The rapid increase of the Fed's interest rate and the increase in inflation is pushing the US and world towards a financial crisis of a huge magnitude. One cannot continue to borrow money by the trillions and not face a day of accountability. The US is not the only nation who has been printing money without an end. Combined with the Russian War, the rumors of wars, the lack of food, the increase in crime, the increase in immorality, who can deny the soon coming of Jesus!
With the continued downfall of California which leads America down the path to destruction, we shall soon see a major earthquake most likely in San Francisco. She has been warned a number of times, 2006 and 1989. Will the next quake be the last warning, or will it be the last one that destroys the city for the last time? The destruction of the Trade Towers was the opening blow to warn Babylon that judgment is coming. The trumpet is sounding loudly to those who profess to serve the God of heaven. As America continues on the path to reject its republican and Protestant heritage, it will soon reach the point where all who seeking truth will have found it.
Look up, for our redemption draweth nigh.