your will be carried out in her family, whatever is her spiritual need at this time please be close, may her family know You are with them, in  Jesus name our prayer is brought to You, Amen.


Post by: Allan F on August 03, 2001, 06:14:00 AM
Father in heaven, thank you for the possibility for us to communicate directly with you, the creator and king of the universe. Will you in a special way see to our sister Wendy. You know her needs. You always have ways out of the problems we face that we do not se. Let her feel your presence in a special way. I pray in Jesus name, amen.
Post by: M.A. Crawford on August 03, 2001, 09:57:00 AM
Sis. Wendy, my heart goes out to you during this your time of need. My prayer is that God, who knows all and see all, will give you what you stand in need of as you seek to do His Will in your life. May you and your family be blessed as your lives are brought in line with the revealed will of the Great I AM.


Post by: Wendy on August 03, 2001, 01:27:00 PM
Dear Jesus, please be with Wendy. You know what she needs.


Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on August 10, 2001, 06:59:00 AM
Dear Jesus,

The trial of Sister Wendy's life is no secret to you, O God, who can do anything and for whom nothing is too difficult.

Please intervene and help her and her family. I ask these blessings in your Holy name.


Post by: Liane H on August 10, 2001, 04:19:00 PM
Dearest WendyF:

My prayers are added to those above. May the Lord touch those things that are needed to heal and save.


Post by: Wendy on September 11, 2001, 11:03:00 AM
Dear Jesus please be with the thousands of people who have lost loved ones in this disaster.

Please be with rescue workers and help them to save as many people as possible, and most important, please be with our leadership and give them wisdom in dealing with this disaster.

WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on September 11, 2001, 11:24:00 AM
Dear Kind and Loving Father,

I join Sister Wendy in approaching you on behalf of the thousands who have suffered and died, those who are injured, and the millions of grieving people today in America and around the world who have witnessed this monumentous human tragedy in New York and Washington.

In this our land of freedom, we see terror. We see horrible pain caused by the evil actions of devilish forces. We see destruction caused by man's inhumanity to man.

We can only beg for your mercy in relieving the pain and giving the injured the strength to fight against death. We pray for the relatives, friends and loved ones, and also for those who are anxiously awaiting word about loved ones.  

We pray for President George Bush in this tumultous hour. Give him and all of our leaders the wisdom to make the right decisions so that the principles upon which America have been founded would prevail.

We know that you are soon to return to this earth. Give us another chance, and the opportunity that we need in order to reach many more with a knowledge of who you really are.  

We ask these mercies in Jesus Holy name.


Post by: Liane H on September 11, 2001, 11:35:00 AM
September 11th:

Dear Lord and Saviour:

Hear your child. Lift up my prayers to those families that have lost loved ones and also for those that are and will partake in the recuse of this tragedy. My prayer is also with those that now will be making decisions that will affect the world for a long time to come.

I ask that there be a peace and calm as we go forward in these hours, days and weeks that follow. That Your Spirit be our guiding light that will show us what to do and how we can help. We know these things were and are to come. This assurance should teach us that your Word is sure and that leaning on you we will prevail.

I place in your hands my life, and the life of all those that I love. In You there is no other power that we could trust more. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to still be alive in these fearful and wonderful times before your coming.

In my Precious Jesus Name, Amen


Post by: Joan on September 11, 2001, 11:56:00 AM

Dear Father in heaven, may yours who are of the real body of Christ who are witnessing to the comfort of God for those who are suffering because of this diseaster be filled with heavenly wisdom to speak the plan of salvation which is in Jesus to these ones. May the messages of hope in Christ be fortified and strengthend by your Spirit in the minds and hearts of those looking for consolance and that no demon will rob them of the truth coming to them.
Post by: Richard Myers on September 11, 2001, 01:26:00 PM

Heavenly Father we ask that you will be with those that are suffering today. There are thousands trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center. Many have died on the airplanes that were hijacked. We ask you to send the comforter to speak to their hearts of those alive and to give them peace. Comfort those that have lost family and friends. Please draw all close to you, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: M.A. Crawford on September 11, 2001, 02:12:00 PM
Words cannot express the sentiments of my heart at this time. We all are stunned as a result of what has happened this day. My prayers go out to the families and survivors of those who were affected by this national tragedy on this day, September 11, 2001.


Post by: Clive Nevell on November 20, 2001, 07:08:00 PM
At Prayer Meeting last night it was brought to our attention there are some mebers and friends who need our prayers urgently.

Theresa's father has just had an operation on his thoat to remove a growth and at this stage it is not known how serious it is.

Hugo, one of our Church elders is going through a terrible time with chemo for his cancer.

Vivian, has an aggressive form of liver cancer, just diagnosed. She and her husband Harry came to a meeting at Boonah and have been recieving tapes and transcripts of the meetings. Although in their early eighties they are very alert and spiritual. Harry talked to me and told me his story, it was great to listen to.

Carrie, again another person with cancer. She has breast cancer. We were talking to her last week and she told us she was not sure what type of treatment to get.

Henry and his family came to our meeting last night and told us that today he will be going to visit a family to study with them in Aratula,the town next to us. He also told us of an experiance where he has been traveling to Sydney to study with people and they are now attending church. He and his family are very humble workers for the Lord.

Scott, our church member who has done so much for our church is having car problems. Starter motor, ignition switch. This morning I put a new starter motor in for him as this Thursday he does his final exam for the eyar in Hebrew. The locksmith came and changed locks so he is now moblie but needs a clear mind to study and do his exam.

Dear Father we bring all these dear folk to you in prayer and ask that you will bless them and may your name be glorified.
May the blessing of Jesus be with each, Amen.


Post by: Joan on November 21, 2001, 05:21:00 AM
Jesus our Lord, we thank you for being there in intercession for us. To know that you interceed for us as we are to weak to fight the evil around us gives us courage. Our faith looks up to you and is glowing. You bring victory in all these battles of life's problems. The body may crumble but the spirit of the soul loving you can stay undefeated.

Now I am joining Clive to offer my prayers in faith for those ones he has contact to. From a heart of love to Scott, I pray that he will be mobile in car transport without any more problems during this time of exam week. He has helped me through his writings and my heart is grateful for his relationship with you.

Carrie has that awful cammy fear of death coming as a threat because of her cancer.  Please lead her to waters of peaceful trust in your healing power in her innermost heart. May her doctor be given wisdom in the treatment decided upon to instruct her adequately. May this time of worry cause her to spend valuable time with you in study of prophecy and in prayer.

May the cancer of the liver in Vivian's case be held in check so she not suffer undo pain. May her will to be in communion with you in her private moments be of great priority. I pray that she will be visited and cared for by the ones she loves. May you be merciful to her in her treatment during this time of illness.

Jesus, Hugo is having it rough and you know that in your power he can find rest. Touch him please, and relieve him of this affliction.

I pray for Theresa's father to mend rightly from this operation. May the after treatment be accepted by his body and that his immune system will get strengthened to fight off any evil malignancy. I trust your love for this man and that you will too reveal your mercy to him.

Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers. We believe in you.

[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 11-21-2001).]

Post by: Clive Nevell on December 04, 2001, 10:20:00 AM
This morninh we received an email to confirm our worst fears that Theresa's father has cancer, he needs our prayers being in Port Moresby hospital, P.N.G.

Dear Father in heaven be with Theresa's father at this time, bless his family, may your assurance be with them and heal so that your name will be glorified back in the village and through out the world. Help us all to be like the three Hebrews who faced the fire and remained true to your Word in the face of losing their own life.
Bless them we pray.

Post by: Richard Myers on December 04, 2001, 06:42:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we ask you to draw close to Sister Theresa's father and his family. Help them to keep their eyes upon Jesus that they may continue to see the unseen world which is eternal. We believe your promise that "all" things work together for good to those who love you. We pray with our Brother Clive that your name will be glorified as this Christian family reflects faith in our Saviour, Jesus Christ. May this family remain in your will that you may answer their prayers and ours in the very best way, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Joan on December 05, 2001, 01:24:00 AM
Our Heavenly Father we are alarmed with this cancer condition of Clive's relative. I ask you please to let the medications and treatments work in his body for good in the process of healing. May the source of irritation causing this outbreak be found and eliminated is what I ask you, please.

In Jesus Name I pray,

Post by: Mr David T Battler on December 05, 2001, 02:54:00 PM

I am asking for prayer re my employment.

This is typically a slow time of year; and I need a certain amount of work to keep us going.  The Lord knows what we need; and I pray that as we join together in the chool of prayer with Christ, that the following will be brought to life, in our experience:

"Now unto Him that is able to doexceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

"..The foundation of God stands sure..."  
(2 Tim.2:19).

Mr. DavidTBattler

Post by: Clive Nevell on December 06, 2001, 03:36:00 AM
Thankyou for your prayers, I have sent an email to Theresa's brother in P/N.G. to tell him what is taking place.
The latest news from there is that the doctors have operated and hope that all the cancer has been removed.

This cancer illness is no repecter of persons, it hits rich, poor, and any in between.

One of our elders is going in tomorrow (Friday) to have a lump removed from his throat. At this time no one knows what will be found, I am sure he would appreciate all the prayers he can get.

Father in heaven please be with Paddy as he faces this terrible time, guide the medical folk as they operate, bless his family and above all keep them faithful and true. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Post by: Joan on December 06, 2001, 04:23:00 AM
Keep us informed, dear Clive, about his progress. Let him know we are praying for his recovery. And give a hug and smile to Theresa from me. Let her know I don't want her to worry needlessly.


Post by: Joan on December 06, 2001, 04:24:00 AM
Prayer to heaven for DavidB...

In the name of Jesus I kneel my heart before you and pray now for David my brother in the faith. He and his family are loving you with true believers love. They are as you know in a tight pinch during the winter season for income. I ask you to let your name be glorified that your children needn't beg for bread or suffer your name to be dishonored because they can't pay their bills. I pray that your ways of loving them will show how you are caring for their needs so they may testify of your loving mercies and kindness to them.
We praise you for your answering their needs.

Post by: Richard Myers on December 06, 2001, 06:41:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the privilege of prayer and ask that you consider our petition for our Brother David. He trusts in your love and care and has joined with us in prayer for his physical needs. We know that you delight in answering our prayers when they are in harmony with your will. Our brother only asks that you provide him with the opportunity for honest labour that will bring honor and glory to you. We thank you for hearing this prayer and anwering it in the very best way. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Clive Nevell on December 06, 2001, 10:06:00 AM
Father in heaven You have promised we have nothing to fear for the future except we forget the way You have led us in the past, and now we pray that You will give Brother David that assurance and bless him as he seeks employment, in Jesus name, Amen.


Post by: Clive Nevell on December 07, 2001, 09:45:00 AM
"It is a blessing in itself to know people are praying for dad all over the world. One day soon when we are gathered together with Jesus, we will be able to meet those for whom we laboured and prayed for. Pls thank all those people for me (if possible) and let them know that their prayers are very much appreciated and their prayers are being answered sooner than we can ever anticipate."

This is part of an email that I received from the Tondopan family in P.N.G.

Theresa's father has survived the operation and last report to us is that he is up but vey week. The voice box has been removed (that is how I understand things at this stage as they say he will not be able to speak again) and it is now in the hands of the Lord as to how he will recover.

Happy Sabbath

Post by: Joan on December 08, 2001, 12:41:00 AM
Yes, it is possible for him to speak again.

Medical technology is wonderful in many ways and one of them is having had invented an external speach box held in the hand and up up to the opening in the pit of the throat for patients who have no vocal cords any more. This handy gizzmo has the ability to emulate the vocal cords. After training therapy of some special breathing techniques with forming the words, the patient can speak sentence for sentence but very slowing.


Post by: Clive Nevell on December 21, 2001, 02:22:00 AM
Paddy had his op and it turned out to be OK, the lump was not malignant.
Tonight at 7.00 pm our time our head elder for next year was to be annointed. He has had an ulcer on his heal that will not heal and now an infection has come up as well as a blood clot in his leg. Tomorrow morning the doctor wants to operate on his ulcer and cut away all the dead skin to see if the infection can be taken care of. If that does not work out then part of his leg will have to be removed. Please pray for Graham and his wife Ella as they face these hard times.

Dear Father in heaven we uphold to you Brother Stark at this time and ask for healing, mat your name be honoured as a result of whatever happens. Bless those that look after him and be with Ella as she supports her husband.
In the precious name of Jesus,


Post by: WendyForsyth on December 30, 2001, 12:04:00 PM
Please, I am in desperate need of prayer for my personal life. Without too many gorey details, I need prayer for my relationship with God. This is affecting my whole life and my relationship with those I love. I am under heavy spiritual attack from the devil and need intercession. Thank you all so much.

God bless,

Post by: Richard Myers on December 30, 2001, 08:36:00 PM
Sister Wendy,

there is power in prayer and your request has been heard by many. Jesus is our strength. Hold on to His hand and follow where ever He leads. Do not leave anything undone that you know to do.

Dear Heavenly Father hear our prayer for our sister. You know the situation and you have put it into her heart to ask for prayer. Reveal your love and presence that our sister may be strengthened. It is a wicked world in which we live. We are the last generation. We are so weak and in great need of grace. Please hear our prayer and draw nigh unto Sister Wendy. Help her to seek you with all of her mind, soul, heart, and strength. Help her to behold Jesus and by beholding be transformed into His likeness. I also pray for her husband and children. Protect this family dear Father I pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Joan on December 31, 2001, 12:32:00 AM
Yes, Jesus; I too pray for your precious child WendyF who wants to be victorious over the hard attacks she is going through. I ask that the holy influences you have around her will be guiding in the decisions she is making to draw all her attention to you in seeking your will for her needs.

Give her please assistance through wisdom from above to walk in calm assurance against the evil that is hurting her. Thank you for your answers coming.

May you be glorified.

Post by: M.A. Crawford on December 31, 2001, 09:03:00 AM
Sis, Wendy, God knows your situation better than any of us--even better than you do. And THE GOOD NEWS IS God still answers our "knee" mail WHEN we come into His Divine Presence with prayers of repentance and a determination in our hearts that we will TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY order our lives according to His Holy Word WITHOUT RESERVATION.

As the words to an old hymn tells us, we need to "Steal away, Steal away, Steal away to Jesus!" and come aside away from family, everyone, and everything and "have a little talk with Jesus!" We need to HONESTLY AND SINCERELY assess in just what direction our life is going as a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There are STILL only two directions in which one can go. There are those who are labeled as "conservatives," or "fundamentalists," who recognize and accept the Bible as fully inspired, trustrworthy and authoritative AND SO ORDER THEIR LIVES. And there are those who deny the full inspiration, reliability, and authority of the Scriptures. The direction in which one goes will eventually determine his/her attitude toward God and His Word.

"Once to every man and nation COMES THE MOMENT TO DECIDE, In the strife of truth with falsehood, FOR THE GOOD OR EVIL SIDE" (From SDA Hymn No. 606, emphasis mine ). When we do our part, we can rest assured, God will do His Part.


Post by: Clive Nevell on December 31, 2001, 09:43:00 AM
Our Father in heaven we ask and pray for Sister WendyF this morning and give her strength to follow you in Jesus name, Amen.

It is always good to know how our prayer subjects have been going.

Graham rang me last night from his home to tell me how much he has improved and that for the time being the danger of taking off his foot is past. The medical staff were not expecting him to leave hospital for another week but such was his recovery they allowed him out early. He thanked me for praying for him and asked me to pass his thanks onto you all. He praise the Lord for what has taken place.

Theresa's father is much improved and in time they are hoping he will be able to go back to his village.

I also seen Hugo yesterday and he told me although still on his cancer treatment he was improving.

Your prayers are still needed and are much appreciated.


Post by: WendyForsyth on December 31, 2001, 10:35:00 AM
Thank you all so much. It's amazing to see how each of you has a specific message from the Lord for me. Each one of you addressed an issue for me. I praise the Lord that His people are still out there working in His behalf interceding for many. Including me. I have heart to go on and connections are being mended. I desire only to walk into the Kingdom with my friends and family. I will see you there.

God bless,

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on January 01, 2002, 03:13:00 PM
Dear Wendy,

You are in my prayers today. Our God can do anything and will intervene at the right moment. I encourage you to continue on with a total surrender to Jesus.


Post by: Clive Nevell on January 05, 2002, 09:42:00 PM
A very sad situation has occured where Sis. M. has asked that we pray for a special annointing service that will beheld today for a young girl in her care, she has become unstable and it it very difficult for all concerned.

Father in heaven we know You are all powerfull and are able to heal, our prayer is that You will if it is according to your will heal this young girl and bless Sis M. her career at this time, in Jesus name, Amen.

[This message has been edited by Clive Nevell (edited 01-05-2002).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on January 05, 2002, 11:37:00 PM
Thank you Brother Dugald. :) It means so much to me to have your prayers on my behalf. God is working powerfully. Satan has now challenged my health, but a prayer group intervened for me today at my father's church and when I awoke from a nap this afternoon, the problem had mostly resolved itself. Our God is an awesome God!

God bless!


Post by: Michelle on January 31, 2002, 10:48:00 AM
I received an urgent request in my email this morning.  Some dear friends of ours in Georgia are expecting their first child this spring.  Last night the doctor told them that if the baby actually lives to term, it will probably be severely deformed.  I don't know any other details, but would appreciate your prayers for these people.  Their names are Ernest and Carrie, and they work at Georgia Cumberland Academy.  Please lift them and their child up in your prayers.  I've emailed everyone I can think of in this, because I have seen God work miracles--I also know that if he chooses not to, they are going to need a great deal of support!  Thank-you.  Michelle
Post by: Joan on January 31, 2002, 11:53:00 AM

Jesus our intercessory,I come to you asking for your holy presence to stablized Carrie as she constantly is now thinking of the possible life strain she may have to be living under soon. I pray to you, and am asking you to please so flood her with belief, that your Grace will be sufficient for her to live up to this potential task. Soften her fears, please, dear Jesus.

Encourage her to relax and start learning to love her baby growing within with a possible handicap. Let her grow in a willing bonding and acceptance. Heal her mind of whatever there is there on unbelief. Bring please her husband, Ernest, to stand by her and steady him for his participation in this new coming life's situation.

May the two of them glorify you with their trust and love toward God and the baby.

In your control I lay this problem. I trust you to heal where it is necessary or give an answer not expected. We want to praise you for your all powerfulness in seemly awful situations as well.

Thank you, Jesus.

Post by: Richard Myers on January 31, 2002, 06:49:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the privilege of prayer. We join with our dear Sister Michelle in praying for Sister Carrie and Brother Ernest and their baby. We ask that you draw close to all three and reveal your presence and love. We pray that you will bring brothers and sisters into close conctact with this family to encourage and support them in their trial. We know you desire this baby to be in good health as you do us. Please help these parents to know just what they can do to work with you in helping their baby. Thank you for Sister Michelle's faith and her ministry to this family. May you receive the honor and glory as this family looks to you to be their strength and wisdom, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Clive Nevell on February 01, 2002, 08:31:00 AM
Father in Heaven we do pray and uphold these dear folk of yours, Carrie and Earnest and their small unborn baby. We know you feel for them at this time and if your Name can at all be glorified please answer our prayers on their behalf.
We also pray for Ruth & Ken that you will put a strong desire into their hearts to come along to Sabbath School this morning to hear Henry's testimony.
In the name if Jesus we pray, Amen.
Post by: Michelle on February 03, 2002, 02:23:00 PM
Thank you for your prayers for Ernie and Carrie.  I talked with them Thursday evening, and it appears that the difficulties could range from Down Syndrome to being born with no brain--they will find out tomorrow (if they don't already know and I just haven't heard).  They have an incredible pastor who I've known since Academy, and he is very close to them.

Another prayer request that I just found out about.  One of my MOPS moms just had a baby on January 30 who was immediately air-lifted to Chicago with heart problems.  He has three holes in his heart and a problem with the aorta which doesn't allow him to get enough oxygen.  The aorta will be operated on Tuesday, Feb. 5, and if all goes well, he can come home the 15th.  The parents are Joan and Bob, and the baby is Jacob.  They are obviously under a great deal of stress.  Joan's mother is staying in Berrien Springs with the two daughters will Joan and Bob are in Chicago.  Please remember them, and pray for healing for little Jacob.  Thank-you.

Post by: Joan on February 04, 2002, 04:18:00 AM

Father in heaven,
please hear the prayers of Joan and Bob that their baby won't have any brain damage do to oxygen lack. Guide the gift of surgery you have given the Doctor, that the right skill to fix the errors will be applied. And may your healing powers accomplish the salvation for the fight for life this baby is going through.
In Jesus Name I pray
Post by: Clive Nevell on February 04, 2002, 08:46:00 AM

Father in heaven please be with our latest prayer request, bless the medical staff as they attend this young baby and comfort the parents Joan and Bob. We pray in the name of Jesus who is our great physician, Amen


Post by: Richard Myers on February 04, 2002, 12:52:00 PM
Post by: Michelle on February 13, 2002, 04:38:00 AM
Another prayer request.  Todd and Lynnette, college friends of ours (and academy friends of my husband's), just lost their youngest son yesterday.  He was about 3, and had health problems all his life, and apparently has had a difficult winter.  Please pray for them as they deal with this loss.  I can't even begin to imagine it.  As the friend who told me said, I can't wait for heaven when we won't have any more of this hurting.  Michelle
Post by: Richard Myers on February 13, 2002, 07:11:00 PM
Sister Michelle, you seem to be in the fire quite often. We know the Lord has plans for you as you reflect Him more and more.  :)  We pray for your friends, Brother Todd and Sister Lynnette. We ask our heavenly Father to comfort them in their loss and to use them to comfort others who do not know Jesus and have lost a child. We pray the Lord to encourage them with the knowledge that their child is at rest and will come forth in the first resurrection. May God grant you wisdom and grace to minister to this family we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Joan on February 13, 2002, 10:24:00 PM

Come soon Lord Jesus.


Post by: Michelle on February 19, 2002, 10:27:00 AM
Richard, I am not the one in the fire, for which I am thankful right now!  I come in contact with, or am friends with, people who are in the fire, which is why I'm asking for others to unite in prayer for them.  I don't have any updates on Ernie and Carrie (well, they have ruled out Down syndrome), just want to ask you to keep praying for them.

Little Peter Jacob (I think I said his name was Jacob before), son of Bob and Joan, came home from the hospital on Sunday, the 17th.  He still is not able to nurse, but she is expressing milk and they are feeding him through a feeding tube.  Her prayer right now is that he will learn how to nurse.  If not, she is going to need prayers on accepting (mentally) bottlefeeding without guilt.  (those of you who have never breastfed a baby will not understand that statement!)

I praise God that we can come to him in prayer.  I praise him that he lifts us and sustains us.

