Author Topic: Sleep - The Mind After Midnight  (Read 729 times)

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Sleep - The Mind After Midnight
« on: October 23, 2022, 04:05:57 PM »
"I know from the testimonies given me from time to time for brain workers, that sleep is worth far more before than after midnight. Two hours’ good sleep before twelve o'clock is worth more than four hours after twelve o'clock...." Manuscript Releases Vol 7 page 224.3

Isn't it amazing how the Lord provides us with information, simple information for our daily needs.

The Sleep wake cycle is controlled by our Circadian Rhythm or cycle around the pattern of one day. Whether a person is blind or not, light and darkness are sensed in our eyes by a net of  protein called melanopsin which regulates our retinal clock and dopamine synthesis by night. (NIH PMID: 23604021, DOI: 10.1007/s00018-013-1338-9). This retinal photoreceptor was found by Provencio and his colleagues at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland and reported in the journal Nature in 2002.

The natural production of Melatonin, the famous sleep hormone, begins with the sensing of the change from light to dark by the protein net in the retina, averaged at sunset, and continues into the night peaking between midnight and 2am. There are four stages to its production. Its production and concentration in the blood is very slow and gradual from the sunset onward to its peak period, and the more hours one can spend in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep during its peak blood concentration period, the better for bodily repair and rejuvenation.
Please note that the taking of Melatonin does not work in the same way as if it were naturally and gradually produced by the body.

Now, proof that man's body and mind are pre-programmed for activity during the day and rest at night show that the Mind functions differently after midnight than before midnight.

Research published in Frontiers in Network Psychology lists negative emotions and practices that are prevalent in the period after midnight. Suicide, self-harm and substance abuse rates are higher in the period after midnight than before. "In 2020, research at a supervised drug consumption center in Brazil revealed a 4.7-fold greater risk of opioid overdose at night." some of these behaviors can be explained by sleep debt or the seeming protection, secrecy and privacy of the night time. However, Researchers like Klerman and her colleagues think we need to investigate these factors further to make sure we are protecting those most at risk from nighttime wakefulness.

With all this information, there is a period of six (6) hours in which surprisingly little is known about how the human brain works. As one author said " whether asleep or awake, the mind after midnight is a mystery."

During periods of high stress at work, I have personally tested the counsel of getting more hours before midnight than after. I would go to bed by 10pm and awake in the early morning to continue work. I found that my mind was clear, my thoughts flowed more consistently, my focus was exceptional, errors in documents were far less and my retention of the subject was greatly improved.

Recommended sleep duration is from 6 to 8 hours, no more, no less. When it comes to improving the quality of our sleep, exercise is far better than herbs to reduce stress on the mind and improve restfulness and sleep. Avoid any exciting material (news) or arguments prior to bedtime. Interpersonal conflicts get worse in the mind during the night of rest and increase in their intensity through the night. All efforts are to be made to avoid such thoughts before bedtime. Forgiveness and prayer are the key.

God planned to have an early morning talk (devotion) with us each day, just as he had with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and wants our minds to be clear and rested in the early morning, ready to meet with Him before taking on the days activities and challenges.

FAITH - As God's blessed sons & daughters we are to attempt the impossible to the extent that we will fail unless God steps in.   Keep the faith