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Education Series
« on: December 07, 2009, 10:55:21 AM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
December 2009

Higher Education, the Great Deception
Part I - From Christ to the "Ivy League"

by Richard Myers

     America the beautiful, God shed His grace on thee! Yes, God abundantly blessed the United States of America. In Bible prophecy she is the lamb-like beast with two horns. America was a Protestant nation, not a "Christian" nation as is customary when describing a nation which upholds "Christian" values. A Protestant nation is one which values religious liberty while building a system of government based on Biblical morality. An individual is left with freedom to worship God as he sees fit. The laws of the land deal with relationships between man and man, not man and God.

     In order that the union might be successful, it was understood that a republic would need an educated and moral society. Therefore, education was an important goal of the founders of the nation. Even before there was a United States the colonies had already established such institutions. It may surprise many today to know that some of the most prestigious universities in the world were founded as Christian schools. Two in particular come to mind, Yale and Harvard. Actually, of the "Ivy League" schools, seven of the eight were established as Christian institutions or by Protestant churches. Of these seven, all were founded in the 1700s except Harvard which began in 1636. It is the oldest of the universities in the U.S.

     It is interesting to note that each of these schools has gained prominence in the world, but none are Christian in any sense of the word. Some, contrary to being Christian, are turning out rabidly anti-God students that are leading the world in opposition to morality. One such prominent graduate of Harvard Law School is U.S. President Barrack Obama. This year he established a national day to honor homosexuals. Yes, the Ivy League schools once a bastion of Bible truth, now will crucify any professor who dares to use the Bible to argue in favor of creation. Higher education in the world is anything but "higher education". It has fallen to the level where Satan smiles as he sees his success in perverting truth.

     Today on the Harvard campus, there are no debates about the existence of God, but the important issue is that of coed habitation, and not for married couples.  "From Stanford to Harvard, more than 30 colleges offer coed dorm rooms or gender neutral housing. Male and female friends can room together by request. The option was first designed to accommodate lesbian, gay and transgender students who felt more comfortable rooming with someone of the opposite gender, but it was later expanded to include anyone who requested it."

     The Yale University seal carries with it proof of the fall from grace of this once Christian school of higher education.
  Notice the Hebrew words inscribed therein:    Urim    Thummim   The two stones through which God communicated with Israel. Yes, these once great institutions were lights in a dark world. Today, they are no longer communicating light, but darkness.

     We ask the question: How is it that a Christian university could end up as they are today completely separated from Christ? In a series of articles we will examine how it happened and ask the question: Can it happen to our institutions of "higher education"?

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Re: Education Series
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2010, 02:13:09 PM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
January 2010

Higher Education, the Great Deception
Part II - By Little Steps

by Richard Myers

Inscribed on the gates at Harvard University we read:

          “After God had carried us safe to New England, and we had builded our houses, provided necessaries for our livelihood, reared convenient places for God’s worship, and settled the civil government; one of the next things we longed for and looked after was to advance learning, and perpetuate it to posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches, when our present ministers lie in the dust.”

          What would John Harvard, who was a Puritan minister, say if he could see Harvard today? 

          In part one of our series, we asked how it is that Yale and Harvard as well as multitudes of other schools which were founded as Christian institutions can end up so far removed from God. How did this happen to America's oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in the world?

          One way in which it happens is that the church itself is unfaithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the research I have studied, I found no mention of the failure of the church in its doctrinal teaching. Why would this effect the relationship between church and school? If the school is to continue its mission of training young men and women to be Christians, the teachers themselves must be Christians. Not in profession only, but in reality, living the faith of Jesus. When the church falls from grace why would we expect the teachers to continue in the true faith? We would not. Jesus warned us to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. That leaven is hypocrisy. I contend that part of the problem with the fall of the Christian schools is the fall of the churches themselves. Babylon is fallen.

          One of the results of the failure of church members and pastors to live the truth, is the baptism of those who are not truly converted. The lack of piety is reproduced not only in those coming in from outside the church, but church members also fail at bringing their children to Christ. The young ones go through the church schools and then some become teachers in these very schools. Others become ministers and priests. The failure of those charged with the spiritual condition of the church is seen in the failure of the administrators and teachers in the schools to not only live the truth, but to teach it. It is impossible for the unconverted teacher to maintain the mission of the church when it is contrary to his desire to become successful in the world.

          In 1934 Pastor Jay T. Stocking, a female Congregationalist pastor, addressed a seminar on the decline of her church’s commitment to higher education with this statement: "The chief means on which a college must rely for the realization of its purpose are its teachers. It is Christian teachers who make a Christian college. They are not only the interpreters of facts; they are also the incarnation of interpretations. It is idle to expect men who are not Christians to help provide a Christian education." She may have been pointing out the results of hiring non-professing Christian teachers, but I take it further to placing non-converted "Christian" teachers in such positions. The results will be the same.1

           In his book The Dying of the Light: The Disengagement of Colleges and Universities from Their Christian Churches, James  Burtchaell, presents his study of seventeen American colleges and universities that were founded by Christian denominations--Congregationalist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, and Evangelical.2 He shows that today they are anything but Christian institutions and makes a strong case as to how these schools were lost to the churches that established them. In his research he discovered a number of changes that occurred over a period of time. There was not one large step that caused the separation, but many "little" steps over a period of many years that allowed the world to take over the administration of these schools. One of which was the hiring of teachers not of the denomination's faith.

          It was not in one big step that this would occur.

  • It was first softening the church's requirement that teachers be not only Christian, but of their faith. More than that, the teacher would have to teach in harmony with church doctrine.
  • Over time this requirement was relaxed so that it would be satisfactory if they were just church members.
  • Then the requirements were further relaxed to allow for members of other Christian churches.
  • Then, it would be relaxed even further to allow non-believers if they were of good character and would carry out the church mission.
  • Then the last step would be removing all religious requirements for teachers.
  • The world was in the school.

