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The Desire of Ages / Re: The Desire of Ages--68--In the Outer Court
« Last post by Beacon on Today at 08:03:31 PM »
 "By making this propitiation for the sins of men, Christ knew that His kingdom would be perfected, and would extend throughout the world. He would work as the Restorer, and His Spirit would prevail."

"For a moment He looked into futurity, and heard the voices proclaiming in all parts of the earth, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29."

"In these strangers He saw the pledge of a great harvest, when the partition wall between Jew and Gentile should be broken down, and all nations, tongues, and peoples should hear the message of salvation."

"The anticipation of this, the consummation of His hopes, is expressed in the words, "The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified." But the way in which this glorification must take place was never absent from Christ's mind." "

"The gathering in of the Gentiles was to follow His approaching death. Only by His death could the world be saved. Like a grain of wheat, the Son of man must be cast into the ground and die, and be buried out of sight; but He was to live again."

It was by FAITH and deep Love for all His creation that JESUS went to the cross. Are "WE" willing to surrender ALL for HIM??

Bread of Life / Re: A Verse for Today
« Last post by rahab on Today at 05:37:00 PM »
(N)  Ezekiel 37:26

Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.
The Desire of Ages / Re: The Desire of Ages--67--Woes on the Pharisees
« Last post by Dorine on Today at 04:00:59 AM »
The Pharisees built the tombs of the prophets, and adorned their sepulchers, and said one to another, If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have united with them in shedding the blood of God’s servants. At the same time they were planning to take the life of His Son. This should be a lesson to us. It should open our eyes to the power of Satan to deceive the mind that turns from the light of truth. Many follow in the track of the Pharisees. They revere those who have died for their faith. They wonder at the blindness of the Jews in rejecting Christ. Had we lived in His day, they declare, we would gladly have received His teaching; we would never have been partakers in the guilt of those who rejected the Saviour. But when obedience to God requires self-denial and humiliation, these very persons stifle their convictions, and refuse obedience. Thus they manifest the same spirit as did the Pharisees whom Christ condemned. { DA 618.2}

Serious thoughts to ponder.
Heavenly Music / Re: Most Beautiful Hymns
« Last post by Richard Myers on January 14, 2025, 10:38:29 PM »

The Desire of Ages / Re: The Desire of Ages--67--Woes on the Pharisees
« Last post by Beacon on January 14, 2025, 08:01:05 PM »
"With hand uplifted to heaven, and a divine light enshrouding His person, Christ spoke as a judge to those before Him. His voice, that had so often been heard in gentleness and entreaty, was now heard in rebuke and condemnation."

"The listeners shuddered."
"Never was the impression made by His words and His look to be effaced."

"Christ's indignation was directed against the hypocrisy, the gross sins, by which men were destroying their own souls, deceiving the people and dishonoring God."

"In the specious deceptive reasoning of the priests and rulers He discerned the working of satanic agencies. Keen and searching had been His denunciation of sin; but He spoke no words of retaliation."

"He had a holy wrath against the prince of darkness; but He manifested no irritated temper. So the Christian who lives in harmony with God, possessing the sweet attributes of love and mercy, will feel a righteous indignation against sin; but he will not be roused by passion to revile those who revile him. Even in meeting those who are moved by a power from beneath to maintain falsehood, in Christ he will still preserve calmness and self-possession."

I want to be like Jesus - How about you?? "WE" must Never Give Up !!


Earthly pleasures vainly call me,
  I would be like Jesus;
Nothing worldly shall enthrall me,
  I would be like Jesus.
Be like Jesus, this my song,
  In the home and in the throng;
Be like Jesus, all day long!
    I would be like Jesus.
He has broken every fetter,
  I would be like Jesus;
That my soul may serve Him better,
  I would be like Jesus.
All the way from earth to glory,
  I would be like Jesus;
Telling o’er and o’er the story,
  I would be like Jesus.

Lyrics:James Rowe (1866-1933)
Music:Bentley DeForest Ackley (1872-1958)
Healthful Living / Re: Cancer
« Last post by rahab on January 14, 2025, 03:51:26 PM »
As faithful adventists following the health message, we should then die of natural causes right?
Healthful Living / Re: Leading Cause of Death in the United States
« Last post by rahab on January 14, 2025, 03:49:10 PM »
That’s good news then!
Bread of Life / Re: Truth
« Last post by rahab on January 14, 2025, 03:40:24 PM »
Very true!

Thank you 🙏🏻
Bread of Life / Re: A Verse for Today
« Last post by rahab on January 14, 2025, 03:38:29 PM »
Hebrews 10:16

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;  ♥️
The Desire of Ages / Re: The Desire of Ages--66--Controversy
« Last post by Pastor Sean Brizendine on January 14, 2025, 02:11:45 PM »
Amen, Brother Beacon, Sister Dorine, and Brother Richard!

Repeatedly Christ avoided being drawn into controversy. He knew that His work was to present the word of God in its clarity. When questions were asked of Him, often He required the answer from the one who asked, or He would meet others with a question, too. Wisely He kept planting truth, and thankfully, a scribe was willing to acknowledge the "correct" answer about what was most important in the law. But that man needed to also accept Christ as a personal Savior. So it is with us. A whole-heart surrender to Christ is what we need moment-by-moment. We need a living connection with Christ in order for God's love to flow in and through us to others, manifesting all of the fruits of the Spirit without one missing and gladly obeying God up to the light He has given us.

"The scribe was near to the kingdom of God, in that he recognized deeds of righteousness as more acceptable to God than burnt offerings and sacrifices. But he needed to recognize the divine character of Christ, and through faith in Him receive power to do the works of righteousness. The ritual service was of no value, unless connected with Christ by living faith. Even the moral law fails of its purpose, unless it is understood in its relation to the Saviour. Christ had repeatedly shown that His Father's law contained something deeper than mere authoritative commands. In the law is embodied the same principle that is revealed in the gospel. The law points out man's duty and shows him his guilt. To Christ he must look for pardon and for power to do what the law enjoins." {The Desire of Ages, page 608, paragraph 2}

When we appreciate the pardon and power of Jesus, we experience forgiveness for our past and power for our present to do God's will! What a delight!
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