Post by: Richard Myers on February 19, 2002, 10:40:00 AM
Yes, Sister Michelle. I was thinking of the suffering that we all go through when our friends are suffering. I know it is painful for you too. My mind goes back to the devil's ways. He could not defeat Jesus,  so he had the friend of Jesus beheaded hoping to cause Jesus more pain. As in the case of Jesus, all of the devil's works only cause those of us who love Jesus to cling to Him the more and press on, in the upward way!  :)
We continue to keep you, your family, and friends in prayer.  :)
Post by: Michelle on February 22, 2002, 04:16:00 AM
Awesome answer to prayer with Joan and Bob's baby Peter.  He came home from the hospital Sunday with a feeding tube.  They had been told how to reinsert it if need be, but they were both really scared about it.  Well, he coughed it out that night.  Bob said, go get a bottle.  He took it right away.  Then, a little later, she felt impressed to try to get him to breastfeed, and he latched right on and is doing fine!  As she said, God heard the prayers of her mother's heart.  He still has some pain/discomfort from the surgery site, and nursing seems to comfort him.  I still haven't talked to her or seen her--I know that people sometimes need to be just left alone to rest, but she's emailed me so I'm passing along the news!

Also, I had never formally asked for prayers for this, but my husband went to the hematologist this week and Mayo clinic could find no trace of his leukemia in the bone marrow.  Which of course doesn't mean that it will never come back, but it is an answer to prayer!  This has been a very stressful fall and winter!

Post by: Joan on February 22, 2002, 04:22:00 AM

It sure is a happy report !

We can never stop marveling at the tenacity of life in a wee baby when the power of prayer is working with all the humans participating in fulfilling the will of God. I am real happy for this encouraging moment for the parents. This next half year will still be a time of holding one's breath, but at least this breast-feeding is a wonderful sign.

The Lord be thanked !

And thank you for sharing that your David's marrow check is clean. I want you to keep him by your side as long as possible. That patch of going through this sickness of his must have unnerved you immensely. For this reprieve I am thankful to our Lord  :)


[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 02-22-2002).]

Post by: Richard Myers on February 22, 2002, 06:20:00 PM
Sister Michelle, we rejoice with you!!  :)  God is good!!  As we look to Jesus, trusting in Him, we can be certain that all things will work for our good and to His glory! The fire will work for our purification.  :)  We are happy for your family and friends, our brothers and sisters.  :)  Happy Sabbath!


Post by: Richard Myers on March 10, 2002, 09:37:00 PM
I have received this urgent request for prayer for Delstar.  

"I have posted an urgent prayer request for Delstar, I am sure you have seen or read her on the different forums. She is dying from cancer, and I am hoping her estranged SDA family will rally around her with Gods love and support."

For those who are familiar with Del, let us consider this request. For those who read and are not familiar with her, I will only say that she would not feel at home here at TRO. Not because we do not love her, but because she has rejected what we believe.

Does this cause us to reject her? No, not at all. I don't ever recall entering into a discussion with her, but I prayed that I could.

Heavenly Father, you know the heart of our sister. You understand why she believes as she does. We pray for her soul. We pray that as she approaches the end of her earthly life that she will truly know you and Jesus Christ your Son. We pray that you will give her peace that passes understanding and cause her to walk in the light as Jesus is in the light. We pray for your church to be a witness to her of your love and compassion. As we pray for Sister Del, we remember that you came into the world and found us.....while we were yet sinners. If our sister rejects truth, did not we also! Who was it that believed Jesus to be the Messiah when He hung upon the cross? We ask for our sister's soul,  that she will rest in Christ, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Paul Beach on March 16, 2002, 08:43:00 PM
Dear Father in Heaven,

We humbly approach Your holy and uplifted throne knowing that You love us all.  We seek to know Your ways and Your patience.  You have been so patient with us, even though we have all done shameful things.  We know that we are all sinners and that we deserve death.  But through the death of Your son, we can now approach You through the Blood of Christ.  We recognize that blood shed on our behalf on the Cross.

You promised that those who seek You will find You if they search with all their heart.  

Lord, we humbly pray for our sister Del.  We know that she has some misunderstandings about You, but so do all of us.  We do know that she loves You with all of her heart, and that she longs to be with You just as we do.  She shares our blessed hope.

So Lord, please if it be Your will, heal our sister.  Let her arise with renewed health and vigor.  Let her live out the remainder of her days praising You for Your deliverance.  And please be with us.  Let us hear the still small voice of Your Spirit telling us the way that we can go.  Teach us Your patience, teach us Your love.  Let us grow in grace in Your presence to become men and women of purity and strength and love.

We're not as strong as we think we are.  We are weak children in Your arms.  Sometimes we fight with each other or argue, but You love us each equally.  As Our Lord prayed upon the cross, Father we ask of You, please forgive us for we do not know what we are doing.  Give us knowledge and strength to turn to those ways which honor You above all.  Teach us your patience.    Sometimes when we don't see results in hours, oh Lord, we get impatient and angry at our brothers and sister.  We give up too soon.  Give us Your patience, and help us see through Your eyes.

When You led Jonah to Nineveh to speak against the evils of that city, Jonah was impatient because he did not see through Your eyes.  He did not see Your love for the people in that city and how You had changed their hearts.  Yet You used Jonah to give that message, even though He was weak and impatient.  Lord, have mercy on us as well when we are weak and impatient.  Have mercy for we do not know what we are doing.  

Give us eyes to see and hearts to feel the pain in others.  Above all, Lord, teach us to love.  That is how they will know we are Christians, through our love.  Endless, unconditional.

Break off those who would in Your name hold us back from reaching a sick and dying world with Your love.  Let us remain a people pure in purpose and strong in truth.

We pray all this in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who taught us to pray:

Our Father, Who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory
Forever, Amen.

[This message has been edited by Paul Beach (edited 03-16-2002).]

Post by: Liane H on March 17, 2002, 05:40:00 AM
Hi Paul:

Thank you for making us aware of prayer for Del Star. Many know of her from other forums and we share in your request for prayer for her of the cancer that is taking her life presently.

Del is a child of God and is in need of our prayers and we thank you Paul for coming here and making known her needs at this time.

Dear Lord:

Please be with Del in her time of need and illness. She is your child and we seek you Lord to hear her and us of her needs.

You who gave everything for us knows our frame and that we are but grass. But in your eyes also we are the sons and daughters of Your righteousness.

As Del passes through this time please be close to her and if it is according to your will that she be healed we know that it is you that can heal from the heart as well as the body.

She needs your touch of Love more than ever Father and I know that you are the only one that can reach her tender soul and keep her safe for that great day if she is to pass from this life to death.

Your mercy is good and your love is more than enough for all of us and I thank you for the saving truths that You have entrusted to us. Not all understand these truths and we ask that you seek out the hearts and minds of those that have lost their way in the darkness of this world and have lost sight of you and your special message for this last generation. I especially ask this for Del my Father who is in need of healing from you in regards to your precious jewels of truth given to us.

Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and may the rich blessings from above pass onto all of us in the name of your precious son our Lord and Saviour, Jesus.



Post by: Joan on March 17, 2002, 07:44:00 AM

Dear Lord please be with Del in this time of sickness. Give her loved ones strength in uplifting her with practical help and cheery words. Thank you that she is not alone in this time. Guide her doctors in making right decisions in her treatment. Ease her suffering and bring it to an end soon.


Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on March 17, 2002, 09:29:00 AM
Dear Father,

I join with others who have presented Del to you asking for your intervention and that she will have inner peace. Give her the strength that only you can provide and the healing that she needs.  

Be with her imemdiate family and all others who she is able to influence for your name.


Post by: Clive Nevell on March 18, 2002, 02:17:00 AM
Father in heaven there is much that we need to pray for at this time, those among us who are not well, we think of Del in a special way at this time,  also we ask that You will send rain to our thirsty land. We so much need it to relieve those who are now so low in water.
May your name be glorified and honoured even if it does not rain. Help us all to remain your faithful servants. In Jesus name Amen.
Post by: Clive Nevell on March 21, 2002, 03:43:00 AM
Father in heaven we think of Sister Flow at this time, bless her, may You bring her back to full health and strength. Be with her husband and son. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

(Flow has received bad news today, the cancer is now in her bones, we are awaiting further reports to find out how extensive it is)

Post by: Clive Nevell on April 06, 2002, 10:47:00 AM
Dear Father in heaven please bless Sister Florence and her family. If your name can at all be praised and glorified through healing of our dear friend at this time bring her back to health again. Comfort her husband and son as they need to come into your fold.
At this time please ease her pain and thank you so much for a wonderful day that she had with her friends at her baptism yesterday. She was so happy to praise your name for what you have done already in her life. I leave all in your care now and ask this prayer through the precious blood that was spilt on Calvary for all, Amen

(Flow was rebaptized yesterday and had her husband and son there to witness it. he told me it was the best afternoon he had ever had. She wants them both to be saved and whatever she must do so that will happen she will do it. She only wants God's will to be done even though she is going down hill fast with the cancer. Please continue to pray for her.)

Post by: Michelle on April 06, 2002, 06:29:00 PM
I talked with my friend Ernest today.  HE was on his way to see his wife in the hospital.  She was put on bed rest two weeks ago and admitted to the hospital last week.  Has toxemia.  Has been on steroids for a week to try to strengthen the baby's lungs (baby not due till middle of June).  Baby definitely diagnosed with Dandy Walker.  They will do a C-section when the toxemia levels are too high.  Because of other complications, they may have to do a hysterectomy at that time.  Please continue to pray for them and their baby.  Thanks.
Post by: Joan on April 06, 2002, 11:47:00 PM

My, this sounds very complicated in getting this baby to birth rightly. I am so sorry that she is having these worries.

Yes, I will continue to pray for her health even today when I get finished here.


Post by: Michelle on April 10, 2002, 10:56:00 AM
I just got off the phone with Ernie and Carrie.  Chenoa was born at 10:01 this morning (which Carrie loves--being a math teacher, she loves palindromic numbers, so 10:01, in 2002, and their last name is Staats--I told them they should have named her Eve!).  She is 2 pounds 6 oz and 13 inches long (I don't know how that translates for those of you who are metric--very small!).  Carrie had called Ernie and told him that they were going to do the c-section, and he made the normally 1 1/2 hour drive in 30 minutes (he said, I won't say by how much, but the car goes faster than 120 mph).  They apparently did not have to do a hysterectomy yet--still not sure on that one.  Chenoa is in NICU in a children's hospital--they are pleased they are so close to the hospital, relatively speaking.  They don't know any further information on Chenoa's health, as the doctors had a meeting right after rounds after she was born, so not sure what further health concerns they will have with her.  Carrie said she really appreciates the prayers that have been going up for her, and asks for us to continue to pray for Chenoa.  I know you will, as you are a praying bunch of people!


Post by: Richard Myers on April 10, 2002, 05:39:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we thank you for hearing all of the prayers for Ernie and Carrie and their  baby, Chenoa. Please continue to watch over them. Chenoa is so fragile, but you have her in your hands. Bless Sister Michelle and her ministry to this family, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Liane H on April 10, 2002, 08:36:00 PM
Hi Michelle:

I found this very helpful site for Dandy Walker. Alot of links as well.

You might want to pass this on.


Post by: Clive Nevell on April 20, 2002, 11:47:00 PM
I have a very urgent request to make, it concerns my sister Ellen. I have just received news that she has been admitted to hospital with bleeding from her brain. I do not know anymore than that. Could we please pray for her. She is a loyal Adventist. My mum prayed for her for about 15 years and seen her baptized before she passed away and now my sister is sick.

Father in heaven please be with my sister as she is not at all well, bless those who attend to her at this time and if it is your will may she make a full recovery. Also be with and comfort her family, husband, children and grandchildren. In and through the blessed name of Jesus, Amen

Post by: Richard Myers on April 21, 2002, 12:05:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we join with our brother in praying for his sister, Ellen. We continue a mother's prayer for the salvation of her daughter. We know nothing of the circumstances of this woman's life, but you know all. We ask in the name of Jesus, knowing your character. We know you desire her to be saved and we come asking you to intercede in her life at the present time. Do all that you can for her soul and that of her family, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Joan on April 21, 2002, 03:38:00 AM

Loving heavenly Father, thank you that Clive's mom loved you and served you. Thank you that Ellen his sister was baptized in your name and has been faithful to our church. She is suffering now for unknown cause. Please guide the doctors in the right diagnosis. Allow the right treatment for the result of the examination help her to recovery.Full recovery without lingering side effects.

In Jesus Name I pray,

Post by: Clive Nevell on April 21, 2002, 05:35:00 AM
I have been in contact with the family and told them that I had put a request in for prayer for Ellen and that people from other parts of the world would be praying for her. At this stage your prayers have been answered as Ellen has come through the operation and is as well as can be expected. They were able to stop the bleeding by clamping the blood vessel and the next 24 hours is very critical for her.
I also found out Ellen's husbands pace maker in his heart is playing up and is due to go and see a specialist tomorrow.
Thanks again for your prayers at this time.
Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on April 21, 2002, 07:12:00 AM
Dear Father,

We thank you for the outcome which we know could have been terrible. Please continue to be with Ellen and the family, and specifically her husband. Let them continue to experience your love and grace. We ask these mercies in your Holy name.


Post by: M.A. Crawford on April 21, 2002, 08:15:00 AM
It is wonderful news to be informed that Bro. Nevell's sister is doing better. God is a merciful God, and to Him be the glory for the great things He has wrought.


Post by: Clive Nevell on April 21, 2002, 03:09:00 PM
It is good to be apart of the family of God and thank you all for your prayers, I have not been able to conatct them this morning but as they have not contacted me I assume things went well during the night.
It is aslo good to be apart of the family at TRO where we can pray for each other.
Post by: Michelle on April 21, 2002, 06:25:00 PM
Little Chenoa will need heart surgery to correct a narrowed aorta.  I don't understand the technical information, but somehow they're giving her drugs that keep some valve from closing (which usually closes after birth) so she can get enough oxygen.  If she starts having problems, they'll have to do the heart surgery soon.  Otherwise, they want to wait until she's at least 4 pounds (so tiny!).  She has gained 5 overall ounces since she was born, so is doing all right there, but there is still so much that could go wrong.  

The good news is that the Dandy Walker probably won't pose a problem to her--don't know how they came to that conclusion, but that's what the neurosurgeon told them Monday.  Then Tuesday they found out about the heart (plus she has two holes in the heart).  Emotional roller coaster for them.  Keep them in your prayers (as I know you are).  Michelle

Post by: Liane H on April 21, 2002, 06:44:00 PM
Hi Michelle:

I posted a great website at the prayer request topic for Dandy Walker that I think would be helpful.

Take a look.


Post by: Mr David T Battler on May 10, 2002, 07:21:00 PM
Hello Brothers & Sisters

I have a good friend in the Canadian Army, who has decided, after a number of years there, that he should request an accomodation for his religious convictions regarding the Sabbath.  

Wayne has asked his Army superiors to allow him to take Sabbaths off, and, in turn, they have dismissed him from his current contract, and there seems to be some further problems developing, with atleast some of his superiors.

I have known brother Wayne for many years; he is always doing something for the Lord, no matter where in the world he gets sent, and he is using this oportunity to witness for Christ to many of his fellow soldiers.  Just yesterday, he was talking to me about the book of Acts, and all the things that the church had to go through, yet, they did their strongest evangelsim efforts, under the fiercest persecution.

Wayne is newly married, and has a wife and little one; and he is requesting prayer that "everything will work out for the best, and to give God glory."

We have talked about him going to the local Religious Liberty Leader here in Alberta, but first, there is an expected chain of command protocol that he wants to follow, according to army regulations.

I am just amazed at the respect and politeness coming from this guy, when he is being treated so unfairly.  If it was me; I'd get out the jawbone right away.

So let us remember our brother, and his family, that they will know God walks with them during this time, and that the glory of God will result from all this, and that financial provisions will be made for our brother.

I will keep you posted as to what happens.

Have a good, and Godly Sabbath. (what good is it, without God in it?)     :)

"Commit your works unto the Lord; and your thoughts will be established."  (Prov.16:3).

Mr David T Battler

[This message has been edited by Mr David T Battler (edited 05-10-2002).]

Post by: Richard Myers on May 11, 2002, 07:44:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we are encouraged by your Spirit working through Brother Wayne and ask that you bless him greatly as He follows your lead. Continue to give him patience and wisdom. We know it is a spiritual battle and his character will not only become more like yours, but he will be a great witness for you as attention is drawn to his love for you. Those responsible in the military will have an opportunity to learn of your ways as they see Brother Wayne keeping the commandments and the faith of Jesus. Be with his wife and family. Give them strength to support Brother Wayne we pray in the precious name of Jesus,  amen.
Post by: Wendy on May 11, 2002, 02:26:00 PM

WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: Mr David T Battler on May 12, 2002, 08:28:00 AM
Thankyou Richard & Wendy

Wayne has since mentioned to me that he has given away every book and tract he had with him, and even gave away his own personal material that he himself was using.  Why?  Well, in his words: "There's just so many that have no idea what is coming."

  :)  We can praise the Lord for the marvellous ways He will work through the literature that we all lace in the hands of peole who have never heard the Truth!


Mr David T Battler

[This message has been edited by Mr David T Battler (edited 05-12-2002).]

Post by: Clive Nevell on May 13, 2002, 04:46:00 AM
We have an Adventist family living near who are having a hard time. The father is recovering from broken ribs from a accident in the park with his kids and now the mother has put her neck out. With very little money coming they need our prayers at this time. Both are very faithful Adventists and came into Brisbane with us to share and witness to Harry and Viv last Sabbath.

Father in heaven we pray for Henry and Kura as they need your help at this time. May Henry find a job to support his famliy and heal Kura so she can be a mother to her kids as they are growing up. Also at this time bless Harry and Viv as Viv is sinking fast with cancer. May she feel that You are with her. In Jesus name, Amen.

Post by: Richard Myers on May 13, 2002, 08:36:00 AM
Post by: Michelle on May 21, 2002, 04:43:00 PM
Update on Ernest and Carrie and Chenoa.  Chenoa was airlifted from Chattanooga, TN, to Atlanta, GA today.  I think this is ahead of schedule (I talked to Ernest on Sabbath, my brother talked to him today--very different tenor between those days).  They had discovered recently a heart valve problem along with the aorta problem.  They have had to do CPR on her a few times (I don't know how many or over what period of time--this was from my brother).  The doctor in GA does not give them much hope.  She is so tiny that no one makes valves small enough to fit her heart.  He will look over her charts tomorrow, but is trying to prepare them for the possibility/probability that there is nothing that the doctors can do.  If she does die, they will take her to Colorado to bury her there (they're both from CO).  Please lift them and the doctors up in your prayers, that they know what the best decision to make is.
Post by: Joan on May 21, 2002, 10:04:00 PM

Father in heaven, the love and respect for life that these parents with the medical team are showing is honorable to you. What is your wish for the life you gave this baby? Touch please the parents to pray a prayer of faith to accept your will.

in Jesus name I pray,

Post by: Michelle on May 27, 2002, 06:46:00 PM
Well, it's over.  On Friday, the doctors told Ernest and Carrie that Chenoa's heart condition was inoperable.  One of her lungs had collapsed, and her kidneys were starting to fail.  On Sabbath they had to make a decision--to operate one one of her heart conditions, which would ultimately cause more pain because the valve was inoperable, or to remove her from life support.  They removed her from life support.  They stayed with her all Friday night, in a private room, and took turns holding her the whole time.  Sabbath, they were holding her together when the staff disconnected the equipment and removed the ventilator.  She died 17 minutes later, while they were singing Come Into My Heart Lord Jesus.  They flew to CO today, and will have the funeral in Grand Junction on Wed or Thurs.  Thank-you for remembering them in your prayers.
Post by: Richard Myers on May 27, 2002, 09:28:00 PM
God puts a love for chidren into the hearts of mothers and fathers. Bonding takes place in the womb.

Heavenly Father, we pray that you will comfort Ernest and Carrie in their loss. We thank you for sparing the little one much pain. Give our dear Sister Michelle grace to comfort our brother and sister we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Joan on May 27, 2002, 10:03:00 PM
Amen, lord Jesus, your will be done.
Post by: Clive Nevell on June 22, 2002, 04:56:00 AM
I have a request from Henry and Kura. They come to our Church at Harrisville. Today they went to Logan Reserve Church where they found out that a cousin was very sick. The cousin is Rapana and he is in the Intensive Care Unit at Logan Hospital. He requires a lung transplant. At the moment he is not strong enough to have one as he has other health problems. Rapana is an Adventist. He is married with four young kids.

Father in heaven please be with Rapana and bring him back to health according to your will. Bless his family at this time. In Jesus name Amen.


Post by: theo on June 26, 2002, 02:58:00 PM
I have an important prayer request I would like to ask you guys to pray for. Recently here in my town there has been a Phd. holding seminars on creation. He is not an SDA but he is very strong on creation. His stated purpose is to bring people to Christ and teach the importance of believing in creation as taught in the bible. The only problem is that he doesn't believe in the sabbath. He believes it was for the jews only. Our pastor has felt very impressed to go and speak to him about the sabbath. He called this individual and left a message with him and the guy returned his call and they set up an appointment to meet and discuss the sabbath. They are meeting as I write this message. Please pray for the holy spirit to  impress on this guy the importance and truth of the sabbath. This person could have a tremendous amount of influence with local sunday keeping churches if he were to accept the sabbath.

Thanks for your help

Ted Chase (theo)  

Post by: Joan on June 27, 2002, 01:33:00 AM

Theo Ted, my heart is as strong as yours and the sda's Pastor for this creationist brother to get the full picture and have the gap filled in about the Sabbath honoring. I will believe in Jesus to impress the soul of this man to see the truth. I'll post a prayer here and pray further privately. When the seed of truth has been planted by the conversation of yesterday, than all that is needed is the change of heart growth for showing love to Jesus by honoring the fourth command of the decalog.

Send an update in time when positive results are known to you.


Post by: Joan on June 27, 2002, 01:41:00 AM

Glory goes to you Jesus, for your miracle of life planted in this academician. He has responded to you a the saviour Christ and is motivated to bring others to you by these lectures. We all are one in heart here that he will come to the position of full gospel message and begin to submit to your authority over the 7th day rest. May the words spoken to him by the sda Pastor be nourshed by your Spirit. I pray for a guard on his mind that the enemy will not take away the truth he has now heard. And I believe in you, Jesus, to work a new miracle of healing his blindness about the Sabbath. I pray for your will to be done.


Post by: Clive Nevell on July 25, 2002, 05:28:00 AM
My father-inlaw needs special prayer at this time as well as his family. He is in hospital in Brisbane Australia. He came down from P.N.G. about three weeks ago and is having treatment for cancer. He has already had his voice box removed. Today they are taking a lump out from his throat. All this is happening far away from his home in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. He is an Engan from Wabag. The youngest daughter is down here with him.


