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TRO Newsletter Archive
« on: May 13, 2009, 03:14:43 PM »
March 2, 2007                         
Welcome to the Remnant-Online !!!
"At a time when many are facing difficult trials and some are confused we need to set our eyes upon Jesus and what He has prepared for us. Here is a view of the Paradise of God. Let us not barter away our inheritance for a mess of pottage!

I saw the exceeding loveliness and glory of Jesus. His countenance was brighter than the sun at noonday. His robe was whiter than the whitest white. How can I . . . describe to you the glories of heaven, and the lovely angels singing and playing upon their harps of ten strings!  The wonderful things I there saw I cannot describe. Oh, that I could talk in the language of Canaan, then could I tell a little of the glory of the better world.  Language is altogether too feeble to attempt a description of heaven. As the scene rises before me, I am lost in amazement. Carried away with the surpassing splendor and excellent glory, I lay down the pen and exclaim, "Oh, what love! what wondrous love!" The most exalted language fails to describe the glory of heaven or the matchless depths of a Saviour's love.

Human language is inadequate to describe the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the glory of the Paradise of God. If we could have but one view of the celestial city, we would never wish to dwell on earth again.

Here we saw the tree of life and the throne of God. Out of the throne came a pure river of water, and on either side of the river was the tree of life. On one side of the river was a trunk of a tree, and a trunk on the other side of the river, both of pure, transparent gold. At first I thought I saw two trees. I looked again, and saw that they were united at the top in one tree. So it was the tree of life on either side of the river of life. Its branches bowed to the place where we stood, and the fruit was glorious; it looked like gold mixed with silver.

There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside them waving trees cast their shadows upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful plains, beside those living streams, God's people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home.

I saw another field full of all kinds of flowers, and as I plucked them, I cried out, "They will never fade." Next I saw a field of tall grass, most glorious to behold; it was living green and had a reflection of silver and gold, as it waved proudly to the glory of King Jesus. Then we entered a field full of all kinds of beasts--the lion, the lamb, the leopard, and the wolf, all together in perfect union. We passed through the midst of them, and they followed on peaceably after.

Then we entered a wood, not like the dark woods we have here; no, no; but light, and all over glorious; the branches of the trees moved to and fro, and we all cried out, "We will dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods." We passed through the woods, for we were on our way to Mount Zion. . . .

On the mount was a glorious temple. . . . There were all kinds of trees around the temple to beautify the place: the box, the pine, the fir, the oil, the myrtle, the pomegranate, and the fig tree bowed down with the weight of its timely figs--these made the place all over glorious. . . .

And I saw a table of pure silver; it was many miles in length, yet our eyes could extend over it. I saw the fruit of the tree of life, the manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates, grapes, and many other kinds of fruit. I asked Jesus to let me eat of the fruit.

All come forth from their graves the same in stature as when they entered the tomb. Adam, who stands among the risen throng, is of lofty height and majestic form, in stature but little below the Son of God. He presents a marked contrast to the people of later generations; in this one respect is shown the great degeneracy of the race. But all arise with the freshness and vigor of eternal youth. . . . Restored to the tree of life in the long-lost Eden, the redeemed will "grow up" (Mal. 4:2) to the full stature of a race in its primeval glory." - Last Day Events

Here are a few ongoing discussions in the Bread of Life forum ...
Abide in Me and I in You
Behold a Shaking

Bible Interpretation

Bible Translations

Being Born Again

Christ and Him Crucified


The Fourth Commandment

The Gospel and Salvation

The Health Message in the Light of the Cross

The Hebrew Sanctuary

The Investigative Judgment

Justification by Faith

The Latter Rain

Lesser Light


The Narrow Road

Re-baptism and Communion

Revelation 14:1-5
Romans 7



Satan's Great Lie

Second Coming

Sinless Human Perfection

Science and Creation

Science - Does Satan Influence Science?

Steps to Eternal Life

Truth Lost

Unconditional Love

The United Nations

Willow Creek

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men. Men who will not be bought or sold. Men who in their inmost souls are true and honest. Men who do not fear to call sin by its right name. Men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” Ed. 57
  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


  • Regular Member
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    • The Remnant Online
Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 03:19:58 PM »
April 5, 2007

Welcome to The Remnant-Online !!!

In this issue:

      Satan's Delusions in the Great Controversy
      The Scriptures a Safeguard
      Nature Lessons by Young People
      The Remnant-Online Topic Links

Satan's Delusions   
Satan commenced his deception in Eden. He said to Eve, "Ye shall not surely die." This was Satan's first lesson upon the immortality of the soul, and he has carried on this deception from that time to the present, and will carry it on until the captivity of God's children shall be turned.  Adam and Eve in Eden partook of the forbidden tree, and then the flaming sword was placed around the tree of life, and they were driven from the garden, lest they should partake of the tree of life, and be immortal sinners. The fruit of this tree was to perpetuate immortality. Who of the family of Adam have passed that flaming sword and have partaken of the tree of life? Not one of the family of Adam has passed that flaming sword and partaken of that tree; therefore there is not an immortal sinner. The soul that sinneth, it shall die an everlasting death--a death from which there will be no hope of a resurrection; and then the wrath of God will be appeased.

Today, we hear many teachings that the soul that sins shall not die, that it is impossible to keep the law of God. God understands our desire to keep the law and that is good enough. On that day when these appear before Christ, He shall say "Depart from Me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you." The soul that sinneth shall indeed perish unless it is brought to repentance.
Another lie at which we marvel and that Satan has succeeded in making men believe that the words of God, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4), mean that the soul that sinneth it shall not die, but live eternally in misery.

Satan told his angels to make a special effort to spread the lie first repeated to Eve in Eden, "Ye shall not surely die." And as the error was received by the people, and they were led to believe that man was immortal, Satan led them on to believe that the sinner would live in eternal misery. Then the way was prepared for Satan to work through his representatives and hold up God before the people as a revengeful tyrant--one who plunges all those into hell who do not please Him, and causes them ever to feel His wrath; and while they suffer unutterable anguish, and writhe in the eternal flames, He is represented as looking down upon them with satisfaction. Satan knew that if this error should be received, God would be hated by many, instead of being loved and adored; and that many would be led to believe that the threatenings of God's Word would not be literally fulfilled, for it would be against His character of benevolence and love to plunge into eternal torments the beings whom He had created.
Another extreme which Satan has led the people to adopt is entirely to overlook the justice of God and the threatenings of His Word, and to represent Him as being all mercy, so that not one will perish, but that all, both saint and sinner, will at last be saved in His kingdom.
In consequence of the popular errors of the immortality of the soul and endless misery, Satan takes advantage of another class and leads them to regard the Bible as an uninspired book. They think it teaches many good things, but they cannot rely upon it and love it, because they have been taught that it declares the doctrine of eternal misery. 
Another class Satan leads on still further, even to deny the existence of God. They can see no consistency in the character of the God of the Bible, if He will inflict horrible tortures upon a portion of the human family to all eternity. Therefore they deny the Bible and its Author, and regard death as an eternal sleep.

There is still another class who are fearful and timid. These Satan tempts to commit sin, and after they have sinned, he holds up before them that the wages of sin is not death but life in horrible torments, to be endured throughout the endless ages of eternity. By thus magnifying before their feeble minds the horrors of an endless hell, he takes possession of their minds, and they lose their reason. Then Satan and his angels exult, and the infidel and atheist join in casting reproach upon Christianity. They claim that these evils are the natural results of believing in the Bible and its Author, whereas they are the results of the reception of popular heresy.

The Scriptures a Safeguard


God knew that Satan would try every art to destroy man; therefore He had caused His word to be written out, and had made His purposes in regard to the human race so plain that the weakest need not err. After having given His word to man, He had carefully preserved it from destruction by Satan or his angels, or by any of his agents or representatives. While other books might be destroyed, this was to be immortal. And as we near the close of time, when the delusions of Satan have increased, the Bible is so available that all who desire might have a copy, and, if they will, might arm themselves against the deceptions and lying wonders of Satan.

God had especially guarded the Bible; yet when copies of it were few, learned men had in some instances changed the words, thinking that they were making it more plain, when in reality they were mystifying that which was plain, by causing it to lean to their established views, which were governed by tradition. But, the Word of God, as a whole, is a perfect chain, one portion linking into and explaining another. True seekers for truth need not err, for not only is the Word of God plain and simple in declaring the way of life, but the Holy Spirit is given as a guide in understanding the way to life therein revealed.

God sets before man life and death. He can have his choice. Many desire life, but still continue to walk in the broad road. They choose to rebel against God's government, notwithstanding His great mercy and compassion in giving His Son to die for them. Those who do not choose to accept of the salvation so dearly purchased, must be punished. But, God will not shut them up in hell to endure endless misery, neither will He take them to heaven; for to bring them into the company of the pure and holy would make them exceedingly miserable. But He will destroy them utterly and cause them to be as if they had not been; then His justice will be satisfied. He formed man out of the dust of the earth, and the disobedient and unholy will be consumed by fire and return to dust again. The benevolence and compassion of God in this matter should lead all to admire His character and to adore His holy name. After the wicked are destroyed from off the earth, all the heavenly host will say, "Amen!"

Satan looks with great satisfaction upon those who profess the name of Christ, yet closely adhere to the delusions which he himself has originated. His work is still to devise new delusions, and his power and art in this direction continually increase. He led his representatives, the popes and the priests, to exalt themselves, and to stir up the people to bitterly persecute and destroy those who were not willing to accept his delusions. Oh, the sufferings and agony which the precious followers of Christ were made to endure! Angels have kept a faithful record of it all. Satan and his evil angels exultingly told the angels who ministered to these suffering saints that they were all to be killed, so that there would not be left a true Christian upon the earth. The church of God was then pure. There was no danger of men with corrupt hearts coming into it, for the true Christian, who dared to declare his faith, was in danger of the rack, the stake, and every torture which Satan and his evil angels could invent or inspire in the mind of man.

How is it today? Persecution in most of the world lingers, so we have men with corrupt hearts in the church. But, soon it shall not be. When the Holy Spirit is poured out upon God's church (see Ezekiel 36 and 37), persecution shall no longer linger. Then, many will flee from the wrath of those who are offended by a pure people reflecting the Truth of heaven.

Today is the day that we are given to prepare for the days ahead. Let us be faithful witnesses to those who are weak in the faith and those who know not Jesus.




~*** Nature Lessons by Young People ***~

The Remnant Online will begin publishing art work submitted by our young people. Here are the guidelines for submissions:

    * Art work must be accompanied by a short written statement expressing a spiritual lesson seen in the art work.
    * Submissions may be a photograph, painting in any medium-oil, water color, colored pencil, charcoal, or a drawing. All work needs to be submitted as a jpg not to exceed 1,000 x 1,000 pixels and a resolution of 300 dpi. Publishing will reduce the size and resolution to conform to our space requirements.
    * Any young person may participate if they have a sponsor who is a registered member of The Remnant Online. All submissions to be made by the sponsor via e-mail to
    * Spiritual lessons must be in harmony with Scripture. Sponsor to work with young person prior to submission. TRO will be the final judge of the suitability of each submission.
    * Submissions will be published online and will not be used for other purposes unless agreed to by the young person and parents.
    * Each young person who submits an entry will receive a personal note of encouragement and suggestions from a professional artist that will help them develop their skills as an artist. All correspondence will be through the sponsor. No age limitations nor skill level. This is a program to encourage all of our young people. We would like a first name, age,  and a city if parents desire this. Otherwise we will accept submissions with just a first name. Due to the problems with the internet we are trying to maintain a separation between our young people and the internet. We will work with parents in any way that will achieve this. All submissions will be published on our homepage or a linked page. This program is not associated with the bulletin board.