          Burtchaell saw that "Access to independent funding often provided the first inspiration to the colleges that they might stand on their own. The patronage of the churches was often stingy, and their chosen trustees were sometimes there more to be humored than to help. As the colleges gained in sophistication and financial stability, they naturally suffered church fools less gladly." There were many ways the schools gained independent monies. Once they were financially independent, then there was no need to comply with burdensome church requirements.


           The story of the American Baptists' Linfield College reveals the failure of legally binding contracts to a confession of faith. In 1921 President Leonard Riley identified “careful selection of trustees and of faculty” as key: teachers were to “know Jesus Christ and to do His will;” their theological views were to be scrutinized carefully.There were also restrictions on campus activities. The original grant of land for the school stipulates “title would revert to the local school district if alcohol were ever sold or served there.” Today the college “does not ask and does not know” the religious affiliation of its faculty. The college maintains its American Baptist tradition, although faculty, students and staff are bound by no religious requirements.3

          In regards to the alcohol ban, it is very sad to note that "The charming campus of Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon has been the venue of the IPNC since the first annual event in 1987." IPNC? International Pinot Noir Celebration.4
          In 1906, the board of the school agreed to prohibit football indefinitely at the request of the president. For the next sixteen years, students frequently pleaded for the reversal of the decision; however, in 1915 President Riley went as far as recommending to the Association of Independent Colleges of Oregon that all intercollegiate football programs be abolished. But, in the spring of 1921, a group of athletic directors and student representatives petitioned the college's Board of Trustees for a reversal of the ban. In 1922 we see a "little" step when the president announced the reversal of the ban on football. On that very same day he announced a gift of $250,000 to further Christian education at the school. 5

           I want to conclude by sharing what was happening at the local First Baptist Church associated with Linfield. "Toward the middle of the next century, the whole body of Oregon Baptists was shaken up by a theological argument: were we 'Conservative' or 'Liberal'? Specifically, do we or do we not read the Scriptures literally? Linfield College was attacked as a stronghold of liberalism; our church tended to line up with the college.  More than half the Baptist churches of the state, including some of the largest, formally withdrew from the state body ...... "

           The spiritual condition of the church was not any better than the spiritual condition of the school. Today, the school is in the world, how about the church? It now not only recognizes homosexual relations, but "the Official Board authorized present and future pastors to bless such unions as their conscience allows, but not in the church sanctuary." 6

          "While the college has changed much from the early days, its mission has remained constant – to teach undergraduates in an atmosphere of academic freedom that fosters intellectual rigor, creativity, and a sense of personal and social responsibility."

          In closing James Burtchaell leaves us with a challenge that cannot be misunderstood. "The failures of the past, so clearly patterned, so foolishly ignored, and so lethally repeated, emerge pretty clearly from these stories. Anyone who requires further imagination to recognize and remedy them is not up to the task of trying again....." In other words, if we fail to learn from history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

          Many of our scholars have studied the works of James Burtchaell and other "experts" from the fallen churches but have failed to see the connection between the lack of piety in the schools and the lack of piety in the churches from which they come. By the way, James Burtchaell is Roman Catholic and a practicing homosexual. While his research is helpful, it is not complete. We can learn from the mistakes of others, but we would do better to look to the counsel we have within our own church regarding Seventh-day Adventist education. Looking to the world has resulted in the fall of Babylon and her schools. Let us look to Christ.

          Can this disengagement between university and church happen to us?  We will look at this further when we continue this series.

1  The Dying of the Light: The Disengagement of Colleges and Universities from Their Christian Churches, James  Burtchaell, Eerdmans
2  ibid

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Re: Education Series
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 01:20:32 PM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
February 2010

Higher Education, the Great Deception
Part III - Can It Happen to Us?

by Richard Myers

          As the third oldest college in New England and the seventh oldest in America, Brown was the Baptist answer to Congregationalist Yale and Harvard; Presbyterian Princeton; and Episcopalian Penn and Columbia. At the time, it was the only one that welcomed students of all religious persuasions (following the example of Roger Williams, who founded Rhode Island in 1636 on the same principle).

Brown University Motto

In Deo Speramus     (In God We Hope)

          Brown has long since shed its Baptist affiliation, but it remains dedicated to diversity and intellectual freedom. 1 Yes, they have indeed disengaged from their Baptist Church. "The LGBTQ Resource Center provides a comprehensive range of education, information and advocacy services and works to create and maintain an open, safe and inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning students, faculty, and staff, their families and friends, and the campus community at large." 2 They no longer hope in God.

          It is very sad that Brown, Harvard, Yale, Lindale, Dartmouth, and so many other institutions of "higher education" that began as Christian schools have become dens of immorality. We have seen that this great fall from moral to immoral did not happen overnight, but rather was over many years by successive failures to follow Christian principle.

          While we have identified what has been shown to be a number of decisions by these schools that revealed what their ultimate end would be, we have not yet established the current issue that is put forward by the schools who have made the decision to throw Christ overboard. There is a "scholarly" argument that pleads their case that cannot be accepted by truly honest and educated Christians.The argument is a revelation of "unbelief" on the part of those who profess to be Christians, but staunchly defend the cause of "intellectual freedom".

          If we hear in our schools this mantra, then we can know that we have a serious problem that has moved a long way from the beginning point of the long downhill slide that ends in disengagement between university and church.  Intellectual freedom or "academic freedom" is the rallying cry heard from most all university campuses. Well, not at truly Christian schools, but how many universities can you count today that remain dedicated to Christ? When you hear "academic freedom" as an argument, know that it is probably too late to save the school. To openly boast of such a thing is an indication that there is power behind the voice. To think such a thought is one thing, to voice it is like having pulled a gun out once in the bank. It is a sure sign that a robbery is occurring. In the university, it is the theft of both the school from the church and the minds of our young people.

