Study > Lessons From Nature


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Here is one of my favorite birds. This one just didn't have in him to fly away.

Quoth the Raven, "nevermore."  ;)

Yeah... this Raven I think was looking for a handout as he didn't seem worried at all with me getting close for the picture.

I've seen them behave that way in National Parks.  We were at Bryce Canyon a number of years ago, and a Raven was hanging out on one of the informational signs at a viewpoint, looking for a handout.  They seem to be less skittish than crows.  My favorite is Gray Jay.  I've had them fly into my car and snatch food off the dashboard.

Wally (or anyone else), I'm hoping you can help with this onne. I believe this bird to be a juvenile left on the nest when we got there but the parents were not to be found so I have no idea what he or she is. As always if you click on the image it will get a little bigger.

If it helps at all this about 2 weeks in western Ohio not far from the PA state line.


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