Current Discussions at The Remnant Online--

The FDA still doesn't know where all the contaminated imported wheat gluten ended up, though it appears unlikely any made it into human food.

Now scientists create a sheep that's 15% human

Heart Disease......"Putting a stent in the most narrowed area in the artery doesn't really address the underlying problem..."

Spring in the North





Abide in Me and I in You


Behold a Shaking

Bible Interpretation

Bible Translations

Being Born Again

Christ and Him Crucified


The Fourth Commandment

The Gospel and Salvation

The Health Message in the Light of the Cross

The Hebrew Sanctuary

The Investigative Judgment

Justification by Faith


The Latter Rain


Lesser Light


The Narrow Road

Re-baptism and Communion

Revelation 14:1-5


Romans 7



Satan's Great Lie

Second Coming

Sinless Human Perfection

Science and Creation

Science - Does Satan Influence Science?

Steps to Eternal Life

Truth Lost

Unconditional Love

The United Nations

Willow Creek

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men. Men who will not be bought or sold. Men who in their inmost souls are true and honest. Men who do not fear to call sin by its right name. Men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” Ed. 57

  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


  • Regular Member
  • Posts: 27796
    • The Remnant Online
Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 03:21:10 PM »
May 8, 2007

To the Remnant-Online !!!

In these final hours of probation for the sons of men, when the fate of every soul is so soon to be decided forever, the Lord of heaven and earth expects His church to arouse to action as never before. Those who have been made free in Christ through a knowledge of precious truth, are regarded by the Lord Jesus as His chosen ones, favored above all other people on the face of the earth; and He is counting on them to show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into marvelous light. The blessings which are so liberally bestowed, are to be communicated to others. The good news of salvation is to go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.

We desire to encourage this by providing a fellowship area to study and organize our efforts that we might, as a people, hasten the soon coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We do not provide this fellowship area for debating or idle talk. We have a work to do and we are looking for those who have a burden for souls as we do.

The Word of God is our rule and by this we shall test all things. The Spirit of Prophecy has been entrusted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church to be a blessing to our world. We will follow the counsels given for ministry and actively teach those things God has seen fit to give for our edification and the salvation of those in darkness.

Please join with us in our efforts to work with God in preparing a people to receive Jesus at His second coming.


In this Issue:

      Fruits of the Spirit
      Nature Lessons by Young People
      The Remnant-Online Topic Links

Fruits of the Spirit

Works Reveal Conversion

We are to form characters after the divine Model, Jesus Christ, and bring every power and capability of our natures into subordination to him in this life, that we may through him have a right hold of the future immortal life. "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent." Those who have a character that will be found worthy of a place in the kingdom of God, will be those who have become acquainted with God, who have obeyed the explicit directions given in his word. They will be entitled to a seat at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

The only way in which we can distinguish between the true Christian and the pretender to Christianity is by the fruit of the life. The works will testify whether or not Christ, the hope of glory, is formed within. Everyone who enters the kingdom of heaven will have been tested and proved. Judas was one who was favored in being associated with Christ and his disciples. He was with Jesus during the time of his public ministry, and he possessed qualities of character that would have made him a blessing to the church had he but submitted to the discipline that Jesus desired him to have. He was privileged to have the same advantages as did John and the other disciples, and might have been benefited by the education and training of the greatest Teacher the world ever knew.

In Christ he beheld a character that was pure, harmless, and undefiled, and his heart was drawn out in love for his Master. But the light that was shed upon him from the character of Christ, brought with it the responsibility of yielding up every natural or acquired trait that was not in harmony with the character of Christ. In this Judas did not stand the test. The love of the world was deeply rooted in his heart, and he did not give up his love for the world, nor surrender his ambition to Christ. He never came to the point of surrendering himself fully to Jesus. He felt that he could retain his own individual judgment and opinion. While he accepted the position of the minister of Christ, yet he never brought himself under the divine moulding of Christ. He clung to his objectionable traits of character, and indulged in his own sinful habits, and, instead of becoming pure and Christlike, he became selfish and covetous. Selfishness became the controlling power of his life.

Judas listened to the lessons which Christ gave to his disciples and to the multitudes, and he did not offer any opposition, or seem to question their importance. He made no outward murmur until the time that Mary anointed the feet of Jesus. The record says: "Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; and Martha served; but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment. Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein."

In the circumstance of Mary's anointing Jesus' feet, the plague spot of Judas' character was revealed. The crisis had come in the life of Judas, and the ruling trait of character took its supremacy over every other trait. Covetousness, which is idolatry, had been cultivated, and had strengthened in his heart, and when temptation came upon him, he was held under its control. The temptations of Satan will ever thus meet a response from the elements of depravity that are in the human character that have not been resisted and overcome. The covetous greed that Judas had indulged for years, now held in control and overpowered every other characteristic of his nature. He harmonized with the drawings of Satan, and evil triumphed as he yielded to temptation. Although he was professedly a follower of Jesus, yet he was in heart strengthening the evil of his character. Jesus knew every transgression, and he now looked sorrowfully upon him who was numbered with the twelve, and who was yet not a doer of the words of Christ.

The disciples could not discern the evil of Judas' heart; only the eye of God could discern the hidden motive, the unholy desire. When an impure thought is welcomed, an unholy desire cherished, a rebellious purpose formed, the purity of the soul is stained and its innocence is ruined, temptations prevail, and hell triumphs. "Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." A man is tempted to sin when some attractive object or indulgence is presented to him, and he is drawn to overstep principle, and to violate his conscience in doing that which he knows to be wrong. This was what Judas was doing. He had no oil in his vessel with his lamp. He professed to have a deep interest in the welfare of the poor, but all his professions were pretenses, mere hypocrisy. He wanted to give others the impression that he was a very pious man, but the fact was that he was nothing else than a self-conceited sinner.

It was his day to seek grace and purity and holiness; but he failed to seek them. He did not cultivate humility, and die to the world. He did not cultivate hope and love, and manifest pure devotion to God. He did not obtain a strong, noble character, full of faith and holy endeavor, but permitted the wild, unsanctified elements of character to prevail. During his whole life he continually repeated acts of selfishness, though wearing the garb of religion.

Those who are satisfied in having merely a form of religion, who do not carry out the lessons of Christ in their practical life, make manifest the weakness of their character when trial and temptation come upon them, and they prove that they were not Christians. Every duty that is performed in love to Jesus, in simplicity and humility, divested of all selfishness, has its effect on the character and shapes it after the divine Model. Through faithfulness in the Christian life the soul is braced to withstand sudden assaults of temptation; for the true Christian learns to depend upon Christ for strength and grace. When the first temptation is met and resisted, the second is more easily met and resisted. We may be able to resist every temptation that assails the heart by calling upon our mighty Deliverer.

It is not in the power of Satan to force anyone to sin. Sin is the sinner's individual act. Before sin exists in the heart, the consent of the will must be given, and as soon as it is given, sin is triumphant, and hell rejoices. But there is no excuse for sin, either great or little. Christ has been provided as the tempted one's refuge. "For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted."

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

Temptation is not sin, and is no indication that God is displeased with us. The Lord suffers us to be tempted, but he measures every temptation, and apportions it according to our power to resist and overcome evil. It is in time of trial and temptation that we are enabled to measure the degree of our faith and trust in God, and to estimate the stability of our Christian character. If we are easily jostled and overcome, we should be alarmed; for our strength is small. Let us consider the words of comfort that have been left on record for our instruction: "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." God has apportioned the temptation in proportion to the strength he can supply, and he never permits us to be tempted beyond our ability to resist or to endure. "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation." "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." Through prayer and the word of God we shall be enabled to overcome temptation.


~*** Nature Lessons by Young People ***~

The Remnant Online will begin publishing art work submitted by our young people. Here are the guidelines for submissions:

    * Art work must be accompanied by a short written statement expressing a spiritual lesson seen in the art work.
    * Submissions may be a photograph, painting in any medium-oil, water color, colored pencil, charcoal, or a drawing. All work needs to be submitted as a jpg not to exceed 1,000 x 1,000 pixels and a resolution of 300 dpi. Publishing will reduce the size and resolution to conform to our space requirements.
    * Any young person may participate if they have a sponsor who is a registered member of The Remnant Online. All submissions to be made by the sponsor via e-mail to
    * Spiritual lessons must be in harmony with Scripture. Sponsor to work with young person prior to submission. TRO will be the final judge of the suitability of each submission.
    * Submissions will be published online and will not be used for other purposes unless agreed to by the young person and parents.
    * Each young person who submits an entry will receive a personal note of encouragement and suggestions from a professional artist that will help them develop their skills as an artist. All correspondence will be through the sponsor. No age limitations nor skill level. This is a program to encourage all of our young people. We would like a first name, age,  and a city if parents desire this. Otherwise we will accept submissions with just a first name. Due to the problems with the internet we are trying to maintain a separation between our young people and the internet. We will work with parents in any way that will achieve this. All submissions will be published on our homepage or a linked page. This program is not associated with the bulletin board.

Current Discussions at The Remnant Online--

The FDA still doesn't know where all the contaminated imported wheat gluten ended up, though it appears unlikely any made it into human food.

Now scientists create a sheep that's 15% human

Heart Disease......"Putting a stent in the most narrowed area in the artery doesn't really address the underlying problem..."

Spring in the North





Abide in Me and I in You


Behold a Shaking

Bible Interpretation

Bible Translations

Being Born Again

Christ and Him Crucified


The Fourth Commandment

The Gospel and Salvation

The Health Message in the Light of the Cross

The Hebrew Sanctuary

The Investigative Judgment

Justification by Faith


The Latter Rain


Lesser Light


The Narrow Road

Re-baptism and Communion

Revelation 14:1-5


Romans 7



Satan's Great Lie

Second Coming

Sinless Human Perfection

Science and Creation

Science - Does Satan Influence Science?

Steps to Eternal Life

Truth Lost

Unconditional Love

The United Nations

Willow Creek

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men. Men who will not be bought or sold. Men who in their inmost souls are true and honest. Men who do not fear to call sin by its right name. Men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” Ed. 57
  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


  • Regular Member
  • Posts: 27796
    • The Remnant Online
Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 03:22:49 PM »


The Remnant Online Newsletter

March 2008


Hello!  We have missed you!




"We are nearing the end of this earth's history, and the different departments of God's work are to be carried forward with much more self-sacrifice than has yet been practiced. The work for these last days is a missionary work. Present truth, from the first to the last letter of its alphabet, means missionary effort. The work to be done calls for sacrifice at every step of advance. The workers are to come forth from trial, purified and refined, as gold tried in the fire."  Review and Herald, Nov. 18, 1902.

Have you noticed that the prophecies are fast fulfilling and Jesus will be here soon?  The world is fast becoming as it was at the time of Noah. We have been here far too long.  We are now making our choice, and we shall soon discern between him that serveth God, and him that serveth Him not. Read the fourth chapter of Malachi, and think about it seriously. The day of God is right upon us. The world has converted the church. Both are in harmony, and are acting on a shortsighted policy.


