Author Topic: What is Religious Liberty?  (Read 147 times)

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Richard Myers

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    • The Remnant Online
What is Religious Liberty?
« on: November 14, 2024, 09:24:51 AM »
If we consider the character of our God, we will get an understanding of religious liberty.  Religious is having to do with God and His government. A foundation principle of His government is freedom, freedom to choose. He gives to all of His creation the right to choose what we believe and what we do. We have a free will think and do. He gave us this freedom knowing it could create havoc in the universe. And it did. But, He has not changed His government to restrict the free will given to all.

Therefore, the foundation of liberty is religious. When speaking of freedom in a religious sense, we must come to an understanding there is a force in the world that is opposed to freedom, religious freedom, or what we call religious liberty. It has been the goal of Satan to bind His creatures and to keep them captive to his evil ways.
He has been very successful in deceiving mankind starting with Adam and Eve. Thus their children come into the world with fallen natures and can do no good thing until born again of the Spirit.

He succeeded in deceiving Israel so much that they did not know their Messiah had to suffer and die in order for any of them to enter heaven. Even John the Baptist did  not understand the Lamb had to die. So it is today. Many do not understand that if one sins and does not repent, he will not enter heaven. In other words, many professing Christians have been taught that they are saved in their sins. Satan has created many gods throughout the last 6,000 years to deceive. And in the last almost 1400 years he has been very successful in depriving many of their liberty through a religious organization professing to follow Jesus. In 538 the Roman Church was established by order of the emperor of the Roman Empire, Constantine. This church changed the times and the laws making the Sabbath a day of rest on the first day of the week. Unlike God's government who allows us the freedom to choose, this church has persecuted those who do not follow their rules. 500 years ago there arose a rebellion against this false church. It is known as the Protestant Reformation.  There were those who recognized that God gave to us freedom to choose to worship Him. But, the Roman Church disagreed and would persecute all who would not follow their rules.

Those who rebelled against this false church, were called Protestants because they "protested" the unBiblical teachings in the Roman Church. Today, there are millions of professing Protestants in the world. But,sadly many do not know about the Protestant Reformation, nor the religious liberty given to God's children. The last battle to come to this world will be on the question as to whom shall we serve, God or Satan. Will we choose freely to keep the commandments of God, or will we choose to follow the laws of the world when in conflict with the Bible?  If we choose to follow God, the laws of the world will then condemn all who follow God. There is no religious liberty granted to those who disagree with the commands of the world which has given power to the law of the Roman Catholic papal leader. The protest that was made against the arbitrary, unjust, and persecuting, procedure of the papacy commanding the destruction of Martin Luther, his adherents, his writings and all who printed or circulated his writings has not died. We are nearing the end of this world's history. We know the end of the story, and it is very good for all who love the Lord our God with the whole heart.

In the new world and in the entire universe there will be no more sin, nor sinners. All of God's creation will have religious liberty and sin shall arise no more! What a God we serve!!
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.