          I can already hear the objections. "We need to be free to examine all sides of an issue!" Really!  This is not true. None at Harvard and Yale will be so bold as to invite creation experts into their biology classes. Some schools that are still playing games with their sponsoring churches may do so while at the same time expressing that science has made it necessary to reinterpret the Bible. Let us take another example to show that this great cry for openness is full of hypocrisy. How many institutions of "higher education" today will hire anthropologists who believe that the Grand Canyon was created in less than a year rather than in millions of years? Academic freedom?

          And, how about the desire of a professor to examine with his class the idea that there is a difference in abilities between men and women. Academic freedom? Ask Larry Summers about academic freedom. While president of Harvard University he said that women may not have the same innate abilities in math and science as men. It touched off an angry response from many Harvard professors. It was a shot heard around the world. The Harvard president resigned. Speaking of the incident, Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz stated "This issue is bigger than Summers or even Harvard University. It is really about a long-term, systematic effort to impose a political-correctness straitjacket on certain views, especially at universities."3 What then is "academic freedom?"  It is a lie.

          None will argue for unlimited freedom. There always is some limitation as to what will be examined. Whose going to make the rules? Whose system of right and wrong shall we follow? Academic freedom is a misnomer. Someone  is going to place limitations on what is presented to students. In their cause of "openness" the liberal "scholars" are really just doing what all modern liberals do, fight against truth, Bible truth.

          Can this happen to our schools of "higher education"? Has this already happened in our schools? Are there arguments that we must examine all of the "scientific evidence" that is set before us? And, at the same time expressions that the church's religious beliefs are not in harmony with "science"?  Academic freedom? It is a sham and needs to be seen as such by those that are "highly educated". Many have been deceived into believing there is freedom in  rejecting Bible truth. This is a significant battle in the "great controversy" between Christ and Satan. These lies being taught sweep away whole generations of youth. The error is perpetuated from one generation to the next through the schools, many which were established to teach Bible truth.

          We have seen that it is not intellectually possible to believe that teachers who are not consecrated and not of our doctrinal beliefs can instruct our young people in harmony with what we believe to be the most important truths that we want them to learn. We do not send our children to school to just learn how to read and write. No! We send our young people to school that they will be prepared to be Christian missionaries in a world soon to end. Yes, we want them to be educated to work in this world, but it is not the primary object of education in a Christian school. Why have church and church members sacrificed to establish "Christian" schools? We understand the need. We are under conviction that our schools are to be not only Christian in their instruction, but to be distinctly Seventh-day Adventist schools in what they teach.

          We have whole books written giving us a "blueprint" of what our schools are to be, and what they are not to be.

      "The light has been given me that tremendous pressures will be brought upon every Seventh-day Adventist with whom the world can get into close connection. Those who seek the education that the world esteems so highly, are gradually led further and further from the principles of truth until they become educated worldlings. At what a price have they gained their education! They have parted with the Holy Spirit of God. They have chosen to accept what the world calls knowledge in the place of the truths which God has committed to men through His ministers and prophets and apostles. And there are some who, having secured this worldly education, think that they can introduce it into our schools. But let me tell you that you must not take what the world calls the higher education and bring it into our schools..."

We ask: Can this happen in our schools?
It is happening in our schools.

          We want to know what it means to us personally, to our youth, and to our church. In our next segment we will discuss where we are in this downward spiral of disengagement.

3  February 21, 2006 
4  Review and Herald, November 11, 1909

~Topics of Study & Continuing Discussions~

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"We Glory in Tribulations"

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Inner Workings of Mystic Babylon - Then and Today
Religious Doctrine and the Manhattan Declaration

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Christ in You

~The Seventh-day Adventist Family

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Core Values of Seventh-day Adventist Education
Ending the Teaching of Evolution at La Sierra University
Online Petition Regarding Evolution in Seventh-day Adventist Schools
Washington Adventist University's "Spiritual Master Plan"

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Economic Times
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Fallen Nature of Man
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Adventist World ... The Review ... Minneapolis 1888

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Ireland Passes Anti-blasphemy Bill

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A Fresh Look at Labor Unions
Adrian Ebens - Maranatha Media
Campbell - Sifting Through the Past - AR article on the 1919 Bible Conference
12-Step Program and the Church
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Modesty of Deportment - Part Two

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Re: Education Series
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2010, 10:44:13 AM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
March 2010

Higher Education, the Great Deception
Part IV - A Line Drawn in the Sand

by Richard Myers

"And the Lord said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them. They have made them a molten calf, and have worshiped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt." The children of Israel had broken their allegiance to God. "Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me." Both the innocent and the guilty who had repented of their idolatry came forth. The guilty who did not repent were slain.

Dr. Gary Bradley, semi-retired biology professor in the Department of Biology of La Sierra University, gave an interview to an internet-based higher education news service on August 31, in which he shared his perspectives on the discussion of how creation and evolution are taught in La Sierra University classrooms. Dr. Bradley does not speak on behalf of the university or the biology department. Some of Dr. Bradley's statements as reported in the article posted September 1 do not reflect the views of the university. They are his views alone.....

Dr. Bradley has served with distinction for 38 years as a biology professor at La Sierra University. During this time, he helped to academically prepare numerous biology researchers and health care professionals who continue to serve the world and the Church with a strong sense of devotion to God and a high level of competence. (1)

What did Dr. Gary Bradlely say?

Bradley says he’s felt no pressure to change anything about his course, and says bluntly that he doesn’t plan to turn his class into a theological seminar, or to present evolutionary theory only to then dismantle it for students. While he’s fine with helping students work through struggles of faith, Bradley says he won’t undercut decades of peer reviewed scientific research in the interest of religious consistency.

