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Laurie Mosher

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« on: February 15, 2000, 09:19:00 AM »
   Dear Forum Members,

  We have as topics now, "Testimones" and "Prayers". Richard and I, believe it would be very appropriate to have a topic called "Answered Prayer".

   So with this in place, we are all looking forward to hearing HOW your prayers have been answered-in the past, and now- in the present.

The Holy Scriptures invite us to "Ask, and it shall be given unto you" Matt.7:7

  And again in Isaiah 58:9 "Then shalt thou call . and the Lord shall answer."

  In His love and Grace,
    Br. Laurie  =:)

Keep "the" Faith,  Brother Laurie


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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2000, 12:47:00 PM »
This forum is not long enough, wide enough, high enough, or deep enough for all my answered prayers.  I feel it is this way also for everyone on this forum.  Who will go stories are long there a maximum word count? Praise the Lord.

God Bless,


Richard Myers

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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2000, 03:34:00 PM »
He who is last shall be first and he is first shall be last. In this case after a period of waiting for others to go first, I shall happily praise my Saviour for His answer to my prayer. When I discussed this thread with Brother Laurie, I did not have in mind posting any thing, I just knew what a blessing it would be to all of us to hear of God's miracles and to share what He has done in response to our prayers.

I began the "Prayers" topic by sharing concerning my friend Viorika and her prayers for my children. There is more to the story. She lived with her mother who was not a Christian. Her mother was emotionally distraught at the funeral. She had just lost her only daughter who was also her sole means of support. She had no hope for her daughter's resurrection for she had no Saviour.

I explained to her that her daughter had a faith that would allow her to come back to life and that life, would be eternal. This calmed her fears and she was able to regain control of her emotions.

Some months later I was back home and I received a telephone call from Romania with some very good news. That's right, Viorika's mother had given her heart to Jesus and was a  member of the church Viorika had belonged to.  Every time I think of God's work in this family's life, I praise His holy name!

Think about this. Soon Viorika will come forth from the grave, in the first resurrection. Contemplate the joy she will have when she sees her mother raised in the same ressurection. Her mother who was not a Christian when Viorika died! God heard the prayer of a daughter for her mother and answered the prayer after the daughter died.

Faith, my dear friends, faith in the ability of our God to answer our prayers even when we go into the silence of the grave with them unanswered.

In His love and grace,   Richard

Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Laurie Mosher

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2000, 03:22:00 PM »
   Well, as Charlene said,
    This should be a very interesting column. And I would like to continue the theme with this "Answer to prayer".

  In 1981, Bev and I lived in Hanford, Ca. One Christmas we travelled to British Columbia to spend Christmas with Bev's parents. The whole trip was an experience that I will never forget. Enroute, we hit a blizzard in Portland, Oregon, where we were stormed-stayed for 3 days.  On our return trip, we were mororing along quite well until we "missed" the turnoff at Stockton. We usually turned off Inter #5 to #99 ;but "somehow" missed the turnoff. By this time the hour was quite late, and we had hoped to be home that evening.

  The vehicle I was driving had power windows , and we had been listening to FM classical music when suddenly the radio went "dead". So I began to get suspicious. The windows would not operate, and the headlights were getting dim. I-5 traffic was
minimal, but we were almost out in the "middle of nowhere" .I deduced that the alternator was gone, so I asked the family aboard to pray that we could find a garage close by. Looking at the map, we took the Los Banos exit heading for Chowchilla. Approximately 5 miles  out of town, everything died except the motor, which was running very rough We straggled into town, and about 20 feet from a telephone booth the engine died.DEAD! I managed to call a garage and shortly a tow truck arrived. It was the alternator all right...and what do you believe the chances are of finding an alternator for a Chrysler at 11PM?  The only one on hand belonged to a Chev. But the odd thing was, the fellow who ordered it had not come to get it...The mechanic decided to try and see if it would fit did! Perfect fit. Within an hour we were on our way home again, PRAISING the Lord the whole way! The rest of the trip was uneventful!

 I've often thought about that experience! What would have happened had I not missed the turnoff? #99 highway is very busy, and we could very well have been involved in an auto accident.

  I remember an aunt who was travelling with us quoting Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them."

  Well that was just one of the many times Prayer has been answered.
  Driving through the middle of a tornado wasn't a great thrill either...but that's another story!

   Keep "the" faith!

