Author Topic: Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled  (Read 1633 times)

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Richard Myers

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Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled
« on: August 20, 2021, 11:20:42 AM »
This is not a political statement,  but a statement of the facts that the world is close to being what it was just before the great flood that killed all of humanity except what was in the ark.  One of the candidates to replace the current governor states the truth as to the current state of the state of California.  If youtube takes this video down, it will reveal they are dishonest and do not allow for freedom of speech. And, since the candidate being interviewed is not white, youtube would be racist against colored races. It will be of interest to church members that our understanding of unions would be supported in that the candidate correctly speaks to the power of the teacher's union in California in supporting the current governor and his programs which include opposing choice regarding selection of school. The issue of freedom regarding forced vaccination is discussed.

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Re: Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2021, 06:39:42 PM »
"... youtube would be racist against colored races"

 Did you really type this and use the term "colored"? :o

Here you go on your Larry Elder truth stuff. He appears to be in a bit of trouble. I think he's awful.  I've been praying that he doesn't get anywhere near the governorship:

Richard Myers

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Re: Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2021, 09:32:40 PM »
Brother Theophilus, I apologize if I have offended you. It was not my intention, nor my desire to enter into politics. The purpose of presenting the video was not in supporting a candidate, but in presenting the truth as to why there is a recall election. If there is anything presented that is not truthful regarding the governor's actions or lack thereof, please correct the error.

As for the term "colored" it is being presented by many that if one is not of European descent, he is colored other than white. In my understanding that would include Japanese, Mexicans, Chinese, Africans, and Indians. To me it is racist to begin to oppress anyone because of skin  color. But, that is where many are today. I pray that none here are looking at skin color when assessing one's character. As noted on the photo, "Critical race theory" is an issue which reveals a racist issue in society. We are not discussing politics, but the state of society as seen by those being elected. Truth is fallen in the street.

It may be that Larry Elder is straight from Satan. It would not be the first time much  truth is mingled with error. It is the truth he spoke about what is the present state of the state. Again, if he spoke an untruth, feel free to correct him in this topic. It is the Bible we follow, not the wisdom of man. We want to be in  agreement on Bible doctrine.

Have a blessed Sabbath my friend.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Richard Myers

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Re: Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2021, 10:31:31 PM »
The govenor is a representative of the politicians in California. One might ask why there were stacks of blank ballots recently found in a car. An issue about forced vaccinations will be thrust forward by the governor and his friends. They are at work today and it is only their concern that it might add fuel to the fire that could end the governor's aspirations to be president if he is indeed recalled.

The LA Times had a story about a draft legislative bill which would require anyone entering a bar, restaurant, gym, hotel, event center or sports arena to show proof that he or she is fully vaccinated. According to the Times, it would also require all employees, job applicants and independent contractors to show proof that they are fully vaccinated or take a weekly COVID-19 test with proof of a negative result. source

Talk about liberty and oppression. How many vaccines shall be required One for each variant and every flue and, and, and... There is no end once such a mandate law is made law. Do you know anyone injured by vaccines? There is no ability to sue the pharmaceutical who made the vaccine. Why is that?
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Re: Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2021, 03:43:28 PM »
"... youtube would be racist against colored races"

 Did you really type this and use the term "colored"? :o

Here you go on your Larry Elder truth stuff. He appears to be in a bit of trouble. I think he's awful.  I've been praying that he doesn't get anywhere near the governorship:

Gavin Newsom is an evil man, one of the worst governors in the country, and you're worried about the term "colored?"  I've been listening to Larry Elder off and on for years, and he makes a lot of sense.  Is he perfect, no, but he'd be a vast improvement over the current scofflaw governor, who, when he was mayor of Frisco, broke State law by allowing same sex "marriages" in the city.
So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants:  we have done that which was our duty to do.  Luke 17:10

Richard Myers

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Re: Why Calilfornia Governor is Being Recalled
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2024, 09:16:51 AM »
Consider what state you live in and what state you visit. If you have an electric car and cross over a toll bridge in California, you will be perplexed when you come to the toll booths.  "Do not stop" is an order you see as you approach the toll booths. Another sign says you had better pay the toll fee. As you do not stop you wonder what is going to happen to you. When arriving back home, you go online to find an answer. Two hours later you end the painful struggle to find the answer. You found that you have 48 hours to pay the toll. But, you cannot talk to anyone because 48 hours is up before anyone will be available to answer the phone. You discover they are going to send you a bill in the mail. It will go to the address on your drivers license. If your mailing address is different from your home address, you do not get the mail. Electric cars get a discount maybe. It is almost impossible to follow the directions since there are millions of things to learn in such a huge government maze. Suffice it to say, if you are not depending upon God to guide you, suicide will definitely be considered by those who know not God. As I said, consider not only what state you live in, but what state you travel through. There are good reasons why God tells us to move out of the large cities. What I experienced is reason enough to not only live in the country, but to stay in the country. But, there is much effort made in many states to move all into the large cities and out of the country. Satan is dead serious to destroy the homes of those living in the beautiful mountains and forests. And if he is not totally successful, the insurance companies will make it impossible to afford to keep your homes in the country. Because God has instructed us to do so, then we can depend upon Him if we love the Lord our God with all of the heart. Like with life insurance, we do not fear not having fire insurance on our homes because God is in absolute control and "ALL" things work together for our good if we are fully surrendered to God. ""There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.