Bradley joined the church as a boy, but when asked if he was a practicing Adventist, he said “On record, yes. You can read into that whatever you want.” “It’s very, very clear that what I’m skeptical of is the absolute necessity of believing that the only way a creator God could do things is by speaking them into existence a few thousand years ago,” Bradley added. “That’s where my skepticism lies. That’s the religious philosophical basis for what I call the lunatic fringe. They do not represent the majority position in the Church, and yes I’m skeptical of that. But I want to say to kids it’s OK for you to believe that, but it’s not OK for you to be ignorant of the scientific data that’s out there." (2)

How can evolution be taught in a Christian school?  It happened at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown and many other Christian schools. They were established to teach "truth", Bible truth. They all understood that man did not come from monkeys. Now they are worldly wise and disdain God and His Word. They laugh at the idea of Adam being created by God.


How can this happen at Seventh-day Adventist schools? We were the "people of the Book". According to a recent studies only 51% of the Seventh-day Adventist administrators, pastors, and lay people who responded have any form of daily devotions and family worship. These studies indicate that Seventh-day Adventists in some places are no longer the "People of the Book." (3)

What about church authority? Has the General Conference taken a stand against such rebellion? Yes, the General Conference has done much to ensure our teaching is in harmony with Scripture as understood by the church in the area of creation.

In 2004 the General Conference Executive Committee voted in Annual Council this statement: We call on all boards and educators at Seventh-day Adventist institutions at all levels to continue upholding and advocating the church’s position on origins.  We, along with Seventh-day Adventist parents, expect students to receive a thorough, balanced, and scientifically rigorous exposure to and affirmation of our historic belief in a literal, recent six-day creation. (4)

General Conference President Jan Paulsen has expressed this same sentiment. I appeal to all engaged by our church in the ministries of administration, preaching, teaching, and writing to articulate and reflect our stand as a community on Creation. (5)

Not all have been as forthcoming in their public statements against the rebellion. North American Division President Don Schneider who had failed to respond publicly to the issue at La Sierra has now taken a position. He responded to a question about what should be done when church employees receiving a check from the church openly seeks to undermine the very teachings they endorse.

It has been my job to deal with people [and] some of them I have asked to quit. Very rarely. Almost always, as we visit, I can find the time to ask a question: Are you having a lot of fun doing what you are doing? People who are not supportive of this church are, by and large, not having fun either. And people who are not enjoying what they are doing are not doing [a] good job supporting this church often. And that leads me to another point then, Hey if you're not having fun and you're not really into the mission of this church would you want me to help you find something else? Almost always that has taken care of the issue for me. Almost never have I said, Okay, next Tuesday we go to trial. Be ready cause we’re coming at ya. That just hasn’t been necessary in my experience. (6) 

It appears that he may be saying he is against the teaching of evolution at La Sierra, but maybe not. It may be some time before the biology professors cease "having fun" at La Sierra University. If he has discussed the subject with them, it is not known to the church at this time.

When it was seen that some in leadership positions in the church were not taking a stand, some organizations in the church were moved to use their influence to encourage them to take a stand with God against the rebellion. ASI fired off a letter to NAD president, Don Schneider. The rapidly exploding reports and dialog regarding the alleged teaching of evolution in various forms in some of our Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and Universities was brought up in our ASI Missions Inc. Board of Directors meeting today.....Given the vital importance of the Biblical Doctrine of Creation to the Christian Faith and to the Seventh-day Adventist message, the ASI Missions Inc. Board voted unanimously to urge the top leadership of the church to weigh in on this matter with voice, pen, broadcast, and any other media or administrative vehicle that will send a clear, unmistakable signal of reassurance to our lay members. (7)

Not all conference ministers have remained silent in the face of this rebellion at La Sierra.  Some recognize the urgency and the need to take a stand on the Lord's side. Michigan Conference president, Jay Gallimore took a stand. The GC leadership has made a clear appeal to be faithful to the Genesis view of origins. We will be watching to see if the institutions involved produce a positive, correcting response...

This is a defining moment in the history of our Church and its institutions of higher learning.....For all faithful Seventh-day Adventists, teaching evolution as the preferred view of origins in an Adventist college or university is an awful betrayal of sacred trust. If tolerated, it will become a powerful destructive force undermining Adventist churches and schools. ( 8 )

With so much concern being voiced by church leaders and church members, what was the response by La Sierra University president, Randal Wisby? As an institution of higher education, a Seventh-day Adventist university provides an excellent setting for examining evolutionary process - a subject that is foundational to the modern biological and behavioral sciences. This broad topic will recur throughout our students' educational experience if they continue on to graduate studies and basic research in these fields, and is of growing importance in biomedical applications. At La Sierra, students investigate this process surrounded by faculty, staff, and peers who care about their whole person, not just their academic life. (9)

Randal Wisby is leading a modern worldy university that wants to be in the world and in the church. Many on the faculty understand they cannot deny the world's science of evolution and succeed in their great desire to be honored by the world as an institution of "higher education".  The Faculty Senate understood the situation when they voted on November 6, 2009 to support the rebellion in the biology department.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the Faculty Senate of La Sierra University, representing the combined faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, the School of Education, and the School of Religion,
    * affirm our strong support for our colleagues in the Department of Biology;
    * and affirm our commitment to the preservation of academic freedom with intellectual and moral integrity in the context of our heritage, and service as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian University.  (10)

Of course, the president of the school and the faculty senate do not have the last say about such things. The responsibility begins and ends with the board of trustees. They have the ultimate say and responsibility for the direction the university takes. How has the La Sierra Board of Trustees responded to the rebellion? At first they decided to form a committee to study the matter while expressing heartfelt support of the church. Then with continual objections from the church they issued another statement on November 11.

The Board of Trustees has heard and taken to heart the concern that Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and teachings have not been given appropriate priority in biology curriculum and instruction. Specifically, the Board is committed to assuring that the teaching of the theory of evolution takes place within the context of the Adventist belief regarding creation.

