California is on fire again.
The largest fire which is burning towns down is over 400,000 acres and is now the third largest fire in Calif history. Oregon has fires burning also.
Dixie FireThe River Fire started up day before yesterday and threatened Colfax Calif. and was moving towards Grass Valley. Two DC 10s were on it quickly with more aircraft than I have ever seen on a fire. Many many homes were threatened. Around 50 structured are reported destroyed, and the fire appears to be under control.
What else is happening in California? Governor is being recalled. Voting happens in September. Gas tax puts gas at over 4.00 a gallon. Large businesses are moving out of state. People are fleeing California. LA, Oakland, and other cities are like Chicago when it comes to crime and murder. Crime is rampant due to political policies. Criminals can steal up $900 without being arrested. Businesses are closing in San Francisco because of the merchandise being stolen. Criminals will walk into the stores in broad daylight with bags, fill them and walk out. it is like the laws regarding illegal aliens not being enforced. California, Oregon, and Washington are going to pot. The morality of the state leaders is being reflected in the citizens of these states.
Do we believe that God will allow fires, floods, earthquakes, and famine to infect these cities and states? Absolutely. We are seeing happen throughout the world and now in America. No rain nor snow has left California with water for fish, people, and crops. Expect to see famine soon if we do not get snow in California this winter. California has not built a dam in 40 years even thought the population up until now have been growing greatly. No planning for this crisis by state leaders has led to not have enough energy and water. Fish will die because of their neglect to provide for more water. Flooding occurs and water is not saved nor is there protection of property when too much water is not being saved behind dams that have not been built. The political party has complete control over what happens in California, There is no second party in California. The voting methods have changed dramatically with voting rights given to everyone and not being properly secured. No IDs and no signature verification. And, LA and the rest of Southern California are doing just fine with no cutbacks when orchards are dying. Why?
Newsom’s drought emergency declaration excludes almost all of Southern California, where the drought picture is much less dire. That’s because the region is mostly supplied by big federal and state water systems, rather than local precipitation.
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which imports water from the Colorado River and the north, says it has sufficient reserves in regional reservoirs and groundwater banks — enough to carry it through this year.
Los Angeles, which is partly supplied by the MWD, similarly doesn’t expect any shortages, officials have said. sourceWe are living in the days as they were just before the great flood that took the lives of all on the Earth except what was in the ark.