Thank you rahab for caring.
Let us pray for those who refused to give up their freedom to follow their conscience. And, while the issue is not easy, the statement by the administration seems to be contradictory. It appears the church will not advocate for liberty of conscience. Based in what? A Biblical statement, or a Spirit of Prophecy statement? Did I miss it?
The Seventh-day Adventist Church does not advocate for religious exemptions to vaccination on either a global or national basis, based on its understanding of both the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White, and as expressed in this statement.And this one:
These include a balanced vegetarian diet.Each may decide for themselves what they will eat, but we have great light that is more valuable than a genetically built "vaccine." When practicing amalgamation with the same technology, how can we encourage church members to accept the vaccine? And now children under age five? Injecting such into their little bodies? Of course we are relying on government agencies to protect our children. The same that allow sewer sludge on farm crops? And allow viruses into milk? And, the General Conference statement says "vegetarian" diet when we were told the time would soon come there would be no safety in milk do to the increase in disease in animals. Those who have great light and neglect it will also lead others astray, as we see in this statement. This why many weep between the porch and the altar. False teachings lead to lost souls. And in this case, who knows the long term effects from this cut and paste "vaccine"?
Yes, I said amalgamation, like just before the flood that destroyed every living human off the face of the Earth except what was in the ark. What else would you call taking human genes and pasting them into a pig embryo?
AmalgamationFor the first time, researchers have successfully grown human cells inside early-stage pig embryos in the lab, creating pig-human hybrids, which the researchers describe as interspecies chimeras.
pig-human hybridI don't believe Elder Wilson to be evil, or blind to much of the truth entrusted to us as a people. I find no problem with him urging delegates to vote one way of the other. We do this in our discussion prior to voting. It is not evil to do so. But, we can surely disagree with him going along with those who hold themselves up to be our experts that tell us what to do. And, if we do not, we get fired, or go to jail, or have our children removed from the home.
The GC statement ends with this:
We would do well to remember that God gave Adam and Eve the freedom of choice in the Garden of Eden, although that choice resulted in significant consequences. Church leaders invested with authority to make decisions that affect the lives of many, ought to be more careful in what they say and do. If I recall right, Loma Linda cut and pasted human protein into a vegetable. Surely not the same as putting human genes into a pig. But, it is the beginning of doing so. A Laodicean Church is blind to much more than their spiritual condition.
Yes, we have freedom of choice, but do not take the amalgamated shot and we will fire you (SDA institution) and we will take away your children and place you in jail if you and they are not vaccinated. There is a religious exemption for those who want liberty of conscience, but the Seventh-day Adventist Church that says we have liberty of conscience will not support a religious exemption. Not a matter for the world church, then what is? Luther would not appreciate what Protestantism has come to in God's church.
Just so that many will study this a little more, I am not opposed to the church requiring sick people to stay home. And, there is nothing wrong with providing testing for church members when a pandemic is spreading in the area. The Bible is not silent to wearing masks or removing from the public those with a deadly infectious disease. Shame on those who do not study that matter in Scripture.
When the Covid virus was discovered spreading around the world, the "experts" told us that a strong immune system was the best thing to survive the virus' attack. But, shortly thereafter, the world was silent about the natural immune system. Some though understood there is a God in control and He has entrusted His church with much light in regards to preventing and curing disease. Praise God for the faithful who walked in the light of His love and counsel.