The Board of Trustees is committed to a spirit of open inquiry and discussion in the university’s classrooms and laboratories. The Board intends that when varying viewpoints are raised they will be heard with due respect.  (11)

Open inquiry? Academic freedom? Questions are fine, but false teaching is not. When one stands up in a classroom and presents lies as if they were truth, the following can and does happen. "When I was in academy part of the biology course included a 'debate' between a creationist and an evolutionist. At the time, as a teenager who was questioning things, what the evolutionist said had more logical appeal to me and I chose at that point to use the information from his presentation to become an atheist. This part of the biology course was done to 'expose' the students to what others believed and it did. It won at least one student, me, to a false, anti-Biblical, view of origins for a time. I am sure this was not the intent of the teacher, but it was the result." (12)  This is the testimony of Immanuel Roth who now is back in the fold and is helping to pastor a church. The story often does not end so well.

Has the La Sierra Board of Trustees now suddenly changed their minds regarding the course taken by La Sierra University for many many years? The proof will be in what is being taught in the Biology Department at La Sierra. To date, nothing has changed regarding the teaching of evolution. The professors continue to teach evolution as fact to our young people. It is sad that the media in the world is now reporting exactly what is happening at La Sierra regarding the teaching of evolution.

Are the "watchmen" in God's church wrong when they speak up? How does God view those who stand on vantage ground, having been ordained ministers in His church and having been given great light, who remain quiet at such times when rebellion runs rampant?

"Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at My sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house." Here we see that the church--the Lord's sanctuary--was the first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God. The ancient men, those to whom God had given great light and who had stood as guardians of the spiritual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust...These dumb dogs that would not bark are the ones who feel the just vengeance of an offended God....No superiority of rank, dignity, or worldly wisdom, no position in sacred office, will preserve men from sacrificing principle when left to their own deceitful hearts. Those who have been regarded as worthy and righteous prove to be ring-leaders in apostasy and examples in indifference and in the abuse of God's mercies. Their wicked course He will tolerate no longer, and in His wrath He deals with them without mercy. (13)

Do some in the church understand that God does indeed expect a line to be drawn in the sand? That some issues are so important that God will demand a position be taken? We have another university president that came to a conclusion on this question twelve years ago. Gordon Beitz, president at Southern Seventh-day Adventist University stated

"Not that there should be mindless agreement, not that there are not places where we draw a line in the theological sand, not that ideas should never be opposed with every fiber of our being, but that we not personalize our differences and build caricatures of those who disagree with us." (14)

Not all academics have served the church. We, the people have waited for many years to see change. It has not come and in many cases, the situation grows worse. As Gordon Bietz has stated, there are times when we are to draw a line in the sand. There are ideas that are to be opposed with every fiber of our being. This line that is drawn in the sand today is very pointed, there is to be no teaching of evolution as fact in our schools. Every fiber of our being is opposed to this teaching. Those who have been supporting this effort to lead our youth away from Bible truth are to be removed from our schools and conferences if they do not cease supporting the teaching of evolution as fact.

Ricardo Graham president of the Pacific Union Conference and chair of the La Sierra Board of Trustees has stated: "I'm not interested in being a part of a witch hunt." (15) As the one chairing the board, he has the greatest responsibility for the error that is being taught to our young people at La Sierra. As an ordained minister and elected union president, he stands on vantage ground.

Each day that goes by, each student that is directed away from faith in the Bible account of creation because of the teaching of evolution as fact at La Sierra, brings greater guilt upon our church as long as La Sierra is connected with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is not good enough to study the matter for years. Action must be taken to stop this abuse of responsibility. The buck stops with the La Sierra Board of Trustees. We call on each member of that board who is on the Lord's side, to stand up and be counted. There is no reason to hide one's beliefs. It is time that all choose whom they will serve. As the President of the Michigan Conference said "This is a defining moment in the history of our Church and its institutions of higher learning." A line has been drawn in the sand.

We call on all of the board members to publicly state their position on this issue, especially our ordained ministers. Ricardo Graham, President, Pacific Union; Arnold Trujillo, Vice President, Pacific Union; Kelly Bock, Director of Education, Pacific Union; Theodore Benson, Treasurer, Pacific Union; Gerald D. Penick, Sr. President, Southeastern California Conference; Tony Anobile, President of the Arizona Conference; and, Larry L. Caviness, President, Southern California Conference.

To these ordained conference leaders I ask, are you being faithful witnesses of Him who gave all for us? God has entrusted to His people, His truths. Are you being good stewards of these truths when you allow La Sierra Seventh-day Adventist University to teach that man came from a monkey? That the earth was not created in six days as the Bible states? The world watches as do Christians in fallen churches as they seek a home where they can be safe. What do they think of God's church as they witness evolution being taught in our schools? They do not want their children exposed to such lies, any more than we do.

For more than a thousand years the Jewish people had awaited the Savior's coming. Upon this event they had rested their brightest hopes. In song and prophecy, in temple rite and household prayer, they had enshrined His name. And yet at His coming they knew Him not. The Beloved of heaven was to them "as a root out of a dry ground;" He had "no form nor comeliness;" and they saw in Him no beauty that they should desire Him. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." Isaiah 53:2; John 1:11. 

Yet God had chosen Israel. He had called them to preserve among men the knowledge of His law, and of the symbols and prophecies that pointed to the Savior. He desired them to be as wells of salvation to the world. What Abraham was in the land of his sojourn, what Joseph was in Egypt, and Daniel in the courts of Babylon, the Hebrew people were to be among the nations. They were to reveal God to men. Are not we to do likewise?

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.  What will ye presidents and elders do? Are you going to walk in the path of Abraham, Joseph, and Daniel, or are you going to be as was Israel when their Savior came to them? We pray you will choose Jesus and His truth over the false science of the world. While you are in the valley of decision, souls hang in the balance, both yours and a multitude of our youth. 