Post by: Joan on July 25, 2002, 12:02:00 PM

Jesus, you see how Teresa and Clive so love her father. It will hurt them so much to loose him. Let them please have more quality time with him. Arrest the progressing cancer with your word. May he be in hospital with a mind staying on you in faith and trust. I ask this for Christ sake,
Post by: Richard Myers on July 26, 2002, 06:14:00 AM
Brother Clive, how is Rapana doing?
Post by: Ben on July 29, 2002, 03:48:00 AM
Dearest Family:
We really need your prayers on an on-going basis for our medical mission here in Brunei.
I have just now returned from a last minute meeting with the GMs of a local company that I wanted to make our beehives.
They have become very interested in our project and want to call their "investor's board" together when we return in 2 weeks from the bee medicine convention in Taiwan.
Strangely every question they had asked I have been studying to answer for months.
The bottom line is they seem to want exactly what we ourselves have been shown is our mission purpose here! Praise God!
And now here is the really amazing part:
this "investor's board" is made up of several of the nation's dukes (as we would call them) and the Sultan's brother-in-law!!
This is not an everyday event, and white folks rarely even get to this stage.

Please lift us up to the Master for His protection, healing for my wife, and the success of His work here.
Many thanks!

Post by: Richard Myers on July 29, 2002, 08:18:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we continue to ask for wisdom and grace for our Brother Ben and his wife as they labor for you. Thank you for opening doors for evangelism. We also continue to pray for our sister, that you will give wisdom for her healing. Thank you for a Saviour that cares for us so very much. We pray this prayer in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

[This message has been edited by Richard Myers (edited 07-30-2002).]

Post by: Ben on July 30, 2002, 01:18:00 AM
Prayers answered. My wife is back to normal now...Thanks and give Him the credit!
Post by: Joan on August 03, 2002, 12:10:00 PM

Ach, Ben....That is so fine to read!

What normal means in her case is yet for me to discover  :) but with each report of improvement in her health I know it serves for her overall wellbeing which affects the ones she deals with daily.

God is the healer and the lifter up of our heads.

Praise goes to Him.


Post by: Richard Myers on August 03, 2002, 02:06:00 PM
Brother Clive, who moderates in the Sabbath School Forum, and his wife continue to ask that we pray for her father, Brother Tondopan, who recently had an operation to remove a tumor from his neck and needs further therapy. God has been blessing and the physicians are happy with his progress. The family is in need of financial assistance. The hospital costs are very high and there is no insurance.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 03, 2002, 02:50:00 PM
Silent emergency prayers around the world for Howard and myself and our family. Intercession is greatly appreciated. :)


Post by: Ben on August 03, 2002, 05:40:00 PM
Count me in, Wendy!
Post by: Richard Myers on August 03, 2002, 08:53:00 PM
We have not ceased praying for your family, dear sister. Draw close to Jesus!


[This message has been edited by Richard Myers (edited 08-04-2002).]

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on August 04, 2002, 11:01:00 AM
You are in my prayer Sister Wendy F
Post by: WendyForsyth on August 04, 2002, 12:39:00 PM
Thank you all so much. This is drawing me closer to Jesus. I just wish it was drawing us closer to Him as a couple. I just want you all to know how important you are to me as family and how much I love and appreciate you. :)

God bless,

Post by: Joan on August 05, 2002, 12:30:00 AM

:) Our love is real for you and the caring in our hearts that you draw close to Jesus is what we all wish for you both  :)


Post by: Ben on August 05, 2002, 01:39:00 AM
Amen! Keep your ears open, W.W.!
Post by: Clive Nevell on August 05, 2002, 12:36:00 PM
Sadly Rapana passed away, he was only in his early 30's.
Post by: Joan on August 05, 2002, 11:52:00 PM

Rapana is the one with four kids who had lung cancer. I know you said he was Adventist. With the young age of 30 something it sure is a sad case for his wife and kids. Mourning is going on. May the relatives be loving and merciful to help her out in this time of need.


Post by: Clive Nevell on August 06, 2002, 05:27:00 AM
He was from the Cook Islands.
Henry and Kura are also from there.
I did not know Rapana, he was a relative of Henry.
Post by: WendyForsyth on August 15, 2002, 11:35:00 AM

Sorry to get on this so late but I thought someone was posting this for me.

Tuesday evening Howard was in a motorcycle accident. He broke his neck between the 6th and 7th vertebra. The seventh was shattered. As of now he has gone through surgery to fuse his neck and to repair his shattered left, dominant, hand.

He is paralyzed from the chest down.

The doctor's prognosis is that he will never have the use of his legs again. Praise the Lord his mind is clear and he retains some function in his arms and hands.

We will be having a special prayer service for him later today and annointing him. We are praying for healing, but also that God's will be done. I know all of you understand what I am saying that if this is where Howard needs to be for God to reach him, then I am okay with it. He is strong, I am strong. We are only strong because we are holding on to the hem of Christ's garment.

Please our loved friend's and truly our family, keep us in your prayers.

God bless you all, and may He come quickly to redeem us from this painful earth.

Wendy, Howard, Jacob, Matthew, and Ashley....and numerous others.

Post by: Ben on August 16, 2002, 12:41:00 AM
So very sorry to here that, Wendy. Of course we are praying for God to use even this for Howard's spiritual growth.
Post by: Joan on August 16, 2002, 03:25:00 AM
Prayer for Howard...

Our Lord and God, may you be glorified through this accident for your name's sake.

We all want the best for Howard. May your laws of healing be anointed with your power to allow the healing process to go the best ways possible in his damage body. As you comfort and strengthn Wendy in her task of supporting Howard in his condition, I ask you to please utilize this time in presenting yourself in truth to him and her that you will be their center of thought and will.

I pray that according to your will the paralysis is tempory and he will walk again.

In faith in you I pray,

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 16, 2002, 10:23:00 AM
Hi all!

Thank you for the prayers. Satan sure hits hard doesn't he? :) Praise the Lord God is even stronger. Howard is still paralyzed but is sitting up and getting fit for a wheelchair and is eating semi solid foods. So this is good progress. :) He appreciates more than you can imagine all your prayers and love. Thanks for being there. :)

God bless,

Post by: Joan on August 16, 2002, 11:28:00 AM

Thanks to the Lord for good medical help when it is needed. Physiotherapy starts as soon as possible to avoid atrophy of muscles.  How long will he be wearing the neckbrace for? Two months or three months ?

Who else was involved in the accident? Are they okay?


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 16, 2002, 04:02:00 PM
I'm not sure about the brace Joan. Physical therapy will start as soon as he's moved from the ICU. It probably depends on his healing. He will be here at the hospital a minimum of 2-3 months if we decide to stay here for rehab. We may decide to go with Good Sam in Puyallup if it is comparable. No one else was involved but a wonderful man stayed with him until help arrived. Sadly two cars passed by and didn't help. Then a trucker finally stopped and called.

Sounds like the good samaritan story to me. :)

Love you all,

Post by: Richard Myers on August 16, 2002, 09:09:00 PM
Heavenly Father, thank you for preserving our brother's life. We pray for our dear friends that you will turn this accident to good for their family and friends. We will truly be thankful when sin, sorrow, pain, sickness, and death are banished. We pray that you will help us to hasten that day. Comfort our dear Sister Wendy as she ministers to her husband and children. Send your children to help them in their time of need we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Sister Wendy is there anything we can do for you and Howard?


Post by: Brad on August 16, 2002, 09:55:00 PM
Amen Brother Richard.

Sister Wendy Good Sams is a good hospital as a friend of ours who was in a coma spent several months there. Like Brother Richard I also offer my help for your family.

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on August 17, 2002, 06:12:00 AM
Dear Wendy,

My heart goes out to you and your family in this painful experience that has suddenly come into your lives.

Through every difficulty, God's loving hand is still guiding, so take courage that He will bring you and Howard through this one.

There are many hurdles, and things will be a lot different, but you and Howard are in my prayers, and with God by your side, you have nothing to fear. So take courage from Isaiah 43:1-2.


Post by: Joan on August 17, 2002, 09:50:00 AM

"Be strong and take heart, all of you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:24

Isaiah 26:3  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Peace with God in Christ through his blood that has cleansed us from sin. This peace is the effect of receiving His righteousness applied to us individually in the way of believing. Righteousness is received by believing faith, so also the effects of this righteousness that has been given us will bear fruit in our lives. As his child, we approach God as Father. Not on account of our negative, distraught feelings is He moved in compassion for us. Not on account of our loss or threat of discomfort in life is He moved to want to help us. No, he is compassionate because of who He is and that we are His.  Peace with God is oft not a feeling in our souls but more a steady foundation of  knowing. It is a perfect peace as contrast to self-delusional imaginary peace. Such a false peace comes when we lie to ourselves about reality. We deny facts and build up unrealistic expectations.
To keep our mind fixed on God has been taught to us by Jesus as He brought our attention to the grapevine. We draw emotional and mental stability being connected to the life of Jesus. We walk in faith on the covenant we have with Him. We claim the promises of God He has given us for comfort which are firm and secure because the faithfulness of God in His power will make them good. Included in the promises of God is forgiveness of confessed sin, of cleansing us from the effects of these and clothing us with righteousness. He has promised to justify us before God when we sincerely commit our lives to Him because his atonement is suffient to deal with our estrangement form the holy Creator. But the promises go futher on in our lives now that we are his property again. He promises not to leave or forsake us. He promised us a Comforter to lead us into all truth. And he has promised to supply all our needs. Our trust is in the Lords assesment of what our needs are. We know that he is wise in not giving us every want of our fickle desires because it would spoil us into looking elsewhere in devotion of gratefulness.

James 4:3  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

Mark 11:24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:25  And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Mark 11:26  But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

May God comfort and bless you,
your Joan

Post by: Wendy on August 17, 2002, 03:04:00 PM
Dear Jesus, please be with WendyF and her husband as they go through this time of trouble. Give them strength and carry out Your will in all matters.


WendyL ~ Maranatha!:)

Post by: M.A. Crawford on August 19, 2002, 07:58:00 AM
I just read Sis. Wendy F.'s prayer request this morning, and I certainty want to add my name to the list of those who will be praying for her husband. Being a husband myself and the father of two, I can emphathize with this particular request because I too remember when I lay in a hospital room in the intensive care unit. But God brought me through that ordeal over a period of time and restored unto me my health.

I had vowed to the Lord many years before that hospital ordeal that I would order my life after the Divine Likeness of Jesus Christ and would encourage others to do the same. One's walk with the Lord is not always one of "sunshine and blue skies." We are often reminded in Scripture that in this life "some rain must fall." But, through it all, we as Christians know that GOD IS STILL GOD and He will see us through the difficulties of this life if we would but trust Him, take Him at His Word, and go forward in faith. I am very well aware that oftentimes this is easier said than done when one is hurting, but please be reminded that God is not going to permit any more to negatively impact upon us than we can bear.

I shall be praying for your husband, your family, and you, Sis. Wendy, that God will have mercy according to His Will.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 19, 2002, 11:23:00 AM
Thank you all so much for your prayers. You have no idea how they have carried me and Howard through. God truly doesn't give us more than we can handle. Howard will remain at Harborview by the way. We've determined it's the best place for him.

Thank you all for your offers of help. The Lord is helping me to learn to humble myself in this respect as it is not easy for me to ask for help. Howard was our only financial support and I will be caring for him for some time. He will be on disability but that takes months to kick in. There will be an account set up in my name but I am not sure of the details. This is so hard for me. But if anyone can help out financially it would be such a blessing. Please email for details at Otherwise your prayers are more than enough and are what is getting us through this trying time. Thank you all for your love and support in this painful time. I don't know what I'd do without you all.

God bless,
Edited to correct email address.

[This message has been edited by WendyForsyth (edited 08-19-2002).]

Post by: Clive Nevell on August 20, 2002, 02:43:00 AM
We can only pray and hope that God will restore Howard to be with you all again.
Post by: WendyForsyth on August 20, 2002, 09:36:00 AM
Yes, thank you Brother Clive. It is one step forward two back at this point. It is hard to see him like this. Someday he will be home with us, and when Jesus comes, Howard will throw aside his wheelchair and run to meet Jesus. This is what sustains us.

God bless,

Post by: Laurie Mosher on August 20, 2002, 05:55:00 PM
   Sister Wendy, I'm flabbergasted!
 So sorry to hear of Howard's misfortune, (and yours too)!

 As one who deals with daily tragedies, and injuries , I can identify somewhat of your trials! " Somewhat", sounds so trite. Anyhow, please accept my sorrow for Howard's accident, and I would like to pray that Romans 8:28 will be of comfort to all of you.

 Dear Heavenly Father!
 Here we are standing on the threshold of eternity. I ask that You will be with Howard, and Wendy (and their children)in  a special way tonight as they face the future. Father, may they realize that You are the Great Physician. You hear the prayers of Your people, and I ask that You Father God will listen to my request .
 Oh I know the seriousness of this accident, but I also know that You are a God of miracles, and that You are able to heal  and save to the uttermost.If it be Your will please restore Howard to a measure of being able to carry on and continue to be a blessing to those within his circle of family and friends.
  Father God , we know that the devil is seeking to destroy each of us, but may  Wendy, Howard and the children look forward to the promise of Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

 In Jesus' Name and for His sake, AMEN and Amen!

P.S> Keep "the" faith Sister Wendy! God loves you and your family!

[This message has been edited by Laurie Mosher (edited 08-20-2002).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 21, 2002, 09:26:00 AM
Thank you Laurie. Your prayer and thoughts mean so much to me and to Howard. It's hard to know what to say in these instances, but everyone has said just the right thing that I needed at the time. Thanks to you all for that. I need bearing up at this time. Sometimes I'm so tired and weak I just want to lay down and go to sleep. I know Howard does too. We want Jesus to come soon. Good is already coming of all this in our spiritual growth, so that is a comfort. All of you are in my prayers as I know Satan is attacking many of us at this time, when his time is so short.

God bless you all,


Post by: Richard Myers on August 21, 2002, 03:54:00 PM
Amen, Sister Wendy. It is a spiritual battle we fight. Jesus is in control and he can heal Howard instantaneously if it would be for His glory and your family's salvation and the salvation of others. He may do that at any time, but more important, He wants us walking into heaven, that is the all important thing. Satan is as a roaring lion, but he is defeated. Let us keep our eyes upon Jesus.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 21, 2002, 04:23:00 PM
Amen Brother Richard!!! Well said!

Even so come Lord Jesus!


Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on August 23, 2002, 09:02:00 PM
Dear Wendy,

I know that we are all praying for Howard. However, I am sending a specific prayer for you tonight. I truly can appreciate the pain that you are going through at this time.

Please find a loving church family that is immediately available to you. This is a calamity that demands the vital input of a concerned church family.  


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 24, 2002, 11:38:00 AM
Thank you Brother Dugald for the prayer. A marital crisis beyond anything I could have imagined came out as part of our confesional to each other last night. No details as that is between us and God, but you don't know how timely your prayer was. I'm going to need more strength than I had even imagined from this crisis. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
We had a visit from the Lacey church pastor who wants Howard to give his testimony when he is able. However I am saddened at the lack of financial giving. I know these are hard times but we've had everything stripped from us and I know there are some out there that could help. We won't end up on the streets thanks to some generous family and friends, but we're not far off. Please pray for us in this regard as well as continued peace and the ability to leave it in God's hands.

Thank you so much,

[This message has been edited by WendyForsyth (edited 08-24-2002).]

Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on August 24, 2002, 01:50:00 PM
Dear Wendy,

I can assure you that God will bring you both through this crisis as you both continue to reach out to Him in FAITH.

You wouldn't have a lot of money coming to you at once, but He will never let the righteous be forsaken or be found begging bread. There will always be enough to live one day at a time. It is the faith experience. I have been there.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 25, 2002, 01:01:00 PM
Thank you Dugald. That's exactly what I needed to hear. Like the Israelites and Elijah in the wilderness. One raven at a time. One piece of manna at a time. God will provide.

Thank you.

Love in Christ,

Post by: Richard Myers on August 25, 2002, 08:55:00 PM
Yes, we must not lose sight of the reality of what Jesus is doing for each of us. As we study Job, Moses, Daniel, and the life of Christ we see that it is a spiritual battle. Sister Wendy, we are praying for you. I have been gone for awhile, but will in touch with you.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 25, 2002, 10:16:00 PM
Thank you Brother Richard. I look forward to hearing from you. You have put it quite well. It is all a spiritual battle, not a battle of the flesh.

God bless,

Post by: Michelle on August 27, 2002, 07:08:00 PM
Wendy, I haven't written, but have been thinking of you and praying for you and Howard.  12 years ago, just after I was married, my dad was in a car accident and was in intensive care for 11 weeks.  I remember my mom's comment that she had been praying about their relationship and had told God to do whatever it took.  Later she said perhaps she had been a bit rash, but through that trying time it brought them closer together.  So I understand about things happening to bring people to a point of listening to him (in this case, both my parents).

How is it going with the school bill?  I remember you saying that you were putting the kids in school this year but finances were already going to be tight.  Is the church and school working with you on that?

I know how difficult it is to be the strong one in the family--with the kids and the husband depending on your strength.  I've been there, though not to the extent you are now.  I'm praying for your strength, and for your emotional health.  I am still dealing with the emotional issues that came with this last winter, and fighting the depression that has accompanied it.  Is there a person who can give you time off?  I'm very concerned about this--I know how draining and wearing it is!  Too bad we're 1/2 way across the country!  can't offer to come and watch the kids while you go to a movie/concert/walk/cry/etc.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 28, 2002, 09:47:00 AM
Thank you Michelle :)

God has given me a measure of peace throughout this that I couldn't have imagined. I know I will feel possible burnout soon but my mom has been watching the kids so that makes it easier. I'm probably going to start caring more for the kids next week and commuting by ferry to see Howard. That is when it will get tough.  The kids are in school and the first month is paid for. We are going to go to the conference to see if there is any way of scholarshiping them through this year. We will pray for it. We have some financial assistance ready to come through but it may take time. In the meantime we are hanging on. :) You will be in my prayers as well Michelle. Stay strong okay?

God bless,

Post by: Joan on August 28, 2002, 11:48:00 AM

Howard has moved into a turning point in his life. His physical condition has swerved up and away from the society’s norm. However, his spiritual condition of loving our Lord as his Saviour is intact. That the Father in heaven still delights in him is a firm standard of truth. For many the protection from death by his accident holds special meaning. On the other hand for many is confusion still in the minds as to the reasons why “bad things happen to good people“.

It is well established in our SSchool circles that when we get talking about this, one or the other brings up the truth that we are free moral agents to choose between right and wrong, bad and good, or for something upbuilding or something destroying. In the best of situations the guardian angels of children of God really do work overtime in making some of our fatally bad judgement decisions a bit more bearable by smoothing edges of circumstances. The fact is we make decisions for somethings that really can hurt us. God does not intervene because he would then start being arbitrary like the Devil. Jesus came into this world to break the bondage of Satan over us but His ministry still allows us to still be free in our choices.

Granted, there are testimonies out there in the Kingdom of His children where the Divine has intervened and the law of cause and effect was overrided with some rather breath-taking miracle. Those are exceptions. Not the norm. God generally doesn't abridge the law of cause and effect. Accidents can be logically followed to their proven conclusion in the steps of cause and effect.

My theology building does not have bricks in the wall whereon is written that God purposely premeditatively does evil directly to his children. But in my theology building is room for God to punish his children for the sake of discipline and not for the sake of destroying them. So the word of ’allows’ is for me better when focusing in on why bad things happens to good people. God allows "bad things" to happen to both good and bad people to try and cause them to wake up to the sin that is in their lives that is leading them to destruction.  So God allows problems and disasters to come to help people to look to Him and change their ways.

A lot of our personal bodily habits lead us into suffering. Most of our illnesses are traced back to poor respect of health laws. When children of God have knowledge of where to learn of good health laws and apply them but ignore this by continuing in their drive for pleasing the lusts of the flesh, then they are held responsible for the results. There are many who on the other hand suffer illnesses because of heritary genetic defects making them prone to break out with certain incurable ailments. That I understand. But when those who have been taught rightly proper health laws or moral laws and stubbornly insist on continuing in a way that has no support from God's word, the suffering that comes upon them are to be put to their own account. Not the Devil’s and not the Father God Almighty in heaven. Often God does allow extra times of trouble to enter into one’s life as a chance to come to repentance in a sort of 9/11 wake-up call.  

The story of Job has brought about the dogmatic teaching of how God ’allows’ bad things in our lives in order to test our loyalty. The irritations of sand in the mollusk, causing layers of mineral to coat in layers the growing pearl, produces a stone of great worth when the battles in the oysters are constant. Furthermore, so ugly the black strip of hard carbon appears in rock-bed of a diamond mine, just so beautiful in splendor when the hard chipping away at the found multifacet diamond stone brings to light the value of it’s being. All from the trails of pressures and formation.

Those who are spiritually in tune with their Lord Jesus will first examine themselves, to see if they were just prior to the incident of crisis or troubles in their life, in obedience to God’s instructions. If not, then forgiveness is to be pleaded for. But not all need to be in sin to have something awful happen to them. Many are indeed living in God’s revealed will, they have refused to bow to their own interpretation of it. It is an act of loving submission when the trial we go through reveals that we are serving God because of truth and our willingness to be loyal to Him because of ’who He is’ and not because of the material blessing we get out of Him.

I know what emotional turmult means personally. I can give testimony to three horrendous times in my personal life of trials that caused me to scream out a prayer of faith like Job did...  “Even though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.“  


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 28, 2002, 02:27:00 PM
Amen Joan. I've prayed that prayer and so has Howard. :)

Thank you for your response.



Post by: Joan on August 29, 2002, 05:39:00 AM

:) Maranatha, WendyF  :)
Post by: Michelle on August 29, 2002, 07:07:00 AM
I hope I didn't give the impression that I thought God caused my father's accident or Howard's, by comparison.  I think God uses circumstances to answer prayers.  It was an answer to prayer and a miracle that Dad lived--the non-Christian surgeon told us that was the only explanation for why he lived.  HIs liver was damaged, his spleen was bruised, his pancreas was cracked and was digesting itself, etc.  He was at a Christian (Lutheran) hospital (where my mom works) and many of the nurses and doctors and their churches were praying for dad (as well as many SDA churches).  That was the only explanation.  It did give my parents a 2nd chance, which is what I should have said.  I don't think God caused the car to hit dad, but he did protect him from dying.


Post by: Richard Myers on August 29, 2002, 07:17:00 AM
As Sister Wendy and Brother Howard consider God's love and His intervention in their lives, the principles of God's government are to be clearly understood where we have been given light. This will bring blessing.  :)

Job was perfect in his walk with God. His trouble did not come from God, nor was it in response to sin in his life as his three friends charged, making his trial even greater. Yet, having learned this lesson, we may say that God does not destroy, for He does. He killed every living thing on this earth with the exception of what was on the ark. The trial that resulted for Noah and his family was a direct result of God's action.

God is in control of all that happens and while the devil hurt Job, God allowed it. A great blessing came to Job as a result, even though he fell. When he repented, he had a new experience that brought him closer to God. He was allowed to see a weak spot in his character and ever after he remembered his need of Jesus continually.  "All things work together for good to those who love God."

As we rest in His love and allow Him to lead us day by day, moment by moment, He will make our lives full of joy even while in the middle of suffering. Is not this what our Brother Howard is experiencing as he is able to witness for Jesus!

