Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 26561 times)

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2020, 04:37:37 PM »
Amen Wally!  We are "wonderfully and fearfully made." Psalms 139:14.  If we will walk in the light of God's love and law we will find that ten thousand shall fall at our side, but these fearful plaques will not touch us (Psalms 91:7).

The CDC's reporting leaves something to be desired. Here is the important stat from March 3 report on Covid19.

Active Monitoring of Persons Exposed to Patients with Confirmed COVID-19 — United States, January–February 2020

Early Release / March 3, 2020

Since February 28, an increasing number of newly diagnosed confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases have been in patients with neither a relevant travel history nor clear epidemiologic links to other confirmed COVID-19 patients. However, despite intensive follow-up, no sustained person-to-person transmission of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 was observed in the United States among the close contacts of the first 10 persons with diagnosed travel-related COVID-19. Analyses of timing of exposure during each patient’s illness as well as the type and duration of exposures will provide information on potential risk factors for transmission. Infection control and prevention efforts by patients with COVID-19, their household members, and their health care providers,*** in combination with contact tracing activities, are important to mitigate community spread of the disease.

There was more, but this was the best I could find from the report. Best to go online to get better info.

This current outbreak of a Corona Virus is of interest to me since I survived the Hong Kong Flu Pandemic, the third largest such pandemic in the 20th century, of which the Spanish Flu was the largest in which it is reported 50,000,000 people died world-wide. Over a million died from the Hong Kong Flu. I was sickened with it and had a fever of 104 for 7 days. It was not just the elderly that caught it. I was young and healthy. I thought I would die for sure.

We have nothing to fear as we abide in Christ. All things will work for our good. This current disease is the result of eating animals and their milk or eggs. We had been warned not to prior to the outbreak of the Spanish Flu which began in 1918 and lasted until 1920. The second pandemic, the Asian Flu began in 1957 and lasted until 1958 and it killed over a million world-wide. So, again, as Wally has stated, we have been given great light in regards to health. We have a golden opportunity to educate those who are seeking truth that they may walk in it. There is no safety in eating the carcass of dead animals, nor drink their milk or eat eggs. The diseases of animals is often passed to humans through these channels. God loves us and has given us this knowledge and has provided something better.
    You can also get it by  touching an object that has the virus or by being in close proximity to an infected person. One does not have to eat an unclean food to get it. or an animal product. Some of the things I've seen posted are ridiculous.  ::)

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2020, 05:34:37 PM »
Yes, Theophilus you are right. You do not have to eat animal products to contract Covid19 nor do you have to touch anything. You can breath in the virus and be infected. The point I was making is that you can become infected by eating diseased animals and then begin a pandemic. And, there are more people dying from other diseases because they did eat animal products. And, when you eat dairy that may be infected by Bovine Leukemia Virus, your immune system is weakened and thus are more at risk for Coronavirus infection.

Cultures that do not have this understanding are in need to know that eating animals puts them at risk and may even begin a world-wide pandemic such as we see today. If we do our work, then it will encourage them to read the Bible and to learn of our God and their God.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2020, 02:46:50 AM »
    You can also get it by  touching an object that has the virus or by being in close proximity to an infected person. One does not have to eat an unclean food to get it. or an animal product. Some of the things I've seen posted are ridiculous.  ::)

I don't think he was suggesting anything contrary to that.  His point was that the virus originated in unclean animals, and might not be among us if people weren't eating things that weren't meant for human consumption.
So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants:  we have done that which was our duty to do.  Luke 17:10


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2020, 07:41:34 PM »
Hopefully everyone is doing okay!!

We live in strange times.  Tornado sirens going off one night and flooding the next and the constant threat of the virus.

A true test of our faith.

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2020, 06:18:51 AM »
And fires destroying towns and millions of Acres. Earthquakes in diverse places! Yes we are living at the end of this Earth's history. It ought not surprise us if we find a pope who the whole world is wondering after and attempting to make a Sunday law  for the whole planet.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #45 on: April 04, 2020, 09:19:49 AM »
I think that this should be a learning lesson for all of us. 

