While there is need for error to be acknowledged with Elder Vine, there is also the need for error to be acknowledged with Pastor Wilson and those delegates in the GC in Session (they refused to allow a discussion on the Covid Vaccine). And those in the the GC executive committee who refused to give a letter that requiring something be injected into a person is a matter of religious and personal liberty guaranteed by the Bible, the church, and the Constitution of the United States. Jesus has been patient with us, and we ought to be patient with all involved in this issue.
Therefore, as I see the issue, the Michigan Conference was involved in this because they are responsible for the training of pastors they choose to hire. My concern is that they do not err in their teaching which begins with their pastors and other employees understanding and teaching the real gospel of grace. Of all NAD conferences, it appears that they have been given great light and believe they are walking in that light as they strive to make sure their pastors are walking in the light. Thus, my concern and theirs ought to be, that Pastor Vine repent of having erred in his understanding of the "Remnant Church" and the paying and distribution of tithe.
Has Pastor Vine acknowledged his error? Has Pastor Kelly labored with Elder Vine to repent? It appears to me that Pastor Kelly who has been greatly blessed with understanding Truth understands Elder Vine has erred in his teaching regarding the Remnant Church and the acceptance and distribution of tithe. If he has labored with Elder Vine and Elder Vine has not repented, then it is important that he be disciplined which means Pastor Kelly needs to protect the church and for Pastor Vine's sake, discipline him in love. If Pastor Kelly had not done this, then he needs to. And, if he refuses to labor with Elder Vine, then the Michigan conference needs to labor with Pastor Kelly. If Pastor Kelly does not labor with Elder Vine so that he repent, then what is the Michigan Conference to do? God cares about this. He speaks to us about being wrong. I think we do not hear this clearly as we ought to. If we did, then the Michigan Conference would be laboring with their pastors on other matters not pertaining to the church and tithe.
This subject of the Remnant Church and tithe is important and the Conference is doing what is right in not ignoring the error being spread by Elder Vine. But, I am impressed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to encourage all of the world church's conferences to disciple their pastors who are not teaching the gospel of grace, but another "gospel" that is not the gospel. Who am I do speak such things? It is not I, but the Word that speaks this. I am merely doing what the Michigan Conference is doing, asking for repentance from those who have been teaching error. But, in my concern it is something of greater importance than tithe or the church. Here is truth that none can argue against if filled with the Holy Spirit. From the Book of Galatians:
1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
How many pastors in the Michigan Conference have preached from the pulpit Rev. 3:14-22. Romans 8 verses 1-13. 1 John 3:9. 1 John 1-24. 1 John 2:1. Eze 36:25. Eze 36:26,27. Eze. 3:20, Eze. 18:24. Eze. 33:12,13. Gen 3:3,4. Matt. 5:48. Josh 22:5. Luke 10:27,28. All in the same sermon. What is revealed in these verses? It is the power of grace to transform sinners into saints so that they may live in a world without sin. The law will judge us. It is the standard used in the investigative judgment. Of course when we understand God saves us from sin, not in sin, then we must behold the grace of God which is how we are changed in character to reveal Jesus to a world soon to perish. 2 Cor. 3:18 has been kept a secret from most Seventh-day pastors. Few are taught that in order to enter heaven they must be keeping the commandments of love. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit that we are partakers of God's divine nature. Do we hear from the pulpit in Michigan that when truly converted that all of the fruits of the Spirit are seen in the life, not one is missing (Desire of Ages pg 676.) Do we hear that all who love God supremely have hearts that are pure and holy and the motives of all who truly converted are pure and holy? Do we hear that those who have salvation have no unrepented sins? That God does not forgive known sins that have not been confessed and forsaken? The gospel of grace teaches that by beholding Jesus on the cross we become righteous as He is righteous. His character is seen in the lives of all who have salvation. When Moses struck the Rock, he did not have salvation until he repented. Yes, one known sin reveals a separation between man and God, and thus the sinner must be re-justified. The Laodicean who believes he has salvation, does not have salvation until he truly repents of each and every sin he knows of.
We could keep preaching, but enough Scripture has been shared that those who are seeking truth can understand that there is a reason why so many Seventh-day Adventists have left the church, and why so many children reared in the church have left the church. The curse causeless does not come. There is a reason why we have rebellion at the highest level in the church. There is a reason why the church remains in a Laodicean condition which is a lost condition. There is a reason why in the Laodicean message says to those in the church, "repent." Without repentance there is no salvation. Jesus longs to save the lost, thus when rebuking His church, He also gives the solution. The answer is found in Rev chapter 3 and also in John 3 when He rebuked a leader in Israel and when Nicodemus asked "how can these things be, Jesus told him what he must do in order to obtain eternal life. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up." Why? Because is is beholding the glory of God we are transformed into His image. We must look and live. It is grace that turns sinners into saints. But, the grace does the sinner no good if he does not see it and allow it into the heart.
In closing this message it is my sincere prayer that Elders Wilson, Vine, Kelly, and the leaders of the Michigan Conference spend a thoughtful hour each day contemplating the life of Jesus, especially the closing scenes where He hung on the cross. It is by beholding those stripes on His back that belong to us that we are healed.