Yes, Larry, he was at our campmeeting three summers ago. The campmeeting team had already prepared the "decorations" for the church, which consisted of bales of hay in the hallways, etc, and garish lights with colored paper streamers from front of church, drums on platform, also an "oasis cafe" out front, with food until 11:00. Worst of all, as I have stated before was a "Christian" rock concert, by a young man not a SDA. During this concert, Pastor Mark went outside, where I saw his sister and asked her, "He doesn't like this, does he?" To which she answered, "No, he hates it, but it was already arranged."
The last night of the meetings, I went with my granddaughter, and Pastor Mark had an "anointing" service, in which he called for prayer groups and if we wanted, to be anointed for special work for the Lord. I was thrilled when she went to the center of the circle and said, "I want it all." Yes! Pastor Mark is a blessing to our youth, and to the old alike! A shining light in the darkness of San Francisco!! He needs our prayers!