This came very quickly, and shut the world down quickly. It shows us that when the Sunday command will pass, everyone will know in a very short time. So there's that. Also, carbon emissions are down and wildlife are running around more.  This shows that a rest day or two is good for the Earth. If you listen to Stephen Bohr or Walter Veith, both believe that the Papal stance on climate change will effect minds who were not really interested in the religious talk. What I mean is that you can see some benefits of resting on a day, and the Earth resting too, so if the Pope would designate a National Day of Rest, it would be more easily grasped, because the effect was seen during this crisis.
This is the important thing. Take the time you/we are isolated, and use it for Bible study. We have been lax as a church to proclaim the message, and we need to ask God for His help, so that when the smoke clears, and we can go about again, we will be able to accomplish more.

I miss my church family. I miss SS lessons, potlucks, communion, etc. One of the wonderful things God has provided are sermons (one on about everything!) on you tube, 3 ABN,  etc. We will not be deficit in instructions least we don't have to be. All of the EGW books are free, and Stephen Bohr's copious notes on many things are free as well.  What we need to do if/when we can regroup into a church again is plan go immediately into the field. We can all do something. If we ask for the Lord's direction, He will give us ideas.

Also, I heard why the spread of corona virus is much more rapid that the flu, so here you go. This is what I heard:  For Corona, 1 person spread to 3, and those 3 to 3 more, and on and on so it's like 3 to the nth power.   Flu on the other hand, spread 1 person to every 1.2 people and those 1.2 to another 1.2, so maybe 1.2 to the nth. 3 nth will grow much more quickly, infect many more with the result of more deaths. As I understand it, the virus causes, in some, loss of elasticity of the lungs.   

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2020, 06:38:12 AM »
Amen Theophilus! We need to spend more time with Jesus. By beholding Him we shall be changed into His character. We must die daily in order to reflect His love. Then we will have peace that passeth all understanding in the middle of the storm.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2020, 06:40:39 AM »
There is a question some have asked as to whether or not we ought to go against the law of the land when we are told to not attend church. Share from the Bible what you believe God would have us do. The world is watching us to see what we will do. You can imagine what they will say if we are guilty of spreading the Coronavirus. The Bible has counsel concerning this subject. What would you suggest our brothers and sisters in China do in regards to attending church when the state has said not to? Your answer will have influence with others who consider what to do.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2020, 04:29:38 PM »
In the US, everyone is forbidden to have church services, not just Adventists.  The government has not forbidden us to worship, or forced us to keep Sunday holy.  So, we are not being forced to choose between obeying God or man.  We have not been forbidden to keep Sabbath holy, and, as we all know, the Sabbath will be the point of controversy at the very end, when the mark of the beast is about to be enforced.

I don't particularly care for  "virtual church," or "online services," but it's better than nothing, and does not  require anyone to disobey the Lord.
So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants:  we have done that which was our duty to do.  Luke 17:10

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2020, 10:43:44 PM »
As we approach the end of this world's history, many are tempted to discouragement. But, as we contemplate God's love for us and His great sacrifice in letting His innocent Son come this dark spot in the universe to suffer and die for our sin, how can we be discouraged? Here is a beautiful reminder that we ought not be discouraged:

Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2020, 08:43:48 AM »
The world is waiting for a cure, a vaccine, to prevent infection. What if there is already a treatment for the Coronavirus? Of course Jesus is the cure for all diseases. But, He uses natural remedies to alleviate sickeness. An ounce of prevention is worth a hundred pounds of cure in today's world. But, there are treatments that do not have serious side effects as do drugs. After we have done what we can to have a strong immune system, we can also utilize natural remedies such as fomentation to help cure many afflictions.

God is keeping this from leaders of nations and the "experts" in medicine. That means we still have opportunity to use the "right arm" of the gospel to reach souls seeking help.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2020, 04:56:35 AM »
In the US, everyone is forbidden to have church services, not just Adventists.  The government has not forbidden us to worship, or forced us to keep Sunday holy.  So, we are not being forced to choose between obeying God or man.  We have not been forbidden to keep Sabbath holy, and, as we all know, the Sabbath will be the point of controversy at the very end, when the mark of the beast is about to be enforced.