We continue to pray for your family, dear Sister Wendy.


Post by: WendyForsyth on August 29, 2002, 09:45:00 AM
Honest Michelle I never took your post that way. :) I understood what you meant. :)

Brother Richard Amen! I guess you must have received my email then? Praise God for our trials which bring us closer to Him and allow us to help the Holy Spirit lead others to the kingdom!

God bless,

Post by: Joan on August 29, 2002, 10:11:00 AM

I vaguely remember reading on these forums of TRO in some topic thread somewhere the story a grandmother member who was telling of her grandson. He apparently was drifting away from his sda church upbring and earning big money in golf tournaments taking place on both week-end days.

Feeling sad about it, she turned to God in prayer for him to come back to the church. I'm sorry I don't remember the details, but he broke his both wrists doing something (or maybe had some car accident ?). Anyway what did stay with me was the conviction spoken by this grandmother that God had broken both wrists of this young man because he was then able to sit still to watch some evangelist  sermons on videos at her place. She attributes the watching of these tapes to cause him to come back into the church on a regular basis, get Andrews Uni trained and is now a minister somewhere in the SDA organisation.

I have never been in a denomination that had ever from the pulpit, or by members of the church, said that God himself directly harms someone to pursuade them to go his way. I had never been confronted with such a thought and I was taken aback in much surprise.

I know God uses all sorts of situations to his good purposes. I was even a bit distressed to read later that this grandmother stated in another post to someone that God would "break wrists" when needed to, in order to draw people to himself.

It was a new theological aspect I never heard before. Not that I grasped it in instant belief as a direct truth. Even now it sits odd with me when I think of stating it as dogma. Perhaps the wording put me off to my mental picture focus of God.

We children of God are not all in the maturity of a relationship to God like what Job had.I for one do not see myself in the spiritual maturity of Job. I for one will definately not be chosen to ride up to heaven in a chariot of fire like Elijah. So when I think of personal suffering I know that lots of my own trials are self-made.But I see well when the battle of unseen principalities of the evil kingdom are doing me in, too.


Post by: Liane H on October 21, 2002, 06:38:00 PM
Hi Brethern:

Do to my hearing disability I have joined the Service Dog Groups at Yahoo. Have met some pretty wonderful people.

Through this group I met a wonderful person by the name of Karyn and she is married to a guy named Bobby.

Karyn requires the help of a service dog and her name is Girl Dog. We met and became close because I had mentioned by problems of late regarding my Sabbath at my job.

She wrote back that she was Seventh-day Adventist and wondered if I was Jewish. I wrote back and said I was also Seventh-day Adventist and there bloomed a friendship.

Besides her wheelchair, she also has other medical problems, but the more immediate issue is her husband has cancer. His cancer came at the year 2000, then went into remission, but now has come back. They both are going to be heading to a cancer facility in Detroit for follow-up of his cancer.

They met several years ago and married and then found he had cancer a month later. Despite this he joined the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Please pray for this couple as they are going through this setback of his cancer. Please pray for a safe trip and that the doctors can do something to get his health back on solid ground. If not, even more a healing.

Dear Father:

My prayers are with Karyn and her husband Bobby. Keep them and Girl Dog safe on the trip to the cancer facility. You know their needs. Help them to be strong and trust in you. Thank you for bringing Karyn into my life as a new friend.  

In Jesus precious name, Amen


[This message has been edited by liane (edited 10-22-2002).]

Post by: Liane H on October 24, 2002, 05:26:00 AM
Dear Brethren:

From the above post here is an update:

Well, we made the trip to Detroit, we saw the cancer center's Doctor, he gave Bobby a cure rate of 30% with high dose chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

If any of your churches have a prayer chain, please include this couple in their prayers for both Bobby and for Karyn.

Dear Father:

I thank you for bringing me into the life of Karyn at a time when she needs support and friendship.  

Please be close to them as they walk once again in the path of cancer. We know what the doctor said, but if it be your will for them to stay back the cancer and give them more time together. They have already been through so much, their faith in trusting you has not wavered, though walking in this valley of the shadow of death they speak your name in praise.

In Jesus precious Name, Amen.

Please keep this couple in your prayer.

Thank you, Liane  

Post by: Sister Marie on October 24, 2002, 10:28:00 AM
Dear Father in Heaven,

Please cover Bobby and Karyn with your wings of compfort; bringing healing according to your will and bringing peace either way. Draw close to them that they may know you are with them. I pray this in Jesus Name... Amen.

With Christian Love,
Sister Glass

Post by: Clive Nevell on October 25, 2002, 11:50:00 AM
Dear Father in heaven on this Sabbath day that you blessed please be with Bobby and Karyn, may they know that at this time you are with them. Amen


Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on October 25, 2002, 06:39:00 PM
Dear Father,

I approach you on behalf of Sister liane and her friends Bobby and Karyn.

You know the details of their circumstances and the trials of physical illness that has traumatized their lives.

I pray that you will continue to give Bobby and Karyn the strength to endure this very difficult situation, and I pray that their confidence in You and their determination to serve You will grow stronger so that their burdens will be lifted.

Grant them the healing that they seek according to Your will for their lives.
I ask these mercies in Your Holy name


Post by: WendyForsyth on November 30, 2002, 10:59:00 PM
Please pray for Howard! He is battling an antibiotic resistant strain of enterococcus. He is not winning. He is on an extremely strong antibiotic and it hasn't budged it. His temp hasn't gone below 101.4 except once and it was back up to 102 tonight. He looked like death warmed over. :( He literally looked like a corpse. He hasn't eaten in days and said he just wants to go to sleep and quit fighting. :( I sent him off to the er tonight and they'll culture his blood and put him on IV antibiotics and fluids. I pray he will come through this. But I have this awful foreboding. Please pray for me too because I know God can bring him through this if it is in His plan. He has before and I need my faith strengthened. Please come quickly Lord Jesus. :(

God bless,

Post by: Sister Marie on December 01, 2002, 11:43:00 AM
Dear Kind and Loving Father in Heaven,
healer of all problems whethr spiritual and phyical/mental. We come to you on be half of our dear Sister Wendy, that you will be with Howard and heal him according to Thy Loving Will. You and you only, know the future and what is best for Thy people. We pray for courage Dear Lord to have faith in Your decisions and your willingness to heal when this is best. Please bring peace to both Wendy and Howard to know that you are close to them in this time of trial.

I pray it in Jesus Holy Name and to bring Glory to Him.

With Christian Love,
Sister Glass

Post by: Sister Marie on December 01, 2002, 12:00:00 PM
Knowing full well what this could mean, I have prayed different times that God do whatever was needed to help my family and I to stay close to Him and ever walk closer and closer to Him.

It really does not matter to me what the answer to this prayer would intail. This earth is only a visiting place and the only real reason for being here (considering our sinful state) is to come to the Lord and be ready for Him. Those He loves He goes after. Especially when prayed for. What is broken wrists to Salvation? What is life itself vs. Salvation? I recall that King Hesakiah would have done well to except God's will to his earlier death.  

When we pray and trust in God to take care of things in whatever way He sees fit, we lay all in His Loving Hands and He does what is best for us "in the long run".

The long run is what counts..

With Christian Love,
Sister Glass

Post by: Liane H on December 01, 2002, 05:26:00 PM
Father In Heaven:

There are so many prayers I need to lift up to you, my cup runs over with needs.

Keep Karyn and Bobby close to you. His cancer has now spread to the bone and liver. They are your blessed children, so help them to stay close to you and know that you are there with them no matter what the outcome.

I ask that you touch the lives of my six inmates, help each one to draw closer to you in these days when the work of Satan is trying to discourage them and drive them away from you. They are your children in need of your love and mercy. More than anything help both Danny and Willie as things seem to be hitting them the hardest these days.

Help my friend Nani and John decide if they want to work at Uchee Pines. My heart says they should stay there were they could benefit the work with their talents, but wherever you lead them keep them under the wings of your safety.

Let me be a light of your love and wisdom to my two new friends that I am showing the way of your truths. Help me to know what to say so that they will draw closer to you and know the blessings that you have taught me.

I pray for my SD (Service Dog) list at Yahoo in people who are suffering so much, have so little, but lift in word comfort to each other as they deal with their disabilities, many far worse than mine. May my words bring help and support to these people who I have come to know and share my life with.

Please draw all of us here at The Remnant Online closer to you as we search the things that pertain to our lives and seek truth in the precious pillars of our faith that you have given us. We have been blessed with so much knowledge, so much to give and now I fear so little time to do it.

Soften our hearts to the dying souls in the world that need to know of you and the precious blood of your Son that was given so that all could have eternal life. May you lift us up in courage and desire to reach out to as many as we can before the day of wrath may come.

Please stay close to all the moderators and our administrator as we share our faith with the members and that we are able to bring the light of thy love and wisdom to all.

Most of all we thank you for the precious time you have given us to live our lives knowing you. We have been indeed blessed by having you as part of our lives. Keep us close to your Word and your Law and may we obey the laws that reflect your character that we will draw from the spring that will fill our thirst and satisfy our souls.

In Jesus precious Name,



Post by: Richard Myers on December 01, 2002, 06:00:00 PM
Amen, Jesus is coming soon. God will have a people that reflect His character. Let us hasten that day.
Post by: WendyForsyth on December 01, 2002, 06:15:00 PM
Amen Sister Glass! This is key. To turn our lives and those of our loved ones over to God because only He knows what will draw us close to Him. Howard is worse today. He is bleeding internally and we don't know where. He has been given three units of blood and two of plasma and his counts haven't changed. So they don't know where the blood is going. He had a CT scan and it didn't show definitively where it might be bleeding. Thank you for your prayers and thank you to God for the peace that only He can give.



Post by: Joan on December 01, 2002, 09:12:00 PM

yes indeed Wendy, each of our own cups does runneth over with needs. Nevertheless in my cup is heartfelt room for your need of prayer. If you desire then email me your phone number so I can pray with you in faith live over the wires.


Post by: WendyForsyth on December 01, 2002, 11:42:00 PM
Thank you dear Joan. :) I've lost your email so could you email me and then I'll send my number? Thank you love. We found the bleeding. It became obvious when Howard's thigh tripled in size and became hard as a rock and multi colored. :( He was just airlifted to University of Washington a few minutes ago. I'll be going in the morning after an appointment. Thank you for your heart and for your prayers.

God bless,

Post by: Liane H on December 02, 2002, 04:54:00 AM
Dear Father:

Added to my prayers this morning is Howard and Wendy. Now that they have found where the bleeding was, please be with the doctors and these precious souls in your care.

Let them know that you are right there with them and that you will comfort them in their needs.

The enemy does not care who you are all he cares about is hurting your children. Let them see that your power is greater than that of our enemy of souls.  

He also knows that our frames are like grass, but with you in our lives we have the power of all heaven for our needs. Let us turn to you always for your desire is to care for us is never ending.  

Give us faith today to get us through the things that we need to do today. Give us a spirit that will lift us up above the pain and sorrow in our lives. Give us the grace to reach out to others even if trials and suffering are in our lives. For by doing for others we are given back the rare gift of knowing You that the world needs to know and understand.

So many in this world need your love, your grace and the faith to meet the day. Whatever window each one of us, your children can open so that another soul can learn of you let us be that instrument that brings the rays of light from heaven to their minds and hearts.

Thank you Father for giving me this morning to write my prayer so that others know that we care and love them all because of you.

In Jesus precious Name,


Post by: Sister Marie on December 02, 2002, 07:46:00 AM
Dear Sister Wendy,
That is good that the bleeding was found. We will keep praying for you. If you need help you can call me too. Feel free to email me for my number.  :)

Have a wonderful day now and God be with you.
Sister Glass

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 12-02-2002).]

Post by: Richard Myers on December 02, 2002, 08:33:00 AM
Sister Wendy, we are praying for Howard. Please tell him that he is in our thoughts and prayers.


Post by: Clive Nevell on December 02, 2002, 10:39:00 AM
Dear Father in heaven bless Howard and Wendy at this time of great need. We thankyou that the bleeding problem has been found and now may it be addressed in the correct way.
In Jesus name, Amen.


Post by: WendyForsyth on December 03, 2002, 04:42:00 PM
Well it was worse than we thought. Howard's blood was so thin that he was bleeding straight through the vessel walls in his leg. It swelled up tremendously! They had to give him blood products such as plasma and red blood cells for 2 1/2 days before his numbers stabilized. He seems to be better today. Not bleeding internally anymore as far as they can tell. He is going to be on antibiotics for the next few days in case he develops an infection. Thank for your prayers. I'll try to keep you updated as I can.

God bless,

Post by: WendyForsyth on December 10, 2002, 06:21:00 PM
Howard came home Saturday night. He is doing much better. He is weak and has lost alot of ground physically during this illness. It is hard for him emotionally. But it is also wonderful to see him cling to Jesus for his strength. This has finally shown Howard that he cannot rely on himself for anything, Christ alone. He hasn't had a fever since he came home and got in his wheelchair last night. Praise the Lord he is still with us. :) I am so grateful and I'm telling you, we value our relationship and our family more than ever before. Thank you all for your prayers. We love you all.


Post by: Sister Marie on December 11, 2002, 05:06:00 AM
Praise God Sister Wendy,

It is wonderful to hear that he is home with you again.  :) We are so happy for you both!!

With Christian Love,
Sister Glass

Post by: Clive Nevell on December 31, 2002, 10:24:00 AM
We have received word that my wife's father is very low. This is part of an email that was sent yesterday from P.N.G. where he lives.

"Just to let you know that as you look forward to the New Year, may you all remember Dad Timothy as he humbly rests at Sopas Hospital tonight anticipating what the New Year will bring for him.

I visited him for the last 7 days at Sopas. Though the hospital is not fully functional with only four patients and very little supply and equipment he has been on I.V., Glucose and painkillers. When I saw him last Wednesday his left jaw and tongue had swelled up blocking off his oesaphagus so I started him on Milo and the Sir Jason Winters herbal tea and antioxidants directly to his stomach.

Last Sabbath we washed his feet he took the Lord's Supper. Then a special prayer session was held at the evening arranged by Dr Gibson Poape the resident physician at Sopas (My school mate) and run by Pastors Chris Moses, and two other ordained Ministers.

Timothy, although very weak with only his skin hanging off his bones and connected with tubes to the I.V. still had managed to scribble a few words which read: "Mi Timothy Tondopan ino bilong Kala long Sari, Mi bilong Jisas tasol" We all knelt down to offer a special prayer for him dedicating him to the Lord recognizing that his life was know totally in His care and grace.

On Sunday I visited him for the last time and it appeared that his swelling had receded and he asked to eat some food livelier than the last couple of days. I praised God for that sign. As the day came to dusk I hugged him and as I said farewell he pointed to his watch and said "I am waiting for the time to wind down. If I sleep he said I am looking forward to the resurrection morning when we would all meet again."

This was sent by William one of his sons.


Post by: Clive Nevell on December 31, 2002, 10:28:00 AM
Father in heaven my prayer is that you will bless Brother Timothy at this time. Comfort him and be with his wife and family. Restore him if your name at all can be honoured and glorified so that he again can be with his family. Above all may he have the assurance you are with him, In Jesus precious name Amen.


Post by: Filipe André Reis on January 03, 2003, 01:49:00 PM
Dear brothers and sisters!
I supose some of you might still remember me, particularly dear friend Laurie Mosher. I posted some messages some months ago, but due to some issues that took most of my time.
As sometinhig bad just happened, I immediatly remeber the kind way you've always received me here, and I decided to come back to see our this forum is going.
I can see that the great Lord has blessed many lifes, considering the lovely stories we can read today! May we all keep in this journey in faith!
Now please, if you are kind enough, take some time to read my request.
I have an older brother, Manuel Rui, 42 years old, who last tuesday had a heart stop and was taken to the hospital in a very deep coma. The doctors say the chances of him to survive are few.
He has a daughter aged 22, a son aged 17, ans a sweet little angle aged 3. These days have been very bad to his family and for us too, as you can imagine.
I'm not going to request that you ask our Father to give him life again. My only wish is that our Lord can give my brother a final moment of light where he can give himself to Jesus! I ask you to join me in my prayer.
I will live the rest of my days hoping that one day, by the power of Jesus, me and my brother will enter the land He's preparing us.
That day, we'll have teh chance to thank you.
May God keep leading your ways.
Your brother in Jesus.
Filipe Reis
Post by: WendyForsyth on January 03, 2003, 02:11:00 PM
Brother Clive, How is Brother Timothy? He has been in my thoughts and prayers. Such a sad situation and it breaks my heart to think of anyone suffering so. Please let us know how he is doing?

God bless,

Post by: WendyForsyth on January 03, 2003, 02:27:00 PM
Brother Filipe,

Your brother and his family are in my prayers. May the Lord's will be done.


Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on January 03, 2003, 04:40:00 PM
Dear Brother Felipe,

It is very disheartening to hear of such terrible news. I too join in prayer that the family will draw closer to Him.


Post by: Richard Myers on January 03, 2003, 04:58:00 PM
Heavenly Father, you have given us the privilege to pray with our Brother Filipe for the salvation of his blood brother, Manuel, and we thank you. Please hear our prayer for your child, Manuel. You know his heart. If it be possible to take his heart, we ask that you do. Our Brother Filipe understands the value of eternal life as compared to temporal life. We join with him in asking for Manuel's soul. We ask that you keep him alive until he is safe in your kingdom if this is possible. We cannot know this, but you do. We are to look at all souls as candidates for heaven. We know that our prayers for Manuel will allow you to do what you otherwise could not do. We also ask that you comfort this family in their time of need. We thank you for bringing our Brother Filipe back that we might pray with him. We also pray that you continue to bless his evangelism and the church that we prayed for in the past. Thank you for hearing our prayer and answering it in the very best possible way, because we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Sister Marie on January 22, 2003, 01:59:00 PM
Dear kind and loving Saviour,

We bring this request before you that Brother Filipe have mentioned to us in behalf of his dear brother. We could ask for his healing Lord, but what is most important is his being saved. In his deepened sleep dear Lord, come upon him as only you can and rain the truth of Salvation upon his mind. Please give him the time He needs to except this for himself that he may be again united with his brother in heaven. Be with his family and bring them also to Thee. Give them peace and comfort and trust in Thee.
I ask this is Jesus Name and for His Sake and His glory, Amen.

With Christian Love,
Sister Glass

Post by: Clive Nevell on January 23, 2003, 09:43:00 PM
It is Friday afternoon here and Sabbath is approaching.

Today we received news that my wife's father passed away yesterday afternoon about 4 pm our time.

I would like to thank you for your prayers in his recent sickness and I am sure he awaits the call of his Master.


Post by: Sister Marie on January 23, 2003, 10:40:00 PM
Thank you for your post Brother Clive. May the Lord be with you both in this loss and continue to give you comfort as He lovingly wrapes you both in His love and the hope of seeing this dear loved one again.

With Christian Love,
Sister Glass

Post by: Clive Nevell on April 02, 2003, 03:18:00 AM
Opening up my emails a few moments ago I received one from Mackay, Central Queensland.
It was from a friend I have not seen for the past 25 years or more and in it he told me about a minister who has had a bad heart attack. This minsiter baptized my wife and myself and two years latter baptized our two eldest children. Could we please pray for him. His name is Pr. David Lamb. He is now retired and a few months ago was in India running a mission where over 500 people were baptized.

Dear Father in heaven please do not let your servant pass away at this time. Bless his wife and family and restore Pr Lamb back to health if it your will. In Jesus name, Amen.


Post by: Sister Marie on April 02, 2003, 10:14:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father,

Please be with this good Pastor. We lay his life in your hands and pray for his complete healing according your will dear Lord. Please be with his family and give them comfort as only can come from you, with total peace. We pray this in Jesus Holy Name, Amen.

Post by: Richard Myers on April 02, 2003, 01:21:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you asking for your help. Nothing happens that you do not allow. We thank you for the privilege of prayer and ask that you comfort Pastor Lamb and his family. We know that you are looking for souls to give the last message of warning to the world before it is soon to perish. If the extention of the life of Pastor Lamb will bring honor and glory to you and will bring more into the truth, and will work to his salvation and his family's, we pray that you would restore him to health.

Give the physicans wisdom and give Pastor Lamb and his wife wisdom to know what has casued the difficulty and what they can do to play their part in his restoration. Help this pastor to see the connection between the health message and the three angels' message. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Clive Nevell on April 08, 2003, 07:07:00 AM
Just to let you in on an update of Pr Lamb. The tests were done and the procedure completed. He has two arteries that are nearly blocked and were repaired at the time of inpsection. He expects to be home within a few weeks. These things happen and we do not know why, he was very health conscious, we trust that he is on the roaad to recovery.
Thanks for your prayers.

Now I have another request for our eldest son who was burnt at College when cooking some rice. He is in hospital and we have talked with him and he is OK but in a lot of pain.

Father in heaven be with our boy, he needs you so much at this time. Things are not going at all well for him so comfort and ease the pain. Above all may he realize that his best friend is Jesus, Amen.


Post by: Sister Marie on April 08, 2003, 09:49:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father,

Please bless and be with brother Clive's son who was burnt. He is in a lot of pain and needs not just your healing but your comfort too. Please draw close to him that he can feel you near to him. Use this experience to some good in His life dear Lord. In faith Lord, we thank you for all things. Praise Your Name for Your Love for us. Amen.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Richard Myers on April 08, 2003, 10:51:00 AM
Amen! And heavenly Father we ask you to be with our brother as he travels to be with his son. Comfort all in the family and be with the physicians treating our Brother Clive Jr., we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Clive Nevell on April 20, 2003, 10:47:00 AM
Our son is now much improved and it is not even two weeks since the accident. His face has no scaring and it looks like his back and chest will also have no scaring. The doctors thought it would be up to six weeks before he fully recovered. We believe our Lord has seen fit to heal very quickly.

Yesterday I found out that my Sister's garndchild is not well and has some brain damage from her previous sickness of last year.

Dear Father in heaven we give you thanks for the quick recovery and healing of our son, and now I pray for young Montana at this time. Be with her parents and grandparents as they struggle with this problem. For Jesus and in His name, Amen.


Post by: Sister Marie on April 21, 2003, 10:56:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father,

Please be with Montana and help healing to come according to Your all knowing will. Please bring the comfort of Your Presence to the parents and family. Help this to somehow work to bring glory to Your Name.

We also thank you Lord for the quick healing of brother Clive's son. We thank you always in the name of your beloved son Jesus. Amen.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Clive Nevell on May 12, 2003, 04:58:00 AM
I heard today that a young Adventist man was involved in serious car crash. I do not know all the details but can say that his car and the other car are in a bad way. It was a heard on and the other driver is even in a worse state than he is. His name is Shannon and he lives in Brisbane.

Father we ask that you will be with Shannon and the other driver at this time as they recuperate in hospital. For Jesus sake Amen.