“Protestants will work upon the rulers of the land to make laws to restore the lost ascendancy of the man of sin, who sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. The Roman Catholic principles will be taken under the care and protection of the state. This national apostasy will speedily be followed by national ruin. The protest of Bible truth will be no longer tolerated by those who have not made the law of God their rule of action. Then will the voice be heard from the graves of martyrs, represented by the souls which John saw slain for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ which they held; then the prayer will ascend from every true child of God, “It is time for thee, Lord, to work, for they have made void thy law.” GCB, January 1, 1900

Come and work with us to hasten the soon coming of Jesus!



Some of the Discussions at The Remnant Online~~~



Social Hall


Ernie Knoll- Prophet of God?


"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy." Acts 2: 17, 18 (Joel 2:28)


We have been studying the dreams of Brother Ernie Knoll in an attempt to discern if he is a prophet of God or a false prophet. He has had 30 dreams over the last three years. Come and see. Share with us if you think Brother Ernie is a prophet.


Worship Forum


How Should We Worship


"Some are not satisfied with a meeting unless they have a powerful and happy time. They work for this and get up an excitement of feeling. But the influence of such meetings is not beneficial. When the happy flight of feeling is gone, they sink lower than before the meeting because their happiness did not come from the right source. The most profitable meetings for spiritual advancement are those which are characterized with solemnity and deep searching of heart; each seeking to know himself and earnestly, and in deep humility, seeking to learn of Christ."   1MCP  39.




Laodicea Forum


Beyond Belief, In Our Church


"Every time we fall or sin we become unjustified.  This is another common misunderstanding about justification.  It is a monstrous teaching that has no support from the Word of God." Elder Jack Sequeira.


It is important that we understand the gospel of grace. Does grace save one while sinning or does salvation require repentance?



Questions on Doctrine


After a 40-year hiatus, the book “Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine” is back in print. Andrews University Press, part of the church-owned university and seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan, recently released the 597-page, annotated edition of the book. Now you can get MP3s of the presentations made at the QOD seminar.


Bread of Life Forum


Separation of Church and State


The Ten Commandments, the great law of God, is the basis of all righteous and good laws. Those who love God's commandments will conform to every good law of the land. While all good laws conform to the law of God, is there any law that would conform to one of the commandments that would not be good if made the law of the land? What are the principles involved in the separation of church and state?



       Spring is a reminder of the "new life" that comes with Christ … and the new earth that shall one day replace this old one.  Winter shall soon pass and all tears shall be wiped away! Look up, for our redemption draweth nigh!!


  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 03:23:25 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter

April 2008


If I know everything there is about the ins and outs of righteousness by faith and Grace is not ever-present, working in my life – what good is that knowledge?

If I know everything there is about last day events and can recite for memory the 2300-day prophecies explaining each and have not the power of Grace in my life – what good is that knowledge?


 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become [as] sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.   And though I have [the gift of] prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.   And though I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.  Charity suffereth long, [and] is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,   Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;  Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;  1 Cor. 13:1-6.

Message to the  Laodicean Church (Seventh-day Adventist Church today)


       And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:


I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.  Rev 3:14-22


Current Discussions

In Public Boards


·       Sabbath is becoming an Issue. World Net Daily posts Sabbath Sunday Debate on their homepage.


·       California governor outraged over court's decision to jail parents that home school their children


·       Amazing Facts television broadcasting 24/7 over the internet


·       Time to plant those tomatoes. Join our Gardening Tips discussion in the Nature Forum.


·       Ever wonder about your Bible?  In Bible Translations we are looking the New King James Version. Is it as faithful to truth as the King James?


·       Warning!!! Do want to buy a computer with Vista loaded on it?

·       Warning!!! Do not buy a HD DVD player or recorder.

·       Ever wonder about the "free software" being offered?

·       Know anyone with Alzheimer's, you soon will. It is the 8th leading cause of death in the US according to Loma Linda. Do we look for a cure or can it be prevented?

·            Prayer fails and girl dies without treatment. Will the parents face jail time?        
             Prayer Fails



                                            Current Discussions
                           In "SDA" Private Forums


 Seventh-day Adventist "Bible" soon to be published – See Andrews Study Bible

Ernie Knoll dreams tell church members to with hold tithe from church if church is misusing tithe. Social Hall Forum (board)

Ought evangelistic meetings be moved to the church for Sabbath services without telling the attendees?  Worship Forum

Is the Christian Coalition working with legislators to pass a national Sunday law?   End Time Prophecies Forum


Seventh-day Adventist Minister hands in credentials and becomes a Roman Catholic.  Laodicea Forum

Remarks from George Knight …

"The perfectionistic, fundamentalistic sub-denominations within the denomination still largely rely on Ellen White for their theology and have no problem viewing her as an infallible commentary on the Bible. This sector of Adventism has even developed an Ellen White Study Bible that has Ellen White notes and marginal references. Such a Bible would have been totally rejected in early Adventism. Even though the Study Bible is published by an independent group it is unfortunately marketed by the main denominational publisher. Some years ago I persuaded the publishing house administration to drop its marketing of the Ellen White Study Bible on the grounds that Ellen White would vigorously object to it from what we know of her principles historically. But after some months the publishing house president phoned me, notifying me that they were reversing their decision because there was a demand for the Study Bible and it sells well. So much for higher principles!"  George Knight



Last Chance! Western Union is expensive, so now is the time to be included in our donation!

Brother Martin Kiogora has been doing evangelism in Kenya. He and his country have been experiencing great trial. We do not solicit funds for our own work, but we feel impressed to make a call for help for our dear Brother.  We have opened a special forum for this purpose that we might give an accounting of any funds received and when they have been forwarded to our brother. Any member who donates any amount will receive access to this forum. Please make this a matter of prayer and consider that a large number of small donations can add up to provide help for our dear brother. You may read of his work in the Testimonies Forum His user name is godsgraceatwork. Contact to arrange for donations and access to the forum.  Thank you.




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 Jesus is "even at the door."

Let us Pray for revival in our families and churches.




  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2009, 03:23:54 PM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
May 2008
There is a day that God hath appointed for the close of this world's history.
"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Prophecy is fast fulfilling. More, much more, should be said about these tremendously important subjects. The day is at hand when the destiny of every soul will be fixed forever. This day of the Lord hastens on apace. The false watchmen are raising the cry, "All is well"; but the day of God is rapidly approaching. Its footsteps are so muffled that it does not arouse the world from the deathlike slumber into which it has fallen. While the watchmen cry, "Peace and safety," "sudden destruction cometh upon them," "and they shall not escape"; "for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." It overtakes the pleasure-lover and the sinful man as a thief in the night.
When all is apparently secure, and men retire to contented rest, then the prowling, stealthy, midnight thief steals upon his prey. When it is too late to prevent the evil, it is discovered that some door or window was not secured. "Be ye also ready: for in an such hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." People are now settling to rest, imagining themselves secure under the popular churches; but let all beware, lest there is a place left open for the enemy to gain an entrance. Great pains should be taken to keep this subject before the people. The solemn fact is to be kept not only before the people of the world, but before our own churches also, that the day of the Lord will come suddenly, unexpectedly. The fearful warning of the prophecy is addressed to every soul.
Let no one feel that he is secure from the danger of being surprised.
Let no one's interpretation of prophecy rob you of the conviction of the knowledge of events which show that this great event is near at hand.
- Fundamentals of Christian Education 335.2
Some Current Discussions on the Forum

    * Righteousness by Faith is gaining ground!
    * Revival and reformation is coming!
    * False religion seen in Mormon polygamy. Results in loss of children...increased interest in religion and children
    * False theology results in death of diabetic girl whose parents refused medical treatment.  Increased interest in religion and children
    * California home schooling still threatened....increased interest in religion and children

In the Laodicea Board
Nine Points of the Omega
Emergent Theology and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Following Jesus into His Mission Field - Ohio's Plans for Church Growth
In the Social Hall Board
Ernie Knoll - Prophet of God? Or a false prophet?
Women, Faith Development Alliance
End Time Prophecies Board
NAD Statement on Wayne Bent and the L0R Situation in New Mexico - False Christs

If you have not fully registered for full access to all the forums, please do so. We need updated e-mail addresses to continue to receive newsletters and notices. Contact

  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2009, 03:24:30 PM »

May 26, 2008

The Remnant Online Forum Statement
on the Dreams of Ernie Knoll

On November 5, 2007, a number of interested persons on The Remnant Online Forum formed a special study group to examine the dreams of Ernie Knoll. Each dream was examined and compared to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, for we have been told "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 11:14). "Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established" (Proverbs 15:22). And finally, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20).

For the next several months each of Mr. Knoll's dreams were examined and discussed by the group in the special forum opened for that purpose. By May of 2008 a decision was reached concerning the source of Ernie Knoll's dreams and the conclusions are given in this statement. Though a number of discrepancies were noted throughout the dreams, it was not felt that these alone were enough to make a definitive decision regarding the source of the dreams. It was the examination of the "Stand Fast" dream of  February 5, 2008, that solidified the decision of the majority of the study group. In this dream, Ernie was told by the angel:

"It is important that His people understand while it is important that we are to return a tithe to God's storehouse, it is equally important that they understand what the funds are being used for. If an individual is providing funds and they understand that the funds are not being used according to His will, that person will be held accountable."

When compared to the inspired counsel of both the Word of Scripture and Ellen G. White, no where can such a statement be found that the tithe payer is guilty if tithe funds are misused. In direct opposition to the "herald's" statement are these two statements from the Spirit of Prophecy:

"Some have been dissatisfied and have said: 'I will not longer pay my tithe; for I have no confidence in the way things are managed at the heart of the work.' But will you rob God because you think the management of the work is not right? Make your complaint, plainly and openly, in the right spirit, to the proper ones. Send in your petitions for things to be adjusted and set in order; but do not withdraw from the work of God, and prove unfaithful, because others are not doing right."  {9T 249.2}

"I pay my tithe gladly and freely, saying, as did David, "Of Thine own have we given Thee." A selfish withholding from God will tend to poverty in our own souls. Act your part, my brethren and sisters. God loves you, and He stands at the helm. If the conference business is not managed according to the order of the Lord, that is the sin of the erring one. The Lord will not hold you responsible for it if you do what you can to correct the evil. But do not commit sin yourselves by withholding from the Lord His own property. "Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully" or negligently."  {2SAT 74.4}

Jesus told us that not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the law until heaven and earth pass away. Jesus did not scold the poor widow who placed her two mites into the offering in the temple, though apostasy was widespread among the Jewish leaders. The conclusion arrived at by the study group is that these dreams are not from God, that Ernie is deceived and is holding communion with a demon. Our prayers are that his eyes will be opened and he will see the deception that he is under. We have prepared this statement as a warning to others to beware of this deception.

  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2009, 03:24:57 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter
  August 2008

God will work in supernatural ways for His Church, when we will give our hearts to Him. We are now living in the antitypical day of atonement. The great and solemn closing work is going forward in the sanctuary above. Every man is required to afflict his soul before God; every heart is required to be in harmony with the divine will. In this important time the great enemy intercepts himself between man and his Creator. He is continually seeking to separate the people of God from the love of Jesus, to draw them away from his protecting care. He it is that inclines the human soul unto vanity. He leads men to gather attention to themselves, and to receive praise and honor that should be given to God. And the greatest trials that men meet come in consequence of their blindness to Satan's temptations.
The Lord works in behalf of his people. He seeks to break the cruel power that Satan exercises over the children of men; and he would do great things for them if they would submit to his authority instead of choosing the service of Satan. He wrought wonderfully for his ancient people Israel to deliver them from their oppressive bondage in Egypt. He went through the proud land of the Pharaohs with tempest and fire, with plague and death. He rescued them from their servile state, and brought them to a good land,--a land that in his providence had been prepared for them as a refuge from their enemies, where they might dwell under the shadow of his wings. He brought them to himself and encircled them in his everlasting arms; and in return for all his goodness and mercy to them, they were required to have no other gods before him, the living God, and to exalt his name and make it glorious in the earth.

