Thanks Brother Jim. Satan does all he can to not only pervert the truth, but to remove recorded documents which reveal the truth. His great success in perverting the truth comes with "new" bibles that twist the truth to appear as truth, but leads away from the Truth. He is happy to include powerful truths in order to hide the important truth of the character of our God and the power of grace to transform sinners into saints.
What does Satan fear the most? Testimonies of faithful Christians who witness to the power of grace to keep us from sin. These witnesses testify that God is great and loves us despite our fallen nature. He allows His innocent Son to come to this dark spot in the universe a helpless baby subject to the weakness of fallen flesh. He had to fight the battle of life as we have to fight it, at the risk of failure and eternal loss! And, this all took place on this wicked planet where Satan claims dominion. He hated Christ in heaven, and even more when He pledged Himself to redeem a race of sinners. From the moment Christ appeared, he set about to destroy Him. But, he failed. When Christ declared "it is finished," He had suffered for the sins of the whole world that all might be transformed and made ready to live in a world without sin for eternity! What powerful truth!!!