Post by: Sister Marie on May 14, 2003, 08:06:00 AM
Dear Father in Heaven,

Please be with Shannon. Comfort him as he gets well. Help this accident to bring him into a closer walk with you. We also pray for the other driver and ask for healing of body and soul for him too.
We ask this is Jesus Holy name and that in some way it may bring glory to Your Name Lord, Amen

Post by: Clive Nevell on June 02, 2003, 07:30:00 PM
Shannon is out of hospital and he still needs our prayers as he had a complete face reconstruction. Every bone was broken and needed realignment. He had marriage plans for mid July and at this stage I do not know if it will take place.

Already there have been answered prayers.

Dr Dugald has requested that we pray for his neighbour at this time as she is going in for surgery.

Dear Father bless both these folk in which ever way you see fit. Thankyou for the recovery that Shannon has made so far. In Jesus name, Amen.


Post by: Clive Nevell on June 02, 2003, 07:39:00 PM
How bad can this world get before Jesus comes back.
Last week in Sydney there was a house fire in the early hours of the morning. The next door neighbour came and rescued some of the kids and went in again to get others out. Two boys 8 and 11 years of age were taken to hospital in a critical condition. They were taken to separate hospitals but when it was realized that they were not going to make it one of the boys was shifted so that they were together. To cut a long story short they passed away and the mother is still in a coma recovering from the fire. The man who was the main rescuer passed away the next day from the effects of the smoke that had got into his lungs. Two small girls are still in hospital. We need to pray for this family.

(The link to the above story can be found at

Dear Father comfort the remaining members of this family at this time, in Jesus name Amen.


[This message has been edited by Clive Nevell (edited 06-02-2003).]

Post by: Liane H on June 05, 2003, 05:58:00 PM
Two people who are dear to me both with the name karyn need our prayers.

Both women are wheelchair bound and have service dogs.

Karyn & Girl Dog, needs our prayers because her husband Bobby is fighting Cancer and now is on a respirator and may be dying. He did so well with transplant and chemo that this setback was unexpected.

Please keep both Bobby and Karyn in your prayers.

Karyn & Met are friends of mine. Karyn is wheelchair disabled and her Service Dog is named Met. When they were in a shopping parking lot a pit bull got out of the car that was moving and attacked her service dog.

Met is in very serious condition with multiple wounds and in a great deal of pain. Please pray that her service dog will heal and overcome this negative event so that he will be able to continue to be her companion and helpmate.

Dear Father:

Hear my prayer for my two friends. Please be close to them at this time. Do not let Satan get between them and you. Let them trust that what will happen is according to Your will.

In Jesus Precious Name,



Post by: Sister Marie on June 22, 2003, 01:37:00 PM
Dear Family here at TRO,

I would like to ask you to pray for a elderly man in our church who has had cancer for some time. His name is Harold. He is no longer getting help from the radiation and they have him on Cemo. But he has lumps in different places on his body now and things are not looking good. He has been a faithful elder for many years and God has blessed him and kept him alive for several years with this now. Please pray for his healing according to God's will for his servent. But pray mostly that he be ready for Jesus coming and that he be in peace, regardless of the ourcome of his life here. Thank you so much for your prayers.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Clive Nevell on July 08, 2003, 04:49:00 AM
One of our Church members has just lost her father. He passed away last weekend. Only found out today.

Father in heaven be with Heather and her family at this time and comfort each one of them as you know what they are going through.
In Jesus name Amen.


Post by: Richard Myers on July 08, 2003, 06:35:00 AM
Post by: Sister Marie on July 08, 2003, 08:59:00 AM
Dear Father in heaven, we pray that you will be with these dear people that have lost a loved one. Comfort them and help them know that You are there with them in their lives. I pray the same for a family in our Church too. A husband a wife in their 90's. The husband, 96, died SAbbath early  morning. We pray for them also, especially his wife who was with him for such a long time. She had taken care of him for some time now. Now she has a son in-law fighting cancer. She is going to help care for him till the end (for her or for him). She is in her 90's and still going good. Amazing!!! How God has been with them.  :) Thank you Jesus for Your love and guidence in their lifes also.
Post by: Clive Nevell on July 21, 2003, 06:32:00 AM
I received this email from my wife's brother today.
Could we include Richard who is there son who is 18 years of age.
The funaeral that he is talking about is his father-inlaw who passed away last week. He had joined the Adventist Church just three years ago.


"I have just arrived back very quickly because Richard had been
hospitalised after having a seizure last Saturday night while we had
departed for the funeral.

He is being referred to a hospital in Port Moresby to have a CT scan of
his brain so I am arranging for his mother to travel back to site this
Wednesday so that she can accompany him to Port Moresby this Thursday to
have this scan done.

May you also include Richard in your prayers.

Post by: Clive Nevell on July 21, 2003, 06:35:00 AM
Dear Father in heaven please be with Richard Tondapan as he recovers from having problems with his brain. Also comfort Cecilia in the passing of her father. Bless their family at this time and guide the doctors as they attend to this urgent matter. In Jesus name Amen
Post by: Sister Marie on July 21, 2003, 08:29:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father,

Please be with Richard. You know the problems that he is going through and how hard these things are to find the reasons for them. If it is your will Lord, help them find the problem if it will help them make him better. Let Richard know that You are close to him and will go through this and life with him. We ask this in Jesus Holy Name. Amen!!

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Richard Myers on July 21, 2003, 09:28:00 PM
Post by: Clive Nevell on July 22, 2003, 12:11:00 AM
This is the latest email that William has sent about his son's illness.
Until the results of the scan and tests are known we can only pray that all will be OK.

"Richard was discharged yesterday after having a series of tests done on
him. He appears a lot more stable and he is on some pills that are to
help him sleep well.

The causes of seizures can be related to neurological disorders or
physical disorders of the brain.

They will need to carry out the scan of his brain to further investigate
the possible physical causes such as brain tumour, clots, bleeding,
meningitis, etc.

I will let you know about the results of the scan.


Post by: Sister Marie on July 22, 2003, 09:56:00 AM
Yes, keep us posted and we will be praying for him.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: David Battler on August 14, 2003, 08:21:00 AM
We have some really bad forest fire situations, both north and south of Calgary.  Several entire towns are threatened, and may soon go up in flames.  yesterday; the entire city of Calgary was hit by falling ash & smoke from the fires; and it was so bad that the sun was about 75% obscured at 12 noon!  Please pray for rain, and for God to spare the towns & be with the fire fighter crews.

"I know whom I have believed..."  2 Tim.1:12

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 14, 2003, 08:15:00 PM
Please Lord be with all that are affected by the forest fire situations. Please comfort them and give them peace. Please Lord, also comfort those who are affected by the blackouts. We know that this chaos is a sign of your soon coming, and we rejoice. But we also know how distressing this time is for those who do not know you. Please reach out to them and touch them with your Holy Spirit. Help them to know that there is an answer and there is hope if they will just touch the hem of your garment.

In Jesus name,

Post by: Richard Myers on August 16, 2003, 02:58:00 PM
Post by: David Battler on August 17, 2003, 01:10:00 AM
Praise the Lord...

No towns have been lost yet, but the fires are still raging...but it is getting cloudy, so I hope the rains come soon.  Thanks for the prayers - from Alberta!   :)

"I know whom I have believed..."  2 Tim.1:12

Post by: David Battler on August 18, 2003, 10:45:00 PM
I just heard a news report that people are being allowed back into the affected towns!  Firefighters have miraculously made some good headway in fighting these fires!

Thankyou Lord!   :)

"I know whom I have believed..."  2 Tim.1:12

Post by: ronjohnston on August 22, 2003, 02:48:00 PM
We just discovered my brother Terri Johnston age 49 has Pancreatic Cancer. The doctor says this is very unusual at this age. They cannot operate since it is tangled around important blood vessels. The doctor gives him 6 months to a year even with chemotherapy.  He has two children and a wife. The SDA church has a 24 hour prayer going on for Terri.  He has been an inspiration to the church, some of the previous head elders left the SDA church from what Ralph Myers told me.  Ralph Myers also goes to his church.
Ronald Johnston
Post by: Sister Marie on August 22, 2003, 04:37:00 PM
Dear Father in Heaven,

Please be with Terri. Be with his family also. They need Your comfort and Your help in this time of need. Dear Lord, we pray for healing for Terri if this is Your will Father. But the most important is that he is ready for You when You come in the clouds to get thy people. I ask this is Jesus Holy Name and for His Sake, Amen.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Richard Myers on August 22, 2003, 06:45:00 PM
Amen, heavenly Father we we know that Jesus is coming soon and there are many trials that your people will go through, and are going through. We pray for our Brother Terri and his family. Give them faith to see you at their side. If it will be to your honor and glory, we ask you to heal Brother Terri. If there is anything that he needs to do in order that you may heal him, I pray that you will reveal it. I pray for our Brother Ron and ask you to give Him wisdom and grace to minister to his brother and family, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

We thank you for the protection of the towns in Canada that were threatened by fire. We know that you hold all things in your hands, amen.

Post by: David Battler on August 22, 2003, 10:44:00 PM
The fires that I had asked prayers for were in Alberta; just south of Calgary; but I have been ill and did not get to request prayers for the fires in our neigboring province of British Columbia.  It is getting really serious and over 10,000 people have just been evacuated from Kelowna and surrounding areas, and homes are being lost.  Several entire towns including Kelowna are in grave danger as I write; and we are getting smoke and falling ash from this fire.

"I know whom I have believed..."  2 Tim.1:12

Post by: Sister Marie on August 22, 2003, 10:55:00 PM
Dear Father,

You know all the people that are in the path of this fire. Many don't know you yet. How I pray that you will help them to put this fire out. We place it in YOur hands Father. If it goes on we must have faith that there is some reason for it that we do not know right now. Please protect the people Lord and take care of them and brother David's family also. I ask this in Jesus Holy Name and according to His Will.  Amen

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 08-22-2003).]

Post by: David Battler on August 23, 2003, 12:34:00 AM
The reports are just coming in now of atleast 30,000 people evacuated from the fire areas; with several dozen homes on the outskirts already gone up in flames.  Let us all pray earnestly this Sabbath that the flames go no further into the city of Kelowna.  That would be an unfathomable disaster.

If you are interested in following up to the minute, local Calgary news reports on the fire, you can do so at

[This message has been edited by David Battler (edited 08-23-2003).]

Post by: Rodney on August 26, 2003, 12:39:00 PM
Please pray for my wife that she returns home: to God and to me.  She has struggled with many things that satan has made to seem ok. She has been tricked and trapped by the enemy.

I pray that in God's loving way, that his Holy Spirit and protection would guide her back to Him and me SOON.

Thanks for your prayers friends.  I truly believe in the power of prayer and know that we serve an awesome God.

I will keep you updated as God answers this prayer.

Post by: Sister Marie on August 26, 2003, 07:48:00 PM
Dear brother Rodney,

Not long ago I went through what you are going through. Such pain. He did not return to stay. But I can see Gods loving kindness to us even though he is not with us. God can heal all pain.

Dear Father in heaven,

Our new brother Rodney is going through a hard time and a lot of pain in his heart. You know the details as no one could. Please be with his wife and tenderly bring her back to You, and also to brother Rodney. I see no reason for Your will to be otherwise, but I do pray this prayer in Jesus Holy Name and according to Your Will and to bring glory to Your Name.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 08-26-2003).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 26, 2003, 10:30:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father,

Please be with Brother Rodney and his situation. Please comfort him and guide him in his time of need. I pray that you will send your Holy Spirit to his wife and lead her back to her husband and family. Help her to see where the evil one has led her astray. I thank you Lord that you hear and answer our prayers in your way in your time for our good. We know that you know the beginning from the end and all things work together for good for them that love you Lord.

I praise your Holy name,
Your daughter Wendy

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 26, 2003, 10:42:00 PM
I am passing along an urgent prayer request that I have received from a sister on a modesty email group I belong to. Please pray for this dear brother.


I have an urgent prayer request and I'm asking that you all please
pass this on to your prayer chains.

My little brother, Aaron Powell (23 years old), who is mildly
retarded, had a gun accident Monday morning.  His dad left him alone
for a few days and he had some friends over.  They were drinking and
playing with guns.  His friends left and the story goes that he kept
drinking.  Some how he accidentally got shot with a 22 caliber
rifle.  It penetrated his skull just above his left eye.  He is
currently in intensive care on a respirator.  He is also in a
medically induced coma to prevent further swelling of his brain.  He
is in a Portland, Oregon area hospital.  

That whole side of my family is Mormon...and they've been there
giving him 'blessings'.  Those of us who are Christian have also been
there praying and my brother's pastor has been there as well.  

Please pray that he will eventually be lucid enough to have a chance
at salvation.  Also, that if it is God's will, that he be healed.  

Thank you and God Bless!


Post by: Liane H on August 29, 2003, 08:29:00 AM
Please add these two to your prayer list of very urgent prayers needed.

Kathleen Kessleburg has been envolved with the disabiled working dog community for over 26 years with positive training and support for those that are disabled. Her hearing dog Whisper and her both were hit by a truck.

Kathleen has severe head injuries and for th e last few days there have been up and down with at one point the family thought that they might have to pull the plug.

Whisper her hearing service dog suffered broken bones on his leg that will require surgery.  

Please keep these two in your prayers and I will keep you posted of the progress.


[This message has been edited by liane (edited 08-29-2003).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 29, 2003, 01:16:00 PM
Oh Liane! How awful! They will certainly be in my prayers. Satan is so nasty! He can't even leave people alone who have already suffered enough.

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that you will go to these dear children of yours. All of your creatures are precious, and these are two that have helped so many others. Satan would love to put a stop to this as he hates to see people happy, but you know the best solution for this. May this tragedy even be used for your glory and to bring greater awareness to the general community of this dear lady and the wonderful help she has provided.

In Christ's name,

Post by: Liane H on August 29, 2003, 01:46:00 PM
Hi WendyF:

Thank you so much for that wonderful prayer and it is greatly appreciated.

People do not know the struggles that the disabled go through day after day. To have as much freedom as possible and feel part of the community is vital for their health and yet day after day it is a fight just to walk into a store to buy something with our service dogs.  

If people knew and understood how much these animals give us in our daily life they would be cheering for us instead of holding us back.  

I will keep all posted of updates.


Post by: Liane H on August 29, 2003, 10:09:00 PM
Kathleen passed away this afternoon. Whisper is still going through intensive care and facing surgery and a need for a future home.

He will be placed in a foster home until a permanent home can be found. He is a hearing service dog and I am sure he will be placed in a home for a person who would need his wonderful skills.

Thank you all for prayers and let us keep our prayers for her family and the future of Whispers.


Post by: Richard Myers on August 29, 2003, 10:31:00 PM
It is a painful world to live in, but it will soon be over. All are given a view of the controversy that they may choose whom they will serve.

Heavenly Father, be with Kathleen's family and her dog. We pray for Sister Nicole's little brother. We know you hear our prayers for him and will send angels in response to do the very best you can for him spiritually and medically because we ask these things in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 29, 2003, 11:21:00 PM
Thank you Lord it will soon be over. I'm so sorry to hear about Kathleen. I'll keep praying for her family and for Whisper. He must be grieving her loss as well.


Post by: Liane H on August 31, 2003, 05:00:00 PM
whispers is doing better. The Vet plans surgery, but is not sure if the leg will have to be removed due to the massive infection.

Please continue to pray for Whispers as he servied his master well as a hearing service dog.


Post by: WendyForsyth on September 02, 2003, 06:50:00 AM
Since my dream of homeschooling was just yanked out from under me, I trust the Lord has a better plan. I am disappointed that my kids have to go to public school but both Howard and my other ex are forcing me to put the kids into public school rather than homeschool. No one seems to think I have the skills to homeschool I guess.

I am going to do something unusual here and literally beg for someone to put in the funding for my kids to all three attend the Seventh-day Adventist school here. I know this is not apropos and Richard you can place this wherever you wish, but my heart is breaking really! I can't stand the though of them being in public school and they are such brilliant children. I know, I KNOW, someone out there has the resources to fully fund these beautiful three children through private school. Will you not listen to the Saviour's call and step forward to please pave the way for the christian's of tomrrow. These are the children that will be preaching from the table tops and calling the world to come into the ark with us. Please! Someone out there see and hear the cries of a mother who is so heart broken she doesn't know where else to reach or turn. Please! Your money could not be better spent.It would only take a few people putting in funding together to pay the monthly bill for these kids. It would NOT be hard for some of the wealthier members of our church. Is this or is it not what Mrs.White told us we should be doing for our children. She said it was shameful that our children could not afford to attend and that the churches would not take them under their wing. We are to be caring for the widow and the fatherless. Well, that is these children and they cannot ask for themselves so I am respectfully asking for them. These are the children that you will be able to walk with in Heaven. PLEASE! DON'T LET ONE CHILD BE LOST!!!!



This school even kicked my kids out when Howard had just been injured because we couldn't pay. It broke my heart to have a church have so little regard for the children. They are to be our first mission field and the church is casting them aside as dirt. Please, someone out there. Please!

I have no doubt that God considers you to be one of His friends; otherwise He would not trust you with so many crosses, sufferings and humiliations. Crosses are God's means of drawing souls closer to Himself.



Looking back, [my wife] Jan and I have learned that the wilderness is part of the landscape of faith, and every bit as essential as the mountaintop. On the mountaintop we are overwhelmed by God's presence. In the wilderness we are overwhelmed by his absence. Both places should bring us to our knees; the one, in utter awe; the other, in utter dependence.

Dave Dravecky


When you accept rather than fight your circumstances ---even though you don't understand them --- you open your heart's gate to God's love, peace, joy and contentment.

Amy Carmichael


God always answers us in the deeps, never in the shallows of our soul.

Amy Carmichael


The disappointment has come...not because God desires to hurt you or make you miserable or to demoralize you or ruin your life or keep you from ever knowing happiness...He wants you to be perfect and complete in every aspect, lacking nothing...It's not the easy times that make you more like Jesus, but the hard times.

Kay Arthur


Adversity is not simply a tool. It is God's most effective tool for the advancement of our spiritual lives. The circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth. Once we begin to understand this, and accept it as a spiritual fact of life, adversity becomes easier to bear.

Charles Stanley


God may be in the process of pruning something out of your life at this very moment. If this is the case, don't fight it. Instead, welcome it, for His pruning will make you more fruitful and bring greater glory to the Father.

Rick Yohn

Post by: Sister Marie on September 02, 2003, 11:20:00 PM
Dear Father in heaven,

You know the times we are living in. And you also know that there are many parents who know the need now days to keep their children away from the world. This is very important to them.
We also know that you have money in a thousand + places. If our crys for help are not answered then there must be a reason for which we know not.
We pray that you will answer Sister Wendy's prayer for help so that her children can go to Church School or be home schooled, but we pray it "always" according to your will in that you know the future.

My heart goes out to Sister Wendy as I was in the same boat years ago. God provided a boat for me and opened doors one after another so all three of my children could go to church school without any help from my children's dad and little help from me because I had not the money, only the desire that they be there. But I had my time that I did not know how my children could ever be in church school. But this answer took a few years.
I pray for our Sister here Lord that you will give her patience and truth as she leaves this problem and desire in Your hands Father. For you are the only one that knows what is best and how it can happen. Please be with her and grant her peace in trusting You.
I pray this in Jesus Holy Name and for His Sake.   Amen

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Clive Nevell on September 19, 2003, 02:26:00 AM
I want to bring a request to TRO this Sabbath evening for two families.

1) This family have just lost their 19 year old son in a car accident. The mother along with the youngest child attend Church and have been for the last four years. The boy who was killed was convicted about the truth of the Sabbath a few years ago and last week brought this up again with his mother. They spoke about it together and she suggested to him that he should follow his conviction. That is all I know of that story. Just last Monday he had the car accident.

2) Another family who are Adventists also were involved in a car accident, killing the husband of this family. The sad part about it all is that the young 19 year old boy was the driver of the other car. I hope I am making this plain for all to understand. This husband was from Papua New Guinea and only brought his wife and kids to Australia just three weeks ago as he is attending Gatton Uni. studying agriculture.

We need to pray for theses two families that have been devastated by this tragedy.

Father in heaven be with both of these families and comfort them as only you know how. In Jesus precious name, Amen.


Post by: Dugald T Lewis MD on September 19, 2003, 06:58:00 PM
Loving Father,

You fully understand the grief and the pain that haunts the families in distress tonight.

We beg for You to comfort them with your love and assurance that even though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they must not fear because You are with them.  


Post by: Richard Myers on September 19, 2003, 09:59:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we ask you to use this painful situation to your honor and glory and to save precious souls in your kingdom. We know little about the circumstances, but we join with our brother in praying for the families and the churches involved. Comfort the families in their loss, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Liane H on September 20, 2003, 10:42:00 AM
Dear Lord:

My prayers are for these families. To lose those so close to them. Please be with them in their time of need.

May the richness of Your love compass them and protect them when the spirit is so low with grief.

In Jesus precious name I pray,


Post by: Sister Marie on September 21, 2003, 12:18:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray for Your comforting hand to be placed upon these suffering families. Let them feel You close to them. Lead them to come to You for their help and their hope. Help their sights not to be on today, but rather tomorrows day when You come in the Clouds of Heaven and they can be with their loved ones again as they are brought forth from their graves.

May there be some good that can come from this. I pray in Jesus Name and for His Glory and Praise, Amen

Post by: Sister Marie on October 24, 2003, 10:18:00 AM
Things are starting to look strangely fulfilling here. We have just lost two old members of the church. Now two more are very very ill. One is the head elders wife Jeanne and the other's name is Tee. The first filled with cancer and the other much more ill with heart trouble then ever thought.

Please continue to pray for my daughter Carol also. Thank you.

The first two especially make me think of our being told that the elderly and the children and those who can't pass through the time of trouble because of illness will be put to rest before hand. This sure is a lot concidering how small our church is anyway.

Thank you for your prayers.  :)

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Sister Marie on November 06, 2003, 03:16:00 AM
Now we have another elderly man who fell and they are not sure what is wrong. They thought he had a aneurysm, but are leaning more to a tumor since he has woken up and is talking to them. (this happened after the church got together and prayed heavily for him).
With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 11-06-2003).]

Post by: Liane H on November 07, 2003, 06:21:00 AM
In these days prayer is much needed. Satan is as a roaring lion seeking who he will devour.

His wrath toward those that love God and serve Him is greater than at any other time in history.

These are going to be difficult and fearful times, so let us pray for each other daily as the time comes for the appearing of our Lord and Saviour.

Dear Father:

These are wonderful and fearful times. The urgent times we live in are of a state that so many are confused and afraid. Help us to have wisdom to bring the message of Your truth and love to a dying world that knows nothing of Your beauty and character.

Help us to be servants that go forth in truth and love to those that need support and light in a dark world.

Thank you for the blessings that we receive amist the horror of these days. Thank you for your comfort and peace that we walk in Your love and light.

