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Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2011, 04:32:53 AM »
From the Seventh-day Adventist English Language Schools website:

Japan is a country with more than 127 million people - approaching half the population of the USA - but not even the physical size of the state of California! Despite the large crowds, Japan has a very low crime rate in comparison with many other countries. Unfortunately, Christianity is also low. According to’s Web site, only 0.7% of the Japanese claim to be Christian.

The first Seventh-day Adventist missionary English teachers in Japan came in 1966. Since then thousands of people have learned English, along with much about the beliefs of the SDA church. Many of these people have even become members of their local SDA churches through the witnessing of the missionaries.

With such a low percentage of Japanese Christians, and a much lower percentage being SDA, Seventh-day Adventist English Language Schools Japan is in need of fervent and committed SDA Christians willing to take a year or more to share their love of Jesus with the people of Japan.

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to share your passion for Christ with the people in Japan.
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Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2011, 04:34:10 AM »
Seventh-day Adventist educational work in Japan began in January 1898, with the opening in Tokyo of a Japanese-English Bible school by William C. Grainger. The work of the school progressed steadily, but on October 31, 1899, after having been in Japan less than three years, Grainger died. His work, however, was continued by other missionaries, and the school kept growing.

From 1908 to 1913 Harry F. Benson directed a training course for workers, including Bible, history, biology, English, and other subjects in the curriculum. However, it was not until its reorganization in1919 that the institution added an elementary school of six years, and a secondary school of five years to its junior college program.

In 1926 the institution moved away from its location in Tokyo to Naraha, in Chiba prefecture, on the eastern side of Tokyo Bay. The students and teachers were responsible for most of the work done in building the school on 44 acres of woodland and farmland. Here the school adopted the name Nihon Saniku Gakuin ("Japan Threefold Educational School," referring to the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of true education). The school offered a six-year secondary course and a two-year junior college course.

During World War II, Christianity was restricted and the school had to be closed by a prefectural order in December 1943. When the war ended, and as life returned to normal in Japan, the school was reopened and resumed its prewar curriculum, and later expanded its program and facilities.The junior and senior high school received government accreditation on August 31, 1948.

As urban development encroached in the area of the institution, it was decided to transfer the secondary school to a new location and make it completely independent from the college. In April 1977 the transfer to its present location in Daiwa-cho in Hiroshima Prefecture was complete, and Hiroshima Saniku Gakuin held its first opening ceremony.
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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2011, 04:40:43 AM »
The Seventh-day Adventist church has a nation-wide system of Day schools, that includes 5 kindergartens, 10 elementary schools, 2 junior high schools and one college.

We have listed a church in Sendai the area directly hit by the quake and tsunami and a church in Fukushima where the explosion took place at a nuclear plant.

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Sister Dee

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2011, 07:26:15 PM »
88,000 people missing.  That is beyond my comprehension.   :'(

Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2011, 10:25:07 PM »
It seems that there was up to half an hour between the quake and the tsunami. This gave many time to get to higher ground. The Japanese were well educated as to what to do when a quake hits. There are some situations where it is hard to understand. There is a school where the children remained and the tsunami caught them. There  is more than we have seen.  It appears that in many of the areas on the coast there is high ground very close to the ocean.
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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2011, 08:11:20 AM »
  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 

Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2011, 10:00:07 AM »
MARCH 13 UPDATE: A spokesman for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency said an ADRA assessment team today reached Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, one of the hardest-hit regions.

ADRA Japan is coordinating with the Japan National Disaster Office and local non-governmental agencies.

ADRA International has committed US$25,000 to fund an initial response in the country, and is accepting donations for the agency's Emergency Response Fund.

MARCH 12 REPORT: Masumi Shimada, president of the Adventist Church in Japan, said that four institutional buildings in Japan sustained minor damage. There are no reports of casualties among church members, he said.

Shimada said there are 17 churches, 10 schools and five other church institutions in the earthquake-affected areas.

In Tokyo on Saturday, the International Adventist Church was set up as a refugee shelter, said Andreas Mazza, a denominational employee visiting from Switzerland.

Mazza reported that ADRA Japan worker Mitsuo Chris Ishii said he was unaware of any Adventist victims, but said an Adventist high school was damaged.