(1)  Larry Becker. LSU Statement September 1, 2009
(2)  Creating Controversy...Inside Higher Ed. September 1, 2009
(3)  General Conference Statement page, 2010,
(4)  General Conference Executive Committee at the 2004 Annual Council
(5)  Jan Paulsen, GC President. Paulsen speaks on issue of origins. Adventist News Network, June 19, 2009
(6)  Don Schneider, President NAD. GYC Questions and Answers January 2, 2010
(7)  Letter to  Don Schneider, President NAD...ASI MISSIONS Board of Directors May 27, 2009
(8 )  Jay Gallimore, Michigan Conference President, “Michigan Memo,” August 2009, Volume 21, Number 5.
(9) Response of Randal Wisbey, President of La Sierra University May 18, 2009 Addressed to
      Board of Trustees, La Sierra University Faculty & Staff, La Sierra University
(10)  Approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate, La Sierra University November 6, 2009
(11) VOTED November 11, 2009 by the La Sierra University Board of Trustees
(12) Statement of Immanuel Roth, Remnant Online, March 2010.
(13) Volume 5 Testimonies for the Church pg. 212
(14) "Serving the Church in the Academic World" President Gordon Bietz Nov. 19, 1998
(15) Unraveling a Witch Hunt:La Sierra Under Siege, Spectrum May 29, 2009

(Unlike the first three parts in this series, this article is not for public release. The revelation of this rebellion in the church brings reproach upon Christ and His church.)

~Topics of Study & Continuing Discussions~

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These are Seventh-day Adventists with the "Traveling Bible" leaving Port-au-Prince hours before the quake hit.

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~Children's Book Project
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~Seventh-day Adventist Education
Ending the Teaching of Evolution at La Sierra University
Competitive Sports in our Schools
Core Values of Seventh-day Adventist Education
Hyveth Williams to Teach Pastors?
Homosexual Activism Focused on SDA Educational Institutions

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Adventist Review Blatently Compromises SOP Statement on Cheese

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USA Anglicans Convert to Roman Catholicism
Pope to Priests: "Go Forth and Blog"
Earthquakes in Diverse Places
United Methodist Congregation to Celebrate Same-Sex Weddings
Transgenders and the Problem of Bathrooms
Baptist Pastor Supports anti-Catholic book distribution in schools
Is the Reformation Over?

Love is the Most Abiding Grace
Goodbye, Chris Blake
Prospective Pastor - What Questions Would You Ask?
Modest Clothing - Women
Babylonian Churches ask: Where are the Men?

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The Shame of Nakedness
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New Way to Welcome the Sabbath
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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 


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Re: Education Series
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2010, 06:48:06 AM »
The Remnant Online Newsletter
April 2010

Andrews University

Higher Education, the Great Deception
Part V - What Must I Do?

by Richard Myers

In Part IV of this series we laid out the problem with the teaching of evolution at La Sierra University. In this last article of our series we want to consider what we as church members need to do. When the true watchmen fail to act their part, then those to whom God has given understanding become the watchmen. When danger is revealed to a "watchman", it is his solemn duty to warn those who have not seen the danger coming. When souls hang in the balance, action needs to be taken. Those who remain silent in the face of extreme danger are as "dumb dogs that will not bark." [1]

We have, up to this article, dealt with only one issue in one school: evolution at La Sierra. But, what if the problem was more extensive than one school? What if there were multiple issues of a similar nature? What if the teaching of evolution was only the tip of a very, very large problem? What if this very large problem extended into other institutions of the church and even into the church itself? Is that possible? And if it is true, then how could it have happened, and what do we do?

Some "theologians" and influential teachers in our church have attempted to deceive the church in regards to our present and past condition. They have told us that the message brought to the church in 1888 was accepted and repentance was widespread. This is a lie. The message was rejected by many in leadership positions and there was no real reformation that took hold. There were some changes made, but the backsliding of the church did not change. The Laodicean message did not work a miraculous change. Christ was not brought into the hearts of most ministers and most of the people. How do we know this, not having lived at that time? The prophet writing in the Review tells us the condition of the church. It was far from repentant, for in 1902 she wrote:

"'Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.' 

I am instructed to say that these words are applicable to Seventh-day Adventist churches in their present condition. The love of God has been lost, and this means the absence of love for one another. Self, self, self, is cherished, and is striving for the supremacy. How long is this to continue? Unless there is a reconversion, there will soon be such a lack of godliness that the Church will be represented by the barren fig tree. Great light has been given to her. She has had abundant opportunity for bearing much fruit. But selfishness has come in, and God says, 'I will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.'"

Having now seen that the 1888 message did not do the work it was meant to do, then we must consider that maybe we are still in that unrepentant condition spoken of in 1902. If so, then we again ask, how extensive is the rebellion? Is it isolated to La Sierra or does it extend beyond? It does indeed extend beyond one school. It is throughout many of the schools of higher education in Europe, Australia, and North America. I believe the problem in higher education is the result of attempting to build on a crooked foundation. The church itself is in need of correction before we can expect our schools to be the institutions that God intends. After all, our schools are primarily under the control of the church at all levels.

  The backsliding also extends to our publishing houses in the North American Division.  Elder C. Mervyn Maxwell, in response to a request from a denominational leader, penned this twenty years ago and the situation has worsened since then: "The fact that New-Theology people control the chief NAD publications and colleges represents choices made by entities of the NAD. Choices involve consequences. If NAD entities have chosen such editors and presidents, NAD must expect a reaction." [3] What is this "new theology" that this respected leader in our church who is now resting in Christ spoke of? A "new theology" is different than what we as a people have been taught in the past. This "new" teaching allows one to believe he has eternal life while sinning. One of the teachers of influence in the church who has spread this far and wide teaches that it is heresy to say one must be justified again after sinning.  He calls this Bible truth "a monstrous teaching that has no support from the Word of God." [4] His liberal teaching allows for a man to sin and retain his justification. This is to say that from our pulpits we now hear that one has eternal life while sinning. This is the monstrous teaching that has no place in our churches. But  it appears to be the most common message that is being preached in North America, Europe, and Australia.