Current Topics of Discussion

Healthful Living
Cell Phone Risk

Breast Cancer

Handysides and Landless on Eating fish

Cow Milk

Signs of the Times
Judgments in California

SDA UN Liaison Fired by GC

The "Right Arm"
Mission of Our Hospitals

Musings - Missionary Stories and Experiences

Social Hall (Private SDA forum)
Pray at the Pump

Jerry Thomas - Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing

End Time Prophecies (Private SDA forum)
Eleventh-hour Workers

Religious Liberty (Private SDA forum)
Current attitude toward "heretics"

Laodicea (Private SDA forum)
Deceiving the Church: the Secretive Plans of "Team One"

Wrong Turns in Seventh-day Adventist History

Spiritualism in the Church

Ministers of God, great is your responsibility to go forward in Christian experience and righteousness, from light to still greater light, walking conscientiously, striving to reach a high and exalted standard. As the powers of darkness with intense activity work from beneath, the agencies of God should be more and more vigilant in cooperating with the divine, in giving the trumpet a certain sound. In earnest tones, distinct and startling, they are to proclaim the righteousness of the law, that no watchman may fail to catch the sound of alarm, and in their turn sound the warnings coming from heaven. All must be aroused from their lethargy to wakeful, earnest, watching for souls as they that must give an account.

Light, increased light from heaven, is waiting to be imparted to those who will walk and work in the light which they already have. There is to be quick and earnest thought, talent, and tact displayed in enterprises that will communicate light to those who are near and afar off. Careful consideration should be made of every way that is not the way of the Lord. No sleepy watchman must be tolerated. Under their leader the principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world are at work.
Because it has been so difficult to arouse from their lethargy the many who have long professed to know the truth, spiritual wickedness in high places has increased. Men have taken their stand to hedge up the way of the Lord's army of workers. They have taken souls unaware and led them into strange paths. May the Lord show these men who have long been hindrances, who, whenever opportunities have presented themselves, have placed a stumbling block in the way of others, [by] whose side they have worked, and make diligent work of repentance. They have weakened the hands of others, and given the enemy every advantage. 1SAT 296

Moaning and Groaning  :-)

Resource Exchange
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By beholding we are to become changed, and as we meditate upon the perfections of our divine Model, we shall desire to become wholly transformed and renewed in the image of his purity. There will be a hungering and thirsting of soul to be made like Him whom we adore. The more our thoughts are upon Christ, the more we shall speak of him to others, and represent him to the world. We are called to come out and be separate from the world, that we may be the sons and daughters of the Most High; and we are under sacred obligation to glorify God, as his children upon the earth. It is essential that the mind should be stayed upon Christ, that we may hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto us at the revelation of Jesus Christ from heaven. The coming of the Lord draweth nigh, and it is necessary for us to keep before us this blessed hope, that we may not say in our hearts, "My Lord delayeth his coming." Unbelief in the heart will be expressed in the actions, and if you cherish it, you will soon deny the faith and become bodies of darkness.

There is a great work to be done, and the nearer we live to Jesus, the better fitted we shall be for fulfilling our mission in the world. We are to gather sheaves for the Master. We cannot afford to live simply to please ourselves, and to seek our own will. "Even Christ pleased not himself."He lived  a life of self-denial and sacrifice. He passed through every pathway of human suffering and temptation. He gave his life that he might reach to the very depth of human misery, and lift up a fallen race. What an infinite price he gave for the life of this rebellious world! He bought us with his own precious blood, and we are not our own. Our thoughts and affections belong to him. There are many who profess to love Jesus, but they seek nothing but the gratification of their own selfish desires. They are not seeking to gather with Christ; but, by example and influence, they are scattering abroad. It is only in proportion to the devotion and consecration to Christ, that the "Christian exerts an influence for the blessing and uplifting of mankind. If there is no actual service, no genuine love, no reality of experience, there is no power to help, no connection with Heaven, no savor of Christ in the life. The church can reflect light to the world only by the manifestation of sincere piety and devotion.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2009, 03:25:27 PM »
August 6, 2008

Should the Spirit of Prophecy be re-written in a more simple manner?

If so, what precautions need to be taken? Let us know what you think.

Jerry Thomas - Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing Rewrite

  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2009, 03:26:25 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter
September 2008

We hear the footsteps of an approaching God ...

"... he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:
he giveth wisdom unto the wise,
and knowledge to them that know understanding." Dan. 2:21.

     In the annals of human history, the growth of nations, the rise and fall of empires, appear as if dependent on the will and prowess of man; the shaping of events seems, to a great degree, to be determined by his power, ambition, or caprice. But in the word of God the curtain is drawn aside, and we behold, above, behind, and through all the play and counterplay of human interest and power and passions, the agencies of the All-merciful One, silently, patiently working out the counsels of His own will. . . .

     In the history of nations the student of God's word may behold the literal fulfillment of divine prophecy. Babylon, shattered and broken at last, passed away because in prosperity its rulers had regarded themselves as independent of God, and had ascribed the glory of their kingdom to human achievement. . . . The kingdoms that followed were even more base and corrupt; and these sank lower and still lower in the scale of moral worth.

     The power exercised by every ruler on the earth is Heaven-imparted; and upon his use of the power thus bestowed, his success depends. . . . To recognize the outworking of these principles in the manifestation of His power who "removeth kings, and setteth up kings" -- this is to understand the philosophy of history.


Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study

Signs of the Times
The Next President Will Dissappoint Us!

The Next Vice President of the US

Earthquake Swarms off the Oregon Coast

European Churches Adopt Ecumenical Charter

Worship (full registration required for access)
God's True Calendar Not a Seven-day Cycle?

Regional Conferences in NAD

Social Hall (full registration required for access)
Michigan Men of Faith

Mainstream Protestants, Adventists Make Efforts to Remove "Stereotypes"

Bread of Life
The Cost of Unbelief

Matthew 24

The Conversion of Paul

Laodicea (full registration required for access)
Spiritualism in the Church

Deceiving the Church: The Secretive Plans of Team One

Gallimore on the Emergent Church

Natural Church Development - NCD

End Time Prophecies (full registration required for access)
Daniel 2:21

Prophecies of Impending Disaster

RCC's Universal Destination of Goods Dogma

Resource Exchange
Have a book? Need a book?
Have seeds? Need seeds?
Bulk whole Foods
Spirit of Prophecy Books

FTo access the private forums contact

The Lord is coming. We hear the footsteps of an approaching God, as He comes to punish the world for its iniquity. We are to prepare the way for Him by acting our part in getting a people ready for that great day.

Living power must attend the message of Christ's second appearing. We must not rest until we see many souls converted to the blessed hope of the Lord's return. In the days of the apostles the message that they bore wrought a real work, turning souls from idols to serve the living God. The work to be done today is just as real, and the truth is just as much truth; only we are to give the message with as much more earnestness as the coming of the Lord is nearer. The message for this time is positive, simple, and of the deepest importance. We must act like men and women who believe it. Waiting, watching, working, praying, warning the world--this is our work. . . .  {Ev 219.3}

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2009, 03:26:52 PM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
October 2008

~* Rise and Measure the Temple of God *~

All who occupy positions in our institutions will be tested. If they will make Christ their pattern, He will give them wisdom and knowledge and understanding; they will grow in grace and aptitude in Christ's way; their characters will be molded after His similitude. If they fail of keeping the way of the Lord, another spirit will control the mind and judgment, and they will plan without the Lord and will take their own course and leave the positions they have occupied. The light has been given them; if they depart from it, let no man present a bribe to induce them to remain. They will be a hindrance and a snare. The time has come when everything is to be shaken that can be shaken, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Every case is coming in review before God; He is measuring the temple and the worshipers therein.

The Lord must be believed and served as the great "I AM," and we must trust implicitly in Him. Let not men prescribe laws to take the place of God's law. Never educate men to look to men, to trust in men; for man's wisdom is not sufficient to decide as to their right to engage in the Lord's work. When God lays a work upon individuals, men are not to reject His sanction. God must not be impeded in the working out of His plans by man's interference, but this has been done again and again.

If the church on earth is to resemble a temple, let it be built according to the pattern shown in heaven and not according to man's genius. The invention of man often counteracts the working out of God's plans. The golden measuring rod has not been placed in the hands of any finite man or any class of men, whatever their position or calling, but is in the hand of the heavenly Architect. If men will not meddle with God's plan, and will let Him work upon minds and characters, building them up according to His plan, a work will be accomplished that will stand through the severest of trials.


Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study

Worship (full registration required for access)
The Apostle Paul Betrayed by Church Leadership  The elders, the disciples, did not like or appreciate the work of Paul given him by God. In Paul's last trip to Jerusalem it was his hope to be united with his fellow apostles and brothers in the faith. But, it didn't happen as he hoped.

Youth and Music The most important step is to get this commitment from the individual: I purpose in my heart that I will not defile myself.

Social Hall (full registration required for access)
Michigan Men of Faith    The topics and speakers at these meetings were enlightening, informative, and growth inspiring.  I highly recommend all future 'Michigan Men of Faith' conferences to all who can possibly attend! This conference has just ended for 2008 - give us you reports!

Amazing Adventure (Amazing Facts Evangelism for Kids)   A mother reported: "My eight-year-old was glued to the television and cried last night when the series ended."

Signs of the Times
Economic Times - US Bails out Financial Institutions   The federal government, in what will be its most far-reaching effort yet to contain the financial crisis, is planning to help banks dump bad mortgages

Clergy Have the Right to Endorse Political Candidates from Pulpit  Declaring that clergy have a constitutional right to endorse political candidates from their pulpits, the socially conservative Alliance Defense Fund is recruiting several dozen pastors to do just that on Sept. 28, in defiance of Internal Revenue Service rules.

The Next Vice President of the US   Her maternal grandparents were Jews who immigrated from Lithuania in 1915. That is why she has a little Israeli Flag pinned to the drapes in the Governor's office. Her husband Todd is a Native American from the Inuit tribe of Eskimos.

Bread of Life
Matthew 24   Why had not Christ come at the time of the first fulfillment of the gospel reaching to all the world? Did God give Daniel and John more prophecies to be fulfilled in the meantime? And did Jesus, Himself, have more to tell the disciples? Come study with us this most exciting book of prophecy from the lips of Jesus.

Desire of Ages    As we are to prepare the way for the Second Coming, how does this fit in with the rebuke coming from the Faithful and True Witness to the Laodiceans? John the Baptist purposefully dressed simply as a rebuke to the richly dressed - we are told to do the same. John the Baptist ate simple foods - we are told to do the same these days just to keep us alive, healthy and alert for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The parallel for John's mission and ours is the same.

Laodicea (full registration required for access)
Deceiving the Church: the Secretive Plans of Team One    This program that is coming in is very secretive for some reason. The members who I spoke to say that those on the committee for this program are not to talk about it until in is implemented into their church. Some members are being disfellowshipped for protesting against it. This program is called TEAM ONE.

Why Christians do not Keep the Feast Days   The teaching continues to find adherents. It is now necessary that we address this false teaching so that many will not be carried away and bring more reproach upon our church and Christ. The teaching of the "feast days" is alive and thriving in our church.