I don't particularly care for  "virtual church," or "online services," but it's better than nothing, and does not  require anyone to disobey the Lord.
Good question, Br Myers. I agree with you, Wally. I've actually been really enjoying my Sabbaths at home, to be honest, though. I've been participating in online local SS and two church services online, listening to favorite SDA speakers and have spent my Sabbath afternoons in quality Bible study and catching up by phone with believers.

One can absolutely keep the Sabbath and receive blessings without attending church.

"Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."  Ps 16:11


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #52 on: May 22, 2020, 05:08:12 AM »
My question: With isolation now beginning to be eased, and soon church gatherings of a maximum of 10 persons will be allowed, will you go back to one of those 10-person congregation services whilst maintaining social distancing?

Furthermore......if your church conducts a number of services over the Sabbath day there will be required cleaning of surfaces in the building between services.....would you consider it to be work? How would God look upon the work of wiping down pews and chairs, podiums, keyboards and door handles?
"Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."  Ps 16:11


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2020, 04:35:28 PM »
The guidelines issued by our Conference are impractical, and probably nearly impossible to implement.  They go well beyond what is expected in the secular arena.  They expect us to disinfect the bathroom every time it is used.  We stop at a rest area long the freeway when we are traveling in the southern part of the State, and they certainly don't clean it after every visit.  They've said we should not sing, period.  They highly recommend wearing masks (rather unhealthful if you ask me).  Can you imagine trying to lead a lessons study discussion while everyone is wearing a mask?  Give me a break!  After reading through it, I came away thinking that it wouldn't be much of a worship service.  We would be existing in an atmosphere of fear rather than reverence, or so it seems to me.

And, they expect a good portion of our congregation to stay home, since many of us are over 65.  I roll my eyes.  I'll be 70 this year, and I'm not afraid to go to church because of my age.  I'm more concerned about Lyme disease than I am about the Wuhan flu, but that doesn't keep me out of my woods.  How else would I get my firewood?  I might as well hide under my bed, because life is about risks on this sin-cursed planet.
So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants:  we have done that which was our duty to do.  Luke 17:10

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2020, 08:47:43 PM »
Amen Wally. Today on the way home, the car in front of me on the freeway, just about rolled. The car next to him traveling at 75 pulled into his lane and just about hit him. He would have if the driver in front of me had not jerked the car into an open lane. It was a miracle the car did not flip. Risks? Every time we get into a car, especially with all the drugs being used.

There appears to be multiple reasons for the lockdown, and politics sits at the top.  Another is that many are fearful of dying from the virus.  They do not have peace as we do. So, they will live a life ignoring science regarding health, use drugs even if eating properly, drive fast cars and worry about the virus?   

Has anyone noticed the governors look neat and clean? They seem to have found some way to get their hair cut even though the rest of us were ordered not to.  :(  The question was asked today, why are the Democrats so angry?  It is because they are fighting against God. Obama got them all they wanted, now they are losing it all. Yes, when you take something away, it does make people mad.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #55 on: May 26, 2020, 04:24:15 AM »
It is good to discuss these matters. Yes, life is about risks, Wally and Richard. Lockdown has been the wake up call we needed and has afforded us the opportunity to be faced with scenarios we may not have needed to previously encountered or thought about. We were probably all stunned for some weeks. In any case, we've had a situation forced upon us in which we have had our liberties removed literally overnight, including no church attendance, severely restricted movement, no visitations. What surprised me was that I barely heard a murmur or complaint about the changes. We all obeyed and did as we were told. We didn't dare break any rules. Even if it was to avoid the hefty fines. All of which must make us do some serious soul-searching regarding:

- what is church going to look like hereafter?
- who and what is the church?
- loyalty to church organisation vs connecting more with like-minded individuals and small groups on the same wavelength
- when churches re-open...under what conditions are we willing to or called to meet inside a building designated a church? Are we willing sign in with all our personal details? Or with a ticket? Or if it involves cleaning on the Sabbath between services?
- the need to evangelise our churches, especially where there is apostasy
- being obedient to state regulations vs a higher calling to evangelise and give the final warning
- knowing when it is time for God's people to disseminate into the 'wilderness'

Let's discuss!
"Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."  Ps 16:11

Glen McCluskey

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2020, 04:26:19 AM »
Marelis raises some very important issues in the last posting.  I thought I would offer a personal response, sharing one person's perspective.