Keep "the" Faith,  Brother Laurie

DugaldT Lewis MD

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« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2000, 06:18:00 PM »
At church today, our pastor announced the fact that one of our members had died today. He had been sufferring for a long time and prayed that he will pass away on a Sabbath. This was an answer to his prayer.

tami strand

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« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2000, 11:37:00 AM »
My prayers were answered, my Mother was found to be free from ovarian cancer. Thank you Lord. And Thanks for all the prayers everyone. My Mother is not saved and I was praying for more time, to share the Love of Jesus with her. Tami


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« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2000, 02:57:00 PM »
Isn't our God good.??? Yes he gives time, and more time if He can save. He wants noone to perish. You will be a great light to her and Jesus will lead you to witness. Keeping you in my prayers, God Bless.




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« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2000, 08:15:00 AM »
Dear friends,

This story goes back a few years, however it is quite fresh in my mind. I will try to not make it too long.

In my adult years of rebellion, I met and married a "swinging bachelor". We tasted 'pleasure' for many seasons.  

My mother, an SDA and sad at my departure from the faith, became ill and it became a cronic illness so we moved her into our home.
When she was well enough, I took her to 'her' church, and it was a 15 mile ride one way, so I stayed with her. Well, I became very interested again in 'Her' God. The little 35 member church showed so much love for her and me that we developed friends. When mother became worse and could no longer attend, the pastor called on her to visit. That gave me warm feelings too. One member wrote encouraging words to mother each week, and she looked forward to these notes of cheer. When mother passed away, I notified the sender of these notes, of mom's demise and she wrote asking if she could continue to send them to me...A happy 'yes' I returned. And she followed through.

I told Bob I was missing the church of my early years and wished to return. We had never talked about God before. He said He would not stop me, but to not ever think he would go...all religion was for money, money.
This was when we were living in upper state New York, and we had decided to move from this 'winter state' to a warmer climate. We sold and joined friends in NC. I prayed, Lord, if you can arrange it...have a study group i can join so I might restudy all the things i have forgotten through the years. Guess who was having a seminar when we arrived. Joe Crews. I missed one meeting, of the one month series. If a refresher course could be any better...well it just couldn't. I also had done lots of singing in the church in former years so I asked if I had to be baptized to sing in the choir. The pastor told me no, and I was welcomed into the choir.  Bob is still swinging.....

One rainy choir practice evening. Bob said he didn't want me to drive in 'this weather' alone. "I'll take you and just sit and read in the church while you practice." Good Idea!
Well the weather was so bad that not one base showed up. My Bob, a 'barber shop quartette base' background, sitting in the back, reading his book was asked if he could sing?
"yes", he lold them..."base"  'Would you mind sitting in for the bases tonight?'.  "Be happy to," he replied. Well the angels sang with him and at the end of practice the director asked if he would like to join. Well, he loves to sing so of course he said 'yes'. My heart was jumping for joy.
As were were going home..He said,'now I am not going to go to that first meeting you go to, I'll take you to the early meeting and then come when we are to sing."  [I was attending the pastors class for newcomers].
I said that is okay, however, instead of going back and forth, why don't you come just once and see if you like it...then decide. That is what he did and he continued with me each week. The choir is the main ingredient in the story. This became our church family in a way that the whole congregation could not.[350 members in congregation]. This was a personal loving group. After friends were made, bible studies followed. I had decided to become rebaptized and was thrilled that my nearly teenage grandchildren wanted to be baptized with grandma. My entire Adventist family was praying for us. Our bible studies went deeper and deeper and Daniel and Rev. studies too. We read all the time and God blessed. Family was sending books. My mother had a great library of Ellen White and I have them all, thank God, He saw to it they were where they should be.

Our last study before we traveled to California to join my family to be baptized, Bob says, "I want to be baptized too." He stopped 'swinging', and did not want to 'swing' any more. Jesus filled the void.

What a joyous occasion it was to be buried in Christ with our grandchildren. All our families together for this wedding.[1988] Praise God from whom all blessings fall.

God is Love,


Richard Myers

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« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2000, 10:22:00 AM »
Praise God for the power of His grace!  Thank you dear sister for sharing that beautiful testimony of how God answers prayer. He not only answered your prayers for Bob, but I rejoice in knowing that He answered your mother's prayers for you! Won't she be thrilled when she sees you and Bob when she comes forth from the grave!!

All praise and honor to the Lamb that was slain!!

