Author Topic: Manner of praying  (Read 6677 times)

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Linda K

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Manner of praying
« on: October 25, 2014, 03:11:27 PM »
    "The Lord desires His servants to improve in their manner of praying. He inquires, Where is the vivifying influence of your prayers? He does not accept the tame, lifeless, lengthy prayers which are so destitute of His Spirit. He calls for a reformation, else He will remove the candlestick out of its place. He desires the candle to burn brightly, sending forth light to all parts of the world. When the church turns fully to the Lord, lifeless, spiritless prayers will no more be heard.  {1NL 132.2} 
    "I urge my ministering brethren to improve in their manner of praying. This can and must be done. I must say to them, The shorter you make your spiritless prayers, the better will it be for the congregation. It is generally the case that the less of heaven's vitality there is in a prayer, the more lengthy it is. Do not spend a long time in prayer before a congregation unless you know that God is inditing the prayer. Let the prayers made in public be short and full of earnestness. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much; but the prayer uttered in a low, monotonous tone and spiritless manner is not accepted by God. The voice of prayer should rise to God from hearts burdened by a sense of need. Let there be a revival of the Holy Spirit, that your prayers may be filled with the power of heaven."  {1NL 132.3} 

I've been pondering these quotations, and thinking about some of the prayers of the brethren. I believe God has a very important message for us in these quotations. So many prayers are given in a hurried monotone, that it seems like it's just a form. But I know many of these men and women are very sincere and love the Lord deeply. But their manner of praying leaves much to be desired.

I can think of a lady I know who prays such heartfelt, earnest prayers that it is inspiring to all. She emphasizes certain words, and uses inflection, and prays with such emotion that it brings the Spirit of Jesus into the room. But there are so few that pray that way. Most seem to just rattle off good-sounding words. They say the right things, but the manner of prayer makes it seem insincere.

Is this a problem in your church? What do you think could be done to help us all become more aware that God does not appreciate tame, lifeless prayers?

"Our prayers are too cold and lifeless; they lack fervor and earnestness. Let us urge our petitions as did Jacob; and we shall find that importunate prayer will bring us precious victories."  {RH, May 27, 1884 par. 4} 

"We need to know how to pray. It is not tame, spiritless prayers that take hold of the divine attributes. Prayer is heard by God when it comes from a heart broken by a sense of unworthiness. Prayer was instituted for our comfort and salvation, that through faith and hope we may lay hold on the rich promises of God. Prayer is the expression of the desires of a soul hungering and thirsting for righteousness.  {HP 75.5} 
  " In all lines of our work there is need of greater earnestness. Time is passing. God's servants are to be "not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord." People need the truth, and by earnest, faithful effort it is to be communicated to them. Souls are to be sought for, prayed for, labored for. Earnest appeals are to be made. Fervent prayers are to be offered. Our tame, spiritless petitions are to be changed into petitions of intense earnestness. God's word declares: The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

   "We must not only pray in Christ's name, but by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This explains what is meant when it is said that the Spirit "maketh intercession for us, with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26. Such prayer God delights to answer. When with earnestness and intensity we breathe a prayer in the name of Christ, there is in that very intensity a pledge from God that He is about to answer our prayer "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20.  {COL 147.3} 
"God will be to us everything we will let Him be. Our languid, half-hearted prayers will not bring us returns from heaven. Oh, we need to press our petitions! Ask in faith, wait in faith, receive in faith, rejoice in hope, for everyone that seeketh findeth. Be in earnest in the matter. Seek God with all the heart. People put soul and earnestness into everything they undertake in temporal things, until their efforts are crowned with success. With intense earnestness learn the trade of seeking the rich blessings that God has promised, and with persevering, determined effort you shall have His light and His truth and His rich grace."  {Pr 75.3}

"We must be much in prayer if we would make progress in the divine life. When the message of truth was first proclaimed, how much we prayed. How often was the voice of intercession heard in the chamber, in the barn, in the orchard, or the grove. Frequently we spent hours in earnest prayer, two or three together claiming the promise; often the sound of weeping was heard and then the voice of thanksgiving and the song of praise. Now the day of God is nearer than when we first believed, and we should be more earnest, more zealous, and fervent than in those early days. Our perils are greater now than then."  {Mar 86.2}


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Re: Manner of praying
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 04:17:23 PM »
Linda K;

I know that this may not be quite what you are talking about but I have only found 1 quote in the SOP where Mrs. White  said they stood in prayer in corporate worship. That is when it was too crowded on one occasion to kneel in church. It is interesting that in church today the people tend to kneel in prayer about 10% of the time. It is a  most interesting study from Scripture  to look at all the verses that speak of prayer  and to look closely at the Greek and Hebrews words translated from in the texts where it says they stand or stood in prayer. Modern day example " I'll stand with you in prayer regarding this subject." Is  this speaking about bodily position or about taking a position on a point or agreement on something ? It is amazing how many times in Scripture that the people(including Jesus) knelt in prayer as opposed to how many times they physically stood in prayer. If they ever stood (physically) in prayer it was the exception not the rule. Mrs. White had some strong things to say about standing in corporate prayer when there was no reason not to kneel. In this time in history when the church is dropping the ball in every way it only follows that it does so in the manner that prayer is carried out in a physically manner.
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Re: Manner of praying
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2014, 04:50:51 PM »
Amen, Linda. And is it not the same way in what we hear in many sermons and teaching?
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