That's a good question, Dorine. This is a good place for the topic. Often, I have felt guilty because I forgot someone and all of sudden I remembered as I was praying. I don't make a list, but there are those that I pray for. I don't have to feel guilty because it is the Holy Spirit that reminds me of who to pray for. I guess I don't feel the need to pray for everyone every day. A list could get very long if that were the case. Different people have different needs at different times. There are some that I pray for all of the time, but others, I pray as the need arises. God brings the individuals to mind as I am praying. I know others who have a list written down and they pray for the same names every day. It is a long list. It is nice to know I am on some of those lists. It is comforting. But, in reality, the most important prayers for me need to come from me. It is then that God speaks to our minds about our needs and His blessings.
It will be interesting to see what others do with their prayer list.