In His love and grace,   Richard

Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Avalee Lohman

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« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2000, 02:21:00 PM »
Charlene...what a beautiful answer to prayer and testimony....Thank you so much for sharing.


Laurie Mosher

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« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2000, 02:40:00 PM »
   That's amazing , Charlene and Bob!
Our God is a great God and His mercy is everlasting for us. Praise the Lord, and Thank You.
  Speaking of Joe Crews ,I have his evangelistic series on D & R. Perhaps I'll send them to a refresher course.

  Keep "the" faith,
    Br. Laurie

Keep "the" Faith,  Brother Laurie

tami strand

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« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2000, 03:47:00 PM »
Dear Charlene and Bob, what a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing, it was a blessing to hear. "Behold I make all things new." Praise God!
So often, I feel the sweet presence of the Lord through your words Charlene, I pray for your strength on the other forum.


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« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2000, 07:31:00 PM »
Dear ones,
Thanks for listening, We praise God for all the blessings he has given us. Bob and I talk frequently about how He was caring for us when we didn't even acknowledge His existance. His patience and love never failed.

I said at the begining of this thread, Laurie, there was not room enough for my answers to prayer. Well, this is part two of the story above.

At the end of the Bible studies, just before our leaving for California,  Bob had commited to baptizm, I called Elder W. and said. "Bob hasn't taken off his rings yet. Maybe he didn't understand the importance of the jewelry in our study. Could you come once again and give us a study of some important subject and mix in with it more on the removal of jewelry?" "Of course", was his reply and we scheduled an extra study just before we left. Still no response from Bob and his rings. He wore his diamond wedding band and a beautiful 5 point star saphire with diamonds. A beautiful man's ring.

I had many friends in the church when my selfish ambition tore me away. A pastor of special value to me had consented to bapitze Bob and Me. I was looking forward to a reunion with him on this occasion. My children had taken care of all the details in California, so Bob and I left SC to wend our way west. Departure day, the hands that grasped the steering wheel, still had the rings. Each day I cried to God to open His eyes. Each day the rings were there. Family members were making this a matter of prayer. As we journied our way, during frequent calls to the family, I was asked "mom, are the rings off yet?" I just said and unexplainable 'no'.

Four days past, four nights, with tears on my pillow, begging God to take convict and press on His heart the need to remove his rings. The trip was pleasant, no problems. It was early spring and the scenery in many states was coming alive.

It was lunch time but the little town in Arizona was still a few miles away. Both Bob and I LOVE mexican food, and when we enterd the town, what was the first restaurant we saw, "Mexican food". We teased that our car was beyond control when there was mexican food about, seemed it just drove itself in and parked. We were seated and given menus. Bob pointed to what he wanted and told me to order while he washed his hands. The chips and Salsa arrived and I ordered. I was munching chips dipped in this good hot stuff when he returned. He sat down, took a chip, and handed me his rings. I said, "what's this"?  "Well" he said, "if they don't serve a purpose, then they are just adornment, so I took them off". "My this Salsa is HOT." I said with tears roling down my cheeks!!

We arrived safe and sound the next day. With greetings and hugs exchanged, we took a walk on the dusty paths of a vineyard where my daughter lived. Bob and J went one direction and my daughter and I took another path, it felt so good to have reached our destination and stretch our legs.

I couldn't wait to tell her what had happened in Arizona. As I was giving her every little detail, I saw liquid pools gathering in her eyes. "Mom, what time was your lunch?" She asked. "I think about 1:00PM or 1:30PM..Why"?
"yesterday, at work, during the lunch hour, Elder M. came in to see me. He said 'we won't be having any trouble with rings with your folks will we? I won't baptize any one wearing jewelry.' I told him no, there would not be any problem. Then, mom, I found a quiet place at work and knelt to pray. With the time change, it would be the same time as your lunch." Now the tears flowed.

Is our God good or not?
Praise His Name,


Richard Myers

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« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2000, 05:23:00 AM »
Sister Charlene and Brother you think this is what God had in mind for our church? The opportunity and responsibility to share His goodness to the children of men? What a joy!  Oh, that our churches would receive the blessings that God has to bestow!

Thank you so much for sharing again, the rest of the story. This is the way we get closer to each other. Our testimonies and our prayers will bind us one to another. When we get to heaven, by God's grace, we will already be one big happy and blessed family!

There are so many testimonies of God's love and power in our lives that we will have to move to a much larger account with our server in order to hold all that are coming!!

