In Christ there is unity of Spirit. This does not mean there is agreement on all doctrine, it means that we are striving for unity of doctrine.
There are some things that are divisive and generally unproductive by nature. One such thing is debate. The Remnant Online will not support a heated debate. In the minds of many debate is good and they enter into it with relish. Please resist the temptation to enter into such activity.
Where is the line between a study or discussion and debate? Our self-esteem must be overcome. We must learn to esteem others better than ourselves. This does not mean that we are to give up the truth that the Holy Spirit has revealed. But, we need to listen to what others have to say. We need to prayerfully consider their message when they present a "thus saith the Lord". Let Jesus guide us and we will receive His blessing.
There will come into our fellowship those who for whatever reason will take exception with what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy teach. Let us bear with them patiently and give them a reason for our faith. If, they will listen, good. If not, that is ok. We have asked that when there is a difference in such cases we have asked those who will not follow what we see to be Bible truth, to refrain from teaching their doctrine. We do not end the discussion there. If the individual still wants to pursue the issue, we invite them into a private forum where the moderators will continue to listen and labor with the individual. Some of these discussions have gone on for months. One such was on the "feast days". I learned a lot about what these people believe. I am now able to show how deeply the error runs in this new teaching that has come into our church.
In most cases, we have had no difficulty after following this process. If we are not able to persuade the individual and find that they indeed are presenting error or "new light" that has not been accepted by the church, most will abide by our request to not "teach" their doctrine at The Remnant Online. We of course are happy to continue private discussions as long as there is something to consider.
In the ten years we have been online, there have only been a handful of members we have had to restrict and half of them we allowed back when they were willing to abide by our rules.
It may seem overly restrictive, but God is not honored when there is no order and all are teaching what they see as right in their own eyes. We are blessed to have moderators that are grounded in the gospel truth and are able to pray and work together through difficulties when they come.
We have been truly blessed by our members with whom we fellowship. Being of like minds and finding unity in the Spirit, we are learning to esteem each other better than ourselves. Each of us has something special to contribute as we abide in Christ. We want to encourage all to share this special gift that God gives to each one who will fully commit their lives to His keeping. Our great desire is that we press together in the unity of His Spirit that we may in some way hasten the soon coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
May we be a reflection of our Lord as we fellowship together! In this way we can be an encouragement to many who will come looking for help. Some are in the valley of decision and we want to be a blessing as they are seeking truth that will help them as they seek Christ and His peace that passes all understanding. May God indwell our hearts continually!