The Poet's Testimonies

End Time Prophecies (full registration required for access)
What is the Interpretation of "Horn"?   Many of the beasts in prophecy have a horn or horns. What is the correct interpretation of "horn" in prophecy?

And the World Wondered ...  With the exaltation of the papacy by Bush and Clinton, the appointment of five supreme court justices, including the chief justice who are Roman Catholic, the election of a Catholic as Speaker of the House, the third highest position, and the election of a Roman Catholic Vice President, the working together of American "Protestants" with Roman Catholics, yes, I think the wound has been healed.

Healthful Living
Natural Remedies   The father of a child with chronic ear infections was told by a physician friend that his son would need ear tubes. The father asked the doctor, "If you had 3 feet of water in your bathroom would you just cut a hole in the floor? Wouldn't you want to know how it got there?" And better yet, how to prevent it!

Big Beef Recall (again) The Chino slaughterhouse that triggered the nation's largest ever beef recall regularly bought sick, crippled and emaciated cows and forced them to their feet so they could be slaughtered for food, said a former employee who worked 23 years at Westland/Hallmark Meat Co.

~*** Nature Lessons by Young People ***~

The Remnant Online will begin publishing art work submitted by our young people. Here are the guidelines for submissions:

    * Art work must be accompanied by a short written statement expressing a spiritual lesson seen in the art work.
    * Submissions may be a photograph, painting in any medium-oil, water color, colored pencil, charcoal, or a drawing. All work needs to be submitted as a jpg not to exceed 1,000 x 1,000 pixels and a resolution of 300 dpi. Publishing will reduce the size and resolution to conform to our space requirements.
    * Any young person may participate if they have a sponsor who is a registered member of The Remnant Online. All submissions to be made by the sponsor via e-mail to
    * Spiritual lessons must be in harmony with Scripture. Sponsor to work with young person prior to submission. TRO will be the final judge of the suitability of each submission.
    * Submissions will be published online and will not be used for other purposes unless agreed to by the young person and parents.
    * Each young person who submits an entry will receive a personal note of encouragement and suggestions from a professional artist that will help them develop their skills as an artist. All correspondence will be through the sponsor. No age limitations nor skill level. This is a program to encourage all of our young people. We would like a first name, age,  and a city if parents desire this. Otherwise we will accept submissions with just a first name. Due to the problems with the internet we are trying to maintain a separation between our young people and the internet. We will work with parents in any way that will achieve this. All submissions will be published on our homepage or a linked page. This program is not associated with the bulletin board.

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The wants of the soul, only the love of Christ can satisfy.
  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2009, 03:27:18 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter
November 2008

We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.

The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.
The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil prevails. The enemy has succeeded in perverting justice and in filling men's hearts with the desire for selfish gain. "Justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Isaiah 59:14. In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses, on personal adornment, or worse still, upon the gratification of sensual appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and other things that destroy the powers of the brain, unbalance the mind, and debase the soul. The cries of starving humanity are coming up before God, while by every species of oppression and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes.
I was in the night season called upon to behold buildings rising story after story toward heaven. These buildings were warranted to be fireproof, and they were erected to glorify the owners and builders. Higher and still higher these buildings rose, and in them the most costly material was used. Those to whom these buildings belonged were not asking themselves: "How can we best glorify God?" The Lord was not in their thoughts.

As these lofty buildings went up, the owners rejoiced with ambitious pride that they had money to use in gratifying self and provoking the envy of their neighbors. Much of the money that they thus invested had been obtained through exaction, through grinding down the poor. They forgot that in heaven an account of every business transaction is kept; every unjust deal, every fraudulent act, is there recorded. The time is coming when in their fraud and insolence men will reach a point that the Lord will not permit them to pass, and they will learn that there is a limit to the forbearance of Jehovah.

The scene that next passed before me was an alarm of fire. Men looked at the lofty and supposedly fireproof buildings and said: "They are perfectly safe." But these buildings were consumed as if made of pitch. The fire engines could do nothing to stay the destruction. The firemen were unable to operate the engines.

I am instructed that when the Lord's time comes, should no change have taken place in the hearts of proud, ambitious human beings, men will find that the hand that had been strong to save will be strong to destroy. No earthly power can stay the hand of God. No material can be used in the erection of buildings that will preserve them from destruction when God's appointed time comes to send retribution on men for their disregard of His law and for their selfish ambition.

There are not many, even among educators and statesmen, who comprehend the causes that underlie the present state of society. Those who hold the reins of government are not able to solve the problem of moral corruption, poverty, pauperism, and increasing crime. They are struggling in vain to place business operations on a more secure basis. If men would give more heed to the teaching of God's word, they would find a solution of the problems that perplex them.

Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study


    * Jere Patzer Memorial Set

Social Hall (full registration required for access)

    * Principles Involved with Voting

Signs of the Times

    * California to Vote on Homosexual Marriage

    * Teachers' Union Donates $1 Million to Oppose Proposition 8 in California

Bread of Life

    * Watchmen

    * Crucifying Christ Afresh

    * Desire of Ages!

Laodicea (full registration required for access)

    * Deceiving the Church: the Secretive Plans of Team One

    * Ministry of Heresy?

    * The Last Deception of Satan

End Time Prophecies full registration required for access)

    * Time of Trouble

    * Prophetic Events Timeline

Healthful Living

    * Side Effects of Drugs

    * Cancer and Nutrition Symposium 2008

    * Why Physical Activity and Exercise are Important

Sabbath School Lesson
Away from home or your local congregation this Sabbath? Come study the lesson with us!

Resource Exchange
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Bulk whole Foods
Spirit of Prophecy Books

In closing ...

I saw that we should not put off the coming of the Lord. Said the angel: "Prepare, prepare, for what is coming upon the earth. Let your works correspond with your faith." I saw that the mind must be stayed upon God, and that our influence should tell for God and His truth. We cannot honor the Lord when we are careless and indifferent. We cannot glorify Him when we are desponding. We must be in earnest to secure our own soul's salvation, and to save others. All importance should be attached to this, and everything besides should come in secondary.

I saw the beauty of heaven. I heard the angels sing their rapturous songs, ascribing praise, honor, and glory to Jesus. I could then realize something of the wondrous love of the Son of God. He left all the glory, all the honor which He had in heaven, and was so interested for our salvation that He patiently and meekly bore every indignity and slight which man could heap upon Him. He was wounded, smitten, and bruised; He was stretched on Calvary's cross and suffered the most agonizing death to save us from death, that we might be washed in His blood and be raised up to live with Him in the mansions He is preparing for us, to enjoy the light and glory of heaven, to hear the angels sing, and to sing with them.

I saw that all heaven is interested in our salvation; and shall we be indifferent? Shall we be careless, as though it were a small matter whether we are saved or lost? Shall we slight the sacrifice that has been made for us? Some have done this. They have trifled with offered mercy, and the frown of God is upon them. God's Spirit will not always be grieved. It will depart if grieved a little longer. After all has been done that God could do to save men, if they show by their lives that they slight Jesus' offered mercy, death will be their portion, and it will be dearly purchased. It will be a dreadful death; for they will have to feel the agony that Christ felt upon the cross to purchase for them the redemption which they have refused. And they will then realize what they have lost—eternal life and the immortal inheritance. The great sacrifice that has been made to save souls shows us their worth. When the precious soul is once lost, it is lost forever.

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2009, 03:27:56 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter
December 2008

"As it was in the days of Noah ..."

          We cannot fail to see that the end of the world is soon to come. Satan is working upon the minds of men and women, and many seem filled with a desire for amusement and excitement. As it was in the days of Noah, every kind of evil is on the increase. Divorce and marriage is the order of the time. At such a time as this, the people who are seeking to keep the commandments of God should look for retired places away from the cities.

          To the long-lived, antediluvian race, only a step from paradise, God gave rich gifts, and they possessed a strength of body and mind of which men now have but a faint idea; but they used His bounties, and the strength and skill He gave them, for selfish purposes, to minister to unlawful appetites, and to gratify pride. They expelled God from their thoughts; they despised His law; trampled His standard of character in the dust. They reveled in sinful pleasure, corrupting their ways before God, and corrupting one another. Violence and crime filled the earth. Neither the marriage relation nor the rights of property were respected; and the cries of the oppressed entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. By beholding evil, men became changed into its image, until God could bear with their wickedness no longer, and they were swept away by the flood.

          In the days of Noah the overwhelming majority was opposed to the truth, and enamored with a tissue of falsehoods. The land was filled with violence. War, crime, murder, was the order of the day. Just so will it be before Christ's second coming. The labor unions are quickly stirred to violence if their demands are not complied with. Plainer and plainer is it becoming that the inhabitants of the world are not in harmony with God. No scientific theory can explain the steady march of evil workers under the generalship of Satan. In every mob wicked angels are at work, rousing men to commit deeds of violence.

          In the last scenes of this earth's history war will rage. There will be pestilence, plague and famine. The waters of the deep will overflow their boundaries. Property and life will be destroyed by fire and flood. The terrible reports we hear of murders and robberies, of railway accidents and deeds of violence, tell the story that the end of all things is at hand. The perversity and cruelty of men will reach such a height that God will reveal Himself in His majesty. Very soon the wickedness of the world will have reached its limit and, as in the days of Noah, God will pour out His judgments. Now, just now, we need to be preparing for the Lord's second coming.

Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study

Bread of Life
  • Romans, 7:5-8:14

  • On Being Born Again

  • Abomination of Desolation

End Time Prophecies (SDA)
  • Eleventh-hour Workers

Healthful Living
  • Cutting Edge Recipes

  • Bioengineered Foods

Signs of the Times
  • They Won't Give Up

  • Emergent church leader says "gay" can be biblical lifestyle

  • U.S. Court Allows Abuse Case vs. Vatican

Worship (SDA)
  • The Book of Jude

  • Reverence

  • Open Letter to a Conservative Church

Social Hall (SDA)
  • Women, Faith Development Alliance

  • Heaven - What will it be like?

Laodicea (SDA)
  • Emergent in SDA Top Organization - Vervent Best Practices for Pastors

  • The Last Deception of Satan

  • Wrong Turns in SDA History

  • Evangelism Works!

  • Evangelism Methods

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2009, 03:28:25 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter
January 2009

For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come,
and will not tarry

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Hebrews 10:35-37.
         The long-suffering of God is wonderful. Long does justice wait while mercy pleads with the sinner. But "righteousness and judgment are the establishment of his throne" . . . . The world has become bold in transgression of God's law. Because of His long forbearance, men have trampled upon His authority. . . . But there is a line beyond which they cannot pass. The time is near when they will have reached the prescribed limit. Even now they have almost exceeded the bounds of the long-suffering of God, the limits of His grace, the limits of His mercy. The Lord will interpose to vindicate His own honor, to deliver His people, and to repress the swellings of unrighteousness. . . .

          In this time of prevailing iniquity we may know that the last great crisis is at hand. When the defiance of God's law is almost universal, when His people are oppressed and afflicted by their fellow men, the Lord will interpose. . .."There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time; and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." Daniel 12:1. From garrets, from hovels, from dungeons, from scaffolds, from mountains and deserts, from the caves of the earth and the caverns of the sea, Christ will gather his children to himself. . . . By human tribunals the children of God have been adjudged the vilest criminals. But the day is near when "God is judge himself." Psalm 50:6. Then the decisions of earth shall be reversed. "The rebuke of his people shall he take away." Isaiah 25:8. White robes will be given to every one of them.

          Whatever crosses they have been called to bear, whatever losses they have sustained, whatever persecution they have suffered, even to the loss of their temporal life, the children of God are amply recompensed. "They shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads." Revelation 22:4.

