Author Topic: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty  (Read 10923 times)

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Richard Myers

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Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« on: March 16, 2011, 07:21:41 AM »
Get involved.  Call or email church leaders, community leaders, business leaders and government leaders. Ask them to get involved in immediately flying food, clothing, and water to communities in Northern Japan where people are cold, hungry, and thirsty.

While the nuclear meltdown has attracted a lot of attention, there are people not getting food, water, and clothing.  It is an easy thing for planes to drop food and bottled water to communities needing immediate help. The winds are favorable for dropping supplies without going through radiation. This can be done by the military or NGOs. It must be done immediately. There is no need for parachutes. Clothing and food can be packaged and dropped without chutes. Small bottled water can be dropped into water where it can be retrieved.

The US Air Force dropped thousands of regular military “Meals Ready to Eat”  (MRE’s) packages from high altitude without parachutes by just kicking them out the back of a cargo plane flying at  5,000 feet.    Quaker Oats Company quickly contributed 100,000 sealed granola bars to go along with the MRE’s.   Most of the packages dropped without parachutes were unbroken and the food was scattered over a wide area so that all refugees had an equal chance of picking up the food.  The US has done this in Afghanistan also.

We do not accept donations for Japan. Here are some links for you to contact for financial donations to help support the relief effort.

ADRA Japan
Bank name: The Bank of Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ (0005)
Branch: Omotesando (133)
Account number: 1956381
Swift code: BOTKJPJT
Account name: ADRA Japan

Please mention [Tohoku jishin] or [Emergency], in addition to your name.
Should you require the receipt, please also mention your address, phone number, the date and the amount transferred.

[Postal transfer]

Account number: 00290-2-34169
Account name: ADRA Japan
Please mention [Tohoku jishin] or [Emergency], in addition to your name.
Should you require the receipt, please mention so.

ADRA International
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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 11:43:52 AM »

Will that be enough food,  it looked like the tsunami destroyed thousands of greenhouses, and salt poisoned many hundreds or thousands of acres of farmland from the arial views.

Grateful for Psalms 32 and Titus 2:10 - The divinity of Christ is acknowledged in the unity of the children of God.  {11MR 266.2}

Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 11:56:33 AM »
Food can come from anywhere. My concern is not for the long term, but today. To deliver the food to the "mainland" is not good enough. It must be delivered to the people who need it...TODAY!

Meals Ready-To-Eat are prepared to be transported to a KC-130J Super Hercules with Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152, Marine Aircraft Group 36, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, III Marine Expeditionary Force at Marine Corps Air Station Futenma March 13. The supplies will be delivered to mainland Japan....

Drop the MREs to the people today!  Drop warm!!  Drop bottled water today!!  By!!  People are dying without food, water, and warm clothing. It can be dropped TODAY, not next week when the roads are open and there is fuel for the trucks. Fly it in today..
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Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 09:15:10 AM »
Why is this not being done by any of the countries who want to help?

USAF Food Drop
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Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 09:20:58 AM »
Dropping food and clothing by air is quick and much cheaper than any other way of delivery. There is a shortage of fuel in Japan to deliver supplies by road even if the roads were open, and some are not. The USAF has planes in Japan. They are working, but not dropping food by air. Why not?
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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2011, 11:38:22 AM »
Don't know, Richard. Look at this:

March 20, 2011 - National Public Radio

The Japanese Red Cross has not asked for financial assistance, though other branches of the Red Cross and other relief agencies are collecting money targeted for the country. But Japan is not Haiti in that it is a rich country with a disaster relief infrastructure in place. Some are arguing that individuals should not donate their money specifically for Japan.

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Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2011, 12:04:48 PM »
I do not know why anyone would say such things. There are people dying in Japan because they do not have food, medicine, clean water, and warm clothing.   This is a huge disaster and there are immediate needs. It is not a matter of who pays for the supplies, it is a matter of getting them to people. Japan needs help yesterday, not tomorrow. I am not suggesting anyone send money to Japan, but that there be air drops to those who need help.  The help I am asking for is to find contacts to urge this be done. These packages can be dropped from the air, a much faster and cheaper process than having to land and unload them.  The video explains the process and the success in other missions.

