Brother Theophilus, I apologize if I have offended you. It was not my intention, nor my desire to enter into politics. The purpose of presenting the video was not in supporting a candidate, but in presenting the truth as to why there is a recall election. If there is anything presented that is not truthful regarding the governor's actions or lack thereof, please correct the error.
As for the term "colored" it is being presented by many that if one is not of European descent, he is colored other than white. In my understanding that would include Japanese, Mexicans, Chinese, Africans, and Indians. To me it is racist to begin to oppress anyone because of skin color. But, that is where many are today. I pray that none here are looking at skin color when assessing one's character. As noted on the photo, "Critical race theory" is an issue which reveals a racist issue in society. We are not discussing politics, but the state of society as seen by those being elected. Truth is fallen in the street.
It may be that Larry Elder is straight from Satan. It would not be the first time much truth is mingled with error. It is the truth he spoke about what is the present state of the state. Again, if he spoke an untruth, feel free to correct him in this topic. It is the Bible we follow, not the wisdom of man. We want to be in agreement on Bible doctrine.
Have a blessed Sabbath my friend.