Elder Maxwell was quite concerned that this new theology had such a strong foothold in the church by having "control" over the "chief NAD publications and colleges." Many in the North American Division do not perceive the sinister influence they are under when reading in these periodicals or attending some of our schools. The Apostle Paul was likewise concerned about any theology that was a "new" theology. He used the term "another gospel" and his words were very much stronger than Elder Maxwell's. "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel....If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."  Gal. 1:6,9.
The problem is systemic in three of our divisions, not all of the world church is involved. In these three divisions, the lack of consecrated leadership extends into our hospitals, one of which merged with a Roman Catholic hospital, our publishing houses, our schools, and our churches. The good news is that this is God's church and it will see revival and reformation. When Robert Folkenberg was General Conference president, he understood the need and he continually called for revival and reformation.  The first time he addressed the world church as the newly elected General Conference president, he preached "We must plead that God will give us, personally and corporately, repentance and victory over sin." [5] That call for reformation has not been heard from that office since he left. Instead we get a push for women's ordination that violates the World Church's mandate that there be no women ordained as pastors in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

This is another indication of the extent of the rebellion. This push to elevate women to the same role as men is not only contrary to the Bible, but is contrary to the decision of the world church. Three worldly divisions are the leaders in this rebellion against the world church's decision to not ordain women pastors. In 2000, five years after the world church's second vote saying "no" to women's ordination, the Southeastern California Conference decided that they would ignore the world church and they proceeded to ordain their women pastors. They laid hands on the women and began issuing one credential to both men and women. That credential states that the individual is an "ordained-commissioned" minister. [6]The rebellion in the heart was put into outward action.

Some argue that the decision to have one credential does not violate the GC mandate. But, it surely does. All understand the issue. The world church said women are not to usurp the authority of men. The rebellion seeks to place women in all positions of leadership with no distinctions between men and women. This they have been steadily doing in an attempt to go around the authority of the World Church. This is rebellion in its truest sense against both God and His church. It seems that those blessed with financial prosperity, North America, Western Europe, and Australia have been seduced by that success. The world has found yet another way to enter the church.

  Jan Paulsen, then newly elected president of the General Conference, instead of outright condemning the action, thought to offer a gentle reproof and then at the same time encouraged the traitors. He on one hand said they did wrong. "Although I accept that it is not the intent, I feel that the action by the SECC reflects a mindset which sends unmistakable signals to the rest of the world Church." At the same time he encouraged the rebellion by saying, "The issue is not the rightness or otherwise, ethically, morally or biblically, of the position that there should be no difference between them." [7]The president of the NAD understood that the SECC action was rebellion against the church and he issued a more pointed statement that the NAD would not recognize the SECCs new certificate. [8]

We have mentioned that the teaching of evolution in our schools is a line drawn in the sand. Men must choose whom they are going to serve. Another line now drawn in the sand is women's ordination. All must choose on which side they are going to stand. Will we stand on Scripture and with God, or are we more concerned about pleasing men and women?

Understanding the immorality in California, one may ask, can any good thing come out of California? Recently an ordained Seventh-day Adventist pastor from California uttered these words "This is a dangerous subject for me to share....If I perish, I perish." [9] What means this? Why would one of our pastors be concerned about perishing? Think about what happened when Jesus stood up for truth? What was the response of the leadership in the church when He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men"? His disciples responded "Knowest Thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?"  His disciples feared that Jesus might perish, and they were right. He was murdered by those whom He offended.

The faithful California pastor borrowed a phrase from Scripture and then stood on God's side of a line drawn in the sand. He wanted the church to know where he stood and why. What was he going to do? He was going to preach a sermon on the Biblical basis for role distinction in the church and home. In other words he was going to stand up against the mighty tide of rebellion in the North American Division and in his union conference which is the hotbed of rebellion. The Pacific Union Conference is home to the teachers of evolution at La Sierra University. It also has within its union the  Southeastern California Conference which ordained the first women pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The pastor comes under the authority of both the  Northern California Conference and the Pacific Union. Both are on record supporting the ordination of women pastors. [10] Even so, surrounded by this rebellion, Pastor Doug Batchelor is standing boldly for Christ and His Word.

Recently the General Conference did a survey to measure the status of the movement to remove this role distinction. There are three divisions that were ready to ordain women pastors, "or significant parts of their division would do it.” There are eight divisions that said they would not ordain women. [11] To better understand the degree to which this trio of divisions [12] are antagonistic to the church's refusal to ordain women pastors, you must see the response to Pastor Batchelor's sermon. Both the Pacific Union and the British Union are on record not only supporting women's ordination of pastors, but now their presidents have indicated there is concern about Pastor Batchelor's preaching on role distinction. They are not just hoping for a change in church law, but there is an active working policy toward placing women in leadership roles in the church. If a pastor dares to stand in their way, they are ready to address the matter as being "serious". The Pacific Union president received a letter from the pastoral staff of La Sierra University church which expressed concerns about Pastor Bachelor's sermon. [13]  The response from the union president was "While there was no action taken in the President's Council, there was a serious discussion and the consensus was a positive affirmation for women in ministry, particularly relating to positions of leadership. We also referenced the 1995 vote of the Pacific Union Conference on this item, which has not been changed." [14] The '95 vote was in favor of the ordination of women pastors.

The British Union President openly joins with the rebellion when he writes to the leaders of his conference in response to Elder Bachelor's sermon: "The general position of the Church on the ordination of women is that the Bible does not encourage it or discourage it, in which case we are left as a church to apply the great principles in scripture of how God deals with His people. Our understanding is that male and female stand before God as equals, Christ having broken down the wall of separation and alienation between Jews and Gentiles, bond and free, male and female." This brother is double minded as he also said that "The British Union supports the position of the world church on the subject as voted in session...." [15]

The Southeastern California Conference, as the leader in this rebellion to place women over men, has sought to label Pastor Bachelor as the one in rebellion. As did Lucifer in heaven, they have planted their feet in concrete and chosen to continue their battle against the truth and its teachers. Highly offended, the Executive Committee insists that leadership in all lines of work within the church take action to stop Elder Bachelor from preaching this truth. They call on the conference to hold him "accountable". The most outrageous statement issued by this conference in rebellion, is that Pastor Bachelor fails to respect "church authority".[16] This, coming from the ones who began the open rebellion by ordaining women pastors in defiance of the world church.

