I saw Satan would work more powerfully now than ever he has before.
He knows that his time is short and that the sealing of the saints will place them beyond his power; he will now work in every way that he can and will try his every insinuation to get the saints off from their guard and get them asleep on the present truth or doubting it, so as to prevent their being sealed with the seal of the living God.--Ms 7, 1850, pp. 2, 3. ("A Vision God Gave Me at Brother Harris', August 24, 1850.) {8MR 220.5}
The angel said, "Some tried too hard to believe. Faith is so simple. Ye look above it. Satan has deceived some and got them to looking at their own unworthiness." I saw they must look away from self to the worthiness of Jesus, and throw themselves, just as they are, needy, dependent, upon His mercy, and draw by faith, strength and nourishment from Him.--Ms 8, 1850, p 1. ("Vision of August 24, 1850.") {8MR 221.1}
Once a person is sealed Satan's power in them is over, he can not reign in them, The Father's Name (what He stands for ) fills their mind, heart, experience
( "holiness is " agree* ) = 2 SOP hits
God has commanded us, "Ye shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy"; and an inspired apostle declares that without holiness "no man shall see the Lord." Holiness is agreement with God. By sin the image of God in man has been marred and well-nigh obliterated; it is the work of the gospel to restore that which has been lost; and we are to cooperate with the divine agency in this work. And how can we come into harmony with God, how shall we receive His likeness, unless we obtain a knowledge of Him? It is this knowledge that Christ came into the world to reveal unto us. {LHU 279.4}
The meager views which so many have had of the exalted character and office of Christ have narrowed their religious experience and have greatly hindered their progress in the divine life. Personal religion among us as a people is at a low ebb. There is much form, much machinery, much tongue religion; but something deeper and more solid must be brought into our religious experience. . . . What we need is to know God and the power of His love, as revealed in Christ, by an experimental knowledge. We must search the Scriptures diligently, prayerfully; our understanding must be quickened by the Holy Spirit, and our hearts must be uplifted to God in faith and hope and continual praise (Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 742-744). {LHU 279.5}
Our hope is to be constantly strengthened by the knowledge that Christ is our righteousness. Let our faith rest upon this foundation, for it will stand fast forever. Instead of dwelling upon the darkness of Satan and fearing his power, we should open our hearts to receive light from Christ and to let it shine forth to the world, declaring that He is above all the power of Satan, that His sustaining arm will support all who trust in Him. {5T 742.1}
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