There are hundreds of thousands people that need to be fed and sheltered. Like Haiti, the need is immediate. The process of reaching these people seems to be slow. There are trucks and helicopters attempting to get to those in need. It takes time to do so. I suppose by the end of the week, they will have gotten to all of the villages with some supplies, but in the mean time, it has been ten days since the quake and tsunami. Because of the unknown, millions of Japanese bought fuel, food, and water and left the country in a state of shortage in these supplies. The whole process of delivery was interrupted. Some roads still remain unpassable. The emergency will be over soon, unlike Haiti, but it is what happens today that is so important to those who do not have the necessities.

Here is a short review of the present status.

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Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2011, 12:55:27 PM »
'Very Helpless'

NPR reporters in northern and central Japan said staple foods were hard to come by and in some areas gasoline was scarce.

Shoppers in the Tokyo metro area, 150 miles from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant, had cleaned some supermarket shelves of items such as rice, bread and yogurt.

Store managers in Aomori, on the northern tip of Japan's main Honshu island, told NPR that the area had been hit by a combination of hoarding by shoppers and a breakdown of the supply chain. That chain normally is fed by ports, roads and railways, many of which are now heavily damaged in wake of last week's disaster.

The catastrophe has taken a particularly heavy toll on the elderly in this rapidly aging nation. Many have already died and now those who lived are struggling to survive in cold emergency centers or hospitals without electricity or water and shortages of everything from medicine to adult diapers.

With diapers hard to find in many areas, an NHK program broadcast a how-to session on fashioning a diaper from a plastic shopping bag and a towel.

On Monday, about 100 patients were moved out of a hospital and into a temporary shelter at a high school gymnasium in Iwaki, said Chuei Inamura, a government official in Fukushima.

Two died in transit and another 12 while at the gym. Plans to transfer them to other hospitals were delayed by a shortage of vehicles and fuel and the fact that nearby hospitals were already full. By Thursday morning, the remaining patients had all been moved to other hospitals.

"We feel very helpless and very sorry for them," Inamura told The Associated Press. "The condition at the gymnasium was horrible. No running water, no medicine and very, very little food. We simply did not have means to provide good care."
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Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2011, 08:30:29 AM »
Thank you to all who prayed and worked towards getting planes to air drop food. The US military is now dropping food by air into the hard to reach areas in Japan. Thousands have been working towards this end. We have confirmation that MREs are being loaded in California and flown to Japan to be dropped from the air. Some will appreciate this very much. Let us continue to pray for those who are so needy at this time. God is indeed hearing our prayers for the people of Japan.
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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2011, 08:37:05 AM »
Great news! Thanks, Richard! This link shows photos of the Marines gearing up:

KC-130J Super Hercules cargo aircraft here March 17, with supplies and gear during humanitarian assitance operations in response to the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan March 11. The supplies will be delivered to Naval Air Facility Atsugi in support of Operation Tomodachi. MCAS Futenma’s proximity to logitics and ground units on Okinawa has been critical to III MEF’s efforts to deliver aid and supplies in support of humanitarian assistance operations. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Heather N. Choate/Released)
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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2011, 08:52:46 AM »
Various Marine Operations photo galleries are locations in Japan:
  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 

Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2011, 10:37:11 AM »
Here we see the Marines hand delivering food and water.

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Richard Myers

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Re: Get Involved-Help for the Hungry, Cold, and Thirsty
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2011, 11:07:34 AM »
Found this today as I was looking for an update on the relief effort:

WMR's Japanese friends and colleagues report massive shortages of basic staples and disaster supplies in Japan. If you know anyone in the greater Tokyo area and the northeast coast, small parcels -- to avoid customs problems -- are appreciated. WMR will soon post a mailing address for these staples to get to our WMR circle of friends and colleagues who need them the most. Money is not what is primarily needed right now since money is fairly useless when there is nothing to buy.

This is the nature of the immediate emergency.  There is a shortage of fuel, food, and water.  It is a huge disaster compounded by the very large population in a small geographical area. Now, they are looking at moving many out of the radiation area close to Fukushima.  US military is evacuating some from at least one of its bases.
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