"Love for self will be swallowed up in love for Christ."
"No rivalry will mar the precious cause of the gospel."
"They will recognize that it is their work to proclaim, as did John the Baptist, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29."
"They will lift up Jesus, and with Him humanity will be lifted up."
"Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy;"
"I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." Isaiah 57:15."
WE must NEVER let SELF become the main focus in our work for Jesus BECAUSE Jesus Paid it ALL!!
Christ our Redeemer died on the cross,
Died for the sinner, paid all his due;
Sprinkle your soul with the blood of the Lamb,
“And I will pass, will pass over you.”
“When I see the blood,
When I see the blood,
When I see the blood,
I will pass, I will pass over you.”
Chiefest of sinners, Jesus will save;
All He has promised, that will He do;
Wash in the fountain opened for sin,
“And I will pass, will pass over you.”
Judgment is coming, all will be there,
Each one receiving justly his due;
Hide in the saving, sin-cleansing blood,
“And I will pass, will pass over you.”
O great compassion! O boundless love!
O loving kindness, faithful and true!
Find peace and shelter under the blood,
“And I will pass, will pass over you.”
The Lamb’s wondrous blood!
The Lamb’s glorious blood!
The Lamb’s precious blood!
Once God sees it, He’ll pass over you.
Lyrics:Adapted from John G. Foote; Translated from Chinese, second chorus
Music:John G. Foote