In His love and grace,    Richard

Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Clive Nevell

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« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2000, 08:30:00 AM »
I have two experiances that I will share with my friends.
Last year our division (SPD) sent out to all leaders within the churches a program of meetings that would take place and be available on satellite to those churches that have it and encouraged those that did not to purchase one. We held a special business meeting to discuss this item.We are only a small church of about 35 members and most would be on low incomes, myself included. The cost of the equipment was close to $3000 and many were against it. We prayed and set before the church members all the facts and then voted, 8 to 4 in favour. The Pastor told us a few days later that he had contacted the Conference office at 1.00pm on a particular day and was asked by the Ministerial Sec. were we going to apply for a subsidy on the dish. We did not know that we were entilted to any. he applied over the phone and the next day was told that we would receive $2000 to help with the expenses. We did not know how or where the money would come from but praise to our Lord for hearing our prayers and seeing fit to answer them in a positive way.
Family worship this morningm I prayed for general care and guidence for the day particularly as we travelled and the kids went to school (they travel about 30 miles on the busy highway by bus), we always pray for protection. Five miles from home as we were going through the next small town, my wife said there's John and out of the corner of my eye I seen him, sure enough it was John and his wife. They have not been to church for nearly 12 months, we did not know where they had even gone to. We stopped and flagged them down, completly surprising them and us. We had a short talk as we were on the way to our church to check out some things for the dish. When we got to church the cleaner was there and we told her about what had happened. She said she had been praying for them but did not know where they had been or anything about them. They will go past our place every time they go into Brisbane and am sure they will call in. He said to me "Clive pray for me I am doing it tough" I said don't worry John I will put your name down and have people everywhere praying for both of you. Let's all pray for John and Elaine.
If we had of been just five seconds slower or faster we would have missed them. The Lord hears our prayers.
Clive & Theresa


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« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2000, 06:22:00 PM »
If God is for us, who can be against us...Praise God Laurie. Nothing is beyond His reach.


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« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2000, 10:02:00 AM »
Happy Sabbath everyone,
I must relate the story of one of our members at church, She gave this testimony during Sabbath School. I will try to remember it as well as I can...

Shirley's Husband works for a company that sends him all over the world. He was on his way to Arabia, when she recieved word that his sister was dying. She needed to reach him immediately, but had no idea where he would be in his flight plan.  She called a Travel Agent to gain information on Flight ###. Was told that her only hope in reaching him was if there was a lay over in Brussels and if so he would probably be in one of these two hotels and gave shirley the two numbers.
She paryed over the numbers and chose one. She prayed the desk clerk would know english and understand her if she could get through. She dialed the number prayerfully. It rang three times then...she heard "Hello", and it was her, without desk clerk, room number, and rarely did he have a lay over, but this time he did. He was in church also. I think all of us got goose bumps when we realized just what God will do when we need him for every thing that touches our lives. Isn't God Good?




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« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2000, 06:54:00 AM »
Praise the Lord for answering the prayers of His children.



Richard Myers

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« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2000, 07:31:00 AM »
Amen, Sister Charlene. Thank for sharing that blessing.

Yesterday I asked for your prayers. I don't know who prayed, but today I want to thank you, whoever offered up a prayer for me. The Lord expects us to pray for ourselves and this I did, but when I began the prayer topic, I expressed the joy of knowing there are others praying for the salvation of my children.

I don't have time today to go into detail, but the Lord has done a wonderful thing in answer to prayer. My son, Michael who was estranged from me when a young boy is living in our home as of yesterday. He is 21 and is going through some very difficult times. He will be with us, God willing, for a month and then will be gone. When I asked for prayer I had no idea that this would be God's response. His blessings are much greater than we can imagine.

My brothers and sisters, the Lord has spoken to us in regards to how we should live our lives in every area whether it be worship, dress, diet, work, or whatever. We have specific counsel and by God's grace my family and I choose to follow it. You can imagine the difficulty that can pose for us and my son while he is in our home. I continue to ask for your prayers that the Lord will grant us wisdom from on high, for mine is foolishness. God will forgive us when we come to Him asking, but the consequences of making wrong choices sometimes are very great in the lives of those around us. God can keep me from erring and this is my prayer.

God is more than good!

In His love and grace,    Richard

[This message has been edited by Richard Myers (edited 03-08-2000).]

Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Avalee Lohman

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« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2000, 01:57:00 PM »
Richard you and your family will be in my prayers continually.

In The Blessed Hope