I am a self-employed software developer, with a long background in math and computers.  My chief outside interest is that of a long-time Bible and SOP student.  I study on my desktop PC, and capture spiritual information as I go.

Last summer I moved to a new residence, and since then, have had some trouble sleeping, and because of this, I often get up very early in the morning, and study for several hours.  I'm not sure whether I'm suffering from a conventional sleep malady, or whether instead it's a case of what Genesis 50:20 says -- "God meant it for good".

So what about the pandemic?  In the first place, I have a hard head, and am aware that the pandemic is real, but also that it's being used for political purposes, and the latter issue has taken on its own life.  I speak as someone who has a 96-year-old mother in assisted living nearby, and a couple of days ago I saw her for the first time in several months.

I'm also aware of collateral issues like a spike in the suicide rate, and similar kinds of things.

Beyond my involvement in the Bible and SOP, I follow current events closely, and am aware of recent developments like the unsealing of various documents that demonstrate that the whole Russian collusion issue was a huge hoax.

Given all this, what do I as a Bible and SOP student conclude?  One conclusion thus far is that we are living in a "time of revealing", where hidden issues and agendas and political biases are brought to light.  The Bible and SOP say a great deal about this, for example Matthew 10:26 about how things that are covered will be revealed.

I also follow a variety of SDA publications, and have been troubled by what seems to be a bland response to the issue, and articles with titles like "Four Ways to Deal With Crises in Your Life".  I find this type of response to be quite revealing.

My best informed guess on these revealings is that they are setting up for judgment, where the Lord first allows certain things to be demonstrated and revealed in our world, and then a process of judgment takes place.

I think it's possible for the final events, e.g. a Sunday law, to take place in the present culture, but it seems more likely to me that the current developments we're seeing are instead the driving forces toward a paradigm shift, resulting in a more conservative and populist culture, and this in turn sets the stage for the final events.

As far as my own spiritual response, I write monthly essays, and the current one is entitled "Transparent Living".  It's not about the pandemic, but rather about living in times of crisis in general.  As an example, we know that Christ's disciples mostly ended up as martyrs.  How were they able to face this?

The argument I make in the essay is that they, and likewise we, should live our lives by yielding fully to Christ (James 4:7-8), and then enter into a cooperative partnership with Him (Colossians 1:29), following Paul's advice to "put on Christ" (Galatians 3:27).

All of this makes for rich discussion topics, and much more could be said.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #57 on: May 31, 2020, 06:18:46 PM »
We're opening up June 6th.... masks, social distancing, and a simple test of blood oxygen (oximeter)...  if anyone tests low, we will recommend they go home and sanitize anything they might have touched.  Keep the fans moving the air and lots of ventilation. 


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #58 on: May 31, 2020, 06:23:50 PM »
the other problem that we have right now is that it is incredibly hard giving new bible studies and going door to door.....
any ideas?

Richard Myers

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #59 on: June 01, 2020, 08:48:44 AM »
Our difficulties are God's opportunity to reach many. In other words, we have great opportunity to share the health message (the right arm of the gospel) and that death is only a short sleep for all who love God with the whole heart. Fomentations are very effective. And, who has great light on the immune system which all are touting as the best that we can do to prevent dying from a coronas infection.

We have a website that reveals the life of Christ for those who want to share Jesus with those seeking from around the world. All who are looking for a way to share Jesus without coming in close contact can email me and I will share the link to the site.
Jesus receives His reward when we reflect His character, the fruits of the Spirit......We deny Jesus His reward when we do not.