In an e-mail to church leaders in Japan, Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson said he and other church members worldwide were praying for those affected by the disaster.

"May God come especially close to you, the people of Japan, and our dear members as they provide whatever possible assistance in a humanitarian way and bring spiritual encouragement during this tragic natural disaster," Wilson said.

There are about 15,000 Adventists in Japan worshiping in 115 churches.

Source: Seventh-day Adventist News Network
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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2011, 08:41:11 PM »
As more reports come in, it seems that many in the towns that suffered great destruction did not drive to safety, but ran. Before taking off, some stopped to take the elderly to a second floor, thinking they would be safe.  This seems to indicate that many were on foot, or else they would have placed the elderly in a car. The second floor was not high enough in many cases.

From all reports that I have heard, the least amount of time from the quake to the tsunami was 25 minutes. That is plenty of time to drive to safety. But, if you have to run and it is two miles.......and you had to secure your parents to the second floor.......
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Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2011, 09:00:17 PM »
As we pray for the people of Japan, I am noticing some of them praying also. God loves the people of Japan and He wants them to know that He is there with them in their days of despair.  9.0 quake, 30 foot tsunami, nuclear meltdown, not one, but two!  If that is not enough to turn to God, how about more quakes, many over 6.0, fear of another tsunami, and then.....the eruption of a volcano....all in the last three days. What is on the mind now? If the nuclear reactors are not contained, radiation will spread into Tokyo a city of almost 13 million. Hundreds of thousands are out of their homes, electricity is being rationed to homes and businesses.

Let us pray for the people of Japan.
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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2011, 09:06:57 PM »
Amen! We are prone to live as if we are safe from anything so terrible happening. We were talking at church yesterday, the sun was shining, birds were singing, everything normal...and all at once, it happened. If the New Madrid Fault broke open as it did in the 1800s, there would be such devastation right here as we cannot imagine.


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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2011, 07:27:28 AM »
With everything in life on this world there are inconsistencies. I heard a report on the radio and they said that the tsunami warning went off 6 minutes after earthquake but the waves hit the closest shore in 10 minutes. If this is true it would only give people 4 minutes. I'll see if I can confirm that in print.
By communion with God in nature, the mind is uplifted, and the heart finds rest.  {DA 291.1}

Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2011, 08:14:32 AM »
It may be that when the 9.0 quake hit that some did not run for higher ground, but that would seem unusual since the society understood the danger posed by tsunamis.  Those living or working at sea level had fear put in them when they witnessed the Indonesian tsunami. They drilled for such things. What I am getting at is that it would not take a tsunami warning for me to move to high ground, the earthquake itself would be enough. I believe that most knew to go before there was an official warning given.

So why would some die? From what I am thinking, Japan has an older population. They live in the outlying areas where the tsunami hit. It may be that many were not able to run and many were home alone with children at work. Some lost their lives as they attempted to go to save others who could not get away on their own. Now, we see that while there is time to get oneself to safety, that there is a great desire to help those you love. Would not we rush home to get our loved ones if we knew what was coming? And if the children worked in Tokyo and the parents were an hour away?

It seems that the numbers of dead are relatively small for the magnitude of the quake and tsunami. I am shocked that the toll is not in the hundreds of thousands like Haiti and Indonesia. At first I though the wave hit land in a matter of minutes, but it appears from all that I have heard, from those in the areas, that there was 25 minutes. That seems very long. They say that the wave travels at 500mph in open water. But, when it gets to shallow water, it slows down to around 30mph. So, it must have traveled at the lower speed for some time if it was 25 minutes before it hit. at 30mph, that would be about 12 1/2 miles or more since it may have started off faster than 30mph.  As I recall the epicenter, it was further away than that. So, the time delay seems appropriate.  For many to get to safety is understandable, unless of course they had to run rather than drive and were capable of doing so. I think many of the dead will be found to be elderly or those with young who could not run the two or three miles and did not have a car at home.