          To us who are standing on the very verge of their fulfillment, of what deep moment, what living interest, are these delineations of the things to come--events for which, since our first parents turned their steps from Eden, God's children have watched and waited, longed and prayed!

Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study

*     Samuele Bacchiocchi Dies

Lessons From Nature:  
*       Black hole confirmed in Milky Way

End Time prophecies (SDA):
*      Evangelical Alliance
*     "The Times of the Gentiles"
*     More Blasphemous Jesus Books ...

The Family Circle
*     Caring for Elderly Parents
*     The Modern "Family"?  

Education (SDA)
*     AUC-Loma Linda partnership talks moving forward

Healthful Living
*     Cow Milk
*     MRSA
*     Stevia

Signs of the Times
*     Pope says end of the world not nigh
*     The Next Mortgage Meltdown
*     Pope calls for church-state cooperation for peace

Worship (SDA)  
*     Should Women Wear Pants?
*     The Book of Jude
*     How do we keep the Sabbath?
*     Our Convictions

Social Hall (SDA)
*     Religious Makeup of New Congress
*     Mutilated Christian Girl forgives attackers

Religious Liberty (SDA)
*     Sunday Laws?
*     They Killed Their Neighbors

Laodicea (SDA):
*     Julius Nam, Loma Linda University Professor's statement on Homosexuality
*     Wrong Turns in SDA History
*     Deceiving the Church: the Secretive Plans of Team One
*     The SDA Church, ADRA, and the UN
*     Jan Paulsen's Remarks at Oakwood
*     Housing project to secure endowment for Avondale College

*     Generation of Youth for Christ - GYC
*     Personal Witnessing

Sabbath School Lesson
Away from home or your local congregation this Sabbath? Come study the lesson with us!

Resource Exchange
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Spirit of Prophecy Books

          Fellow pilgrim, we are still amid the shadows and turmoil of earthly activities; but soon our Saviour is to appear to bring deliverance and rest. Let us by faith behold the blessed hereafter as pictured by the hand of God. He who died for the sins of the world is opening wide the gates of Paradise to all who believe on Him. Soon the battle will have been fought, the victory won. Soon we shall see Him in whom our hopes of eternal life are centered. And in His presence the trials and sufferings of this life will seem as nothingness. The former things "shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry." "Israel shall be saved . . . with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end."

          Look up, look up, and let your faith continually increase. Let this faith guide you along the narrow path that leads through the gates of the city into the great beyond, the wide, unbounded future of glory that is for the redeemed.

"As I live, says the Lord, to me every knee shall bow and every tongue acknowledge God." Romans 14:11.

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2009, 03:28:54 PM »

February 2009

The President, Politics, Prophecy
& Seventh-day Adventists

The American political system is of great interest to Seventh-day Adventists. Many subjects of a moral nature are being eyed for legislation. The world-court will be of interest to us all as Obama moves to exalt it. The UN Treaty on Rights of the Child, supported by our church, will injure US sovereignty as well as parental rights. Obama's Congress is likely to ratify it.

Obama is intent on promoting abortion and the homosexual agenda. It is very sad to see that the president of our General Conference has voiced support for him and even more disconcerting to find many others in our church who voice support for the Obama administration. We recognize the great joy to many in our church that a black would be elected president, but this is no reason to support immorality. We all rejoice that the color of a man's skin has not prevented election to the second most powerful position in the world. But, the issue of what Obama has supported and what he will now do that is contrary to Bible morality is of great concern.

Politics ought not be a matter of great importance to us, but there are times when it would be wrong to not speak up. That there are some in the church at the highest levels who deem it proper to voice their political ideas, requires a response. For church leaders to voice support for those who are promoting abortion and homosexuality is wrong.

We have a number of topics of discussion that address the subject. One is Jan Paulsen's Remarks at Oakwood.  GET LINK

The economy continues to deteriorate world-wide. It is changing our personal lives as well as our opportunity to do evangelism. Our people are interested and need to see the counsel given to us as a people. It appears to many in the church that end times prophecies are fast being fulfilled. Some do not believe in a "new world order", but others see that the world is being unified under one banner. Both Republicans and Democrats have joined hands to make this an economic reality and now Obama and his administration may further solidify these gains by governmental treaty. We are reminded that the last steps will be rapid ones.

We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude. {CCh 37.1}
The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.
The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil prevails. The enemy has succeeded in perverting justice and in filling men's hearts with the desire for selfish gain. "Justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Isaiah 59:14. In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses, on personal adornment, or worse still, upon the gratification of sensual appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and other things that destroy the powers of the brain, unbalance the mind, and debase the soul. The cries of starving humanity are coming up before God, while by every species of oppression and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes.

I was in the night season called upon to behold buildings rising story after story toward heaven. These buildings were warranted to be fireproof, and they were erected to glorify the owners and builders. Higher and still higher these buildings rose, and in them the most costly material was used. Those to whom these buildings belonged were not asking themselves: "How can we best glorify God?" The Lord was not in their thoughts.

As these lofty buildings went up, the owners rejoiced with ambitious pride that they had money to use in gratifying self and provoking the envy of their neighbors. Much of the money that they thus invested had been obtained through exaction, through grinding down the poor. They forgot that in heaven an account of every business transaction is kept; every unjust deal, every fraudulent act, is there recorded. The time is coming when in their fraud and insolence men will reach a point that the Lord will not permit them to pass, and they will learn that there is a limit to the forbearance of Jehovah.

The scene that next passed before me was an alarm of fire. Men looked at the lofty and supposedly fireproof buildings and said: "They are perfectly safe." But these buildings were consumed as if made of pitch. The fire engines could do nothing to stay the destruction. The firemen were unable to operate the engines. {CCh 38.1}

I am instructed that when the Lord's time comes, should no change have taken place in the hearts of proud, ambitious human beings, men will find that the hand that had been strong to save will be strong to destroy. No earthly power can stay the hand of God. No material can be used in the erection of buildings that will preserve them from destruction when God's appointed time comes to send retribution on men for their disregard of His law and for their selfish ambition.

There are not many, even among educators and statesmen, who comprehend the causes that underlie the present state of society. Those who hold the reins of government are not able to solve the problem of moral corruption, poverty, pauperism, and increasing crime. They are struggling in vain to place business operations on a more secure basis. If men would give more heed to the teaching of God's word, they would find a solution of the problems that perplex them.
The Scriptures describe the condition of the world just before Christ's second coming. Of the men who by robbery and extortion are amassing great riches, it is written: "Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you." James 5:3-6. CCh 38

As we read of the corruption on Wall Street, the plans of labor unions, the violence in our societies, the state of the nations of the world, are we not convinced that Jesus is even at the doors!!

Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study

Bread of Life
We Glory in Tribulations

Investigative Judgment


Lessons From Nature
Open Space in Orion

End Time Prophecies
A Delusion

Literal or Spiritual After Christ's Death?

King of Kings
The Nature of Christ

The Family Circle
Caring for Elderly Parents

School of the Prophets

Required School Attendance on Sabbath?

Healthful Living
Salmonella in Peanut Butter Continues to Kill

Mercury in Food

The Healing Effects of Plants, Trees and Flowers

Signs of the Times
Sale of Childrens' Books Banned

Sunday Law Discussed on CBS News

Christless "Christians"

Homosexual Marriage Bill Advances in New Mexico

California Court Says Christian School Can Expel Lesbian Students

Sermon Topics


Rights of the Child UN Treaty

A Fresh Look at Labor Unions

Paulsen's Remarks at Oakwood

Social Hall
Dangers of Hypnosis

New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps in US

Global Warming

Sabbath School Lesson
Away from home or your local congregation this Sabbath? Come study the lesson with us!

Resource Exchange
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Have seeds? Need seeds?
Bulk whole Foods
Spirit of Prophecy Books

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2009, 03:29:36 PM »

The Remnant Online Newsletter
March 2009

Have you ever heard ...
"It is not what you know, but Who you know?

There is a popular saying today in the church and there many different flavors of the same idea. I'm sure that you've heard one or two of them. It goes something like this: "all that matters is your relationship with the Lord".  In the fullest sense this is true. However, it can be also be used to lower standards and excuse sin in our personal lives and corporately in the church body since the reasoning is that it's only my relationship with God that counts not what I do.

Most every Christian assumes their relationship with the Lord is good and is on the path of the narrow way. But according to Jeremiah 17:9 we are told that the heart is deceitful and wicked. Who can understand it? We are also told that we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling and according to the Bible there will be some who are lost who sincerely believed that they would be saved. They state their case before the Lord by listing their good works but Jesus turns to them and says... "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

So, if our heart is deceitful how can we discern whether or not our relationship with the Lord is truly what it should be? Well we are not left to wander and wonder or even to make a good educated guess. There is a way to know. Many times in the Old Testament God says that He is the One that searches the heart and tries the reins.  He is the One who truly knows the condition of our hearts and our relationship with Him. So how can we know if our relationship with God is good? Ask Him!! Be like David and ask God....

Psalm 139:23  Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
Psalm 139:24  And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

There are also some questions that you can ask yourself. A Christian who has found grace and has been forgiven desires nothing more than to obey God and the law is the standard. So ask yourself: how does your heart, thoughts, actions, and desires line up with the Word of God? Does the law condemn them? If so, be like David and ask God to lead you in the way of everlasting.

Another question you can ask yourself is: Do I love others more than myself? Do I esteem others better than myself? Jesus told us that others will recognize that we belong to Him by our love for each other. A very famous preacher once said that every Christian is a missionary or an impostor. Are you involved in working to help save souls and introduce them to Jesus?

Maybe you once knew Jesus but have fallen away. Don't be discouraged! God has not cast you off. Rather, He says this ...

Jeremiah 29:13  And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

For a closer look at Relationship Theology click on this link: Venden

Continuing Forum Discussions and Topics of Study

Bread of Life
Christian Character

The 144,000

Matthew 24

On Being "Born Again"

End Time Prophecies
Time of Trouble

The Family Circle
The Modern "Family"?

Parental Duty

Back to the Blueprint of Parenting

Home Schooling and the states

Healthful Living
Salmonella in Peanut Butter

Arrowhead Mills Recall

The "Right Arm"
How Weighty is it?

The Mission of our Hospitals

Signs of the Times
Hearts Failing for Fear

SDA Plane Down in Venezuela

The Great American Stickup

Pope has Change of heart on Darwin

Laodicean Message

Gracelink Concerns

Joyful Noise, the book by Ed Christian

"New Perspectives on Christianity" Conference in Cooranbong

Church Membership

Good News in Laodicea

To call the Church "Babylon"

Social Hall
Randy Skeete = Samuel K. Pipim on Steriods!

Questions on Bible Texts

New Legislation authorizes FEMA Camps in U.S.

Tithes and Offerings

Religious Liberty
RL Update

Evangelism Methods

Sabbath School Lesson
Away from home or your local congregation this Sabbath? Come study the lesson with us!

Resource Exchange
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Bulk whole Foods
Spirit of Prophecy Books

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2009, 03:30:33 PM »

April 2009

Unions and the Remnant--Men Binding up Bundles
by Immanuel

Trades unions will be formed, and those who refuse to join these unions will be marked men.

