Three years ago, Messiah's Mansion came to town. I had heard about the full size replica of the Hebrew Sanctuary and then I got to see it. The interesting thing was that while I was impressed with the model, I was more impressed with the youth that did the teaching as they took tours through the exhibit. The sanctuary message is a beautiful message. It is a revelation of the gospel in types and symbols. It reveals the heavenly ministry of Jesus Christ.
Messiah's Mansion came to Atlanta! Not one, but two!! Now, that is an effort worthy of the subject! It was a matter of faith that two full size sanctuaries came. It is expensive and requires more workers to put them up and run the tours. God blessed. The numbers touring could not have been accommodated by only one.
Notice in the photo that the sanctuaries are a stone's throw from the Georgia Dome. I am on the third level in the Dome taking the pictures. In the video interview you can see the Georgia Dome in the background. God provided a perfect location for Seventh-day Adventists from around the world to tour Messiah's Mansion.
Listen to Clayton Leinneweber share his testimony as to how Messiah's Mansion began.
Building Messiah's MansionSeventh-day Adventists understand that the Old Testament is part of the Bible and is given for our instruction as well as the New Testament. The ceremonial law has ended and so have the civil laws made for Israel a "theocracy". But, much of the instruction in the Old Testament is valuable for us today. The Hebrew sanctuary has important lessons for us. Clayton Leinneweber shares his thoughts as to why the sanctuary and its services are important for the New Testament Christian.
Importance of SanctuaryThe youth that give the instruction on the sanctuary and its services are blessed as they see the lights come on with many who have never heard such wonderful truths about Jesus. I asked Brother Clayton to share with us what he has seen in working with youth.
Youth Teaching in the Ministry