In Jesus name I pray,


Post by: Sister Marie on November 07, 2003, 01:35:00 PM

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Richard Myers on November 08, 2003, 12:51:00 PM
Post by: Ele Holmes on November 13, 2003, 06:43:00 PM
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
  After opening the internet I read about what is happening all over the U.S. from Lake Erie, to Los Angelos, 80 mph winds, floods, hail, storms etc.  NOW IS THE TIME to get on our kness and pray for our families, friends that do not know Jesus.  Write to them, again, tell them why this is all happening....Jesus loves them. Remember you read the last chapter.
   Dearest Heavenly Father, times are  exactly what you said they would be in your Sacred Word and we understand will get worse. Please protect all our church members, family, and friends in the bad areas. Help those that want to know Jesus, or that are searching for something better, or that need to find truth.  Our families, Lord, we want them with us, our children, our friends....Send your Holy Spirit to talk to them.  I claim the promise of Isaiah 49:25.  Thank you Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers....I pray this in the name of our loving Jesus, Your Son.
Post by: WendyForsyth on December 17, 2003, 02:30:00 PM
Urgent request. I may lose my home today. It's a very long story, but I'd appreciate intercessory prayer that we will be able to remain here somehow.

God bless and thank you,
Wendy and kids

Post by: Sister Marie on December 17, 2003, 09:19:00 PM
We will be praying Sister Wendy for your needs. God be with you as you continue to trust in Him.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Liane H on December 27, 2003, 08:52:00 AM
Dear Friends:

Please open your prayer list to a child that is having constant seizures. We just learned today that about 1/4 of her brain in now dead and the currents in her brain are so mixed up that she is having constant fits and seizures.

This child is only a 18 month old, so please pray for her and the family that is dealing with this painful situation. Her name is Mony and she needs our lifted prayers for a healing from God according to His will for all in this family.

Dear Father:

We are in need of your comfort for this little child. Please be close with the family and Mony in their time of need.

So much evil in this world and for little children to suffer need your comfort and love to help them all get through these difficult times.

Let them not forget you are there with them in their suffering and desire to comfort and strengthen them in the time of need.

We thank you Lord for your truth and love for us and that You are there even if we do not know it. Your power and strength is all we need and where two or more are gathered in prayer you are among us.

In Jesus Your precious Son, Amen



Post by: Sister Marie on December 27, 2003, 02:16:00 PM
Dear Father in heaven, We lift little Mony up to You in prayer. Only You know why this is being allowed to happen. We pray for healing for this little one according to Your will. Whatever the reason Lord, let it not be in vain. Please take her out of her suffering and comfort the hurting family as they and we pray for Your help. I thank You Lord and pray this in the Name of Jesus and for His Sake. Amen.
Post by: Richard Myers on December 27, 2003, 02:37:00 PM
Post by: Homecoming on January 10, 2004, 04:16:00 PM
Please pray for our family.  Before heading out to church this morning, my daughter and I stopped in to check and feed our pony.  We found it had died during the night.  By the looks of the box stall it must have suffered a terribly painful death.  It was 30 yrs. old and we knew that he may die soon but it is still a shock.  He has not been sick and was perfectly fine last night.  I know that a loss of a pet is not exactly on the same plane as a loss of human life but it is still hard for us.  He was a very sweet pony.  We didn't make it for Sabbath School but to church.  The special music was the song, "People Need the Lord" and it couldn't have been any more appropriate for us at that moment.  Our two oldest children cried much of the way through church.  Now we have been told that usually people around here have to send their animals to a dog food plant for disposable.  I am having a hard time accepting that and don't want to tell my children.  Please pray for us.
Post by: Richard Myers on January 10, 2004, 06:29:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we ask you to comfort our sister and her daughter in the loss of their pony. You have given us the animals for a blessing and this pony was. Please give the family wisdom to know what to do now. The pony had a good life and now it is dead. It is free from the sufferings of this world. May this comfort all involved. May the Spirit of Jesus fill the void in the heart, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Liane H on January 12, 2004, 03:03:00 PM
Dear Father in Heaven:

There are so many needs in the world. So many in pain, suffering day after day with disabilities, illnesses and disease and the death of those that we love, no matter if they are human or animal, they were loved.

Again I seek prayer for little Mony. You know her needs and her parents needs. She is so little and young knowing nothing of your goodness accept the looing touch perhaps of her family.

Please be with them during these difficult times. I wish I could be there to help, but Australia is so far away for me. So I seek you in prayer for little Mony.

Help them as they go through these touch therapy for Mony helping her to feel and get her nerves and motor activiies to her brain going once again so she will crawl.

Bring comfort and your peace to them as they work each day with this little one. Let your power help the healing of these seizures to slow down and be less.

I thank you Father for the opportunity to pray to you for this child. Help me with my anger regarding this and heal her in the way that would be best for all.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen  

Post by: Sister Marie on January 12, 2004, 05:01:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father,

We have put this little girls life in Your hands knowing that You will do what is best for her, even if we cannot understand. We thank You and Praise You for Your love to us. I pray for healing for Sister Liane also. Anger is as much pain (or more) as anything else. Something that only You Lord can heal. I pray that You will bring Peace and Comfort to our dear Sister as she lays the life of this little one in Yours hands dear Father. I ask this is Jesus Holy Name, Amen!

Post by: Ele Holmes on February 05, 2004, 06:21:00 PM
Dear Family of God, I come to you, with an urgent request for much prayer for my family.  My grandson just turned 9, his mother left him when he was about 2 or 3,  He loves her so much, she only comes to see him when she wants to; a month, or 3 or 6 months, sometimes a year she doesn't come by.  My son who has custody of him works all the time, is not Christian, and every time Jordy is nasty and he can't handle him, he brings him to me and I am the bad guy. Recently my son's girlfriend and her two teen agers moved in with them.  They don't pay too much attention to Jordy, daddy is very busy, Jordy is jealous of daddy and girlfriend, Yesterday Jordy and his friend played with matches, lit a gas can, it went into flames, burned half his friends face, and arm, and Jordy's fingers.  He treats my son's girl friend horribly sometimes, like today. So she is in tears, he is in tears, and all I can do is pray....My son brings Jordy to me to punish him. Earlier Jordy told me he crushed his finger with a rock and I beleived him.  Found out different, Jordy lied.... what do you do? I hate lies, many times thru the years I always told him I will never spank him if he tells the truth no matter what he does.... This time we prayed first, asking Jesus to help him not to lie, and to treat people with love...then I took a bar of soap and put it to his mouth as he is crying. I think it hurt me more than it did him. I told him we all love him so much, Jesus, loves him even more.  He told me earlier he is going to move Saturday to his mothers house. Her and her friends are not the type of persons I want Jordy to live with. And the story goes on....   Please, I ask for prayers for Jordy again and again, and my son.

My Dearest Holy God, I praise you, I adore you and truly love you.  Please, Lord forgive my family for their transgressions.  Help them to find Jesus.  Give them love for each other, give them understanding, take away their selfishness, their pride; Jordy's ugly attitude at times. Only you can help them Lord...Please give them all the want to change. Lord you know their heart.  Let the marriage take place real.  I pray this in the holy name of Jesus. Amen

Post by: Sister Marie on February 05, 2004, 10:30:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father,

Our dear Sister Ele is torn in her heart. Distress over what is going on with her grandchild. She is feeling helpless in knowing how to really help him. She knows some things that would help him, but her son don't seem to be able to see this need. So first we pray for Sister Ele. Take the stress away Father and give her peace and comfort I pray. Please give her the knowledge to help her grandson's attitude. Speak through her to him.

I also pray for her son, that he may see that he is largely the one who can make a big difference in his son's life. That he needs to make choices that are good and fulfilling for his son's well being. Make this important to him dear Lord.

Pleace be with his son, Ele's grandson. Help him Father to see the way he is going and where it is leading before it is too late. Please keep him with Ele, close by so she can help him with Your help. Please help him so see how much his grandmother loves him and through her words, understand how much You love him. I pray in Jesus Name and for Hid glory, Amen.

Post by: Ele Holmes on February 06, 2004, 07:03:00 AM
Dear Sister Marie, With tears again in my eyes I thank you so very much for your prayers. And anyone else that is prayering....Thank you.

Dear Heavenly Father. I pray again for my son and grandson.  Lord I pray also for all in the Forum who are having the same problem of praying for the salvation of their loved ones...Hear our prayer Lord, we want our children, our family to be in heaven with us.  We love them so.... Only you, Lord, can do this great task with love. Please, take the fear out of Jordy's mind, give him confidence, that his dad will never leave him, that I love him so, that you are always there to guide and protect him from the horror of life.  Help him also to hate some of the movies, the T.V. and the nintendo, that he gives so much time to. I pray this is Jesus name. Amen

Post by: M.A. Crawford on February 06, 2004, 08:34:00 AM
Lord, you know the desires of the hearts of Sis. Ele's son and grandson better than anyone--even better than they themselves! Therefore, my prayer for them is to turn their eyes upon Jesus, look full into His Wonderful Face. And the things of this earth will begin to grow strangly dim. In the Light of His Wonderful and Glorious Grace.


Post by: Richard Myers on February 06, 2004, 06:16:00 PM

Bringing children into this world is quite a responsibility. Few are prepared for it. It is all very sad. Jesus must weep continually.

If there was no help, no promises from our Saviour, think of where we would be. Dear Sister Ele, we pray with you for your family.  We all have loved ones that are in a lost condition, but nothing is more sad than the little ones who ought to be protected. It gives us all good reasons to choose whom we shall serve.

Dear heavenly Father, pray join our hearts with our dear sister and pray for little Jordy and His parents. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering them the very best way you can, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Ele Holmes on February 08, 2004, 04:58:00 AM
Richard, Thank you so much for your comforting words, and to all who have prayersd for Jordy. God Bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Today is his birthday party...on the 3rd he turned 9...In Mexico, they cellabrate on any occasion and every year for a birthday....I live in what was once built as a small restaurant so I have the space for cooking classes, meetings, and childrens birthday parties.  My refrigerator is full of three cakes, 6 big bottles of pepsi, corn dogs,  boxes of different candies for the piñata etc.  I will participate by making my vegetarian Lasagne for the adults and a huge salad of God's vegeis....What would any of you do if it were your family?

Heavenly Father, Thank you for another day of praises to you are many.  Send your Holy Spirit today, help those coming, to feel your presence, even with all this bad food. Is it possible Lord for you to be here?  Bless these people. Most coming are Christians that profess to love you, guide them, help them to find Jesus. Be with Jordy, give him an extra angel so he shows kindness, love and joy in his heart. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayers.  In Jesus name I pray....Amen Ele

Post by: Ele Holmes on February 09, 2004, 11:42:00 AM
Dear Friends in Christ,
   I feel very much impressed to write, thanking you again for your prayers. And also about Jordy's birthday party yesterday. Even with the sweets and corn dogs there was something very special about that party.  My Doctor friend and my friend that teaches "Coping with Addictions" both flew in yesterday to do the Lord's work.  Kay Kuzma, from 3ABN and family flew in a few days ago, my friend for many years, all joined the party, and five Bible loving Catholic friends, I have been working with and praying for many years, were there.  All felt the peace and joy.   Today four people already told me what a nice, well planned party...I think what they meant was there was a Spirit of love there so strong that everyone felt it.  Jordy got the movie, "Jesus" in Spanish, and today came over played with his new skate board in my large area and then got the movie, and watch it at home with Luc and her son.  Whoa!  

Thank you my Holy God, for hearing our prayers for Jordy.  I continue to pray for his well being, and to increase his love for you more and more.  Thank you for my special friends being here, I pray for them and there trials.  Bring them closer to you. Help the unconverted to find the light needed for eternal life. Forgive me Lord for all my weaknesses and my sins.   I love you, and praise your Holy Name. I pray this in Jesus name.  Amen    

Post by: Sister Marie on February 09, 2004, 03:31:00 PM
Dear Father in Heaven,

We thank You for answered prayer in that Jordy was willing to look at the video, and then share it with others also. Praise Your Name dear Father. Step by step I know that you are working with Jordy. Let us always remember this dear boy in our prayers and his daddy too. Please Lord, be with Sister Ele and continue to give her happiness in seeing possitive changes in her grandsons life. We pray this in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.

Post by: ~maddy on February 27, 2004, 04:37:00 PM
Well this will probably be buried here after 25 pages but the forum won't let me make a thread of my own so here goes ...

I first met the Lord when I was 16 but I went away from Him a couple years later.  I have started trying to seek Him again over the past 2 months.  I feel like no one understands my struggles and worse I cannot communicate them to anyone.

When I started seeking Him again (around late December) at first I felt so happy and hopeful but now more and more I just feel like everything is crushing me and I cannot keep going.  I feel so lost and confused and sometimes even desperate.  I want to have a real relationship with God but it's been 20 years and I just can't seem to figure it out.

I desperately need God's help.  Everything I do is always wrong and even beyond that, before I even get to any point of doing something that is not right, I can't stop the catalysts that send me off in the wrong direction.  I feel helpless and powerless.  I know all the promises but they just ring hollow when I'm alone having to battle my own thoughts and feelings, which are so overwhelming I can't think straight.  Everything is just so wrong inside me.  The levels of anger and hatred I experience scare me.  They are stronger than my rational mind and it takes me very long time to return to my right mind after I "melt down".  When I'm in the bad frame of mind I have no control over my thoughts or what direction I go.  I can't even keep it all inside or hide it, even though I don't want anyone to see how I am feeling.  And in the "real" world you aren't allowed to just take time to tend to yourself when this happens -- you have to "keep going" -- keep dealing with people, keep acting like nothing is wrong, keep smiling and cooperating -- and I just can't take it any more.

Please won't you intercede for me?  I don't want to be like this, and I'm tired of things seeming like they get better for a week or two but then just go back to this misery.  I mean I want a change inside myself for real that lasts.  I don't want a life of trying to talk myself into thinking God has done something.  I want to EXPERIENCE God doing something.

Thanks for listening.


Post by: ~maddy on February 27, 2004, 04:39:00 PM
p.s. - I am new here.  Sorry if this is too much too soon.
Post by: Sister Marie on February 27, 2004, 08:11:00 PM
Dear Maddy,

You are God's Child. I know you don't feel like it. I really do know. But the fact is, you really are a Child of God. Did you know that before you was ever born God knew everything about you? Every trial, every turn, every pain. He also knew how you would find the way. He provided it for you before you ever needed it. Read this from the Bible.

"For you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the earth, "Your Eyes Saw My Unformed Body". ALL the DAYS ordained for me were written in your book before ONE OF THEM CAME TO BE". Ps. 139:13-16.

YOU ARE SO SPECIAL To GOD!! He planned your life out before you ever was born. And He knows what you need RIGHT NOW!!

But HAPPINESS begins with that sense of worth and uniqueness which comes from Jesus. IIt tells you that:
YOU are so SPECIAL,NOW, to God!!
YOU are created in His IMAGE.
YOU are loved with an everlasting love, GOD'S LOVE.

You may not feel loved right now, but guess what, that is one of the devils biggest lies. God loves you, Jesus loves you, The Holy Spirit Loves You, Your Guardian Angel Loves You, and besides all of heaven loving You and Caring about YOu, WE love you!!

The Lord has called us from the womb, from the matrix of our mother. "He Has Made Mention Of Our Name". Isa. 49:1

Awesome, this love that God has for every one of us. If you think your not one of those people, think again. YOU ARE!! GOD LOVES YOU.

YOU have the love of all of heaven on your side.


Keep writing, I know life can really be a bummer. But Jesus is stronger than anything satan can throw at us. Believe it, because it is TRUE. GOD LOVEs and CARES about YOU!!!

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 02-27-2004).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on February 27, 2004, 09:30:00 PM

Welcome! I am sorry for how you are feeling, especially because I know of it first hand. I am wondering if you have any other issues that could be contributing to your problems? I have meltdowns that cause me to feel like a complete failure. I have issues with how I treat my children and such. I have problems with my hormone levels and depression that contribute to my problems. It makes it very, very difficult. However, I continue to hold on to the promises that I can and WILL be an overcomer and you may claim that as well. Keep hold of the promise. I do not know when it will become true for either of us, but I do know that Jesus is coming very, very soon and Satan is throwing everything he can at all of us right now to discourage us and make us fall and not want to get up. You will be in my prayers and will you pray for me as well? We can hold each other up alright?

God bless you and please feel free to write to me anytime. You should be able to get my email address either in my profile, or by clicking the email button above this post.

Take care okay?

Post by: WendyForsyth on February 27, 2004, 09:38:00 PM
I don't know if this is posted anywhere else, but Mark Shipowick's brother in law was killed in an automobile accident. There were 6 children in the van at the time, including 2 of Mark's own children. One of the bil's daughters is in a coma and on life support I believe. Please let us lift him and his family up in prayer. Satan is truly a raging lion and I believe he will devour all he can because he knows his time is so very short. Please come quickly Lord Jesus!

God bless you all,

Post by: Sister Marie on February 28, 2004, 07:21:00 PM
We are very sorry about this Sister Wendy, We will keep this family in our prayers.
Dear Father in heaven, Our dear brother Shipwick's family is in great pain and loss right now. I pray that You will draw close to them, heal them, and help them feel Your Peace dear Lord. Please guide them to come closer and closer to Thee. Let them know Your comfort dear Father in Heaven. We pray in the name of Your Son Jesus, our Saviour and brother. Amen
Post by: Liane H on February 29, 2004, 07:36:00 AM
Hi Maddy:

Your not alone. If that is any comfort know that satan does not want you to succeed. Yet the joy and glory of walking with God is greater than any of the things that satan and his angels can do to us or you.

Things in my life would be fine for weeks then all of sudden I would find myself doing things, saying things and most of feeling things that came upon me out of nowhere. How these things happen can be from a smell, a word, a thought, an action, but at a certain moment one sees their whole Christian experience going in the opposite direction.

Then one day light seems to radiate in my mind that a peace and faith regains control of my life and the darkness is gone.

One of the greatest gifts God has given us in our walk of faith is the Born Again experience. Please go to the "Bread of Life" forum and you will find the topic about the born again experience. Read it, eat it and take hold of the gifts that can be yours when you begin to read the hope that comes from the words on this great experience that Nicodemus began to see that fateful night when he talked with Jesus.

From this I have learned I cannot do anything in this life without Him. Every action, word and experience comes from the blessing of above.  He walks with us, He talks to us and most of all He is in us holding onto us. It is only us that lets go.

Dear Father:

I pray for our dear Sister Maddy. She is going through a time like nothing before as satan is in great wrath because he knows that he is losing her. Show her in her mind and heart how to hold onto you and never  let go. That the path though this difficult time is worth the goal of being with you for all eternity.

Open her mind that she will experience joy and grace and love as she never has experienced before because of You and because You have given us this wonderful place here to reach out and touch those that desire to know You better.

She is a new seed Father. Help us to keep the soil moist, the sun open to body and the light of the Word to nuture her so that she is fed daily.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen      


Post by: Richard Myers on February 29, 2004, 08:27:00 AM
Sister Maddy, know that we love and God does even more. There are things that you can do as the Bible counsels. We will share with you day by day. We will pray with you. Satan is angry and is attempting to block your desires for God. God is more powerful, but will not force your will. Prayer is powerful and we are praying for you and you are praying. Don't be moved by your feelings, but by the truth, the truth as it is in Jesus.

Spend much time in prayer and reading the life and words of Christ. The Desire of Ages will bless you greatly as you prayerfully study it. Jesus is our food. Feed upon His Words and you will be drawn closer and closser to Him. It is a promise. "IF I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me." He is drawing, don't resist.

By beholding we become changed. It is a law. Continue to read His words and you will become like Him!

Dear heavenly Father we come to you asking for your Spirit to comfort our dear sister. Put a hedge about her that Satan may not have her. Send the Holy Spirit to reveal your love that she may have peace in the middle of this storm. Help her to love you more than anything else in this world. Thank you for her fellowship and for bringing us together that we may pray with her. We pray for our dear Sister Maddy in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Richard Myers on February 29, 2004, 08:30:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for our Brother Mark and his family. We ask that you comfort all in their loss and be with the doctors as they minister to the injured. We know that you are in control of all that happening and allow it for our good and your gloryl. Satan is indeed the destroyer, but you will turn all to good for those who love you. We know that Brother Mark loves you so we know you are working for his good. Use this situation to work for the salvation of souls, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: ~maddy on March 01, 2004, 06:45:00 PM
Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and your prayers!  They mean a lot to me.  I do want to make my life and my place 100% with and for the Lord.  I am trying.  But I still slip up, even on things on which I "know better".  What really bothers me is the way I just casually pass over this in my mind at the time and excuse it.  Only later do I let myself see it was wrong.  I do repent and come back but I don't want to keep doing this or take the Lord's mercy for granted.  It's just that I lived in the darkest places for the longest time, and some things just seem like "small stuff" to me.  But there is no "small stuff" when it comes to sin -- that is an illusion.  And I do not want to continue with sin.  I want to be a pure and honorable vessel for the Lord.  That is my real heart's desire.
Post by: WendyForsyth on March 01, 2004, 10:44:00 PM
Amen Maddy! You have a beautiful heart. :)

God bless,

Post by: WendyForsyth on March 03, 2004, 08:47:00 AM
Jennifer, Mark's Shipowick's niece, passed away and is awaiting Jesus.

Please come quickly Jesus.


Post by: Sister Marie on March 03, 2004, 12:07:00 PM
We are so sorry. How wonderful to see our Lord and all those have rested before hand. Please come soon Lord Jesus.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Ele Holmes on March 03, 2004, 02:07:00 PM
There is nothing more beautiful than death when one has died in the arms of Jesus....I pray for the family  of Mark, and their sadness, but soon they will see her and walk with her on that narrow path to heaven.  God Bless them....Ele
Post by: Sister Marie on March 04, 2004, 07:13:00 AM
Jesus IS the Best AND THE GREATEST !!
We notice that BEFORE THE CROSS, Satan had access to Jesus, but AFTER THE CROSS, Satan never tempted Jesus again !
At the cross, Satan WAS forever defeated!
Are YOU a PRE-cross or POST-cross Christian?

Many Christians TODAY consider themselves to be sinners SAVED BY GRACE, and rightly so, but consider this.
After YOU come to know Jesus as your Saviour, Jesus calls you a SAINT- "a holy one"! IF you consider yourself a sinner, you'll sin. It's a PROVEN FACT that we'll follow what we think. (Prov. 23:7- For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:")

Why not identify yourself with what you really are EVEN though you unfortunately or occasionally sin, and hopefully- LESS AND LESS as we grow in grace.
REMEMBER: what you do doesn't determine what you are, BUT WHO YOU ARE DETERMINES WHAT YOU DO!
It's a psychological reality, a spiritual reality, that no person can consistently behave in a way that's INCONSISTENT with a way he perceives himself. THUS, if you perceive yourself as a sinner, you'll act it out.

In years past, I played a lot of Racquetball (mostly in California). It wasn't because I was such a great player. I certainly didn't have a lot of playing skills or experience. I did have a good reach, and fairly fast reflexes though. One of my competitors was the Administrator of the hospital where I worked. Virgil played a lot of Racquetball, and was good, but he had a mental he wasn't mentally challenged or handicapped. He just didn't think he could beat me, and you know what? He couldn't. One day before we played I said to him. "Virgil, you need to change your attitude, and say to yourself, 'Laurie can be beaten!'. He looked at me, and said, "Are you serious?" "YES, I said! His game improved vastly, and he won many matches from me after that conversation.