AMERICA Speaks ...
The President: "I don't see organized labor as part of the problem," Obama said. "To me, it's part of the solution.…"  - Los Angeles Times, January 30, 2009

ROME backs America's statement the next day ...
The Pope: "The great challenge and the great opportunity posed by today's worrisome economic crisis is to find a new synthesis between the common good and the market, between capital and labour. And in this regard, union organisations can make a significant contribution," the Pope told directors of the Confederation of Italian Labor Unions on January 31. - The Catholic Leader, January 31, 2009

PROPHETIC COUNSEL warned in 1902:
Ellen G. White:  "Those who claim to be the children of God are in no case to bind up with the labor unions that are formed or that shall be formed. This the Lord forbids. Cannot those who study the prophecies see and understand what is before us?--Letter 201, 1902." "These unions are one of the signs of the last days. Men are binding up in bundles ready to be burned. They may be church members, but while they belong to these unions they cannot possibly keep the commandments of God, for to belong to these unions means to disregard the entire Decalogue. {2MR 179.1}


The "Employee Free Choice Act" - or card check - allows unions to organize workplaces if half of its workers sign a card saying they support a union. Others place this figure at thirty percent. What is this "card check" bill?

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) (H.R. 1409, S. 560) is pending legislation in the United States which aims to "amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an easier system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes."[1] The latest version was introduced into both chambers of the U.S. Congress on 10 March 2009. - Wikipedia

In the Obama revolution, unions are the vanguard force. Contrary to promises of moderation, the Administration has so far sided firmly with the union left. On the day after the Inauguration, the Department of Labor stopped the implementation of new union financial disclosure rules that provide greater transparency about union finances. A fortnight on the job, President Obama issued four executive orders, on federal contracting and political spending, demanded by Big Labor. Mr. Obama this month endorsed card check and vowed that it "will pass." - Wall Street Journal, Labor's European Model, Opinion Journal 3/16/09  Source

In this same article the WSJ adds:

The bill also gives the government power to influence wages and benefits under its binding arbitration provision. The exact terms of a first contract between an employer and a new union would be set by a state-appointed mediator if parties fail to reach a deal by a state-appointed deadline. Unions would have every incentive to make maximum demands, knowing that an arbitrator would more often than not split the difference.

What does this mean for the remnant?

Unionism has revealed what it is by the spirit that it has manifested. It is controlled by the cruel power of Satan. Those who refuse to join the unions formed are made to feel this power. The principles governing the forming of these unions seem innocent, but men have to pledge themselves to serve the interests of these unions, or else they may have to pay the penalty of refusal with their lives.

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself," (Luke 10:27). These words sum up the whole duty of man. They mean the consecration of the whole being, body, soul, and spirit, to God's service. How can men obey these words, and at the same time pledge themselves to support that which deprives their neighbors of freedom of action? And how can men obey these words, and form combinations that rob the poorer classes of the advantages which justly belong to them, preventing them from buying or selling, except under certain conditions! How plainly the words of God have predicted this condition of things. John writes,

"I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. . . . And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in the foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:11 ... 17

The forming of these unions is one of Satan's last efforts. God will care for those who love Him and keep His commandments. A Fresh Look at Labor Unions

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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2009, 03:31:08 PM »

Daniel Eleven

May 2009

by Immanuel

Daniel chapter 11 is one of the most fascinating chapters in the Bible. Because of the clear recitation of earth’s history, students of Daniel 11 are faced with two choices: either accepting the Bible as true or try to “prove” that Daniel 11 is a more recent work.

The latter position has been proposed from very early on in the Christian world. The philosopher Porphyry first concluded in the 3rd century that Daniel must have been written shortly after many of the events occurred. His view, largely discounted at the time, was given new life during the “enlightenment” period of the 18th and 19th centuries. Today this view is held by all atheists who are informed on the subject. It is the view that they must hold because the detail is too clear, if they were to admit that the book of Daniel was written in the 6th century B.C., they would also have to admit that the information contained in Daniel 11 must have come from a supernatural source. The other chapters of Daniel can be reasoned away by non-believers because of the use of symbols. But Daniel 11 is given in clear, plain language, free of symbols, whose meaning cannot be mistaken.

Unfortunately, this amazing chapter has been largely forgotten by the Christian world. Growing up, I do not remember hearing a sermon or even a reference to this chapter in church or in church school. I believe that this neglect is a result of the controversy surrounding the interpretation of the final 10 or so verses of Daniel 11. There is no doubt that the enemy is pleased with the confusion over these verses, because the event that immediately follows their fulfillment is the Second Coming of Christ. If we can be mislead in the interpretation of these important verses then, perhaps, we can be mislead into just how close we are to the end of time.

In Testimonies vol. 9 p. 14 we read “The prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel has nearly reached its complete fulfillment. Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will take place.” It is clear that time covered in Daniel 11 is near it fulfillment. From Cyrus through the Seleucid empires to Cleopatra and Mark Antony and through the rise and fall of the Roman empire history has been precisely foretold. But what of the last verses occurring just before the time when “Michael shall stand up” (Daniel 12:1)?

When the last verses are examined in their chronological sequence, following the sequence of the rest of Daniel 11, we find some interesting conclusions. First, the eventual outcome of the unification of church and state is chronicled in the history of the French Revolution in vs. 36-39. What an important story! Who could foretell what the eventual outcome would be when the Frank king Clovis was the first secular ruler to unite his country with Papacy in 508? Only the Word of God could accurately foretell that the unification of civil government and false religion would eventually result in anarchy and atheism. What a blessing to have an example that we can point to in the time of trouble that comes not only from history but, most importantly, is recorded in the Bible.

The second item of note is that we find Turkey, formerly known as the Ottoman Empire, occupying the position of the “King of the North.” Why is this important today? The Ottoman Empire is where we find the roots of the Muslim religion. This religion is controlling or greatly influencing the governments of the countries that occupy the region of the King of the North, including Turkey, where 99% of the population is Muslim. When we realize this reality and compare it with the significant place that Islam holds in today’s world we can see why the closing verses of Daniel deal with Turkey, and by extension the religion that controls her, Islam.

Let us for a moment consider what the impact would be if these interpretations are reexamined and changed. If we dispense with the first item, that of France in 36-39, we take away our foundation for a proper understanding of the 1290 days in Daniel 12. Now the way is opened up for a futuristic interpretation. This futuristic interpretation is, unfortunately, gaining popularity today. But, if we hold to the classic interpretation we have a solid logical foundation to build off of in interpreting the 1290 days as extending from 508, when Clovis made his alliance with the Papacy, to 1798, when the French general Berthier removed the pope from his throne. This helps us see how close we are to the end as opposed to the futurists view which places more time between now and the return of Jesus.

The second item, that of Turkey as the King of the North, provides us with a solid foundation for a proper understanding of the trumpets of Revelation. Notice this statement, “The prophecies of Daniel and of John are to be understood; they interpret each other.” – PH139. If we have an incorrect understanding of Daniel that will lead to an incorrect understanding of Revelation and vice-versa. One of the most amazing prophecies of the book of Revelation is that of the sixth trumpet. In this prophecy we see the decline of the Ottoman Empire predicted down to the day! This significant fulfillment led to a revival when it happened in 1840 and should continue to give people confidence in the Word. But today, coinciding with a reinterpretation of Daniel 11, we have people who are now boldly proclaiming a new interpretation of the trumpets. And, similar to the 1290 day prophecy, they proclaim that the seven trumpets refer to the future, again putting more events to happen – more time – between now and the Second Coming.

Friends, the time is very near when “Michael shall stand up.” Soon He will come in all of His glory. The prophecies of Daniel 11 will soon reach their complete fulfillment. Now is the time to study and understand them, so that we will not be led astray by looking for things to happen that have already come to pass. 

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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2009, 09:18:22 AM »

June 2009


The track of truth lies close beside the track of error

by Brian M

Mark 13:5, 6 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

          Deception! Someone once said that the essence of deception is that you are unaware that you are deceived. In other words, someone who is truly deceived does not realize that they are. Why is it that a teaching can be seen as error by some and embraced as truth by others? How can some see things in black and white while others seem to muddle around in shades of gray? How can we be sure we are following truth when so many different doctrines are presented as truth, even within the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

          For deception to occur, a person must accept as truth a false teaching. If that is true, then the ability to recognize the difference between right and wrong would be the most effective way to avoid deception. Thankfully, God has provided just such a tool, one that is available to all His people: Spiritual Discernment.

          Discernment is a gift from God. Through the Holy Spirit God gives discernment, in varying measure, to all who walk with Christ.1 It also comes in response to prayer.2 Though it is a gift, discernment can be cultivated3 and will grow in strength as we grow in Christ as Paul indicates in Hebrews 5:12-14:

           12For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.  14But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

          As we walk with Christ, He will provide us with the discernment needed to follow His will for our lives. Often this requires great struggle through study and prayer, but we have His assurance that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

          However, though He has promised never to forsake us, we can diminish or even lose the power of discernment given through His Spirit. Obviously when we reject Christ we cannot properly use the gifts He’s given us; but there are also many ways we can cloud our discernment, without openly rejecting Him. For example, resisting conviction4, gratification of appetite5, criticism and bitterness6, frivolity7, and impurity in thought and speech8 are all things that dim our ability to discern truth from error. And this is not an exhaustive list!

          How important is it for us to cultivate a keen sense of discernment? Look at this quote from Selected Messages, Volume 1 page 202:

The track of truth lies close beside the track of error, and both tracks may seem to be one to minds which are not worked by the Holy Spirit, and which, therefore, are not quick to discern the difference between truth and error.

          Matthew 24:4 and Testimonies, Volume 9, page 63, tell us that the Devil is at work trying to deceive the very elect. The majority of attacks are coming from inside the church, where error is mingled with truth and presented as the gospel. Even more astonishing is that error unmingled with truth is being presented as truth!

          The time has come for the faithful leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church to stand up for truth “though the heavens fall”9. As leaders we must be held accountable for the false doctrines that are being allowed to sweep through the church on our watch.

          The time has come for converted educators, parents and students to reject the errors that are being taught on our campuses. Even now a line is being drawn in the sand over the teaching of evolution at La Sierra University. Who will rise up in support of truth there?

          The time has come for the consecrated laity to stand up and say, “enough is enough”. For too long, especially here in North America, we have stood by while some leaders try to move independently from the decisions made at our General Conference Sessions.

          Together, we as leadership and laity have been given a charge to spread the truth to every nation, kindred, tongue and people; however this cannot and will not be done, until we awake from our Laodicean condition. Only then can we learn again to discern truth from error and present that truth in its purity, untarnished by the doctrines of the fallen churches of Babylon.

          There is only one track of truth! Everything that deviates from that track is error.

1. White, E.G., Review & Herald, October 26, 1905 par. 5

2. Bible, 1 Kings 3:9-11

3. White, E.G., Counsels on Sabbath School Work, 159.2

4. Ibid. Conflict and Courage, 35.5

5. Ibid. Confrontation 81:1

6. Ibid. Testimonies Vol. 6, p. 297

7. Ibid. Counsels to Parents, Students and Teachers, 368.1

8. Ibid. Desire of Ages, 302.2

9. Ibid. Signs of the Times, May 4, 1882 par. 16

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Re: TRO Newsletter Archive
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2009, 02:49:12 PM »
August 2009

    The Garment of Salvation
by Tirza

“In the beginning was the Word,...and the Word was God” who is “clothed with honor and majesty” and covers Himself “with light as with a garment.”  He makes “his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire,”  (John 1:1; Ps. 104:1,2,4).

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  “All things were made by Him.”  He “created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created he them.”  “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Gen. 1:1; John 1:3; Gen. 1:27,31).  The male and the female, Adam and Eve, came forth from the Creator's hands perfect in every way. 