The timing of Pastor Bachelor's sermon was of God. The intent of our series on higher education was to open to the view of God's church the nature of the rebellion. It is not "just" the teaching of evolution. No, in the NAD, Western Europe, and Australia, the rebellion is widespread, reaching into all areas. It effects both leadership and laity alike. This bitter response by church leadership to the teaching of a faithful pastor illustrates how far this rebellion has gone.

We have been told that there would be "far more to fear from within than from without...But how often have the professed advocates of the truth proved the greatest obstacle to its advancement! The unbelief indulged, the doubts expressed, the darkness cherished, encourage the presence of evil angels, and open the way for the accomplishment of Satan's devices." [17] The resistance to the truth in 1888 which led to God destroying both the Review and Herald building and the Battle Creek Sanitarium in 1902 has continued on until this our day. In 1903 Ellen White warned the church "Unless the church, which is now being leavened with her own backsliding, shall repent and be converted, she will eat of the fruit of her own doing, until she shall abhor herself. When she resists the evil and chooses the good, when she seeks God with all humility and reaches her high calling in Christ, standing on the platform of eternal truth and by faith laying hold upon the attainments prepared for her, she will be healed."[18]

The teaching of evolution and the placing of women over men has come about in such a way, that in the providence of God, the errors that have been coming in can be seen by the honest of heart. These errors are now to be met head-on.  We call on the divisions that have been faithful to remain faithful. To those in leadership positions in the unfaithful divisions that remain in rebellion, we plead that you turn from your resistance and flee to Christ.

This information could be very discouraging, but it is not. God warned us of our condition in the third chapter of the Book of Revelation. Jesus speaks to our church in the message to the Laodiceans. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:  I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.  To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.  Rev. 3:15-22.

We are openly rebuked as a people! But, the solution to our condition is presented. Jesus offers us all that we need. In Him we find our happiness, our hope, and our salvation!

There is a sad silence when it comes to this message from Christ. Some have tried to make it say something else, but none need err in understanding that many in the church are in a lost condition. As a people, Jesus has asked us to repent. Repent of what? Sin. Why is it that one can be guilty of sin and not feel the need to repent? Why can a whole church find itself in this Laodicean condition and not know it?  Satan is very smart. He has had 6,000 years to think about how to deceive us. He has been successful. He entered our schools, especially our schools of religion. He brought into them what the Apostle Paul calls "another gospel". In fact he does not just work on one side of the road, but he has provided deceptions for both the liberal and the conservative mind. As it was before 1888, there are those who love to preach the law, the law, the law, but have no love. They are deep in sin themselves and have made excuses just as the Pharisees did. They are hypocrites that are preaching the law, but do not keep it themselves.

The other side of the road is the "new theology" that rejects the old paths wherein the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy light the way. This new theology promises salvation based upon one's profession of faith, not a real saving faith in Christ that produces good works. The theology of Desmond Ford that has so strongly influenced a large percentage of the Australian church has extended across the mighty oceans to infect Europe and America. We are in need of Christ!

God loves His Church even though there are tares among the wheat. Jesus says to us today, "Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."

Will the Word of God impact our minds? Will His great love touch our hearts? Will we choose to stand on God's side of the lines that are now drawn in the sand?  "Christ's followers have no right to stand on the ground of neutrality. There is more hope of an open enemy than of one who is neutral." [19] God's promise to us as a people as we stand with Him is "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee."   

Let us choose this day whom we will serve! Let us press together and stand with our Lord as we prepare for His soon coming! Jesus is knocking, let Him in! Let revival and reformation begin with me!

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[1]   The Seal of God: Ellen G. White; Testimonies For the Church, Volume 5,  page 211;  Review and Herald Publishing Association
[2]   The Need of a Revival and a Reformation: Ellen G. White; The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, page 385; February 25, 1902
[3]   Letter: On Disciplining Hope International; C. Mervyn Maxwell, May 1992,
[4]   Beyond Belief: Jack Sequeira;   Chapter 11 – Justification and Sanctification; Pacific Press Pub Assn
[5]   Sermon:  We Shall Behold Him; Robert S. Folkenberg; General Conference Session, 1990
[6]   Adventist News Network: April 6, 2000
[7]   President Regrets Action to Issue Same Ministerial Credentials to Men and Women: Adventist News Network: March 29, 2000
[8]   Leadership of Adventist Church in North America Clarifies Position on Ordination: Adventist News Network; April 18, 2000
[9]   Sermon: Women Pastors-A Biblical Perspective; Doug Batchelor, Sacramento Central SDA Church, February 6, 2010
[10]  Northern California Conference statement on women's ordination
[11]  Women's ordination issue not on World Session agenda: Adventist News Network; April 7, 2000
[12]  Resolution passed by South Pacific Division to seek General Conference approval to ordain women pastors; Annual General Meeting November 17, 2009
[13]  Article: A-Today; March 26, 2010
[14]  Ibid.
[15]  Letter: British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; to pastors and first elders of the BUC;  March 30, 2010
[16]  The Need of a Revival and a Reformation: Ellen G. White; The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, pg 386; February 25, 1902
[17]  The Church's Great Need: Ellen G. White; Review and Herald; March 22, 1887
[18]  Response to Doug Bachelor's Presentation on Women in Ministry: Resolution passed by the Executive Committee of the Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; March 25, 2010
[19]   A Call For Reformation: Ellen G. White; Testimonies For the Church, volume 8, page 251

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  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89