This has been on my mind. I am surprised at both the lack of a high death toll and that there were so many killed by the flood waters.
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Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2011, 03:03:15 PM »

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Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2011, 07:18:51 AM »
Quakes in Japan immediately after 9.0

        MAG  UTC DATE-TIME            LAT  deg    LON  deg DEPTH km     Region

MAP    5.9     2011/03/11 08:40:56      37.465      141.122    38.6     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.1     2011/03/11 08:31:08      37.428      141.200    25.0     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.5     2011/03/11 08:19:24      36.200      142.000    19.9     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.2     2011/03/11 08:15:41      37.034      144.612    27.8     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.2     2011/03/11 08:12:05      36.606      141.557    19.8     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.5     2011/03/11 08:10:31      36.394      140.631    30.4     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.9     2011/03/11 08:01:59      37.071      142.734    22.6     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.6     2011/03/11 07:56:16      37.130      142.305    34.0     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.7     2011/03/11 07:54:45      37.742      141.565    45.3     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.8     2011/03/11 07:42:55      36.406      141.919    29.9     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.9     2011/03/11 07:38:27      39.250      142.783    29.1     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.1     2011/03/11 07:28:12      36.802      141.911    24.0     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.1     2011/03/11 07:25:33      37.916      144.621    15.0     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.3     2011/03/11 07:14:59      36.648      141.811    25.0     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.9     2011/03/11 07:13:47      36.051      142.347    28.5     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.8     2011/03/11 07:11:00      37.899      142.734    30.0     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.3     2011/03/11 06:57:15      35.758      140.992    30.2     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.3     2011/03/11 06:48:47      37.993      142.764    22.3     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    7.1     2011/03/11 06:25:51      38.106      144.553    19.7     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.8     2011/03/11 06:15:40      36.186      141.192    35.0     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.4     2011/03/11 06:07:22      36.401      141.862    35.4     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.4     2011/03/11 06:06:11      39.025      142.316    25.1     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    9.0     2011/03/11 05:46:24      38.322      142.369    32.0     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2011, 08:11:47 AM »
Notice these two quakes that hit just recently:

MAP    6.1     2011/03/15 13:31:46      35.322      138.552    1.0     EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.8     2011/03/15 13:27:54      37.626      142.320    1.0     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

One was on land and they were both only 1km deep. I thought they were interesting because they are different from the hundreds of others.
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Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2011, 08:44:42 AM »
These are adjusted values for the latest Japanese quakes.  They have been expecting a big quake in this area, but say this is not it. The Japanese experts say it is not an aftershock from the 9.0.

MAP    6.0     2011/03/15 15:23:54      40.404      143.090    9.0     OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    5.2     2011/03/15 13:37:54      37.678      141.957    21.3     NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP    6.2     2011/03/15 13:31:47      35.300      138.700    10.0     EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN
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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2011, 07:16:08 PM »
Grateful for Psalms 32 and Titus 2:10 - The divinity of Christ is acknowledged in the unity of the children of God.  {11MR 266.2}

Richard Myers

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Re: 9.0 Quake and Tsunami Hit Japan
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2011, 09:34:47 PM »

Dear Friends of Tokyo International SDA Church,

We have confirmed that all our church members are safe and well. Last Saturday worship was canceled because of the transportation disruption and the church was used as a shelter for people stranded around the church in Harajuku.

This coming Sabbath, 19th March, the church will take up a special offering for ADRA Japan and we would like those who have the opportunity and heart to donate to ADRA Japan to support the on-going response. Please follow this link to the ADRA Japan English page.
For people wishing to get involved in the cleanup and support under the direction of ADRA Japan, please contact our church pastor,  Andy Espinoza This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The affected areas are currently restricted by the government, but as they become opened clean up will begin.

Thank you all for your support and prayers and lets pray and get active in reaching out to the souls of Japan in preparation for Christ's soon return.
Last Updated on Monday, 14 March 2011 15:17
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move Quake Prediction for Next Seven Days
« Reply #39 on: March 20, 2011, 12:36:21 AM »
Here's a u tube recording of sounds in the rocks the earthquake made.

I think I read somewhere that sounds louder than 180-200 decibles are lethal to humans, I guess the internal shaking is too strong to endure.  Water transmits sound more than air, I wonder what the animals heard and felt as the pressure wave hit them ?
Grateful for Psalms 32 and Titus 2:10 - The divinity of Christ is acknowledged in the unity of the children of God.  {11MR 266.2}