Drug companies make a lot of money, a very lot! And, a lot of people die from drugs, legal drugs. A very lot of people. Read some of the side effects from popular drugs. Are pharmaceutical manufacturers making money from selling life saving vaccines? A lot of money! Did the vaccines prevent Covid spread and infections? Why multiple shots? What if they say that we need a new shot for every variant, or even a third shot for one type of Covid Virus? Would you believe that they might tell us we need four shots instead of three? What if they are already telling us we might need one next year, or even sooner?
Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO originally expected a fourth dose after 12 months. He now thinks it might be needed sooner.
It would have been better if, from the first, all drugs had been kept out of our sanitariums, and use had been made of such simple remedies as are found in pure water, pure air, sunlight, and some of the simple herbs growing in the field. These would be just as efficacious as the drugs used under mysterious names, and concocted by human science. And they would leave no injurious effects in the system. 2Selected Messages, pg 291.
Again, take time to ask a Pharmacist for a list of drugs and their serious side-effects if you don't believe what is written here. Many drugs are or used to be made from herbs. What then is the difference between a drug and an herb? The beneficial herbs contain the remedial agent in a small amount. The pharmaceutical company concentrates the remedial agent to the point there is a side effect. When one does not study to find the cause of a disease and resorts to drug therapy, how can there be healing when the underlying cause remains. Symptoms may be reduced but at what expense to the body?
Before allowing something into your body you ought to understand what it is. Trusting in others to do this for you has proven to be foolishness in the past. Gene splitting, or crisper is not using drugs, but it is a form of amalgamation. It is true that some who were blind can now see after this form of treatment. But, again, when trusting others with your health will prove often than not to be a mistake.
There is a lot, a very lot of helpful information prepared for humanity from the world above. Don't neglect to take advantage of it with your spiritual life as well as your physical life.