What does God say about us?

In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus calls you "the SALT of the earth, and the LIGHT of the world."
In the Gospel of John, you are referred to as "THE FRUIT of the Vine, with Jesus being the Vine!"
In Acts, you are called people of THE WAY!
In Romans, you are called JOINT-HEIRS with Christ.
Corinthians tells you that you are a TEMPLE where God wants to live.
In Galatians, you are called a daughter of God.
In Ephesians, you are called a saint, A FELLOW CITIZEN, with the rest of God's family.
In Philippians, you are called a CITIZEN OF HEAVEN.
In Colossians, you are hidden with Christ in God.
In Thessalonians, you are identified as CHOSEN OF GOD, and wholly and dearly loved.
In Timothy, you are identified as one who has been given a spirit of power of love and self-discipline.
In Titus, you are set apart according to God's doing.
In Philemon, you are called SOLDIERS.
In Hebrews, you are purified by the offering of our GREAT High Priest.
In James you are called a SISTER with Jesus being YOUR ELDER BROTHER!
In John, you are identified as CHILD OF CHRIST who WILL RESEMBLE Jesus when He Comes again.
In Jude, you are called BELOVED IN GOD.
In Revelation, you are one whose NAME is WRITTEN IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE.
Jesus calls YOU to be a saint! Awesome I say!

I believe we should dwell on these attributes, what do you say?

When we think on these promises we will find happiness in Jesus.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Deb on March 08, 2004, 10:09:00 AM
This is an urgent prayer request. My son is 18 and I found some magazines hidden beneath his bed. I am just heartsick. This morning as he went off to college, I asked him for a few minutes after I get home from teaching this afternoon. He said this would be okay. PLEASE pray that I will have special wisdom to know how to reach my boy. The Lord woke me up to some wonderful ideas pertaining exactly to this problem and so I am formulating in my mind what to say. Pray he will accept it. Thank you.
Post by: Richard Myers on March 08, 2004, 12:57:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we share with our dear sister her pain and ask that you continue to draw close to her. We know that Jesus is coming soon and we are to be tried as gold in the fire. We know you love our children more than we do. Please send the Holy Spirit to bring conviction into the heart of this young man. Help him to understand the reality of the battle for his soul. His mother understands that she lacks wisdom and that you are ready to give it. Bless her humility and her dependency upon you, that her son may hear words than come from your heart, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: M.A. Crawford on March 08, 2004, 01:03:00 PM
Deb, you did not mention the kind of magazines you discovered under your son's bed, but I was impressed to respond to your very urgent prayer request. I hope the magazines in question were not poronographic, for this type of material can poison the mind and can have very serious psychological consequences later on in life as to how a young man perceives of, and/or whether or not he has respect for, a female. If I were you (I have an 18 year old son who will be 19 in June), I would do the following:

1. I would tell him privately that I discovered the magazines, but I am not angry with him that he has them in his possession.

2. I WOULD NOT "preach" to him as to why I think what he is doing is wrong.

3. What I would do is CALMLY TALK TO HIM about the psychological dangers I mentioned above that can become a reality when one engages in poisoning the mind with graphic pictures of this kind.

4. Then I would mention to him that, AS CHRISTIANS, the Lord calls us to a higher standard than the world. As a result, we are to be very careful as to what we put into our minds. I would ask him to READ WITH ME what the Bible says in Romans 12:2 and Philippians 2:5. Then I would ask him if he believed this. If he says "yes," I would ask him to bow with me on our knees and would pray a simple prayer thanking the Lord for loving us and would ask God to help us to overcome the desires of the flesh that tend to overwhelm us.

5. If he says "no," I would ask the pastor of the church to speak to him privately. In the presence of my son, but not wanting to embarrass him, I would not necessarily go into the details of the spiritual problem (unless agreed to by my son), but would simply ask the pastor to speak to him and then pray with him about it, asking the Lord for Power to overcome.


Post by: Ele Holmes on March 09, 2004, 05:13:00 AM
My Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for my family, I adore you, and praise you Lord.  I come now, humbly, in much sorrow for my 19 year old grandson. (Found out later he is really not my grand son, but I always have loved him) He is in so much trouble. I put him in your hands, His mother has disowned him, his real father won't have anything to do with him, And I Lord don't know whether I should help him in this situation.  Is he guilty of writing that check? If He is Lord, he will go to jail. If he was set-up, like he says, and is innocent, please help him. Only you know the truth. My heart is broken....He was my first grand-son, and I still treat him as my family. I love him so. When he was so young, Lord, you know how his mother treated him.... Forgive him for all his lies. He has left the church and now is on the verge of going to jail.... Please help him....He wants to kill someone with a gun....Lord, I don't know what to do.... I know you love him. What ever happens, he is in your hands. Straighten out his life somehow, some way.... I pray this in Jesus name.

[This message has been edited by Ele Holmes (edited 03-09-2004).]

Post by: Liane H on March 09, 2004, 05:26:00 AM
Hi Sister Ele:

Your pain is read and my heart goes out to you in it. Children can be a curse or a blessing in one's life. They break the heart and pain the soul. Nothing is worse for a human being than the wrong paths that their children take.

Blessed Father:

There is pain in our sister's life. Be with her as she draws to you for comfort and wisdom for her grandson. Open up the young mind of this young man to listen to you and seek out the right thing to do. If he is guilty, show him that he must accept the consequences of his actions. If he is truely innocent help him find a way to show this.

We put this young man in your hands. Help can only come for him if he is willing to let you do it. May he have peace within and trust in You for his future.

No matter what happens be with our dear sister as she lays this burden down in your hands. Let her seek your wisdom for answers and not in her pain as they will lead to wrong actions.

Thank you Father for this time in prayer for a dear friend and fellow believer.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen

Post by: Deb on March 09, 2004, 06:36:00 PM
Thanks so much for your prayers regarding my son. Issue has been resolved and things much better. God is so good.
Post by: Richard Myers on March 09, 2004, 06:58:00 PM
Amen, Sister Deb. God will work for us as we trust in Him! We will continue to pray for your family.

Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for hearing our prayers for our dear sister's son. Bless his desire to follow you and continue to give his parents wisdom and your Spirit, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Richard Myers on March 09, 2004, 07:02:00 PM
Dear heavenly Father, we ask you to intercede in the situation with the young man who our dear Sister Ele has loved as her grand-child. You know the circumstances. You know it took a long time for him to get where he is today and it may take some time for him to see where he needs to be. We know that you will hear our prayers and work for him in the very best way possible. We pray for his parents that you will give them wisdom to help their son. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: ~maddy on March 19, 2004, 05:44:00 PM
Dear heavenly Father ... You are always so good to Your children ... You bring rich things out of Your storehouse for them the moment they call upon You.  Father, isn't there anything left in that bag of plenty for me?  What am I doing wrong?  Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table ... aren't there any crumbs left behind -- after You have fed Your DESERVING children -- for the likes of me?
Post by: Sister Marie on March 19, 2004, 06:30:00 PM
Dear Father in Heaven,

Please help Maddy and give her peace. It is satan deceiving her when he tells her that she is not worthy, but others are. This simply is not true. Help her to see this. The bible says that ALL HAVE SINNED. Other than Christ THERE IS NONE that have not sinned. Our worthiness is AS FILTHY RAGS. Not just Maddy’s or mine, but ALL MANKINDS WORTHYNESS is as filthy rages.

Please help Maddy Lord, to know that when people are saved, they are not saved because they are worthy, they are saved because YOU ARE WORTHY. It is YOUR WORTHINESS is what is given to us. There is NOTHING we can do to gain Salvation. Jesus did not die for others, He died for ALL MANKIND that except You as their Saviour. We accept You as the true Son of God dear Lord. Help us to see, help Maddy to see, through the eyes of FAITH and BELIEF in the Word of God when it tells her these things.

Lord, we know that satan hits us over and over where we are the weakest, causing us to trust less and less what You tell us. Why? Because how satan makes us FEEL over powers the Truths of Your Word.

Please Father, shower Maddy this Sabbath evening with the Truth of how worthy she really is, BECAUSE JESUS IS WORTHY. How loved she is, BECAUSE JESUS IS DOING THE LOVING. How saved she is, BECAUSE JESUS IS DOING THE SAVING, not us.

I thank You Father, as I pray this in Jesus Name, and all to His Glory. Amen

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 03-19-2004).]

Post by: Ele Holmes on March 20, 2004, 02:36:00 PM
Amen and amen Sister Maria.

Dearest Heavenly Father, I pray first for Maddy. Help her Lord. Give her the knowledge that she is your heir to heaven.  You have given her a part of heaven, help her to accept it.

Lord, I pray for our children.  As homosexual books are passed through the public schools for our children to read, I ask in Jesus name to please tell us how we can stop this.  Help us as parents and grand parents to be strong in the faith so we can be examples to our children.  Bad or Good, this movie and Richard's CD's are on the other side of the coin, whoa!  We sure do need you.... Help us to be strong in this little time of trouble, so we can live through the great time of trouble.

Lord give Maddy a job to do for you to keep her mind on you...Help her Lord in her battle against Satan.  I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Post by: Richard Myers on March 20, 2004, 07:36:00 PM
Dear Sister Maddy, we love you and if we love you, how much more God! His blessings to you have been rich and He is working for you in ways that you cannot see. Stop and count what He has done for you already! He is drawing you to Himself. He is speaking to your heart. He loves you just as you are. You know He has blessings for you or else you would not ask Him for the crumbs. You know this about Him. You know that He will not withhold the crumbs from you. He is speaking to you right now.

The pruning in our lives is painful. He never promised us that it would not be. He promises us strength and wisdom. The pruning will produce the fruits of righteousness. Peace that passes understanding. Things that money cannot buy.

Jesus is working your life or you would not be here. We pray for you dear sister. Fast and pray and God will continue to work for you. He loves you. He died for you and would have even if you were the only one on this planet. Believe it! You are of great value to our God!

Heavenly Father, we ask for you to speak to our dear sister Maddy. Reveal your love to her in a way that she will know it is so. Only you know how that can be. We pray for our sister. Bless her mightily for your name's sake. That she may be a witness for you, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: Ele Holmes on April 16, 2004, 06:07:00 AM
Please, Brothers and Sisters, Pray for my 19 year old grand son, Jeremiah.  He is in serious trouble and needs prayers.

Dearest Heavenly Father, My heart is completely broken, please give Miah  repentance so He can come to you.  Help him to realize his mistakes, help him to realize he is totally at fault, and no one is to be blamed but him. Lord, show him all his lies and have him confess to you. I love him so much, and I want him in heaven.  All my love to you, I pray in Jesus name. Amen

[This message has been edited by Ele Holmes (edited 04-16-2004).]

Post by: Sister Marie on April 16, 2004, 09:08:00 AM
Dear Kind and Loving Heavenly Father, Saviour and Holy Spirit,

We bring before You this day Miah. He is a young man Lord that has been lead astray by the world. We have studied this week how You loved wicked King Ahaz so much that You offered to protect him when he was in trouble.... but he refused.
You love Miah so much, even more than his grandma does (and that is a lot). Won't You touch his wayward heart with a new way of looking at things. Touch him with the red hot coals of repentance. Whatever it takes dear Lord, please turn this young man around, for his sake, for his grandma's sake, but mostly Lord, for Your Sake. That it may bring Glory to Your name, bring him home Father. We ask this in Jesus Holy Name, Amen

Post by: Liane H on April 17, 2004, 05:25:00 AM
Blessed Father:

Miah needs to learn to open his heart and mind to Your love. May his mind be opened to hear Your voice and realize the things that are happening in his life are caused by his own actions.

We know that You love Miah, he is one of your children that has left the church and joined with the world. May his mind come to remember those things taught to him of You and that he will reach out, repent, confess and seek Your forgiveness.

And Father be with our Sister Ele as she is in great pain and loves her grandson so much. Please comfort her during this difficult time.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen


[This message has been edited by liane (edited 04-17-2004).]

Post by: Ele Holmes on April 17, 2004, 09:29:00 AM
Dearest Marie and liane,
   Thank you so much for prayer and your caring. It hurts to see this happening, but God heals....Today with much prayer, God gave me light on the subject.  This could be the best thing that could happen to him.  Maybe (And I pray) with the work of the Holy Spirit Miah will again find Jesus, and the love he had when he was a child.
Please continue to pray for a while for him. Thank you again, and God be with you.

Heavenly Father, you know my thoughts, I love you so much, and I know you love Jeremiah, please, please help him....go to him, talk to him, help him to realize all his faults. Bring him to repentance. I pray in Jesus name. Amen

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 07, 2004, 09:49:00 AM
Could you all pray for me. This weekend is the weekend I'm coming off all the medication that they've had me on for almost two years, and I'm going cold turkey after weaning for 6 months. I need prayer. I feel so weak and helpless and I need Jesus.

Thank you,

Post by: Liane H on August 07, 2004, 11:38:00 AM
Dear Wendy:

Know that you are and will be in my prayers.

Please be careful and be with someone all days as this happens. Do NOT BE ALONE today.

Take care and may the Lord bless and keep you.


Post by: Ele Holmes on August 07, 2004, 03:52:00 PM
Dearest Wendy,
    Grace and peace be unto you this day from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Wendy,  GO, find someone that needs you and help them.  Pray for the dying, pray for those in much pain.

In otherwords, keep your mind off yourself. Remember Jesus in the desert for forty days and nights with no food, He suffered, but never gave in. Remember how He died for you!

Wendy, the Lord tells you: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, YOU ARE MINE...Do not fear, for I am with you."

Wendy, Let us pray this prayer together:
"Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me,
Bless Thy little lamb tonight;
Through the darkness be Thou with me
Watch my sleep till morning light.
All this day Thy hand has led me.
And I thank Thee for Thy care.
Thou hast clothed me, warmed and fed me;
Listen to my pleading prayer."

"He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength."

Wendy, Don't let Him go for a moment, Hang on my child of God, for He is with you.  I will pray and we will do it together....All my love to you through Jesus, Ele

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 08, 2004, 12:33:00 PM
I'm doing much better than I thought I would. Which is not to say I am doing great. But much better. The doctors had me on 40mg of Oxycontin(like heroin), then after my surgery, 30mg of Dilaudid, 60mg of Oxycontin, and 30 of Percocet. Then I went off the oxycontin and weaned down to just 10 mg a day of Vicodin, which is the weakest of the bunch. It's been exausting and difficult when you know just one pill would make you feel better. Thank the Lord I can't get any. Thank you all for your prayers. The third day(today)is the hardest. Please be with me and my friends Jesus,Amen.
Post by: Richard Myers on August 12, 2004, 01:26:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we pray for our dear sister. Give her the help that only you can give. We know that you allow trials, but in these trials you have promised we shall not be tempted beyond what we can bear, as we abide in Christ. Bless our Sister Wendy and give her rest, I pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Sister Marie on August 12, 2004, 04:54:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please see Sister Wendy through this. She is a dear sister who needs Your help very much. Please take care of her. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen.
Post by: Sister Marie on March 23, 2005, 08:30:00 AM
Dear Church Members & Friends,
>Elders Gordon Klein and Ken Cox are both sick at this time and were
>anointed a short time sgo at the Yucaipa SDA Church. Gordon has a brain
>tumor just above his left ear and will be operated on Monday morning at
>Loma Linda University Medical Center. He is requesting prayers for
>healing. Ken Cox has low hemoglobin numbers, has lost about 15 pounds
>and has been suffering from heart fibrillations.....
>Both Ken & Gordon work for Ken Cox Ministries. The team have just
>returned from Guam where they have completed in Ken's words, one of the
>best and most successful crusades that he has ever done. God's leading
>was clear. Both Ken and Gordon were very sick during this campaign and
>yet God blessed again and again and again.....
>Ken Cox Ministries has suspended their immediate plans for public
>evangelism for a short while until Gordon and Ken are better. Please
>pray for these two men and their families at this time, that God would
>heal them and that shortly they might be sharing their Savior on the road
>Douglas Elsey

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Ele Holmes on March 24, 2005, 08:22:00 AM
Thank you Sister Marie, yes, my prayers will be for the two evangelists....

Dearest Heavenly Father, Send your Great Physician, with all His healing powers, to heal your evangelists, Gordon Klein and Ken Cox  so their work can continue before  your Great Physician comes to get us....Also,  if it is your will, heal Steve Becker from  Mesa Grande Academy in Riverside, who has a brain tumor.  He has done so much work for our church in  Mexico, and also with his students as he teaches them your principles.

All signs show that Jesus will be coming soon.  Help us all Lord, to realize how important it is to be ready, holy, sanctified, and walking with the Holy Spirit.  I pray this in Jesus name.

[This message has been edited by Ele Holmes (edited 03-24-2005).]

Post by: Sister Marie on March 24, 2005, 09:05:00 AM
We know dear Father that we are not doing everything we should in these last days and we pray that you will open doors for us to witness your truth to others. These men have been doing your will and spreading the Truth far and wide and satan is very angery with them. Please protect them from his attacks and heal them. We pray this according to your will Lord for only you know Your reasons for doing things and only You know the future. I ask this in Jesus Name, Amen

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Richard Myers on March 29, 2005, 06:51:00 AM
Please pray with me for our Dear Brother Cop. I spoke with him Sunday and he is now in the hospital for surgery scheduled on Thursday. As we have read in his testimony, the situation is very serious and it may be that God will take him home. But, from my perspective it would be a blessing to have him around for a time longer. He loves Jesus and lives for Him. We need more who have given their whole hearts to Christ as he has done.

Post by: Liane H on March 29, 2005, 07:09:00 AM
Blessed Father:

We all have come to know and love Brother Cop. Please keep him safe in Your loving arms and help him prepare for what is according to Your will.

As said by Brother Richard it sure would be nice to have Cop around for a while longer as the blessings we receive from his posted give such light and love of You for us to gain and learn from.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen

Post by: Sister Marie on March 29, 2005, 12:40:00 PM
Dear Father in heaven, Please be with brother Cop. He is your own Father and we pray that he be healed if this is your will. But that he be ready for You is all that matters. He has been such a blessing to us here Lord and we need him. We leave him in Your Care Father.We pray this is Jesus Name and for His Sake. Amen

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: Ele Holmes on March 30, 2005, 06:49:00 AM
Deaest Heavenly Father,
What an inspiration Cop has been to many of us.  Lord he is needed to show your love to others and to bring others closer to you.  Please heavenly Father  take away his illness, his pain, that he may live. But if it is your will I pray his heart and soul is yours, and he is anxiously waiting to see your Son come soon. Thank you Lord for giving us Cop and his inspiration.   I pray this in the holy name of Jesus.
Post by: M.A. Crawford on March 30, 2005, 10:06:00 AM
I sincerely hope that Bro. Cop's surgery will be a success and will be praying for him to that end.
Post by: Cop on April 04, 2005, 12:51:00 PM
Even though I was ready to lay down in rest until Christ's Return, I came through alright and have returned home. I am still very much restricted in what I can do for about another week. I thank our Lord for all His great blessings and for the prayers sent in my behalf by my dear friends. God Bless you all and thank you.
Post by: WendyForsyth on April 04, 2005, 09:06:00 PM
We are very thankful to still have you with us Brother Cop! This is indeed a blessing from the Lord.

Thank you Jesus for bringing our brother safely through to fellowship with us once more. We look forward to serving with him for a time until you come to take us home.

In Your Holy Name, for there is no other,

Post by: Sister Marie on April 04, 2005, 10:11:00 PM
We are all so happy and Praise God's name for bringing you through. So glad your back with us.  :) Sister Marie
Post by: Richard Myers on April 05, 2005, 09:15:00 PM
Amen! Thank you Jesus! Our lives are for just a moment. God is looking for those who will serve Him with the whole heart. We are blessed to have Brother Cop with us again!  :)
Post by: Eleanore Holmes on April 22, 2005, 08:38:00 AM
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please pray for me.  About 3 days ago I lost the entire usage of my left arm, and cannot even type with all my fingers. There is so much I cannot do now and I pray for our Great Physician to heal  and give me back my arm, to use for His purpose. Is this what you call a minor stroke? Pray it gets better and does not get worse.  Thank you so much.

I love you Lord.  Thank you for hearing and answering prayers. In Jesus name, I ask for you to repair my arm......Amen

Post by: Sister Marie on April 22, 2005, 08:54:00 AM
Please pray for our dear Sister Ele,
She has lost all use of here left arm and can't use it. Please everyone pray for our dear Sister.
Dear Father in Heaven,
Please be with our Sister Ele. Help here in this time of trial and heal her according to Your Loving Will. Give her peace and comfort in You Father. I pray in Jesus Holy Name and for His sake. Amen

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: WendyForsyth on April 23, 2005, 05:15:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please be with our dearest Ele. She is so special to us, and even more so to you we know. Please heal her according to your good purpose. We know that you are the Great Physician and that things happen according to your plan only and that you know the beginning from the end. Please give our Ele peace and understanding of your will.

In Jesus'Name

Yes, dear Ele. I believe that is a stroke. Are you in the care of a doctor? If not, please see one soon as the sooner you get physical therapy for this, the better.
All my love,

Post by: WendyForsyth on April 23, 2005, 05:21:00 AM
Please pray for my family and for us individually. We all have needs even though we can't be together right now.

Pray for Howard that he will know God's will in His life, and that all things are possible with God. God forgives us all. Please give him peace Lord.

Please be with our children as they have suffered much trauma and they need extra measure of comfort from our heavenly Father. Please give them strength that can only come from You living within them Lord.

Please be with me as I am the lowliest of your children. I am least in your kingdom, yet I desire to sit at your feet Lord. Please forgive me where I have fallen short in my marriage and as a parent, and with the sheep you have sent my way that I have been too self-absorbed to notice. Help me to think less of me and more of you Lord. Help me to reflect you in all my thoughts and actions Lord.

In Christ's Name I pray,

Post by: Richard Myers on April 23, 2005, 06:13:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we pray for Sister Ele and Sister Wendy and family. As the end draws near we are all having great trials that will increase until the second coming of Christ. We ask for grace to endure them. If it will be to our dears sister's good and your honor we pray you heal the current difficulties. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Curt on May 09, 2005, 01:48:00 PM

I normally post a newsletter from Pastor Homer Trecartin, Middle East Union in the Evangelism Forum (Middle East Musings).

On Saturday his middle son Terry got into a very serious accident and it appears that he may not make it. Story is below, please pray URGENTLY for Terry.

Sat, 7 May 2005 21:30:22 -0700
From:  View Contact Details View Contact Details
Subject:   Urgent Prayer Request - Terry

Dear Family and Friends,

It is Sabbath evening and we are sitting in the Los Angeles Airport waiting for the first available flight to Tennessee.

This morning, in Sabbath School, we were handed a note saying to call our son in
Michigan immediately. We slipped out and went to the phone. He told us our middle son, Terry, had been in a terrible accident and was not being given much chance of living.

