Are you tempted? He will deliver. Are you weak? He will strengthen. Are you ignorant? He will enlighten. Are you wounded? He will heal. The Lord "telleth the number of the stars;" and yet "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." "
"Psalm 147:4, 3. "Come unto Me," is His invitation. Whatever your anxieties and trials, spread out your case before the Lord. Your spirit will be braced for endurance. The way will be opened for you to disentangle yourself from embarrassment and difficulty."
The weaker and more helpless you know yourself to be, the stronger will you become in His strength. The heavier your burdens, the more blessed the rest in casting them upon the Burden Bearer." "
"The rest that Christ offers depends upon conditions, but these conditions are plainly specified. They are those with which all can comply. He tells us just how His rest is to be found."
Amen ---Jesus is the Answer --- Let's make HIM LORD OF LORDS IN OUR DAILY LIFE!!
The Lord knows all that frustrates thee;
Your every weakness, He can see.
When there is no one you can tell,
This is His word: I know it well.
He knows what trials you can face;
He knows how much you need His grace;
He foreknew all that happens here;
He is your Lord; why doubt or fear?
Though many mock and ridicule,
Loved ones forsake, friends misconstrue,
All of these things, the Savior knows,
So be at peace, in calm repose.
Cast all your burdens on the Lord;
All of your sighs on Him outpour.
His heart of love your sorrow knows;
He cares for you and grace bestows.
Since the Lord knows, my heart’s at peace!
Since the Lord knows, my joy’s complete!
Since the Lord knows, my rescue’s sure!
Since the Lord knows, I am secure.
Music:Henry Bake