Marelis raises some very important issues in the last posting. I thought I would offer a personal response, sharing one person's perspective.
I am a self-employed software developer, with a long background in math and computers. My chief outside interest is that of a long-time Bible and SOP student. I study on my desktop PC, and capture spiritual information as I go.
Last summer I moved to a new residence, and since then, have had some trouble sleeping, and because of this, I often get up very early in the morning, and study for several hours. I'm not sure whether I'm suffering from a conventional sleep malady, or whether instead it's a case of what Genesis 50:20 says -- "God meant it for good".
So what about the pandemic? In the first place, I have a hard head, and am aware that the pandemic is real, but also that it's being used for political purposes, and the latter issue has taken on its own life. I speak as someone who has a 96-year-old mother in assisted living nearby, and a couple of days ago I saw her for the first time in several months.
I'm also aware of collateral issues like a spike in the suicide rate, and similar kinds of things.
Beyond my involvement in the Bible and SOP, I follow current events closely, and am aware of recent developments like the unsealing of various documents that demonstrate that the whole Russian collusion issue was a huge hoax.
Given all this, what do I as a Bible and SOP student conclude? One conclusion thus far is that we are living in a "time of revealing", where hidden issues and agendas and political biases are brought to light. The Bible and SOP say a great deal about this, for example Matthew 10:26 about how things that are covered will be revealed.
I also follow a variety of SDA publications, and have been troubled by what seems to be a bland response to the issue, and articles with titles like "Four Ways to Deal With Crises in Your Life". I find this type of response to be quite revealing.
My best informed guess on these revealings is that they are setting up for judgment, where the Lord first allows certain things to be demonstrated and revealed in our world, and then a process of judgment takes place.
I think it's possible for the final events, e.g. a Sunday law, to take place in the present culture, but it seems more likely to me that the current developments we're seeing are instead the driving forces toward a paradigm shift, resulting in a more conservative and populist culture, and this in turn sets the stage for the final events.
As far as my own spiritual response, I write monthly essays, and the current one is entitled "Transparent Living". It's not about the pandemic, but rather about living in times of crisis in general. As an example, we know that Christ's disciples mostly ended up as martyrs. How were they able to face this?
The argument I make in the essay is that they, and likewise we, should live our lives by yielding fully to Christ (James 4:7-8), and then enter into a cooperative partnership with Him (Colossians 1:29), following Paul's advice to "put on Christ" (Galatians 3:27).
All of this makes for rich discussion topics, and much more could be said.