“He was of lofty stature and perfect symmetry.  His countenance bore the ruddy tint of health and glowed with the light of life and joy.  Adam's height was much greater than that of  men who now inhabit the earth.  Eve was somewhat less in stature; yet her form was noble, and full of beauty.”  (PP 45:3).

“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Gen 2:25).  They were perfect, not only in physiology, but spiritually, as well.  “The sinless pair wore no artificial garments; they were clothed with a covering of light and glory, such as the angels wear.  So long as they lived in obedience to God, this robe of light continued to enshroud them.”  (PP 45:3).  They were clothed with “the light of God.” (COL 310:4).

In perfect innocence, peace, and happiness, the pair began life in Eden, a beautiful garden planted by God Himself for their contentment.  True happiness was theirs, the happiness that is found “in communion with God through His created works.” (PP 49:3).  They had been given dominion over every living thing and not one thing had been withheld from them that would bring them joy and delight.

While Adam and Eve continued obedience to their Maker, they continued to be clothed with the garment of light, which is the righteousness of saints.  “Light is sown for the righteous,”  “and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light.” (Ps. 97:11; 37:6).  “This light illuminated everything which they approached.  There was nothing to obscure their perception of the character or the works of God.” (MH 461-2).  That light allowed them to read nature correctly, to discern the character of God in his works. 

“The book of nature, which spread its living lessons before them, afforded an exhaustless source of instruction and delight.  On every leaf of the forest and stone of the mountains, in every shining star, in the earth and sea and sky, God's name was written.  With both the animate and inanimate creation — with leaf and flower and tree, and with every living creature, from the leviathan of the waters to the mote in the sunbeam — the dwellers in Eden held converse, gathering from each the secrets of its life.  God's glory in the heavens, the innumerable worlds in their orderly revolutions, 'the balancings of the clouds' (Job 37:16), the mysteries of light and sound, of day and night — all were objects of study by the pupils of earth's first school.” (Ed 21:3).

With undimmed vision they could study with microscopic detail the inner workings of leaves and flowers.  Through telescopic vision they could study the heavenly bodies of the far flung universe.  Oh, what a wonderful garment to have, this garment of light which was the light of God.  How great were the opportunities their cloaks gave them for incomparable study of nature and the joy and delight of discovery.  But Adam and Eve would keep their garments only as long as they maintained their loyalty and obedience to God.

Tragically, there came a day when things went terribly wrong.  Eve wandered away from Adam, and became fascinated by a talking serpent — so fascinated that she ate of the one tree in the garden God had said they must not eat of.  Adam, horrified by the thought of being separated from Eve, also ate of the forbidden fruit.  Loyalty and obedience had been flung aside and the darkness of sin entered their lives as it also entered the whole world.  “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked.” (Gen. 3:7).  As they looked at themselves, at each other, they were, for the first time, aware that they had no covering.  The light, the precious light, was gone.  They were no longer righteous, no longer perfect.  Though their eyes were opened, their vision was dimmed.  “In losing the garments of holiness, they lost the light that had illuminated nature.  No longer could they read it aright.  They could not discern the character of God in His works.” (MH 462:0).  What fear must have found its way into their hearts, what recriminations must have formed in their minds as the world around them went dark, as the glorious wonders of creation grew dim and gray to their eyes. 

“The halo of glory, which God had given holy Adam, covering him as a garment, departed from him after his transgression.  The light of God's glory could not cover disobedience and sin.  In the place of health and plenitude of blessings, poverty, sickness, and suffering of every type were to be the portion of the children of Adam.” (1SM 270:1).

Standing alone in the twilight, trying to find some excuse for what they had done, shivering in the coolness of the evening air… shivering?  They had never felt chilled before.  And they felt so naked.  So “they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” (Gen. 3:7).  Wearing the garments of their own making, they heard a familiar voice calling their names.  Fear, shame, and embarrassment flooded over them, and instead of running to meet their Lord, they hid among the trees.  But the One who knows all things and sees all things came to their hiding place and called, “Adam,… where art thou?  And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself.  And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked?  Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee thou shouldest not eat?” (Gen. 3:9-11).  Standing before the Lord covered only in the skimpiest of garments, they had to face the horrible, terrible reality.  Nothing was ever going to be the same again.  Everything had been forever changed.

“After Adam's transgression he at first imagined that he felt the rising to a new and higher existence,  But soon the thought of his transgression terrified him.  The air that had been of a mild and even temperature, seemed to chill them.  The guilty pair had a sense of sin.  They felt a dread of the future, a sense of want, a nakedness of soul.  The sweet love, and peace, and happy, contented bliss seemed removed from them, and in its place a want of something came over them that they never experienced before.  They then for the first [time] turned their attention to the external.  They had not been clothed, but were draped in light as were the heavenly angels.  This light which had enshrouded them departed.  To relieve the sense of lack and nakedness which they realized, their attention was directed to seek a covering for their form; for how could they meet the eye of God and angels unclothed?

“Their crime is now before them in its true light.  Their transgression of God's express command assumes a clearer character.  Adam censured Eve's folly in leaving his side, and being deceived by the serpent.  They both flattered themselves that God, who had given them everything to make them happy might yet excuse their disobedience, because of his great love to them, and that their punishment would not be so dreadful, after all.” (1SP 41-2).

But as they stand looking into the face of Jesus, as they hear Him pronounce the curse upon the serpent and on themselves, a sense of the enormity of sin begins to pervade their senses.  They hear, with joy, the promise of hope, that a Redeemer will come and die that they might be pardoned.  Then the “angels of God were commissioned to visit the fallen pair and inform them that although they could no longer retain possession of their holy estate, their Eden home, because of their transgression of the law of God, yet their case was not hopeless.  They were then informed that the Son of God, who had conversed with them in Eden, had been moved with pity as he viewed their hopeless condition, and had volunteered to take upon himself the punishment due to them, and die for them that man might yet live, through faith in the atonement Christ proposed to make for him.  Through Christ, a door of hope was opened, that man, notwithstanding his great sin, should not be under the absolute control of Satan.  Faith in the merits of the son of God would so elevate man that he could resist the devices of Satan.  Probation would be granted him in which, through a life of repentance, and faith in the atonement of the Son of God, he might be redeemed from his transgression of the Father's law, and thus be elevated to a position where efforts to keep his law could be accepted.” (1SP 50-1).

Standing there in their brief garments which are typical of man's righteousness, the plan of salvation is laid out to them.  They are told that God's law requires the punishment of death for disobedience, that until the Redeemer should come, a lamb will represent Him.  The lamb is brought forth, a quiet, gentle creature; Adam, with a breaking heart, must slay this animal and burn its flesh upon an altar.  How their hearts must have wrung, how the inhabitants of heaven and the unfallen worlds must have watched with grief and amazement as the lamb died.  There had never been death before in the universe.  Not so much as a leaf or an insect had died, for God is not the bringer of death but of life.  But the transgression of the law required the shedding of blood.

“When Adam, according to God's special directions, made an offering for sin, it was to him a most painful ceremony.  His hand must be raised to take life, which God alone could give, and make an offering for sin.  It was the first time he had witnessed death.  As he looked upon the bleeding victim, writhing in the agonies of death, he was to look forward by faith to the Son of God, whom the victim prefigured, who was to die man's sacrifice.” (1SP 53:1).

Now, the Lord takes the skins and from them He makes two coats, one for Adam and one for Eve.  These are garments long enough to cover their nakedness, a coat with sleeves to protect from the chilly air.  Man had made himself only an apron and that from fig leaves which would dry up and crumble in just a few days.  God made coats from skins which both covered their bodies and were long lasting.  Why did man feel satisfied with such a minute covering as his apron of leaves?  With our dimmed vision we have little sense of our unrighteousness, our unfitness to stand before the King.  We're quite content with only a little covering, but all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, or a fig leaf apron.  But when Jesus comes, He illuminates our eyes and we see our nakedness.  In our distress, we give ourselves into His hands, He forgives our sins, and gives us coats of His righteousness so that the shame of our nakedness does not appear. 

“Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.  And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying,  Take away the filthy garments from him.  And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.  And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head.  So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments.  And the angel of the Lord stood by.” (Zech. 3:3-5).

Morning by morning as Adam and Eve arose, they would look upon their coats and were reminded of the death of the lamb, and the future death of their own Creator.  They were reminded daily of the consequences of sin, that He whose hands had fashioned these coats would one day come to earth as a man, and live and die that they might be restored to their Eden home.  Man today must continue to wear the coat made for him by Jesus' hands, a robe invisible to the human eye, but not to the heavenly intelligences.  “This robe, woven in the loom of heaven, has in it not one thread of human devising.  Christ in His humanity wrought out a perfect character, and this character He offers to impart to us.” (COL 311:4).  This robe is a robe of Christ's own righteousness, a robe of light.  Jesus has promised that when we “confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1John 1:9).  “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isa. 1:18).

“When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is united with His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to Him, we live His life.  This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His righteousness.  Then as the Lord looks upon us He sees, not the fig-leaf garment, not the nakedness and deformity of sin, but His own robe of righteousness, which is perfect obedience to the law of Jehovah.” (COL 312:0).

“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.” (Isa. 61:10).  We cannot manufacture for ourselves garments of salvation or robes of righteousness.  These are put on us by God; we accept them by faith in Jesus' spilled blood.  When we try to cover ourselves, it's as though we are weaving spider's webs into garments.  “Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.”  (James 2:17).  Works alone will never cover us; they must be the outgrowth of a life that has been given into God's hands, of accepting that we can of our own selves do nothing, but that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

“Since that first sin committed by Adam and Eve, men have tried to sew together fig leaves to cover the nakedness caused by transgression.  They have worn the garments of their own devising, by works of their own they have tried to cover their sins, and make themselves acceptable with God.

“But this they can never do.  Nothing can man devise to supply the place of his lost robe of innocence.  No fig-leaf garment, no worldly citizen dress, can be worn by those who sit down with Christ and angels at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

“Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided can make us meet to appear in God's presence.  This covering, the robe of His own righteousness, Christ will put upon every repenting, believing soul.” (COL 311:1-3).

Someday soon, if faithful, Jesus will pronounce of His saints:  “They shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy.” (Rev. 3:4).  They have prayed, as did Moses, “Lord, show me thy glory” and as they beheld the Lord, “The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,” they were changed “into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (Ex. 33:18; 34:6,7; 2Cor. 3:18).

When this mortal shall have put on immortality, the garments of light will be restored.  In the city that has no need of sun nor moon, whose light is the glory of God and the Lamb, the “saved shall walk in the light of it.” (Rev. 21:23-24).

“There, when the veil that darkens our vision shall be removed, and our eyes shall behold that world of beauty of which we now catch glimpses through the microscope; when we look on the glories of the heavens, now scanned afar through the telescope; when, the blight of sin removed, the whole earth shall appear in “the beauty of the Lord our God,” what a field will be open to our study!  There the student of science may read the records of creation and discern no reminders of the law of evil.  He may listen to the music of nature's voices and detect no note of wailing or undertone of sorrow.  In all created things he may trace one handwriting — in the vast universe behold “God's name writ large,” and not in the earth or sea or sky one sign of ill remaining.

“There the Eden life will be lived, the life in garden and field.  “They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.  They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.”  Isa. 65:21,22.

“There shall be nothing to “hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, saith the Lord.” Isa. 65:25.  There man will be restored to his lost kingship, and the lower order of beings will again recognize his sway; the fierce will become gentle, and the timid trustful.” (Ed 303-4).

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89