We don't know a lot of details, but pparently he has severe head injuries, a severed spine, and a broken leg. He has been transferred to the trauma unit at Erlinger Hospital in Chattanooga, TN.

Barbara and her folks and I were at Pine Springs Ranch in Southern California
attending a weekend retreat of people who used to live or work in the Middle
East. We only had a brief time on Friday night and Sabbath morning with them,
but we are so thankful for their love and support during this difficult time.
The Camp Director drove us to Los Angeles airport, and we hope to be in Chattanooga about noon tomorrow (Sunday). We have been crying a lot, and praying a lot, but we know God is in control. There is nothing we can
do but put Terry in His hands. We know God is all powerful and could work a miracle.
We are at peace knowing He never is caught off guard or makes a mistake.
Someday He will explain it all to us and we will rejoice in His leading.

Still, it is very hard and we would appreciate your prayers for Terry, for us,
for his wife (Shannon) and their friends. This is a difficult time for all of us and it means a lot to know you are praying.

Homer Trecartin, Secretary-Treasurer
Middle East Union of Seventh-day Adventists

Post by: WendyForsyth on May 09, 2005, 05:24:00 PM
You know how close to home this hits Curt. Even with survival, the head trauma guarantees that they will never have their son back. 90%or more of head trauma victims suffer personality change that is severe.

They are in my prayers. I will pray for God's will alone, because sometimes when we pray our will...we pray for the wrong thing. And we get it.

Lord you know what's best. They are your children and in your hands.


Post by: M.A. Crawford on May 10, 2005, 09:13:00 AM
Lord, I pray that you will have mercy, according to your Holy and Righteous Will, upon all who have made prayer requests. You know what they need better than we; even better than they. My prayer is that you will give each individual and family what they stand in need of according to your Lovingkindness, in Christ's Name I pray. Amen.
Post by: Eleanore Holmes on May 10, 2005, 09:42:00 AM
Dearest Heavenly Father, Please send your  Great Physician, to the side of Terry. We ask your special healing on this son of one of your faithful missionaries, Curt. Lord, we know Jesus is coming soon, but, let it be your will, Father, let Terry live just a bit longer. Release from him all his pain, and so he may continue his walk with Jesus.  I pray this in Jesus holy name. have
Post by: Curt on May 10, 2005, 12:44:00 PM
Terry - Update.

Pastor Homer Trecartin sent this update today on his son's condition.
Thanks for all the prayers the feedback is VERY encouraging. He is still critical so keep up the prayers, please.

   "Homer Trecartin" <>  View Contact Details View Contact Details
Subject:   Update on Terry - 9 May 2005
Thank you all for your prayers and emails. This morning I logged on and had 174 emails - most of them about Terry. I haven't had a chance to read them yet, but I feel comforted just knowing you wrote. I hope to get to them soon, but for now I am writing this  instead.

This morning the doctors were quite encouraged by changes Terry made last night. One even said he was excited. His blood pressure had stabilized and they had been able to stop all bp medication and had stopped pumping large amounts of plasma in to replace what his blood vessels were losing. Terry had also started to come to enough that the tubes were bothering him. He was struggling against them. They had to sedate him to keep him from accidentally pulling one out or something. Those are all good signs, but Terry is still in very critical condition.

During the day they decided they had to get his leg stabilized so they could move him for further tests without causing blood clots at the point of the break and increased shock to his system. The orthopedic team brought their surgery equipment up to his room and screwed a stabilizing rod on the outside of his leg. That procedure aggravated a condition they had been telling us about in the morning - his lungs. Apparently his lungs are one mass of bruises right now. They are not punctured, but were providing less and less ability to get sufficient oxygen into his blood. They have done several procedures on his lungs and inserted a tube into each side of his chest to relieve some of the pressure from fluid build up around them. They said they expected this because the huge impact that broke his back would also have badly bruised the lungs. They told us things will be up and down today and tonight and they will probably have to suction his lungs several times. By tomorrow they are hoping this situation will be stabilized so they can take him out for an MRI on his back.

When we went in this afternoon they were just finishing up all those procedures. The room was quite a mess and he looked bad. It seemed to be a big setback from the morning and we all had a hard time with that visit. Afterward we went out to the park and enjoyed the sun and fresh air. We ate a little and all felt quite a bit better after a couple of hours out there. We went back to the hospital and found Terry looking much better tonight. His oxygen levels, heart rate, etc. were good. We feel some better again tonight, but are getting ready for bed knowing a call could come at any time saying his body was shutting down from the shock and trauma.

It is midnight now, and I must get ready for bed, but I wanted to send you this update. We still cry. We still worry about the future. But we are also at peace knowing that God has used Terry for these 27 years, and used him again today - even though Terry probably doesn't realize it right now. If God has a work for him to do tomorrow I know He will keep Him through the night to do it - and that is really the same situation we all are in. If God has a work for us to do, He will wake us up in the morning and give us the strength to do it. We want to do it faithfully so that He can come soon. We are tired of the suffering and death we see all around us.

We really appreciate all your prayers so much. Thank you for supporting us during this difficult time.

Post by: Richard Myers on May 10, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
Heavenly Father, we come to you asking for your help. We do not know what is best, but you do. Our dear Brother Homer and family are suffering. We ask that you comfort them. Brother Homer understands the unseen world and lives for it. He wants to hasten the soon coming of Jesus. We pray with him for this and for his son, Terry. May all be your witnesses in this great trial. May the opportunities extended be the means of bringing some to Christ. If it would be your will to keep Terry alive and to heal him, we pray for this that your name may be glorified. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Curt on May 11, 2005, 08:17:00 PM
Terry Update -

Yesterday was the Anniversary of Pastor Homer and his wife. His prayer to God was a sign of improvement from Terry as their Anniversary present and he got it.

Terry is breathing much better.The Paramedic on the Life Force Air Ambulance that brought in Terry said that Terry was breathing on his own when they worked on him. Yesterday the ICU doctor said he did not see a need to do an EEG on Terry so that is REALLY GOOD NEWS. He MAY not have the brain complications and seemed not to suffer brain trauma.

Terry's story has impacted many and there are Pentecol churches in the area praying as well as friends attending to the needs of Pastor Homer and his wife and daughter in law while they stay close to the hospital. This is what reall family is about. However, by prayer we are just as close to them at this time.

Praise GOD .........

Thank you and keep praying

I will also post the written updates in the Evangelism Forum (Middle East News Updates).

Post by: Curt on May 19, 2005, 09:58:00 PM
Hi, just wanted to provide an Update on Terry.
His father provides almost a daily update of his condition on email.

Terry has progressed to the point where they are preping him for corrective surgery to his leg and spine. He is still groggy from medication and not fully conscious but responding to people around him with small signs of increased heart rate or a twitch of his eyelid, finger or neck (once). This is extremely promising and rules out major brain damage. Within a couple of days the Doctors will place a metal rod into his leg with a new procedure only tried 37 times. They will video tape the procedure for an upcoming conference and received permission from his parents. They know the doctors will be extra careful if they are on camera   :). Folowing this they will next begin working on his broken spine.

It is very encouraging to see the overwhelming support of the church members to support them daily with prayers, meals (schedule), toiletries, transport etc. Right after getting into the hospital (after the accident) the Pastor and Elders had prayed and annointed Terry even before his family got there. What a family (church) to belong to.
Terry's wife was depressed by the mountain of bills and an insufficient salary since she was off work (at the hospital) and Terry was not working now. She said a prayer, wrote her tithe cheque and next began to write cheques to pay what bills she could. Just then they received some more donations and found an envelope from a church member. It had 10 crisp $100 bills inside, more than enough to clear her bills with what she had.
While we are yet calling God hears. This is precious.

PCT - Prayer changes Things
GAP - God Answers Prayer

Thank you on behalf of Pastor Trecartin, His wife and daughter in law for praying for Terry. He is coming through.

[This message has been edited by Curt (edited 05-19-2005).]

Post by: Sister Marie on May 20, 2005, 04:01:00 AM
Thank you Lord for answered pray here. Both for health and funds needed. You are so good. Thank you for so many prayers on his behalf. Praise your name Lord. Amen!
Post by: Liane H on May 21, 2005, 07:34:00 PM
Please add to your list dear friends of the Lord two people who need very urgent prayer for the next few weeks.

My friend Carolyn's granddaughter Lora has been fighting a very rare infection and the last news from the doctor was discouraging.

They see the doctor again next Thursday for the next step in treatment and surgery.

Lora may have to have her jaw removed, nasal area and right shoulder due to this infection. She has to go see miles away a surgeon for this in San Francsico.

My friend Jane is having neck surgery from injuries she received in the past. The doctor told her if she does not do something now she will be a quad in a few years.

She is to have surgery in LA, CA which will be 8 hours with two surgeons at the same time with 7 to 14 days of hosptial stay and follow up care thereafter.

Liane, the Zoo Mama

Post by: Richard Sherwin on May 21, 2005, 08:24:00 PM
Liane that is so awful about that infection. Sounds like the same thing my wifes aunt had recently. We will keep her in our prayers.


Post by: Liane H on June 13, 2005, 04:41:00 PM

If you pass this way, please keep my friend Jane in your prayers. She is having major surgery tomorrow on her neck spine.

This surgery could give her many more years of benefit or a slip of the knife could make her a quad.

Liane, the Zoo Mama  

Post by: Sister Marie on June 14, 2005, 08:56:00 AM
Dear Father in Heaven, Please be with Jane today as she is going into surgery. Please guide the hands of the surgeon that he be steady and sure. But most of all we pray for Your Will to be done in Jane's life and in all of our lives. I pray in Jesus name and for His Sake. Amen.
Post by: SA on August 21, 2005, 08:11:00 AM
Dear Loving Heavenly Father,

Please free my father of his health problems and help him cope until that time. Also, please help Nick recover from his accident.  Thank you for answering my previous prayers.  And through faith in Jesus, I know will answer this one.

In Jesus' name,


[This message has been edited by SA (edited 09-01-2005).]

Post by: WendyForsyth on August 21, 2005, 01:12:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father, please be with SA's father. Address his needs in the way you know best. Comfort him and his family and give them peace.

Also, please be with those who have unmentioned prayers and heartache. Answer their needs as you see fit, as you know what is best for all of us.

In the name of Jesus Christ,

Post by: WendyForsyth on September 14, 2005, 09:32:00 PM
Please heal Howard mind, spirit, and body. Only you can do what it takes to heal a person so broken they could strike out in the way Howard did. Help him to know that he can reach out to you and that he is not hopeless and lost just because of what he did. Help him to know that God is always waiting to lead him through this life, and that all he has to do is look up at the Cross and be saved. There is more of course...but let him do this initial step please Lord. Hold him close to you, and don't let him go. He is precious to us, we forgive much, asking nothing in return. We just want Howard in eternity with us and His Brother Christ.

Please be especially with the children also Lord. Help them to heal from this latest wound. Especially draw close to Ashley as she rebels in her attempt to understand what has happened to her. Help all three kids to understand why they can't be with their father now, but that we want him in heaven with us. Mend their broken hearts. Be their Father when their earthly father cannot. Help them never to feel alone Lord.
Help me to be a better example to them. Heal my heart as well Lord and take away the pain and betrayal so that I may be missionary first to my own family without resentment or anger.

Thank you Lord,

Post by: SA on September 22, 2005, 03:30:00 AM
Dear Loving Heavenly Father,

Please heal my father of the cancer he has been recently diagnosed with.

You have sustained him and improved his condition until now, so please continue to be with him as he begins his treatment soon.

You have answered previous prayers so faith tells me you will answer this one.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Post by: Eleanore Holmes on September 22, 2005, 08:55:00 AM
Dear SA, Welcome to our forum.....I pray it will bring you more inspiration, as it has done for me.

Dear Heavenly Father,  SA is asking our Great Physician to heal her Father.  Lord, if it is your will hear our prayers.  Heal  him, and bring him closer to you. Lord, it hurts to see our family suffer.  Give peace to SA and bring her into your arms of love and I pray you will hear her prayers.

Also Lord, I pray for Howard, Wendy's husband.  Send the Holy  Spirit to bring him to repentance, and give him the grace needed to  change his life.  I pray this in the name of your loving  Son, Jesus.

Post by: Richard Myers on September 24, 2005, 09:21:00 AM
Thank you for the opportunity to pray. We can see that the end is near. All of the signs are fast fulfilling that tell us Jesus is coming soon. You allow trials to come that we might be prepared for heaven. Hear our prayers for ourselves and our families and those whom you have given us the privilege to minister to. Thank you for SA's and Sister Wendy's prayers. We ask you to answer them in the best way possible at the very best time. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Karenbygrace on October 02, 2005, 01:00:00 PM
This is an urgent request-please, all who will, join with me and my friend in this, and share with others who will pray too...
 I ask for prayer about a dear aquaintance of mine-she was raised in a satanic cult, and I believe now suffers from demonic harrassment and perhaps possession. just recently she commented about how at night she heard the doorknob move at night yet no one was there. Please, pray for her freedom from these things. I believe this is a very real thing, a very real battle. Thank you dear brothers and sisters.
Post by: Sister Marie on October 02, 2005, 07:49:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please send your help to this poor women who satan has had his way with. Please bring healing to her mind and body. I ask in your holy name, Amen

please pray for my daughter as well. She told me that she was tired of the devils lies and wanted to die. She has never told me that before. It makes me wonder if she has the same problem. As far as I have ever thought it was a mental problem, but now I wonder if satan has used it to torment her.  :(  :( Please pray for Carol. Thank you.

With Christian Love,
Sister Marie

Post by: WendyForsyth on October 02, 2005, 10:59:00 PM
It may be both Sister. You know I have a family member who hallucinates, hears voices telling him what to do etc. The devil talking. Unmedicated he is frightened to leave his own room. Perhaps your daughter needs meds adjusted as well.

Both these ladies are in my prayers.

God bless,

Post by: SA on October 08, 2005, 02:21:00 PM
Dear Loving Heavenly Father,

I pray that you will rid this woman of the demons that torment her so that the Holy Spirit may dwell within her instead.

I also pray for Carol.  I pray that you will speak to her in a special way, so that she can see that in all of the chaos in this world, there is still hope through your son Jesus Christ.


Post by: Richard Myers on October 08, 2005, 03:23:00 PM

Heavenly Father, we know that Jesus is coming soon and Satan is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Thank you for the opportunity to join with Sisters Karen and Marie to pray. We ask that you give wisdom to understand if there is a need to cast out devils from these individuals we are praying for. If it be the case I pray that they be delivered that they may have control of their minds and that their wills may be set on your side. Strengthen Sisters Karen and Marie to help to your honor and glory. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Post by: WendyForsyth on October 09, 2005, 02:45:00 AM
I'm going to ask whoever is strong in faith to pray with me physically in person on the phone daily. If there is someone who has the time to devote to this, I would appreciate this more than you know. I will have a toll-free number set up soon, so that there will be no long distance charges if that is an issue. I'm looking for someone who will let me pray along silently at first, and then gradually join in at my own pace as I grow stronger and bolder in my faith. I have alot of issues going on right now, not the least of which in this last of my great trials, Howard molesting our daughter, I have lost my prayer life and my connection to God. I cannot tell you how frightened I was the night that I realized that the connection was gone. Not Him, not His side I know, but mine. I've never let go like matter what I've been through....and this has been months. It passed by without me even noticing because of all the pain I've been wrapped up in. There is no one at my church I trust my spiritual life with, and that of my children and getting them back on track.

I have so many MAJOR life decisions to make right now, and I feel like I'm floundering in deep water, and I don't have that connection to help me make the right decisions regarding whether or not to sell my house, save it from foreclosure, take the money from the sale and move out to the mountains because I have this incredible sense of urgency. Please! I need guidance and I have none!

Post by: WendyForsyth on October 09, 2005, 02:48:00 AM
I forgot to say, that if we can get many people together that's great too! We can either conference call, or do it one at a time and everyone take a day! You can never have too much prayer. I need help getting back on track, and I need my brothers and sisters. Like minded people, not the ones who are completely going the way of the world. (What kind of church ignores the widow and the fatherless anyway?)
Post by: Eleanore Holmes on October 10, 2005, 08:20:00 AM
Dearest Wendy,   I sent you an email, and all my prayers today  go to the throne of our Loving God For you, asking for strength, for protection, and guidance of the Holy Spirit...leading you moment by moment  to stay in communion with  God.   May He give you the faith needed to, and His power of  grace.
Post by: WendyForsyth on October 18, 2005, 11:33:00 AM
Please! I need urgent, IMMEDIATE intervention on behalf of a girl that I have been studying with and praying for over in UK. Satan talks to her in the form of a demon named Scott, he tells her God will only be satisfied with her blood, he reaches inside her body and slices open her insides then heals them up, he claims to have impregnated her, she is ONLY SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD!!!

He keeps telling her to kill herself and God hates her and she isn't worth living. She went to buy some pills today and I think perhaps she may do it.

Please, intercede on her behalf. Her name is Jeni Bonfield. Please pray for her by name. It is urgent that people pray for her ongoing and immediately!

Thank you all!

Post by: Clive Nevell on November 21, 2005, 03:48:00 AM
I have a very urgent prayer request to make.

It may not be a case of near death to this family but they do need our prayers.

This is the story.

Kathy is a friend of my sister who lives in Brisbane.

A few weeks ago Kathy's daughter went out in her car on Sunday afternoon. As she was driving along a four wheel drive wagon came on the wrong side of the road and hit her car head on.

The car was a mess and with Kathy's daughter being not able to get out and was in the car for two hours before she was cut free.

She also had her two small children with her.

All had extensive injuries with the two young kids having broken bones and severe bruising all over their bodies. Their mother has two broken legs.

Can we all pray for this family please.

The driver of the four wheel drive was fives times over the limit of alcohol in his blood.

Dear Father in heaven we pray for this family tonight asking that You will be very near to them all during this terrible accident that they have been in.

Bless the medical staff as they attend each one and give them guidence as they manage their recovery.

May each family member sense your presence at this time and bring each of them to a closer walk with you.

We pray in Jesus nmae, Amen.


Post by: Eleanore Holmes on November 21, 2005, 07:14:00 AM
Dearest Heavenly Father, I pray for this family who are friends of Clive,s sister.  What a horrible tragedy Lord. Please be with them, Please take away the pain they must be suffering, especially the children.  Heal the mother,s legs quickly Lord so she can again take care of her family, and her children.

Send the Holy Spirit to give them peace in their souls, and an understanding of Your  love.   I pray this in Jesus Holy Name.

Post by: WendyForsyth on November 21, 2005, 11:55:00 AM
Dear Heavenly Father, please be with this family and heal them according to your will. Please use this situation to your good in whatever way possible, even if we cannot see any good in it. Please help people to learn not to drive drunk, and to not drink.

Please Lord, be with my friend John. He wants to kill himself. There are so many people that are so unhappy that they want the pain to stop. They don't see any other answer Lord. Please, help us to first help them out of their immediate situations, then help us to help them find you. This is the second friend in the last couple of months or so that has tried to commit suicide Lord. I know so many people that are bleeding on the inside. Help me in my unique position to be a witness for you and not a poor influence.

Thank you Lord for saving Jeni's life. Even though she took the pills you didn't allow her to die. Thank you Jesus for improving her life since and for convincing her to go to the hospital and for her latest letters that say she can see hope for her future.

In Your Holy name,

[I'm sorry I didn't post about how Jeni was earlier. She just wrote to me about a week or so ago and told me. It was awful not knowing for so long. I actually thought for a long time that she had succeeded and I felt very guilty and like a failure. I am very grateful to the Lord that He saved her.]

Post by: Eleanore Holmes on December 07, 2005, 07:57:00 AM
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
   This last month I have been growing very sick....tests have shown I have Anemia very bad.  My hands don't work, especially my left hand, and the worst of all, I have great stomach pains when I eat.  I am going for more tests today.  Please, pray for me.  These last two years have been very stressful, with many problems and trials.   I must rely totally on the Lord.   Thank you and may God be with you.


This a very sad post. Later on this day, before anyone could respond to Sister Ele's heartfelt cry for prayer here online she passed away.

It is a reminder to us all of the opportunities we have whether here online or in our daily lives, to comfort those we have influence with.

Post by: Michelle on December 21, 2005, 09:52:00 PM
We have a college employee who is battling cancer.  Last year it was at stage 2.  He went through treatment and they thought it was gone.  Now it is back and at stage 3.  This is some kind of nose cancer, over 90% of which occurs in Southern Chinese (my understanding).  He is in exceedingly great pain, so much that they are afraid that he will give up soon.  He has a wife and two small children, ages 4 and 18 months.  Please remember the family in your prayers.  He went to Malaysia for some kind of treatment ("natural") by SDAs, but was in so much pain he was almost frantic, so has come back to HK and will start chemo and radiation soon, along with increased dosage of painkillers (which are even not totally dealing with the pain).


Post by: Liane H on December 22, 2005, 01:39:00 AM
Hi Michelle:

Thank you for sharing. Your fellow employee will be in my prayers. It is so sad when there are children to see a parent suffering, the whole family must feel so helpless.

May the Lord bless and keep you all.

Liane, the Zoo Mama  

Post by: Richard Myers on December 22, 2005, 10:31:00 AM
Heavenly Father, we come to you asking that you work in the life of Sister Michelle's friend who is suffering and his family with him. You know that situation and you know what is best. We ask you to use this great trial to bring this family to a higher place iin their realationship with you. If healing this brother will bring glory and honor to you and salvation to him and his family, then we ask that you heal him. What ever needs to be done to open the way, we pray for your people to intercede. Thank you for the privilege of prayer on this family's behalf. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Post by: Sister Marie on December 24, 2005, 01:55:00 PM
Dear Father in Heaven,
Please be with this friend of our dear Sister, and help him to be healed of this cancer... according to Your Will. Please bring him closer to Thee so he can feel ready to meet Thee.

I pray this in Jesus Holy Name and for His sake and glory. Amen.

[This message has been edited by Sister Glass (edited 12-24-2005).]

Post by: Sister Marie on December 24, 2005, 01:59:00 PM
Dear Father,
Please forgive me for not being here for Sister Ele when she was in such need of our prayers. It makes me feel so bad dear Lord. But I know that she will be ready to meet You when you come to take her home.... and we can all be together with her again. Please bring Your love and blessings to us that we may walk closer and closer to You.

I thank you so much for answered prayers and ask for Your Presence to be in our lives more and more all the time. I ask this in the name of Your dear Son Jesus. Amen

Post by: Liane H on December 25, 2005, 02:57:00 AM
Blessed Father:

We all have sinned and fall short to Your glory. I as well was not there for Ele in prayer after she posted. Even if she had not seen the post, the fact that I was not there knowing of her needs was a fault on my part.

Please forgive me and thank you for the opportunity to learn from this and do better in the future of our brothers and sisters in need.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen  

Post by: Richard Myers on December 28, 2005, 09:20:00 AM
We have opened    Very Urgent Prayer 2 for this topic and are closing part 1.