News > Coronavirus Pandemic 2019

Pope Uses Satan's Work to Advance His Agenda


Richard Myers:
How does the pope view Coronavirus? It is an opportunity to remove God given liberty. He sees nature punishing those who refuse to buy into his "Mother Earth" views.

Where is he going with his "save the Earth" plans? He is going to support the Green Sabbath movement. We have been reporting on this for some time since we found the MIT plan to set aside one day a week to solve the problem of global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions. Few will object to this plan to save the planet when they consider what they will all get from the plan. All know that the one day must be the sun day. Only a very few will  disagree.

Here is a statement from MIT regarding their proposal:

The organization’s name borrowed symbolically from traditions’ day of rest and conservation. Sabbath is not a new idea. Although Green Sabbath has no religious affiliations, its vision was inspired by essence of two traditions. One is the ancient tradition of Sabbath practiced in some form by all major faiths. The other is the likes of contemporary movements such as Paul McCartney's “Meat Free Monday” and “Wheatless Wednesday” that were introduced to encourage public to observe an ecological conservation day. A period of environmental rest.

Hitting the climate change targets agreed in Paris is estimated to cost Hitting the climate change targets agreed in Paris is estimated to cost $16.5trn. 6.5trn. But, there's hardly any costs to keeping Green Sabbath days to cut carbon emissions!!! It's a solution that will have a profound impact on climate change for little to no capital investment! Once A Week can result in over 15% annual emission reduction per country. Participation by only top carbon dioxide emitting countries will have the largest impact in climate change!

In the two weeks since you posted above, there have been Sunday laws of sorts sprouting up around the world, especially in Catholic nations. The green movement and now corona convenient vehicles for fast-tracking a national then universal SL.

While the panic over the Wuhan Flu shows how easily the sheeple will fall into place when a Sunday law is contemplated, it is clear from GC, that it will be the popular pulpits who demand a Sunday law, in response to the numerous natural disasters, which thy falsely claim is a result of the desecration of Sunday.

What we have currently is the religious right blaming this on the toleration of homosexuality, and the religious left blaming it on global warming.  In reality we have what Jesus described:  pestilences and men's hearts failing them for fear.  According to GC, the US will still be a democracy, and His people will be able to travel around spreading the 3 angel's messages, something that can't be done now because of all the laws against congregating.


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